DEATHS 1847 - 1849

This original transcription of the vital records of the Town of Columbia, 1847 - 1849, was made by Kathy Huxtable, Town of Columbia editor. Reading through and transcribing these from the original took Kathy a long time to do and we really appreciate her effort to bring more official records to the site. We hope this list provides clues to ancestral location and helps you better formulate questions when visiting Mohawk Valley societies or ordering mail searches. If you recognize anyone on this list, please drop a line to Martha so we can note it on this page.

As you scan the listings you'll see unusual spellings. They're not typos but can be attributed to well-known difficulties in reading fragile records with old handwriting, as well as assumptions made by the registrars of the deaths. If a spelling differs from that of your ancestral surname, or deaths didn't take place in the town you thought your ancestors were from, don't pass them by. Jot them down...just in case. A date and location from these vital records can be used to search in the 1850 census or the info may turn out useful to others searching your surnames.

During years 1847 - 1850 some New York State counties officially recorded information about births, marriages and deaths. Then they just stopped. Not all counties preserved this early information so each county must be taken on a case-by-case basis in making inquiries of societies. Required birth registration didn't start in New York State until the 1880s, over 25 years after the 1847 - 1849 events were recorded, and wasn't really enforced until 1900. New York State death registration wasn't required until just after 1900.

*** Official death certificates did not exist in New York State in 1847 - 1849.***

*** Neither Kathy nor I have further info on the persons named below. ***


F. = Foreigner    N. = Native     M. = Married    U. = Unmarried

Feb.1 Samantha VanDeusen U.N. Columbia age 8 -- Congestion of the Brain
Feb.7 Clement Woodart U.N. South Columbia age 12 da.-- Convulsions
Feb.21 Elizabeth P. Hewitson M.N. Columbia age 32 Tailoress Consumption
Apr.5 Dorcas Eddy M.N. Richfield Otsego Co. age 84 -- Old Age
Apr.12 Catharin France U.N. Columbia age ? -- Malformation
Apr.19 Mary E. France U.N. Columbia age 1 -- Disease of the Bowels
Apr.24 Haggerty (female) U.N. Columbia age ? -- Unknown
May 2 Anson Kaple M.N. Columbia age 64 Carpenter Organic Afflection of the Heart
May 29 Jarutha Ayers M.N. South Columbia age 90 -- Paralysis
June 1 Jeremiah A. Myers U.N. South Columbia age 18 mo. -- Disease of the Nervous System
June 4 Almira Brown M.N. South Columbia age 40 -- Unknown
June 28 Aaron M. Getman U.N. South Columbia age 21 Farmer Consumption
Aug.24 Jacob Christman Jr. So. Columbia age 52 Farmer Billious
Aug.31 Walby (male) U.N. South Columbia age 4 mo. -- Diarrhea
Sept.12 Almira Young M.N. South Columbia age 34 -- Maglignant Dease of the Ovaria
Nov.1 Emily Lee U.N. South Columbia age 7 mo. -- Measels
Nov.18 Peter Fyke M.N. Columbia age 80 Farmer Old Age
Nov.18 Emma Jane House U.N. South Columbia age 4 mo. -- Convulsions
Dec.23 Charles Smith U.N. Columbia age 25 Farmer Typhoid Fever

Jan.5 Henry Helmer M.N. Columbia age 78 Farmer Old Age
Jan.30 Darvin Shaver U.N. Columbia age 14 Farmer Ague in the Face
Feb.29 Maryett Bort M.N. Columbia age 35 Housekeeping Consumption
Mar.3 Lana Miller M. N. Columbia age 81 HousekeepingOld Age
Mar.7 William Smith (colored) U.N. Columbia age 8 mo. -- Inflamation in the Lungs
Mar.8 George F. Clapsaddle U.N. Columbia age 2 -- Burnt
Mar.16 Catharine Terpaning U.N. Columbia age 1 -- Inflamation on the Heart
Apr.13 Elizabeth Harwick M.N. Columbia age 40 Housekeeping Consumption
Apr.16 Haggerty (not given) --N. Columbia age ? -- Unknown
Apr.25 Sarah Morrison M.N. Columbia age 68 -- Consumption
May 6 Elizabeth Tyler M.N. -- age 29 -- Unknown
June 19 Festus Williams M.N. Columbia age 81 Farmer Inflamation of Stomach & Bowels
July 5 Mary Barger M.N. Columbia age 55 Housekeeping Dropsy
July 18 Clarisa Burrell M.N. Columbia age 23 -- Inflamation of the Bowels
Aug.14 Elias Benedict M.N. Columbia age 83 Farmer Diabetis
Sept.8 John Clapsaddle M.N. Columbia age 72 Farmer Liver Complaint
Oct.18 Mary Helmer U.N. Columbia age 20 -- Consumption
Nov.7 Abel Hannah M.N. Columbia age 65 Physician Ulceration in the Stomach
Nov.22 Dorothy Miller M.N. Columbia age 81 Housekeeping Dropsy
Dec.6 Harvey House M.N. Columbia age 21 Farmer Fever
Dec.16 F.E.S. Burrell (male) U.N. -- age 5 -- Disorder of the Heart

Jan.27 Elizabeth Clapsaddle U.N. Columbia age 21 Farmer's Daughter Inflamation of the Lungs
Feb.11 (female) U.N. Columbia age ? -- Measels
Feb.14 Francis Brown U.N. Richfield Otsego Co. age 18 Farmer's Daughter Consumption
Feb.25 Ema Jane Hoke U.N. Columbia age ? -- Dropsy on the Brain
Feb.27 Charles Storing U.N. Columbia age 6 -- Unknown
Mar.12 James Haggerty --Columbia age 79 -- Consumption
Apr.16 James K. Rounds M.N. Columbia age 40 Farmer Consumption
Apr.19 Phebe Van Vookis M.N. Columbia age 84 -- Inflamation on the Lungs
June 14 Mary Jacobson M.N. Columbia age 63 -- Irecipolas
Aug.12 Mary Jane Casler U.N. Columbia age 6 -- Summer Complaint
Aug.30 Elizabeth Barringer U.N. Columbia age 6 -- Inflamation of the Bowels
Sept.4 Maryett France U.N. Columbia age 1 -- Disease of the Bowels
Sept.11 Ruena West M.N. Columbia age 21 -- Consumption
Sept.23 Catharine Wollaber M.N. Columbia age 39 -- Inflamation of the Bowels
Sept.- Polly Hudson (colored) M.N. Columbia age 80 -- Consumption
Oct.6 Susan Griffith M.N. Columbia age 38-- Derangement of the Stomach & Bowels
Oct.18 Mary Getman M.N. Columbia age 85 -- Old Age
Oct.26 Mary A. Reynolds M.N. Columbia age 24 Domestic Scrofulous Consumption
Nov.24 Henry Passage M.N. Columbia age 44 Farmer Inflamation of the Bowels
Nov.29 Orrin Wilkerson U.N. Columbia age 23 Farmer Consumption

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Created: 8/1/99
Last Updated: 8/1/99
Copyright © 1999 Kathy Huxtable/ Martha S. Magill
All Rights Reserved.