Peter Flagg's Revolutionary War pension records were sent in by Al Douglas who asked if we'd like to have them for our site. "I'm pleased and very proud to be able to add value to one of the very best pages on the net. You are truly doing a magnificent job. You wisely chose one of the historically richest counties in the US." Al, this site is only as good as it is because of contributions such as these primary source records!
Peter Flagg was a well-known hero, remembered long after the events described below. Peter, and his companions Richard Woolaber and Thomas Van Horne, are mentioned in Hardin's 1893 History of Herkimer County as being members of Heinrich Staring's company in July 1778, on assignment with others to overtake Brant and rescue prisoners after the destruction of Andrustown. Peter and his two comrades continued on after the others turned back at the area of Young's Settlement (Little Lakes), and caught and killed two "savages" by Schuyler's Lake, thus rescuing a woman and infant captive and taking them safely back home.
That was just one incident in Peter's long and distinguished service. Revolutionary War pension records usually contain first-hand descriptions of a soldier's activities, as he had to verify his war service by talking about it in some detail. A man's testimonies and experiences apply to his fellow soldiers as well. Peter Flagg's pension record describes other events, and comrades whose surnames, or actual first names, have been mentioned on our queries board.
As a good historian should, Al maintained the original spelling, capitalization and punctuation, including text formatting, in his typed-up transcription. Al has also noted gaps in text, where he could not decipher handwriting or it was illegible, with dots.
State of New York
Herkimer County
On this 10th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two. personally appeared in open Court. before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Herkimer now sitting. Peter Flagg a resident of the town of German Flats in the County of Herkimer and the State of New York. aged eighty two years on the fifteenth day of November next. Who being first duly sworn according to Law. doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7,1832. That he entered into the service of the United States under the following named officers.
The first service this Deponent performed was in the .... .... .... begining of the war at which time he was a private in Capt. Michael Ittig's Company in Col Peter Bellinger's Regiment that Jacob ....... was Lieutenant and Frederick Frank was ensign in Genl Nicholas Herkimers Brigade of Infantry of the Militia of the State of New York.
That the Regiment was ordered down to Caughnawaga a distance of about forty miles for the purpose as deponent was informed to capture Sir John Johnson and the Indians under his Command that the regiment was ....... on the ice and was there three or four days and was absent about eight days when the regiment returned.
And this deponent further says, that in the month of May or June 1776 the deponent enlisted in Capt Damsuth's (Sp?)Company of rangers not connected with any regiment as this deponent believes for the term of nine months, Adam Helmer was .... in said Company, that he enlisted in the town of Herkimer in the County of Tryon, in the state of New York. That the first service they performed the company was marched up to Ft Stanwix and brought down a number of boats from Wood Creek to the fort that these boats belonged to one Bob Ettice an Indian Trader that they got away with several of them, that the boats were left by deponents company at Fort Stanwix. When they came back to Fort Herkimer that he was employed as a scout in marching in several places in the neighborhood in the fall of the year and before winter set in they were disbanded; And the Deponent further says that he was again in Michael Edicts Company and in the month of July and as the Deponent believes in the next year the regiment was again called out and marched to Cherry Valley, the whole regiment having assembled at Fort Herkimer, that General Herkimer had command of the detachment. that after remaining at Cherry Valley a short time proceeded to the foot of Otsego Lake. the whole country then being a wilderness . and from there they went by an Indian footpath down to the Unadilla River. ... Col Cox was with them down there to see the Indians. Where they lay four or five days until a dispatch was sent for Brandt the Indian Chief who came up within a nick of the Militia and was said to be several hundred strong. that an attempt to form a treaty was made but the indians set up a great shout and were off. and then discharged their firearms the Militia then returned again to Fort Herkimer being absent about fifteen or sixteen days. That the Battle of Oriskany was fought on the fourth of August following. but deponent on account of ill health was unable to go out with his Company. That the deponent after the Battle of Oriskany in the month of August 1777, continued doing military duty as a militiaman in Capt Michael Ittigs Company of Infantry aforesaid, and continued to do duty as Long as he was Captain for the Company and John Campell was Ensign That deponent did duty in Said Company and turned out whenever there was an alarm. that in the Summer Season deponent was most of his time doing duty in Fort Herkimer taking his regular turn Standing Guard until the year 1781.
And this Deponent further Says. in the month of May or June 1781. he enlisted at fort Plain in the then County of Tryon, now County of Montgomery in the State of New York under one Capt McKee in Col Marius Willets regiment for the term of nine months and was discharged in the month of November or December thereafter, That during Said time the company to which this Deponent belonged and one or two other Companies in the said regiment and some militia from the neighborhood. were engaged in the fall of the year with the English Forces & Indians at a place called ..... in the County of Tryon now in the County of Herkimer about ten miles South East of Fort Plain aforesaid then all woods That afterwards this deponent under the Command of Col Willett with about four hundred men of his regiment and some militia fought the enemy at Johnstown in the present County of Montgomery the British and indians were about seven hundred in number under the Command of Col Ross. were defeated by Col Willett. who took one brass field piece which had been lost in the early part of the action. by a Company of Artillery attached to the regiment Commanded by Capt Moody that the field piece when taken was Spiked by having a large nail drove in the touch hole. There were fourteen English prisoners taken in the engagement, The Company then returned to fort plain. at which place, in the fall of the year, the news was recieved that Lord Cornwallis had surrendered to the American and French Armies. On which occasion Col. Willetts procured and had roasted whole a large ox for the regiment and such of the militia as were with them and fired a twelve pounder and their small arms in rejoicing at the Victory and this deponent remained at Ft Plain until late in the season, when he was discharged as aforesaid. And this Deponent further Says he was born in the town of Ambell as he believes in the State of New Jersey and when young his parents removed to the town of German Flats, in the County of Herkimer and the State of New York, where he last resided since the Revolutionary War and still continued to reside There and this Deponent was born in the year 1750 on the fifteenth day of November
That Deponent has a record of his age at home on a piece of paper Copied from the family Bible.
That he resided at German Flats in the County of Herkimer. when he was first called into the service. that he has lived there since the War and still resides there.
That Deponent was part of the time a drafted man. volunteered twice and acted also by Command of his Militia offficers when Commanded
That Deponent was acquainted with Col Willett. has seen Col Gansevort and saw Govenor Clinton and Gen Washington when they came up the Mohawk river after the end of the war.
That Deponent served with several militia regiments Col Waggoners Regiment or Cop's & Pat Clydes regt both militia regiments
That Deponent never rec'd a written discharge
That Frederick Bellinger and Frederick Bellinger Jun. John Mahon and several other persons who can testify to deponents character under their belief.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid in Open Court
F.E. Spinner Dept Clerk HIS
We Frederick Bellinger residing in the town of German Flats in the County of Herkimer & State of New York. and Frederick Bellinger Jr. residing in the town of German Flats, in said County hereby cerify that we are well acquainted with Peter Flagg who has subscribed and sworn to the above dictation, that we believe him to be eighty two years of age; that he is reputed and esteemed & believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the Revolution & that we concur in that opinion --
Sworn in Open Court
this eleventh day of October 1832
Frederick Bellinger Jr
F.E.Spinner Dept Clerk his
Frederick "X"
And the Said Court do hereby declare their opinion. after the investigation of the matter, and after putting the Interrogatories prescribed by the War department, that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier, and served as he states, And the Court further Certifies, that it appears to them that Frederick Bellinger who has signed the preceding affidavit is a resident in the town of German Flats County of Herkimer & State of New York, and that Frederick Bellinger Junior who has signed the same is a resident of the same place and is a creditable person, and that their Statement is entitled to credit - I Julius C Nelson Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Herkimer, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said Court in the matter of the application of Peter Flagg for a Pension
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and Seal of Office this 11th day of October 1832
Julius C Nelson Clerk
State of New York
Herkimer County
On this sixth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty three, personally appeared before me the undersigned a Justice of the Peace of the town of Herkimer in the County and state aforesaid, Peter Flagg of the town of German Flats in said county, and being first duly sworn deposes and says, That at the commencement of the Revolutionary War in the year 1775. he was enrolled in Captain Michael Ittig's Company in Col. Peter Bellingers Regiment, in General Nicholas Herkimers Brigade of Infantry of Militia of the State of New York, That Jacob Basehorn was Lieutenant and Frederick Frank Ensign of his company That the first actual service that he can recollect was when the Brigade was called out to go down to Caughnawaga and this Deponent went with his company, that they were absent at that time Eight days according to his best recollection that they marched down the Mohawk River from Fort Herkimer when the company was assaulted, to Caughagawa on the same river and about forty mile distant, and remained there four days and returned again ... that this was the month of January or February 1776. ..... that he recollects that the Regiment was paraded on the ice on the Mohawk River .......
And this Deponent further says, that in the Month of May or June 1776. he enlisted in Captain Damout...'s Company of Rangers for the term of nine months ... that he does not know that this company belonged on ... (any) regiment, that Adam Helmer was the Lieutenant of the Company that he enlisted at Herkimer in the county of Tryon now Herkimer County, in the State of New York, that the principal duty they performed was in scouting parties about the neighborhood of Fort Herkimer on the Mohawk River, in protecting navigation of the River between Fort Herkimer and Fort Stanwix a distance of about thirty two miles, that when winter set in there was not much service to perform and Deponent was permitted to go home to his family instead of remaining in the Forts until the nine months should expire, but he was to go when called upon by the Captain ...
And this Deponent further says, that after the Expiration of said time of nine months, he was again a private in Capt Ittig's Company in Col Bellingers Regiment of Infantry, that in the month of July 1777. according to the best recollection and belief of this Deponent, the Regiment was ordered out and this Deponent and his Company with them, that the Regiment wasmarched down to Cherry Valley, after having assembled at Fort Herkimer, that the Regiment after it was mustered at Fort Herkimer ..... under the command of ...... Herkimer to Cherry Valley where they staid a day and then marched to the foot of Otsego Lake, at Cherry Valley they met a Regiment under the command of Col Cox, and that Regiment marched with them down the Unadilla River, that they attempted to form a treaty with the Indian Brandt & spent four or five days then in attempting to make an arrangement but could not ...... and then they were marched back to Fort Herkimer, that they were gone about fifteen or sixteen days on this Expidition... That the Deponent was not at the Battle of Oriskany which was fought in the month of August & he thinks early in the month, that this Deponent was confined of ill health and could not go. ... And this Deponent further says, that he continued to do his duty in the company as a private during the residue of the year, that in the winter Capt. Ittig removed to Schenectady, and Frederick Frank was appointed Captain. Basehorn the Lieutenant ... resigned - and John Campbell was elected Lieutenant, that John Frank he thinks was oderly Sergeant of the Company - that this Deponent continued as a private in said Company doing duty at different times until the year 1781. that in the summer season he done duty in Fort Herkimer regularly and took his turn in all the duty that was required of him, and some part of the time they were called out on Scouting parties about the County, but this Deponen can not particularly state the number of times and the length of time that he was out in these different Excursions - that was scarcely a day that there was not Indians about when the weather was open and all other business suspended - that the Indians also made incursions in the winter occasionally - that in those years this Deponent was engaged in actual duty as a soldier in the Company and Regiment aforesaid, at least four months in each and every year between the years 1777 and the spring of 1781. . . . being three years.
And this Deponent further says, that in the year 1781. and he thinks in the month of May, he enlisted in Capt McKerrs company, Robert McKerr, in Col Marinus Willett's Regiment for the Term of nine months, that he enlisted at Fort Plain in the then County of Tryon now County of Montgomery - that in the fall of that year part of the Regiment and some company's of Militia were ordeeredd to take the enemy who was encamped in the woods near the place called Turlock or Durlock that they marched out in the night and that morning they had a battle with the enemy & Deponent's Captain was killed in that engagement, he did not die on the field, but was wounded and carried by the men to Bowmans kill, and next day died when they were .... him to Fort Plain, at which place he was buried - That this Deponent was also engaged in the battle of Johnstown under Col Willetts against the enemy , under the Command of Major Ross, that Col. Willette had about four hundred men and some Militia and that the enemy were about seven hundred strong picked troops, That Ross was defeated and lost one Brass field piece which he had before taken, that there were a number of prisoners taken from the enemy at that time - that after the battle they came back to Fort Plain ; shortly after that news was received of the capture of Lord Cornwallis, and they had great rejoicing -- that on account of the Victory and Johnstown they were not toubled much by the Enemy the residue of the season, and late in the fall the Regiment went into winter quarters and this Deponent was discharged about that time, and left the Army-
And this Deponent further says that he can not more particular set forth his time of service, that he enlisted and served two terms Each of nine months that he thinks he served not less that one year in doing actual duty in the years 1778, 9. & 81. as a private in Capt Frank's Company, besides duty he performed in Capt Ittig's company in the year 1775 to 1777 - that he has now put the time at the least period that he was actually engaged - that his militia duty did not consist of separate engagements for certain periods, but to do duty whenever called upon and to defend the country and themselves from the constant inroads of the Indians suported by the Tories, that the warfare was irregular & uncertain , and harrassing to the ... ... destruction to the country, but they burned where ever they could find an oppeurtunity - that this Deponent on account of old age and the great length of time can not state more particularly than he has done - and further says not ....
HIS worn &
this 6th day of September
1833 before me
Nicholas Smith Justice
I Francis E Squires, Deputy Chief of the County ....
do certify that Nicholas Smith before whom the foregoing
afidavit or declaration of Peter Flagg
Purports to have been ...
State of New York
Herkimer County
I , John Frank of the town of German Flats in the County of Herkimer, being duly sworn deposes and says, that he was orderly or first Sergeant in Captain Michael Ittig's Company, in Col. Peter Bellinger's Regiment in the Brigade Commanded by General Herkimer - that this Deponent was acquainted with Peter Flagg before and during the Revolutionary War & since that period, that said Flagg was a private in said Company part of the time - that afterwards he Enlisted as this Deponent is (---) in Capt. McKuns Company in Col. Willett's Regiment, but the exact time this Deponent cannot recollect - that according to the best recollection of this Deponent said Flagg was in the said company during the year's 1776 . 1777 . 1778 . & 1779 - that during the first years, the service was not so constant as in the two last years, that they were called out on short tours or done duty in the Forts and garrisons on the Mohawk River and principally at Fort Herkimer and Fort Dryton -
That in the year 1776 they were several times in a military capacity guarding boats loaded with provisions on the Mohawk River, and went to Schuyller in one excursion - and to Caughnawaga & to different places of which this Deponent from this great length of time can not state positively, but is confident he done duty that year at least one month - That in the year 1777. they done more duty, being the year that Fort Stanwix was invested, and the Battle of Oriskany, and that he was out during said time in actual military service and in the Forts at least two months of military service, that said Flock as he was then called was out & in the company with this Deponent as a private during said two months And this Deponent further says, that in the year 1778. said Flagg stilled belonged to said company and done duty in the Forts aforesaid a great deal of the time, that he was occasionally on scout during that time, but the Indians and Tories harassed the county continually in this and the nest year - that this Deponent has no doubt that said Flock done at least three months duty in each of the years l778. & those years six months duty as a Soldier in the Service of the Government -
And this Deponent further say, that he has recently seen two company rolls kept by Michael Ittig who was captain of said Company until the year 1778 - that after the battle of Oriskany he did not meet much with Company & did not come out the next year which was 1778. that is one of said rolls this Deponents name appears as first Sergeant, while in the other it appears to be left out that in the year 1778. this Deponent was at Fort Herkimer and the company was principally at the Stone Church below, and one of said Sergeants must have been used as a substitute for this Deponent - that this Deponent acted as Orderly Sergeant the nest year 1779 when his brother Frederick now deceased, was captain of said Company - That said Ittig removed in the year 1778 or 1779. and that Flagg enlisted in Willett's Regiment in 1780. or 1781 - and which this Deponent can not say, that this Deponent done duty in 1780. and if said Flagg had not enlisted he also done duty in said Champion, but how long this Deponent can not say - And this Deponent says he has known him (said Flagg) ever since the war, and that he has always (.....) a character above reproach for truth & veracity - & further this Deponent says not -<
State of New York
Herkimer County
I : Michael Ittig of the town of German Flats in the county of Herkimer and State
aforesaid, being duly sworn deposes and says, that he is the son of Michael Ittig deceased, who was as this Deponent is informed & believes a Captain in Col. Peter Bellinger Regiment of Militia in the then County of Tryon in the State of New York - - That the father of this Deponent ....... his homestead to this Deponent, and the papers and personal property came to this Deponent also - and said papers have been in the possession of this Deponent since the death of his said father -
And Deponent further says, that on the nineteenth day of April instant, this Deponent was requested to examine the papers of his father by ..... Nicholas Lightall of Schenectady, and on such examination this Deponent found the payrolls of his fathers Company in Said Regiment, copies of which have been annexed - that among said names is that of Peter Flagg of the town of German Flats in said County - that the name of said Flagg is spelled in the German Language, and it reads in said language Flock - and is pronounced Fl~o~gh - that this Deponent has been acquainted with the said Peter Flagg about forty five years past , and during that tim;e has been reputed to have been a Soldier during the Revolutionary War - That this Deponent has no doubt that the said pay rolls are the original papers belonging to the said Michael Ittig as such captain - that this deponent retains the originals thereof, for the purpose of enabling persons to take copies of the same if they require to do so in order to assist them to make out their pensions
And this Deponent further says, that among said papers be found the following papers, which is in the words and figures following, to wit;
State of New York -
Poukeeksie May 20th 17
General Orders
It having been represented to me that certain persons sti--ng themselves the Committee of Tryon County have presumed to issue orders to the Militia of the said County charging them with certain services contrary to the Laws and Constitution of said State -
Whereupon all officers of the Militia of the said county are hereby strictly forbid to yield obedience to any orders other than those issued or to be issued by the persons administering the Government of this state for the time being, or by their superior officers agreeable to the Laws for regulating the Militia of the state, as they will answer the same at their peril -
The commanding officers of the several Regiments of Militia in the said County are hereby informed to cause this order to be published to the officers and privates of their Respective Regiments -
By his excellencys
Commands Geo. Clinton
Rob. Benson A.D.C
A true copy taken
from the original now in my hands -
Peter Bellinger Col -