Please Read Before You Write To Us
Thank you for your interest in our site!
As volunteers for the GenWeb sites, we are interested in posting historical or genealogical material on the net. This material may be found by us, or provided to us by other researchers. We're not professional historians or genealogists, but simply amateur researchers who enjoy helping to make this type of information more widely available!
Unless otherwise posted, we do not have any further resources available to us than what is already available on this site that can be researched to answer your inquiries!
So keeping this in mind...
Please write to us only if:
1) you have material or services to donate to this site
2) you have found any type of problem with links or images, etc. on this site
3) you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve this site that YOU can personally assist us with by volunteering to contribute several hours a week of your time
As we both are involved with other sites, so be SURE to refer to Herimer County NYGenWeb in the message or subject of your email!
For specific questions on your family or on the history of the area:
- Please take the time to look through all the material available on this site and the other linked sites on our pages and send mail to anyone stating they have info on the subject(s) of your interest
- use our search engines to help find desired info on our site:
- self-post your queries on the Rootsweb Herkimer Queries board
- if we don't have what you need or an answer on the site, please write to the appropriate historical society.
The Site Co-ordinators
Lisa Slaski - Herkimer County NYGenWeb County Coordinator