Anatomical and Surgical Class of 1812 - 1813

Lyman Spalding, Professor

Phillip Barton Fairfield, NY
Jonathan S. Buell Fairfield, NY
George W. Card Fairfield, NY
Ebenezar Coe, Jr.Morris Co, NJ
Daniel B. Davis Minden, Montgomery Co.
Abraham Diefendorf Canajoharie, Montgomery Co.
Alpheus S. Green Newport, Herkimer Co.
Alden Gage, Jr.Fairfield, NY
Henry Jeffers Newport, Herkimer Co.
John LaddLee, Strafford Co. NH
Hiram Mann Milton, Saratoga, Co. NY
William M. Millard Milton, Saratoga Co. NY
James McMaster Russia, Herkimer Co., NY
Jonathan Sherwood Fairfield, NY
Nathan StrongHerkimer, NY
Samuel TuckerMinden, Montgomery Co.
Luke WoodburyWare, Hillsborough Co, NH

Some of the above students attended gratis, as they had already attended previous sessions. Jonathan Sherwood was a Trustee of the College and served as Register. All others paid $12.50 to study in this class.

Obstetric Lectures during 1812

Alpheus S. Green
Henry Jeffers
George Card
Hiram Mann
Daniel B. Davis
William M. Millard
Ebenezar Coe, Jr.
Nathaniel Strong
Abraham Diefendorf
Jonathan S. Buell
John Ladd

These students were charged only $8 to attend, as there was no obstetric machine on which to demonstrate. The college paid Dr. Westel Willoughby, Jr., the Professor of Obstetrics, $412 in addition to the $88 received from the students for delivering the obstetric lectures.

Anatomical and Surgical Class of 1813 - 1814

*Allen AlmySharon, Schoharie Co.
*Phillip BartonFairfield, NY
*Jonathan L. BuellFairfield, NY
Daniel BullardGreenfield, Saratoga Co.
George W. CardFairfield, NY
*Isaac CoeFairfield, NY
*Ebenezar Coe, Jr.Randolph, Morris Co., NJ
*Daniel B. DavisJohnstown, Montgomery Co.
*Giles H. FondaCaughnawaga, Montgomery Co.
*Alpheus L. GreenNewport, NY
*Henry GreenFairfield, NY
*John P. HigginsCanajoharie, Montgomery Co.
*Truman B. HicksNorthumberland, Saratoga Co.
*David M. HailHerkimer, NY
Moses KidderAmherst, Hillsborough, NH
*Nathan H. ManterLitchfield, Herkimer Co.
*Sylvester MillerFairfield, NY
John P. OrtonLitchfield, Herkimer Co.
*Horatio OrvisLeray, Jefferson Co.
*Jos. PierceFairfield, NY
James C. PerryNorwalk, Fairfield, Conn
James St. JohnLusern
*Luke WoodsburyWare, Hillsborough, NH
*A.B. Webber
Greenfield, Saratoga Co.
Daniel BarkerCheshire, Berkshire Co., Mass.
Christopher Y. FondaSchenectady, Schenectady Co.
Hiram MannMilton, Saratoga Co.

Students with * also attended the class for Institutes and Practice of Medicine, in addition to the following students:

Horace ManlyNorway, Herkimer Co.
Samuel St. John (?)Warren Co.
David BullardGreenfield, Saratoga Co.
James D. OrtonLitchfield
Christopher TannerStephenton

Source: This list was provided by the Herkimer County Historical Society
Copyright © Herkimer County Historical Society
Submitted by: Jane Dieffenbacher, Fairfield Town Historian

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Last Updated: 2/28/97
Text Copyright© The Herkimer County Historical Society
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