The Baptismal Records of the Reformed Church of Columbia, New York, spanning the years 1825 through 1836, were contributed by Laura Perkins. Entries are separated using the same headings as on the original typescript pages, which are available for viewing at the Utica Public Library. All spellings are original. Notes in brackets are our notes about the format of the records. Copied by Mrs. M. M. Hatch, South Columbia, NY, through the courtesy of Mrs. Hatch, (Mrs. Thomas D.) Corinne Wheeler Watkins, NSDAR #57999 and (Mrs. Charles E.) Elizabeth A. M. Merritt, DSDAR #178296. Some of the original records have passed out of existence since the copies were made by Mrs. Hatch.
Judy Breedlove
Asst. County Coordinator
August 1999
ECKLER, Angeline, daughter of Christian Eckler and wife, Anna, b. 26 Feb, bapt. 16
Sponsors: None
HOYER, George Alexander, son of Frederick Hoyer and wife, Eve, b. 25 Jan, bapt. 23 Apr.
Sponsors: George Hoyer and Charity Kayner
FETTERLY, Erilie, child of George Fetterly and wife, Maria, b. 29 Nov 1825, bapt. 7 May 1826.
Sponsors: John Crans and wife, Eve
LAMPHERE, Orvile, son of Sanford Lamphere and wife, Lidy, b. 29 Dec 1821, bapt. 7 May 1826.
Sponsors: Peter Bell and wife, Anna
CRIM, Jacob William, son of Jacob Crim, Jr. and wife, Eva, b.
26 May 1826, bapt. 4 June.
Sponsors: George Yule and wife, Catherine
GETMAN, Sanford, son of John G. Getman and wife, Eva, b. 13 May, bapt. 11 Jun.
Sponsors: Christopher Miller and Rebecca Haner
THURSTIN, David, son of Joseph Thurstin and wife, Dorathe, b. 7 May, bapt. 11 Jun.
Sponsors: Illegible
WOLEBEN, Absalom, son of John Woleben and wife, Catharine, b. 30 May, bapt. 18 Jun.
GITMAN, Jeremiah, son of Timothy Gitman and wife, Elisabeth, b. 17 Apr, bapt. 18 Jun.
Sponsors: None
NOTE: Twin to Sofia below
GITMAN, Sofia, daughter of Timothy Gitman and wife, Elisabeth, b. 17 Apr, bapt. 18 Jun.
Sponsors: None
NOTE: Twin to Jeremiah above
CHRISTMAN, Elisabeth, daughter of John Christman and wife, Catharine, b. 31 Mar, bapt. 2 Jul.
Sponsors: None
CHRISTMAN, Dalia, daughter of Jacob Christman and wife, Doratha, b. 2 Oct 1825, bapt. 2 Jul 1826.
Sponsors: Christian Gerlach and wife, Marilis
GAY, Benjamin, son of William Gay and Mary Helmer, b. 16 Apr 1825, bapt. 9 Jul.
Sponsors: Adam Helmer and Eve Helmer
CHRISTMAN, Margareta, daughter of George F. Christman and wife, Mary, b 12 Feb 1825, bapt. 9
Sponsors: Barn Christman and wife, Margareta
PASSAGE, Permilie, daughter of George Passage and wife, Margareta, b. 17 Nov 1824,
bapt. 16 Jul 1826.
Sponsors: None
MILLER, Anna Maria, daughter of John Miller and wife, Regina Uline, b 24 May 1823, bapt. 16
Sponsors: None
ECKLER, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Eckler and wife, Catharine, b. 26 Mar, bapt. 23 Jul.
Sponsors: None
CHAMBERLIN, Nancy Surviah, daughter of Calvin Chamberlin and wife, Nancy, b 25 May, bapt. 23 Jul.
Sponsors: None
CRIM, Catharine, daughter of Henry Crim and wife, Catharine, b. 4 Jun 1826, bapt.
30 Jul.
Sponsors: Henry Edick and wife, Margaret
CHRISTMAN, Anna, daughter of Martin Christman and wife, Mary, b 12 Jun, bapt. 30
Sponsors: John Smith and wife, Mary Krous
GRANTS, Markus, son of John Grants and wife, Lana, b. 10 Mar, bapt. 13 Aug.
Sponsors: Marks Grants and wife, Eva
CABLE, James Riley, son of Anson Cable and wife, Margaret, b. 30 Apr, bapt. 13 Aug.
Sponsors: None
ALSHEBER, James Henry, son of Frederick Alsheber and wife, Elizabeth, b. 3 Nov 1826, bapt. 13 Aug.
Sponsors: Margaret Cable
GARNER, Maria, daughter of Frederick Garner and wife, Catharine, b. 30 Jul, bapt. 27 Aug.
Sponsors: Frederick Hoyer and wife, Eva
POOLER, Benjamin, son of Joseph Pooler and wife, Elisabeth, b 16 Jul, bapt. 27 Aug.
Sponsors: None
PETRIE, Alsine, child of Conrad (Conrad I.) Petrie and wife, Anna Elisabeth, b. 3 Jun 1825, bapt. 10
Sponsors: None
BROUNER, Clarinty, child of Isaac Brouner and wife, Mary, b. 3 Sep 1826, bapt. 24 Sep.
Sponsors: Peter Eckler and wife, Lany
HOUSE, Harriet, daughter of George House and wife, Anna, b. 6 Jul, bapt. 1
Sponsors: None
STARM, Dorothea, daughter of Henry Starm and wife, Anna, b. 26 Sep, bapt. 5 Nov.
Sponsors: Jacob Starm and wife, Dorothy
CROUS, Isaac, son of Tobit Crous and wife, Delia, b. 10 Sep, bapt. 5 Nov.
Sponsors: Martin Christman and wife, Mary
SHOEMAKER, Christopher, son of James Shoemaker and wife, Lany, b. 19 Sep, bapt. 5
Sponsors: Mary Catherine Shoemaker
MYERS, Jerome, son of Peter J. Myers and wife, Catharina, b. 22 Jan, bapt. 12 Nov.
Sponsors: None
HARWICK, William Walter, son of Felix Harwick and wife, Lany, b. 12 Aug, bapt. 17 Dec.
Sponsors: None
SHAWL, Jacob Lawrence, son of John Shawl and wife, Eva, b. 19 Oct, bapt. 17 Dec.
Sponsors: Jacob Crim, Jr. and wife, Eva
SHALL, Nancy, daughter of David Shall and wife, Catharine, b. 8 Dec 1826, bapt. 6 Jan 1827.
Sponsors: Bostian Shall and Nancy Hoke
CLAPSADDLE, Henry, son of Dinis Clapsaddle and wife, Elisabeth, b. 31 Dec, bapt. 23 Jan.
Sponsors: Illegible
CROUS, John, son of John Crous and wife, Eva, b. 28 Dec, bapt. 28 Jan.
Sponsors: John I. Christman and Catharine Crous
MAYBEE, Ludolphus, child of John Maybee and wife, Eva, b. 24 Jan, bapt. 29 Jan.
Sponsors: None
BERRENGER, Philip, son of George Berrenger and wife, Elsey, b. 11 May 1820, bapt. 29 Jan 1827.
Sponsors: Andrew Miller and wife, Margarete
DEVOE, Daniel Anthony, son of John Devoe and wife, Hannah, b. 1 Jan 1827, bapt. 18 Feb.
Sponsors: Nicholas Yule and wife, Hannah
BRUNNER, George Nelson, son of Frederick Brunner and wife, Elisabeth, b. 4 Aug, bapt. 27 Feb.
Sponsors: Felix Brunner and wife, Leah Brunner
ZOBEL, Barbara, daughter of Daniel Zobel and wife, Catharine, b. 7 Dec, bapt. 11 Mar.
Sponsors: Jacob Everson and wife, Barbary
GUIWITS, John William, son of Jacob Guiwits and wife, Mary, b. 30 Dec 1826, bapt. 11 Mar.
Sponsors: Jacob Everson and wife, Barbary
ECKLER, Liza Ann, daughter of Daniel Eckler and wife, Catharine, b. 19 Jul 1824, bapt. 11 Mar.
Sponsors: None
WALL, Jacob William, son of John Wall and wife, Elizabeth, b. 26 Jan 1827, bapt. 11 Mar.
Sponsors: Jacob A. Crim and wife, Christina
BELL, Mary Adelia, daughter of Frederick Bell and wife, Elizabeth, b. 2 Feb 1827, bapt. 11 Mar.
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Jacob William, son of Frederick J. Getman and wife, Ruth, b. 9 Feb 1827, bapt. 19 Mar.
Sponsors: Jacob William, Illegible Hangen, Illegible
HOUSE, Hiram, son of Nicklas House, Jr. and wife, Mary, b. 30 Jan, bapt. 29 Mar.
Sponsors: Peter P. Harter and wife, Elizabeth
NICHLAS, Henry, son of William Nichlas and wife, Elizabeth, b. 18 Dec 1827(?), bapt. 1 Apr.
Sponsors: Daniel Zobel and wife, Catharine
HOMING, Daniel, son of Henry Homing and wife, Margareta, b. 5 Feb 1827, bapt. 1 Apr.
Sponsors: Delia Shoemaker
TISDALE, Emaline, daughter of Warren Tisdale and wife, Catherina, b. 4 Jun 1826, bapt. 15 Apr.
Sponsors: Richard Getman and wife, Charity
MURPHY, Edward, son of Philip P. Murphy and wife, Sarah, b. 22 Jan 1827, bapt. 16 Apr.
Sponsors: Frederick Hawyer and wife, Eva
HOUSE, Harvi, son of Henry House and wife, Mary, b. 3 Mar, bapt. 24 Jun.
Sponsors: Nicholas House, Jr. and wife, Mary
CRIM, Chester, son of Paul Crim and wife, Margaret, b. 11 Dec 1826, bapt. 1 Jul
Sponsors: Peter Bell and wife, Anna
CHAPPLE, Mary Roxyana, daughter of Oliver Chapple and wife-unnamed, b. 10 May, bapt. 1
Sponsors: John H. Crim and wife, Mary
STAM, Salomon, son of John L. Stam and wife, Mary, b. 18 Jun, bapt. 8 Jul.
Sponsors: None
STAM, Betsey, daughter of Jacob Stam and wife, Dorothea, b. 27 Mar, bapt. 8 Jul.
Sponsors: Daniel Piper and wife, Elizabeth Walrad
ACKLER, Jacob Philo, son of Leonard Ackler, Jr. and wife, Margareta, b. 17 Dec, bapt. 8 Jul.
Sponsors: George F. Christman and wife, Mary
VROOMAN, Cathrine, daughter of Peter Vrooman and wife, Nancy, b. 19 Apr 1825, bapt. 8 Jul.
Witnesses: None
VROOMAN, Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Vrooman and wife, Nancy, b. 21 Feb, bapt. 8 Jul.
Sponsors: None
FOX, Jacob William, son of James Fox and wife, Dolly, b. 3 Mar, bapt. 15 Jul.
Sponsors: Jacob Helmer and wife, Elizabeth
PIPER, Peter, son of Peter Piper and wife, Dorothy, b. 10 Jun, bapt. 15 Jul.
Sponsors: None
TARNER, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Ichabod Tarner and wife, Anna, b. 17 Mar, bapt. 9
Sponsors: Dines Clapsaddle and wife, Elizabeth
FETTERLY, Margaret, daughter of George Fetterly and wife, Mary, b. 14 May, bapt. 5
Sponsors: Henry Stam and wife, Anna
CRIM, David, son of Jacob A. Crim and wife, Christina, b. 27 Jun, bapt. 12 Aug.
Sponsors: None
PETRIE, Clarizy, daughter of Conrad I. Petrie and Anna Elizabeth, b. 18 Jun, bapt. 26 Aug.
Sponsors: None
EDICK, Jacob Henry, son of Henry Edick and wife, Margaret, b. 8 Apr, bapt. 2 Sep.
Sponsors: Henry Crim and wife, Elizabeth
YOUNGS, Sarah Janetti, daughter of Peter Youngs and wife, Catharine, b. 16 Feb, bapt. 2
Sponsors: Jacob Edick and wife, Carine
NEWTON, Barbary Elsy, daughter of Lyman Newton and wife, Catharine, b. 15 Jul, bapt. 2
Sponsors: Jacob Everson and wife, Barbary
CLAPSADDLE, Elizabeth, daughter of Lawrence Clapsaddle and wife, Margaret, b. 20 Aug,
bapt. 30 Sep.
Sponsors: None
MILLER, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William J. Miller and wife, Anna, b. 15 Aug, bapt. 14 Oct.
Sponsors: None
HELMER, Margaret, daughter of Lawrence Helmer and wife, Sophiae, b. 3 Sep, bapt. 14 Oct.
Sponsors: None
MILLER, Marian, child of Christopher Miller and wife, Rebecca, b. 23 Sep, bapt. 9 Dec.
Sponsors: None
FOLTS, Oran George, son of Conrad Folts and wife, Elizabeth, b. 10 Sep, bapt. 11 Dec.
Sponsors: None
Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Helmer, Jr. and wife, Elizabeth, b. 3 Jul, bapt. 16 Dec.
Sponsors: None
BELL, Garner, son of Nicholas Bell and wife, Margaret, b. 2 Oct, bapt. 16 Dec.
Sponsors: None
HOUSE, Eliza, daughter of George I. House and wife, Elizabeth, b. 16 Sep, bapt. 23 Dec.
Sponsors: Nicholas Yule and wife, Hannah
THURSTON, Unnamed, child of Joseph Thurston and wife, Dorathe, b. no date, bapt. 30 Dec.
Sponsors: Conrad Folts and wife, Elizabeth
SNYDER, Joseph, son of Daniel Snyder and wife, Cathrine, b. 25 May, bapt 4 Jan 1828.
Sponsors: William Warmuth and wife, Mary
CRIM, William Henry, son of Philip Crim and wife, Anna, b 11 Feb, bapt. 13 Jan 1828.
Sponsors: Henry Crim and wife, Elizabeth
MILLER, William Henry, son of William Miller and wife, Anna, b. 12 Sep, bapt. 20 Jan.
Sponsors: Jeremiah Woleben and wife, Mary
BELL, Charity, daughter of Peter Bell and wife, Anna, b. 11 Dec 1827, bapt. 20 Jan 1828.
Sponsors: None
HARTER, James, son of Henry Harter and wife, Saphronie, b. 20 Aug 1827, bapt. 22 Jan 1828.
Sponsors: None
MANNING, Roxey Elizabeth, daughter of Salomon Manning and wife, Catharine, b. 31 Oct, bapt. 22 Jan.
Sponsors: John Manning and Elizabeth Fulmer
YULE, Philany Margaret, daughter of John Yule and wife, Elizabeth, b. 12 Jun, bapt. 3 Feb.
Sponsors: George Adams and wife, Mary
CHRISTMAN, Nicholas, son of Lawrence Christman and wife, Christina, b. 22 Jan 1828, bapt. 24 Feb.
Sponsors: Nicholas Christman and Polly
HANGEN, Washington Henry Rinehold, son of Jacob William Hangen and wife, Mary M., b. 6 Feb, bapt. 25 Feb.
Sponsors: None
HESS, Nelson, son of Samuel Hess and wife, Doratha Piper, b. 8 Mar, bapt. 16 Mar.
Sponsors: Andrew Piper, Jr. and wife, Catharine
BELLINGER, Evah, daughter of Peter F. Bellinger and wife, Elizabeth, b. 22 Feb, bapt. 16 Mar.
Sponsors: Andrew Piper, Jr. and wife, Catharine
HARTER, Delianna, daughter of Isaac Harter and wife, Polly, b. 20 Jul 1827, bapt. 16 Mar.
Sponsors: John S. Shoemaker and wife, Magdalene
BAUM, Elmyra, daughter of Jacob P. Baum and wife, Nancy, b. 19 Dec 1827, bapt. 16 Mar.
Sponsors: John S. Shoemaker and wife, Magdalene
Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of John G. Steel and wife, Elizabeth, b. 3 May 1827, bapt. 19 Mar.
Sponsors: None
CRIM, Abraham, son of Jacob
Crim, Jr. and wife, Evah, b. 13 Mar 1828, bapt. 21 Mar.
Sponsors: Jacob Crim
ACLER, Charity Maria, daughter of Daniel Acler and wife, Catharine, b. 14 Aug 1827, bapt. 27 Apr.
Sponsors: None
PIPER, Elizabeth Lorana, daughter of Nicklas Piper and Polly Bander, b. 27 Feb 1828, bapt. 27 Apr.
Sponsors: Daniel Piper and wife, Silzabeth
SHOEMAKER, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Shoemaker and wife, Mary, b. 15 Jan, bapt. 15 May.
Sponsors: Nicholas Shoemaker and wife, Lana.
HELMER, John Rasback, son of Henry Helmer and wife, Phrony, b. 7 May, bapt. 8 Jun.
Sponsors: None
PETRIE, William,
son of George Petrie and wife, Margaret, b. 5 Jan 1827, bapt. 15 Jun.
Sponsors: None
EMPIE, John Henry, son of John Empie and wife, Elizabeth, b. 6 Mar 1828, bapt. 15 Jun.
Sponsors: None
HATCHED, Andrew Chauncy, son of Alford Hatched (no listing for mother), b. 9 Dec 1827, bapt. 29 Jun.
Sponsors: Casper Keller and wife, Catharine
GITMAN, David, son of Bartled Gitman and wife, Elizabeth, b. 20 Apr 1828, bapt. 7 Jul.
Sponsors: None
YOUNGS, Samantha, daughter of John Youngs and wife, Eve, b. 8 Aug 1827, bapt. 7 Jul
Sponsors: John Woleben and wife, Catharine
Margaret Jane, daughter of Jacob Baringer and wife, Maria, b. 26 Apr 1828, bapt. 27 Jul.
Sponsors: Philip Baringer and wife, Susanna Margaret
ACKLER, Henry, son of Jacob Ackler and wife, Catharine, b. 6 Apr 1828, bapt. 3 Aug.
Sponsors: None
MOWER, Catharine, daughter of Conrad A. Mower and wife, Sally, b. 29 Jun, bapt. 10
Sponsors: Godfried Rottenaur and wife, Patience
Nicklas, son of Joseph Pooler and wife, Nancy, b. 7 Jun, bapt. 10 Aug.
Sponsors: None
HOUSE, Unnamed, child of George House and
wife, Nancy, b. Jul, bapt. 21 Aug.
Sponsors: None
WOLABEN, Alvey Richard, son of John Wolaben and wife, Catharine, b. Aug, bapt. 14
Sponsors: None
YULE, Margaret, daughter of George Yule and wife, Catharine, b. 12 Sep, bapt. 21 Sep.
Sponsors: Jacob Crim, Jr. and wife, Eve
GARNER, Elmira, daughter of Frederick Garner and wife, Catharine, b. 7 Sep, bapt. 12 Oct.
Sponsors: None
PIPER, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Piper and wife, Elizabeth, b. 12 Oct, bapt. 7
Sponsors: John S. Shoemaker and wife, Lany
SHOEMAKER, Andrew, son of John S. Shoemaker and wife, Lany, b. 9 Nov, bapt. 7 Dec.
Sponsors: Marks Contriman and wife, Nancy
CONTRIMAN, Mary, daughter of Marks Contriman and wife, Nancy, b. 7 Oct, bapt. 7 Dec.
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Lydiann Margaret, daughter of Frederick J. Getman and wife, Ruth, b. 26 Jan 1829, bapt. 27 Mar 1829.
Sponsors: John Karner and wife, Margaret
SHOEMAKER, Moses, son of Marks Shoemaker and wife, Anna, b. 14 Oct, bapt. 29 Mar.
Sponsors: Thomas C. Shoemaker and wife, Eve.
WALRAD, William Henry, son of George Walrad and wife, Eve, b. 18 Dec, bapt. 31 May.
Sponsors: None
POOLER, Elmira, daughter of Henry Pooler and wife, Margaret, b. 22 Mar, bapt. 31 May.
Sponsors: None
BARKEY, Nancy Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Barkey and wife, Elizabeth, b. 4 Jan 1824, bapt. 1 Jun 1829.
Sponsors: None
GILBERT, Nancy Mariah, daughter of James Gilbert and wife, Catharine, b 29 Dec 1824, bapt. 1 Jun.
Sponsors: None
GILBERT, William, son of James Gilbert and wife, Catharine, b. 29 Jul 1827, bapt. 1
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Caroline, daughter of George F. Getman and wife, Margaret, b. 29 Oct 1825, bapt. 1 Jun.
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Sophroney Catherine, daughter of George F. Getman and wife, Margaret, b. 24 Feb 1827, bapt. 1 Jun.
Sponsors: None
MILLER, John Leonard, son of John Miller, Jr. and wife, Reginah, b. 20 Aug 1829, bapt. 18 Oct.
Sponsors: None
CLAPSADDLE, Denis, son of Lawrence
Clapsaddle and wife, Margaret, b. 23 Nov 1829, bapt. 8 Mar 1830.
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Sarah, daughter of Timothy Getman and wife, Elizabeth, b. 27 Oct 1829, bapt. 8 Mar 1830.
Sponsors: None
CHRISTMAN, William Jacob, son of Barney Christman and wife,
Margaret, b. 21 May 1830, bapt. 18 Jul.
Sponsors: None
HELMER, John, son of Henry Helmer, Jr. and wife, Elizabeth, b. 27 Jul 1829, bapt. 18 Jul 1830.
Sponsors: None
MANNING, Elijah, son of Solomon Manning and wife, Catharine, b. 21 Jun 1830, bapt. 18 Jul.
Sponsors: None
ACKLER, George Henry, son of George Ackler and wife, Elizabeth,
b. 11 Jun 1830, bapt. 18 Jul.
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Norman, son of Bartoled B. Getman and wife, Elizabeth, b. 21 May, bapt. 18 Jul.
Sponsors: None
CRIM, Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of Moses Crim and wife, Elizabeth, b. 16 Jan, bapt. 18 Jul.
Sponsors: None
WORMUTH, Levi, son of William Wormuth and wife, Mary, b. 12 Jan, bapt. 29 Aug
Sponsors: None
MYERS, Mary, daughter of Absolom
Myers and wife, Catharine, b. 8 Jun, bapt. 29 Aug.
Sponsors: None
HOYER, Mary Catharine, daughter of Frederick Hoyer and wife, Eve, b. 3 Oct, bapt. 12 Dec.
Sponsors: None
HOUSE, Jeremiah, son of Nickolas House, Jr. and wife, Mary, b. 15 Oct 1830, bapt. 6 Mar 1832.
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Andrew William, son of Richard Getman and wife, Gertrude, b. 6 Sep 1832, bapt. 21 Jul 1833.
Sponsors: None
HOUSE, Chancy, child of George House and wife, Nancy, b. 21 Jul, bapt. 31 Jul.
Sponsors: None
MILLER, Caroline, daughter of John Miller, Jr. and wife, Regina, b. 22 Sep 1833,
bapt. 22 Dec 1833.
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Cornelia Catharine, daughter of Joseph Getman and wife, Mary, b. 23 Sep, bapt. 22
Sponsors: None
MILLER, Jeremia, child of Christopher Miller and Rebecca Haner, b. 30 Dec, bapt. 6 Aug 1834.
Sponsors: None
HANER, Monroe, son of Philip Haner and Elizabeth Clapsaddle, b. 4 Mar 1834, bapt. ? May.
Sponsors: None
MANNING, Abraham, son of Solomon Manning and Katherine Fulmer, b. 15 Feb, bapt. ? May.
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Mary Kathrien, daughter of Frederick F. Getman and Mary Oxner, b. 18 Feb, bapt. 7 Apr.
Sponsors: None
ACKLER, Philip, son of Jacob Ackler and Kathrien Bell, b. 17 Mar 1830, bapt. 15 Jul
Sponsors: None
ACKLER, Emely, daughter of Jacob Ackler and Kathrien Bell, b. 30 Nov 1833, bapt. 15 Jul 1834.
EDICT, Nancy Margaret, daughter of Jacob Edict and Almira Young, b. 14 Mar 1833, bapt. 15 Jul 1834.
Sponsors: Jacob Edict and wife, Kathrien Crisman
REES, Matilda, daughter of Samuel Rees and Elizabeth Bell, b. 3 Jun 1834, bapt. 20 Jul.
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Silvania, child of Frederick Getman and Ruth Pangburn, b. 11 Nov 1833, bapt. 28 Jul 1834.
Sponsors: John K. Ritter and wife, Anna Getman
CHAMBERLIN, Lydia Adaline, daughter of Calvin Chamberlin and Nancy Miller, b. 22 Jun 1831, bapt. 28 Jul.
Sponsors: None
CHAMBERLIN, Mary, daughter of Calvin Chamberlin and Nancy Miller, b. 2 Dec 1833, bapt. 28 Jul.
Sponsors: None
MYERS, Diantha, daughter of Absalom Myers and Kathrien Edict, b. 11 Aug 1834,
bapt. 8 Mar 1835.
Sponsors: None
HESS, Matthew, son of Samuel Hess and PAGE CUT OFF, b. 5 Apr, bapt. 19 Mar.
Sponsors: None
BECKWITH, Edwin Buckingham, son of Volney Beckwith and Mary Ann Piper, b. 23 Dec 1834, bapt. 28
Sponsors: None
ISEMAN, Daniel, son of John Iseman and Elizabeth P. Wetterle of Truxton, b. 9 Feb 1835, bapt. 7 Jun.
Sponsors: None
MILLER, Doritha Loisa, daughter of Jacob Miller and Suffia Chamberlin, b. 15 May 1834, bapt. 5 Jul.
Sponsors: None
Mary Ann, daughter of Jeremiah Getman and Elizabeth Skinner, b. 5 Jul 1835, bapt. 19 Jul.
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Mary Elesebeth, daughter of Timothy Getman and Elesebeth Sternberg, b. 6 Jun 1835, bapt. 9 Aug.
Sponsors: None
GETMAN, Malin, child of Bartlett B. Getman and Elesebeth Grants, b. 6 Jun 1835, bapt. 10 Oct.
Sponsors: None
HOUSE, Jane D., daughter of George House and Nancy Stroup, b. 16 Oct 1835, bapt. 20 Dec.
Sponsors: None
HELMER, Loesa Hariet, daughter of Coonrod Helmer and Parmela Gitman, b. 1 Jul 1835, bapt. 3 Jan 1836.
Sponsors: None
HELMER, William Henry, son of Henry Helmer, Jr. and Elesebeth Lotrip, b. 13 Oct 1835, bapt. 3 Jan 1836.
Sponsors: None
FOLTS, Daniel Hiram, son of Daniel Folts and Mary Getman, b. 7 Nov 1835, bapt. 29 Apr 1836.
Sponsors: None
CLAPSADDLE, Mary Elesebeth, daughter of David Clapsaddle and Elesebeth Getman of Frankfort,
b. 11 Nov 1835, bapt. 29 Apr.
Sponsors: None
Copied by Mrs. M. M. Hatch, South Columbia, New York.
Through the courtesy of Mrs. Hatch (Mrs. Thomas D.), Corinne Wheeler Watkins, N.S.D.A.R.
#57999 and (Mrs. Charles E.) Elizabeth A.M. Merritt, N.S.D.A.R. #178296. Members of the
Genealogical Research Committee of Oneida Chapter, D.A.R. are permitted to copy these
records. Some of the original records have passed out of existence since the copies were made
by Mrs. Hatch.
Utica, New York
December 1926
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