Report of January 1, 1839 by James Hall |
School District #6 was the hamlet of Fairfield, a busy community in the 1800s when the Fairfield Academy was a thriving institution. In a report dated January 1, 1839, there were 93 children over the age of 5 and under 16 residing in this district. Following is a list of parents or other persons with whom such children resided and the number residing with each:
Zachariah Reed 4
Phoebe Bryan 1
Henry May 3
Benjamin Northrup 1
David Beers: 4
Gardner West: 2
John Delamater 3
Sidenius Teall 2
Geo. Sponenburgh 6
David Chassel 2
Joseph Moyer 1
Henry Kimpton 4
Kesia Hallett 2
Jerome B. Hendrix 1
Clark Smith 1
Mary Smith 1
James Borden 2
M. Huddleston 3
Levi Beardsley 1
Ann Tombling 1
James Hadley 2
John Green 1
Joseph Rathbone 2
Wm. H. Mann 1
Gurdon Bradley 2
Moses Johnson 1
Manning S. Todd 3
S.C. Smith 2
Lyman White 3
Jacob Williams 2
Richard Owen 2
W. Waterman 3
Richard R. Smith 3
William Baker 1
Linus E. Ford 3
Wm. Bushnell 1
P.G. Eigabroadt 5
Margaret Gilbert 3
Geo. W. Phillips 2
A.C.H. Smith 1
Sebra West 2
James Young 2
This school was open 10 1/2 months. The public money received from the Commissioners of Common Schools was $41.83. Money spent over and above this amount was $117.17. Henry Kimpton and Geroge Sponenburgh served as Trustees. The total number of children taught in this district was 119. This included children who were above and below the mandated reporting ages. Taken from original report.
Source: written by Jane Dieffenbacher, Fairfield Town Historian, from the original records of teacher James Hall.
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