The Town of Litchfield, Herkimer County, 1890 veteran's and widow's census was transcribed from the original microfilm by Towns of Webb/Wilmurt and Ohio Sections Editor Lisa Slaski. Lisa supplemented the census data with information from Henry Roback's 1887 "History of the 152nd NY Volunteers"". Spellings are as on the original census sheets, which were in "difficult" handwriting.

This segment of the 1890 census is more formally known as the "Eleventh Census of the United States, Special Schedule, Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines and Widows, Etc." Information gathered on surviving veterans and widows was deemed necessary by Congress due to changes in the pension law extending benefits to a wider range of veterans and widows. The veteran or widow was asked to provide the regiment(s) and company served in, dates of service, and current health status of the veteran. Experienced genealogists know that the 1890 census of the United States was destroyed in a fire several decades later, with material from only a few scattered counties throughout the U.S. surviving. If your Civil War ancestor is listed below, his military and pension records can be ordered from the National Archives.

Lisa: "The remarks within [-] indicate information from the entry that was in question, or additional information including information found within the reference provided at the end of the list. The handwriting of Mr. Miller's was more difficult to read than some. Thus the unusual amount of question marks in this rather short list! "

Surviving Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, and Widows etc.
Town of Litchfield, Herkimer County
Enumerated in June 1890, by Clifton P. Miller

House 164, Family 166
ALVORD, James L., Pvt., Co. L, 2nd NY Inf., 26 Dec 1863 - 10 Jun 1865
North Litchfield, NY, shot in the shoulder / suffering from chronic di. [=diarrhea?]

House 72, Family 74
CONKLING, John B., Pvt., Co. D, 121st NY Inf., Jul 1862 - Apr 1865
Cedarville, NY, blindness

House 30, Family 32
KNOPP, Phebe L., widow of
KNOPP, Edward P., Pvt., Co. A, 11th NY Cav., 24 Dec 1863 - 30 Sep 1865
Litchfield, NY, chronic dira [=diarrhea?]

House 214, Family 216
MARRIOTT, Thomas, Cpl., Co. [L?], 2nd [Bat?] [Vol?] , 24 Jul 1862 - 26 Jun 1865
North Litchfield, NY, finger shot Salem Heights / suffering from chronic rheumatism
[Ref 1: surviving member of 121st NY Inf. in 1886]

House 124, Family 126
MARSHALL, Dolphus S., Pvt., Co. B, 121st NY Inf., 1 Aug 1862 - 28 Jun 1865
Cedar Lake, NY, chronic diaraha [=diarrhea?] / suffering from same now

House 15, Family 15
McGOWAN, James, Lt., Co. E, 152nd NY Inf., 6 Sep 1862 - 14 Jul 1865
Litchfield, NY, rheumatism [existing?] heart disease / now living
[Ref 1: surviving member of 152nd NY Inf., and is listed as Capt.]

House 163, Family 165
MORRISON, Joseph, Pvt. [no further data]
North Litchfield, NY

House 28, Family 30
[SIDER?], Michael, Pvt., Co. H, 41st NY Inf., 7 Dec 1861 - 3 Jan 1864

House 5, Family 5
WILLARD, Bethany, widow of
WILLARD, Cole, Pvt., Co. E, 152nd NY Inf., 1862 - 11 Jun 1865
Cedarville, NY, strangulation hernia

Reference #1: "History of 152nd NY Volunteers", by Henry Roback, Little Falls, NY, 1887

Source: This electronic text was transcribed from original microfilm of the 1890 US census by Lisa Slaski. Due to the difficulties in transcribing old and stylized handwriting, the original census should be referred to.
Copyright © 1998 Lisa Slaski

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Last Updated: 8/21/98
Copyright © 1998 Lisa Slaski
Copyright © 1998 Martha S. Magill
All Rights Reserved.