Town of Fairfield

Herkimer County, New York

The 1839 jury list below was copied from the original and contributed by Jane Dieffenbacher, Fairfield Town Historian!

List of Persons in the Town of Fairfield in the County of Herkimer, Selected by
the Subscriber, as Suitable and Competent to serve as Jurors:

Nathan Arnold, Jr.                    David Ford
Parley Arnold                         George Fenner
Silas E. Arnold                       Nathan Fenner
Bela F. Ainsworth                     Albert G. Ford
William G. Alexander                  Calvin Fenner
James M. Alexander                    Leonard Fortune
William Bushnell                      Sylvester Greene
Alexander H. Buell                    William H. Gordon
David Beers                           Andrew Goodel
Hopestill Bradford                    John Green
Daniel Brayton                        Elijah B. Gage
Hale Barton                           Charles T. Hurlbut
Alden Bucklin                         James Harris
Norman Butler                         Matthew Helmer
Warren Buck                           Luther Helmer
Bradley Boss                          Walter D. Haile
Joseph Bushnell                       Silas Hickock
George Buell                          Jerome B. Hendrix
Roswell D. Brown                      Asahel Harris
Philip Christ                         Alfred E. Haile
Stephen F. Carpenter                  Asa Jackson
Richard Cole                          Elijah Jackson
Thomas Cole                           William Jackson
Elisha Cole                           Varnum S. Kinyon
David S. Chittenden                   Lyman S. Kinyon
Asa Chatfield                         Conrad Kilts
Jarvis I. Cole                        Abram Keller
Jeremiah Cory                         Lothrop S. Kelsey
John Davis                            Russel Kniffin
Daniel H. Eastman                     William Lamberson
Silas S. Evans                        Joseph W. Lawton
Linus E. Ford                         Valentine Mory
Anson Mory                            William H. Mann
Henry May                             Henry Stevens
Jacob P. Nellis                       Lyman S. Todd
Jerome Neely                          Alanson Tuttle
Rufus Neely                           Alva Tanner
Daniel S. Neely                       Sidenius Teall
Abijah Osborn                         Daniel Wood
George W. Phillips                    Brayton Wood
Lyman Parkis                          William E. Wood
Robert Petrie                         John Wood
Stephen S. Parrent                    David Windecker
Ira Pierce                            Charles Willard
Robert Potter                         Alfred White
George Pearce                         Wanton Weeden
Nelson Parkis  
William B. Porter
Varnum Phillips
Henry Phillips
George W. Phillips, 2nd
Zachinah Reed
Eli Raymond
Henry Ries
Thomas A. Rice
David Raynor
Benjamin Richards
Moses Rice
David Raynor
Benjamin Richards
Moses Rice
Thomas Stewart
William C. Sherwood
Stillman B. Saunders
Lemuel C. Smith
Richard R. Smith
Alvan Smith
Enoch P. Stickney
Asahel Safford
Jarius M. Smith
Jeremiah Smith

Given under our Hand at Fairfield aforesaid the            
First Monday of July 1839
                                Signed Duplicate

                                A.C.H. Smith, Supervisor
                                A.S. Younglove, Town Clerk

                                George Pearce
                                Lyman S. Todd   Assessors

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Created 4/2/02
Copyright © 2002 Jane Dieffenbacher
All Rights Reserved.