1888-1889 Frankfort NY Directory
Part 3 Surnames M-Z
Herkimer County, NY

The Herkimer County 1888-9 Directory is a great source for filling in the missing census records of 1890. Individuals in this directory would have likely been in the federal census of 1890. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there. All original spellings and punctuations were retained from the original records and have been proofread by a third party to ensure a proper transcription. Due to the size of the files, the directory has been split into three files.

From Herkimer County 1888-9 Directory, published by Lant & Silvernail, Valatie, Columbia County, N.Y.

Robert Lorick
Contributing Editor

1888-1889 Frankfort Directory Part 3 Surnames M-Z
Last Name First Title Widow Lease Information Occupation Number Town County
Mack Everet

84 Frankfort Hill
Manning J.

10 Frankfort Hill
Manning William

31 Frankfort
Markle George

74 Center
Marsh Charles

44 Frankfort Hill
Marsh Ely T.

9 1/2 Frankfort
markle John

96 Center
Maxfield George

36 East Schuyler
Maynard John E.

98 Frankfort
McGinnis Michael

60 Frankfort Hill
McGowan A. C.

46 Frankfort
McGraw Calvin

50 Utica Oneida Co.
McGuire M.

Frankfort Hill
McIntyre Peter

78 Frankfort Hill
Merry Melvin D.

106 Frankfort Hill
Moore El. A.

21 Frankfort Hill
Moore Francis

30 Frankfort Hill
Moore H.

Frankfort Hill
Moore J.

Frankfort Hill
Moore Louisa

23 Frankfort Hill
Moore V. Mrs.

Frankfort Hill
Morehouse Henry & Co.

55 Center
Morgan Edward

56 Frankfort Hill
Morris Samuel

235 Utica Oneida Co.
Morris Seymour E.

70 Utica Oneida Co.
Murtaugh John

4 Frankfort
Meyers Charles

150 Frankfort
Newton A. N.

Frankfort Hill
Nickols Ormel

45 Center
O'Hara Michael

40 Frankfort Hill
Orendorf C. H.

71 Frankfort
Owens Hugh

130 Frankfort
Paddock Geo. C.

83 Frankfort Hill
Palmer Ephroditus

144 Frankfort
Palmer Solon M.

108 Frankfort Hill
Parkhurst Wm. H. H.

120 Frankfort Hill
Pearce C.

Frankfort Hill
Perkins Charles

10 Frankfort
Pryne Chester

9 Frankfort Hill
Pryne Pearsis

103 Frankfort Hill
Pryne H. C.

Frankfort Hill
Pryne Henry V.

21 Frankfort Hill
Reese John B.

151 Frankfort
Richards B.

Frankfort Hill
Richards Thomas

37 Ilion
Richardson Elizabeth

85 Frankfort
Richardson Irvin

9 Frankfort
Rider Holmes

100 Frankfort Hill
Rider Martin

56 North Litchfield
Ripley L. R.

50 Utica Oneida Co.
Roberts Daniel

14 Center
Roberts William

128 North Litchfield
Robinson Mary J.

77 Center
Roscoe John

142 Frankfort
Rose Melvin

97 Litchfield
Rushmore James

108 Frankfort Hill
Rushmore W.

Frankfort Hill
Russell Irving C.

97 Frankfort
Russell P.

Frankfort Hill
Russell Parden S.

125 Frankfort
Sass George & Frank

125 Frankfort
Sass John

55 Frankfort
Scovill J.

Frankfort Hill
Seaman G. I.

22 Frankfort
Shofer John

59 Center
Simpson Joshua

14 Center
Skiff P. A.

34 Frankfort
Slade Samuel

33 Cedar Lake
Smith Peter

20 Center
Smith Roderick H.

13 Frankfort Hill
Staley C.

Frankfort Hill
Staring Charles E.

15 Frankfort
Staring Isaac

70 Frankfort
Staring Nicholas J.

188 Frankfort
Steele & Dygert

40 Frankfort
Steele Elizabeth

11 Frankfort
Stevens Stewart

28 Gulph
Stewart Albert

103 Frankfort Hill
Story John E.

44 Frankfort Hill
Story Louisa

10 Frankfort Hill
Stroup J. P.

145 Frankfort
Stuper Jacob

20 Frankfort
Stuper John

9 Frankfort
Tillinghast Amos

89 Ilion
Tillinghast Jedediah

140 Frankfort
Tisdale William H.

20 Center
Thomas E.

Frankfort Hill
Thomas Mary

193 Frankfort
Thomas Owen

66 Frankfort Hill
Thomas Thomas

99 Frankfort
Thompson L. M.

83 Frankfort
Thurston Jane C.

125 Frankfort Hill
Thurston R.

Frankfort Hill
Trusdall Clark

10 Frankfort Hill
Tucker Chris John

79 Frankfort
Tucker John

44 Frankfort
Tucker John Jr.

44 Frankfort
Tucker John 2nd.

Turner E. B.

47 Utica Oneida Co.
Valier Peter

59 Frankfort Hill
Vance Benjamin

20 Center
Vance Charles

7 Utica Oneida Co.
Vance Henry

27 Center
Vance William

36 Center
Van Dyke William

112 Frankfort
Van Nort Stephen

58 Frankfort
Vincent John

10 Frankfort
Wank Miller Andrew

17 Frankfort
Wank Miller Albert

63 Center
Wank Miller Godfrey

83 Center
Wank Miller Matt

68 Center
Wank Miller Matthew

99 Center
Wank Miller Sam

29 Center
Weaver S. P.

189 Center
Wensenger Frank

3 Frankfort
Wetmore C. W.

146 Frankfort Hill
Widrig H. B.

140 Frankfort
Wilkinson Asa

260 Frankfort Hill
Wilkinson Henry

26 Frankfort Hill
Willims Gilbert Mrs.

14 Frankfort
Williams Henry

60 Frankfort Hill
Williams Hayden

26 Frankfort Hill
Williams John

187 Frankfort
Williams Owen R.

68 Frankfort Hill
Williams Richard O.

75 Ilion
Wilson Matthew

28 Frankfort Hill
Wood W. W.

18 Frankfort
Yack John

36 Frankfort Hill

All spellings are as given in the original directory and will not be changed. Thank you in advance for directing ALL requests for information about persons listed to the local historical societies and libraries, not to the site coordinators.

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Created 03/17/2004
Happy ST. Patrick's Day
Copyright © 2004 Robert Lorick
All Rights Reserved.
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