Fairfield News from the Boonville Paper
Town of Fairfield
Herkimer County, NY

Contributed by Lisa Slaski

The "Boonville Herald," Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 29 Nov 1888

Middleville, Nov. 28 - No more crossing the bridge with teams until the new one is ready.

Examinations are being conducted at our public school this week.

Mrs. S. R. Ward of Richfield is visiting her daughter, Mrs. B. W. Franklin.

Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Hamlin attended the dedication services of the new cathedral in Albany last week.

The patrons of Perkins market will be sorry to learn that Frank is soon to disolve partnership with his brother to accept a position in Little Falls.

Henry Ward and wife are spending a few days in Troy with their son, B.J. Ward, M. D.

Clinton Parry spent Sunday with his parents.

Preparations are being made extensively for the Catholic fair to be held here some time next month.

Mrs. Howard Hildreth is in Albany with her sister, Mrs. A. V. V. Raymond.

Jerry Meagher, who has been spending some time with his family in Cohoes, returned to Middleville Saturday to resume his work in the knitting mill.

Mrs. Newell Morey of Newport is the guest of Mrs. S. B. Hawkins.

George Law recently missed quite a number of bushels of oats from his barn they having been appropriated by some unknown person.

Miss Madge Payne of Cold Brook has been spending a few days in town with her sister, Mrs. Robinson.

One of the workmen on the bridge [illegible] with a serious accident Friday resulting in the loss of his thumb. A beam was being lowere when his thumb caught between the beam and a plank, crushing it off at the first joint.

A short time ago Pierce Law fell thro' his barn floor with a lighted lantern which overturned, lighting the hay. Mr. Law extinguished the fire with some difficulty. He escaped with a few bruises.

A week ago this evening Frank Rasbach of Shell's Bush was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Lasher of this place. A large company of relatives and friends gathered to witness the ceremony and to partake of the generous hospitality afforded. Rev. R. E. Sykes of Little Falls officiated. The bridal pair are spending some time in New York city. Who next?

Thanksgiving services will be held tomorrow morning in the Church of the Memorial at 10:30, and in the Universalist church at 7:30 in the evening.

Quarterly meeting services will be held in the M. E. church Sunday at the usual hour for service and the quarterly conference will meet next Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Rev. Erasmus Jones of Utica is expected to speak both Saturday and Sunday.

The "Boonville Herald," Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 27 Dec 1888

Middleville, Dec. 26 - Mrs. C. W. Hamlin and daughter have been spending a few days in Holland Patent.

The initial number of the Herkimer County Record appeared last week edited by George W. Nellis of Herkimer. It is an enterprising sheet and we wish it success.

Myra Burns from St. Agnes school, Albany, is spending her vacation with her parents.

Mrs. Ad. Dickins is very sick and at the present time lies in a critical condition.

May Burton, teacher in Little Falls is spending her holiday vacation with the family of A. W. Ford.

Service was held in the church of the Memorial Christmas morning.

Clinton Parry of Fort Plain is at home for the holidays.

The Christmas exercises in the M. E. church were highly entertaining and the presents varied and beautiful.

We are sorry to learn that our bridge, thought a beautiful structure, is not built according to contract, and we are likely to have further trouble before it is completed.

Prof. Marie Knibloe of Boston will give an entertainment in the schoolbuilding to-morrow evening. A percentage of the proceeds will be given to the school. Admission 25 cents for adults and 15 cents for children. Miss Knibloe comes highly recommended.

The "Boonville Herald," Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 3 Jan 1889

Middleville, Jan. 2 - The chicken pox is among us.

George Nellis of the Herkimer County Record was in town Saturday.

A special train ran for the Masonic dance in Newport Friday night.

The drum corps serenaded us New Year's eve.

The W. C. T. U. met yesterday at four o'clock at the home of Mrs. Libbie Miller.

The knitting mill operatives enjoyed a double holiday, working neither Monday nor Tuesday of Christmas or New Year's week.

Wolcott Sheldon, son of Albert Sheldon is quite sick.

Members of the Episcopalian Sunday school enjoyed a Christmas supper Wednesday evening last.

Varney B. Hamlin, who is attending Trinity school in Tivoli, is spending his holiday vacation with us.

Garrett Smith of Syracuse, brother of Mrs. Clarence Farrington, called on friends in town last week.

Miss Edith Churchill was the recipient of a fine Estey organ Christmas eve.

Mrs. John Currier and daughter Bessie of Mannsville, Jefferson county, are spending a few days with Mrs. Walker.

Homer Hinds and wife returned from their bridal trip Saturday. Their many friends are glad to welcome them home.

Rev. Mr. Haskell of Iowa is making a tremendous effort to organize an I. O. of G. T. lodge in this place. We trust he may succeed in enlisting the business men as well as others in the enterprise and that it may be productive of much good. The need is great.

The entertainment given in the school house by Miss Knibloe was listened to by a small audience with much pleasure. We regret that more did not brave the bad weather and roads for the sake of hearing her.

The "Boonville Herald," Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 6 Mar 1889

Brayton Corners, June 5 - Orrin Harkel and son and L. E. Waite have been doing carpenter work at Fairfield, but now are waiting for timber. Harkel and Waite will also build a large barn for Mr. Fenner of Fairfield.

John Carver, whild coming home from church last Sunday, had the misfortune to tip over with hi wife and daughter in the carriage. The horse ran away doing some damage to the buggy.

Mrs. Thomas Waite had the misfortune to fall while going to a neighbor's, dislocating her arm.

The "Boonville Herald," Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 31 Jul 1890

Brayton Corners: The attendance at the Universalist church last Sunday was large. Services will be continued next Sunday at 2 o'clock, preaching by Rev. W. B. Eddy. Subject, "Heaven." All are invited.

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