A Short and Concise History

Of Olive Branch Lodge

No 40, of Frankfort, N.Y.

When and Where Constituted

Main St. Frankfort, N.Y.

updated 1/12/06   updated with names of women who contributed recipes.

Source: Souvenir, Olive Branch Lodge, No. 40 Masonic Fair, Held at Frankfort, February 10-18, 1896. Press of J.G. Hardell, Frankfort, N.Y. 1896

"To the Masonic Fraternity this little Book is Dedicated by the Ladies of Frankfort."

Chas. Aland.....President
C.W. Nipe.....Vice President
H.S. Getman......Secretary
C.C. Harter......Treasurer
Executive Committee
Mrs. S.S. Richards
Mrs. G.N. Lehr
Miss Genevieve Wood
Mrs. H.S. Getman

Olive Branch Lodge has a history simple, impressive, consistent and one which its members may regard with pride, and that respect due all things consistent, that exist and accomplish the end of their being. From its birth to the present, a period of eighty four years, it has builded by the square and grown by the plumbline. Struggles many, triumphs more. It enters into the year strong, vigorous, active and determined to make it one of the land marks of its silent yet progressive career.

On the 16th day of July, 1812, at the home of Widow Crane in the town of Litchfield, Herkimer County, N.Y., a number of the brethren assembled, pursuant to a charter issued by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, and a warrant authorizing Brother Simeon Ford, Deputy Grand Master, to install a Lodge in the town of Litchfield, by the name of Olive Branch Lodge, at which time and place, the Lodge was opened in due form by the Grand Master and the assembled brethren; after which, forming in procession, they marched under the direction of Brother John I. Prendergrass, Grand Marshall, at the meetinghouse, as the records have it, where an appropriate address was delivered. The Deputy Grand Master, Simeon Ford then proceeded and installed the following officers:

Ralph Merry, S.W.
Stephen Dow, Jr. W.
Daniel Anglesworth, Treasurer
Jonathan Butler, Secretary
Truman Merry
Timothy Snow, Deacons
Willard Adams
Elisha D. Moses, Stewarts
Andrew Johnson, Tyler

The Lodge then closed in due form, procession reformed, marched to a summerhouse, where a banquet was held, provided by Brother Ralph Merry.

Such is the simple story of one of the oldest Lodges in the State. The regular communications of the Lodge at that time, were held but once a month, and that, on the Tuesday next preceeding the full moon, and in the afternoon, opening at 2 o'clock P.M., and closing at 7 o'clock P.M. At this time the Lodge was number 221.

In 1824 the Lodge was removed from Litchfield to Frankfort, and located on the Northeast corner of Main and Litchfield Streets. The lot was bought of the estate of Henry M. Myers. A building was erected which with few changes, remains and is the building occupied by the Lodge today. During the Anti-Mason times, growing out of the Morgan affair, many Lodges in the state went out of existence; on renumbering the Lodges of the State, Olive Branch Lodge was designated No. 40, which it still retains.

The list of Past Masters contain the names of some of the best and most worthy citizens in the local history of Frankfort. Commencing with Heman Bush, 1812, the list is:

Ralph Merry 1813-14
Stephen Dow 1815
Truman Merry 1816-17
Solomon Leonard 1818
R. Smith 1819
Jonathan Butler 1820
Prentice Yeomans, 1821-23-26-31-34-35-36-37
Samuel Dexter 1822
Wm. P. Dygert 1824
Russell Hopkins 1825
Leonard Dean 1827
Otis Dexter 1828
J.P. Roberts 1829
John Littlejohn 1830
Stephen Bosworth 1832-33
Robert M. Shearer 1838-3-40
Timothy I. Campbell 1841-42
John B. Dygert 1843
Geo. B. Judd 1844
Wm. T. Sheldon 1845-48-53-54-57-58-59
Lyman Mead 1846
Daniel Tucker 1847
Lucas Hager 1849
E.T. Cleland 1850
Wm. Dygert 1851
Chauncey Ellwood 1852
Lambert Hensler 1855
Charles Howell 1856
Judson Joslin 1860-61-62-63-64-66-67-75
A.H. Sheldon 1865
Geo. A. Kenyon 1868-69
D.W. Greene 1870
Geo. A. Smith 1871-72-73
Wm. I. Piper 1874-75-85-86
James J. Zoller 1877-78-79-80-82
Myron K. Ellsworth 1881-83-84-87
Jay A. Ford 1889
Chas. Pooler 1888-90
Chas. Aland 1891-92-93
C.B. Cleland 1894-95
The present Master being Irving G. Ingersoll.

The Lodge is making a great effort to erect upon the present site a building worthy of its history and the object of its order. Friends by the hundred, hands strong and generous are aiding. The pst of the Lodge is honorable, the present strong and vigorous, the future bright.

Aland, Chas.
Allen, W.D.
Ashley, A.L.
Bagley, W.H.
Baker, C.R.
Baker, W.F.
Ballard, L.D.
Ballda, F.E.
Ballda, H.S.
Bargy, E.M.
Barris, J.W.
Barry, J.F.
Barnes, W.L.
Beeler, J.H.
Birch, Wm.
Bliss, M.G.
Blanford, Wm.
Bouck, E.I.
Bosely, Ed.
Brewer, D.V.
Bridenbecker, A.
Budlong, A.J.
Budlong, A.L.
Carder, H.W.
Cleland, C.B.
Crosby, T.S.
Christie, C.L.
Carner, E.J.
Cresson, F.S.
Coburn, D.J.
Carner, H.E.
Dingman, A.C.
Donaghy, James
Dudleston, J. Jr.
Ellsworth, M.K.
Evenden, A.L.
Falk, John
Fish, I.W.
Folts, James
Folts, H.G.
Folts, P.A.
Frost, Fred.
Fairchild, E.B.
Frohlich, J.
Getman, S.
Getman, H.S.
Getman, C.S.
Given, A.R.
Gorham, E.
Garrison, P.E.
Galloway, J.C.
Gerrard, Ed.
Halligan, C.
Hayes, Isaac
Hempstead, D.
Horton, W.N.
Hotaling, Chas.
Huntley, Peter
Hyde, Chas.
Howard, F.H.
Haynes, Chas.
Hamer, Cyrus
Hamer, Edward
Harter, C.C.
Ingham, H.H.
Ingersoll, I.W.
Johnson, B.G.
Johnson, Jo.
Johnson, John
Joslin, A.V.
Joslin, C.H.
Jones, H.O.
Kinne, J.
Lehr, G.N.
Lewis, J.R.
Lewis, David
Lewis, W.D.
Lints, A.M.
Lloyd, D.F.
Lloyd, D.J.
Lloyd, G.H.
Link, W.T.
Lenker, E.H.
Lamberson, E.
Maynard, J.E.
Morey, A.J.
Morse, M.M.
McGowan, S.S.
Myer, C.U.
Medler, W.E.
Merrill, W.A.
Nipe, C.W.
Palmer, N.B.
Parker, T.P.
Parkhurst, F.B.
Parkhurst, F.
Piper, Sylvester
Piper, W.I.
Pooler, C.A.
Peck, J.M.
Prebble, W.H.
Potter, W.S.
Remington, H.
Rich, C.M.
Richards, S.S.
Richardson, G.
Russell, G.M.
Russell, Frank
Rose, Richard
Reid, William
Scammel, B.
Seaman, G.I.
Smith, G.A.
Smith, J.S.
Smith, Fred
Smith, E.L.
Staring, C.E.
Steadman, C.H.
Sterling, A.H.
Sawyer, J.L.
Spoor, C.E.
Small, F.D.
Sterling, B.C.
Taylor, J.A.
Taylor, G.N.
Tillinghast, S.S.
Thomas, L.
Tabor, Chip
Twiss, Geo.
Uhrlau, Wm.
Valentine, A.J.
Waterhouse, C.
Wayne, Wm.
Westervelt, W.
Wickens, Wm.
Widrick, C.M.
Willard, C.A.
Wilson, D.H.
Wood, H.M.
Woodhull, R.T.
Willis, John
Watson, G.H.
Weaver, S.P.
Waterbury, W.H.
Young, W.H.
Yak, John

On Monday night, February 10, a concert was performed by the West Shore Band.

On Tuesday evening, February 11, a drama, "The Little Country Store," was put on by the following actors and actresses:

Caleb Crumb, Proprietor - C.B. Cleland
Peter James Slower, clerk - Martin G. Weaver
Tom Barton, drunkard - H.S. Getman
Katie Barton, his daughter - Anna Deaner
Amelia Jane Slycker, an old maid - Mabel Carr Dibble
Sammy Slycker, her nephew - E.J. Carner
Rose Dewey, Sammy's sweetheart - Mrs. H.S. Getman
Jo Ward, Rose's friend from Detroit - Mrs. Wm. C. Stone
Tim O'Lairy, Irishman hanger-on - F.J. Shelhorn
Levi Tiredout, lame in the joints - Wm. McMillan
Stephen Freeland, Bachelor and farmer - W.C. Stone
Mrs. Gilholy - Miss Dibble
Johnnie Impson, stuttering boy - Clarence Rushmore
Bill Barnhard, stage driver - Charles Haynes
Strolling Musician, organ grinder - S.S. McGowan

On Wednesday evening, February 12, Lodge members enjoyed the following entertainments:

Selections by Male Quartet of Ilion
Solo by Miss Maud Lewis
Uncle Jonathan's Album
Recitation by Miss Grace Watkins

The Eastern Star Ladies of Ilion provided an evening of entertainment on Thursday, February 13.

Friday's entertainment finale, Valentine's Day February 14, included a performance by Nestor's Orchestra, as well as vocal selections by the Male Quartet of Frankfort: Charles Haynes, first tenor; Martin G. Weaver, second tenor; E.J. Carner, first bass; and D.E. Thomas, second bass.

Union Block, Frankfort, N.Y.
Union Building and Citizens' National Bank, Frankfort, N.Y.

MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES - Contributors, in alphabetical order

Mrs. C. Aland
Mrs. A. L. Ashley
Mrs. E. Bargy
Mrs. Wilson Barnes
Mrs. C. Bettner
Mrs. M. G. Bliss
Mrs. D. V. Brewer
Mrs. Sherwood Bridenbecker
Mrs. Leroy Budlong
Mrs. J. D. Carney, Hotel Arlington
Mrs. C. L. Christie
Mrs. Samuel Clayton
Mrs. G. H. Davis
Mrs. J. Dieffenbacker
Mrs. A. C. Dingman
Mrs. M. K. Ellsworth
Mrs. H. Finn
Mrs. Frohlich
Mrs. H. S. Getman
Mrs. A. J. H. (probably Mrs. A. J. Holdredge)
Mrs. J. G. H.
Mrs. G. I. Harris
Mrs. S. W. Holdredge
Mrs. A. V. J. (probably Mrs. A. V. Joslin)
Lovi Johnson
Mrs. G. M. Jones
S. M. L.
Mrs. G. N. Lehr
Anna Limpert
Mrs. J. Limpert
Mrs. J. E. Maynard
Mrs. C. W. Nipe
Mrs. F. B. Parkhurst
Mrs. C. A. Pooler
Mrs. W. R. Poppleton
Mrs. Charles M. Rich
Mrs. S. S. Richards
Mrs. G. R. Russell
Mrs. G. A. Smith
Mrs. C. E. Staring
Annie Stearns
J. E. T.
Mrs. Frank Tine
Mrs. A. I. W.
Mrs. Wm. Wayne
Mrs. H. L. Williams
Mrs. E. J. Wood
Genevieve Wood
Mrs. R. C. Yordan


A.J. Hoard, The Popular Market (meats and groceries) - Litchfield Street, Just North of Main St., Frankfort, N.Y.

Myron C. Prince, Watches and Diamonds - Herkimer, N.Y.

Ingham (insurance) - Joslyn Block, Frankfort, N.Y.

Nipe Bros., Family Groceries and Provisions - 32 and 34 Main Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

J.A. Schrott, Practical Jeweler - Herkimer, N.Y.

Central Hotel, H.M. Wood Proprietor, Choice Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars - Frankfort, N.Y.

John Loftis, Choice Groceries and Provisions - Frankfort, N.Y.

E.B. Fairchild, Ladies and Gents' Fine Boots - Main Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

Wm. B. Howell, Leading Furniture Dealer in Central New York

Hotel Osgood, J.M. Spencer, Prop., Ladies' and Gents' Cafe Attached - Ilion, N.Y.

F.A. Russell, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry - Frankfort, N.Y.

Wm. Murtaugh, Coal and Wood - Main Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

J. Dieffenbacher, Groceries and Provisions, Wood, Hay, and Straw - Lock 45 Erie Canal, Frankfort, N.Y.

A.F. Levis, agent Terriff's Perfect Washer, Crockery, School Supplies, Holiday Goods, etc. - Grimes and Pelton Block, First Street, Ilion, N.Y.

Peter Moran, Liquor Store - Main Street, Frankfort

J. Lafayette Sterling, Interior Decorator - Otsego Street, Ilion, N.Y.

Fleischman's Vegetable Compressed Yeast

Mansion House, R.M. Richardson, Prop., First-class in Hotel and Barn accommodations, headquarters for Jurymen and Court Witnesses - Herkimer, N.Y.

Dr. Fenimore Parkhurst, Dentist - Office Graves Building, Frankfort, N.Y.

H.G. Munger, Carpets - Herkimer, N.Y.

Cottage Hotel, good barn and stables attached - Litchfield Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

T.P. Farrell, Groceries, Dry Good, Canal Supplies, etc. - Litchfield Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

Dr. G.N. Lehr, physician and surgeon - Office No. 1 Joslin Block, Residence No. 5 Canal St., Frankfort, N.Y.

S. Clayton, Garland Stoves, Monroe Ranges, hardware - Frankfort, N.Y.

J.G. Hardell, Register Printers and bicycle salesman - Register Office, Frankfort, N.Y.

Palmer House, Geo. A. May, Manager - Herkimer, N.Y.

Ilion Cash Dry Goods Store, W.D. Blasier, Manager - Ilion, N.Y.

C.V. Luce, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Store - 9 Union Street, Ilion, N.Y.

W. Wickens, Manuf. and repairs of Wagons, Carriages and Sleighs, Livery and Carriages for funerals - Frankfort, N.Y.

E. La Grange Smith, Attorney - Room 4, Joslin Block, Frankfort, N.Y.

Wm. E. Hayes, M.D., physician and surgeon, "special attention paid to the plaster and wood corset in the treatment of spinal disease" - 23 East Main Street

O.B. Rudd, Masonic and Eastern Star jewels, spectacles and eyeglasses by Mr. Rix, watch work by Jas. Southgate - Ilion, N.Y.

R. Hotaling, groceries and provisions, ales, coffees, etc. - Ilion, N.Y.

A.N. Russell & Sons, lumber, lath, shingles, posts, vitrified drain pipes - yards at Ilion and Frankfort

C.B. Burch & Son, Dry Good, Wall Papers, Gents' Furnishing Goods - 19 & 21 First Street, Ilion, N.Y.

Geo. H.P. Stone, Jeweler & Optician, Rich Cut Glass, Silverware - Harter Block, First Street, Ilion, N.Y.

M. Mahoney's Restaurant - opp. West Shore Depot, Frankfort, N.Y.

Enterprise Laundry, E.E. Stone, Prop., "new neck bands put on old shirts when desired"

Opera House Clothing Store, J.F. Colder, M.M. Kane, Manager - Ilion, N.Y.

Arlington Hotel, also barber shop, J.D. Carney, Prop. - East Main Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

Dr. James H. Kittams, Dentist - Corner First and Morgan Streets, Ilion, N.Y.

C. Smith Ingham, Fine Groceries - 22 Otsego St., Ilion, N.Y.

John F. Tucker, Fresh and Salt Beef, Pork, Sausages, etc. - Frankfort, N.Y.

W.H. Van Deusen, West Shore Coal and Wood Yard, "leave orders at Kellogg & Carrier's Store - Frankfort, N.Y.

The Old Place, Restaurant and Pool Room, L. Thomas, Prop. - No. 46 Litchfield Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

Empire House, W.W. Perkins, Prop. - Frankfort Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

S. Birch & Son, Flour and Feed, Litchfield Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

Cleveland's Baking Powder

Carl B. Sackett, Custom Tailoring - Union Street, Ilion, N.Y.

B.A. Rusell & Co., Pharmacists, B.A. Russell and J.M. Dygert - Next to Post Office, Ilion, N.Y.

Citizen Pub., Co., Ilion and Herkimer Citizen - Ilion, N.Y. or Herkimer, N.Y.

Dr. S.S. Richards, Physician and Surgeon - 104 Main Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

Waverly House, J.W. Baker, Owner and Prop. - Herkimer, N.Y.

Arvilla Staring and Anna Thomas, Dressmakers - Rooms over Bennison's store, east of Central Hotel, Main Street, Frankfort

E.S. Lamberson, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers - Lints Building, Main Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

Waterbury's Market (meats and groceries)

W. Graves & Co., Whitney Graves, Chas. Graves, Henry Graves, Props.; "Oldest Business House in Frankfort", "One price to all and every one treated the same." Dry Goods, Groceries, etc. - Opposite the Masonic Corner

A.S. Seaman, Boots and Shoes - 32 Litchfield St., Frankfort, N.Y.

The Bon-Ton, musical instruments, fine millinery, picture frames, art goods, Prof. Hawd tunes pianos - 20 First Street, Ilion, N.Y.

Jos. J. Dudleston, Jr., attorney - Graves Block, Frankfort

Grimes & Pelton, hardware, stoves, ranges - First Street, Ilion, N.Y.

H. Bargy, Frankfort and Utica Express, "Carting at all times." leave orders at Tines Bros.

Fred J. Carney, Confectionary. Cigars, tobacco, N.Y. and Utica papers, agent for the Regina Music Box

W.W. Budlong, physician and surgeon - West Main Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

Hollister's, L.E. Hollister, Prop., bakery - Opera House Block, Ilion

A.D. Hughes, Surveyor, Frankfort, N.Y.

R.C. Lewis' New Photograph House - Litchfield St., Frankfort, N.Y.

H.L. Williams, boots, shoes, rubbers - East Man Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

Judson Bridenbecker, est. 1843, agent for New York Life insurance - Frankfort, N.Y.

Sherwood Bridenbecker - milk, butter, cream

W.W. Crosby, groceries & provisions, paints, cement, seeds, salt, oils - Cor. Main and Litchfield Sts., Frankfort

Tony Ruffol, shoes, boots, repairs on same - Opera House Block, Frankfort St. Frankfort, N.Y.

John T. Kerivan, County Treasurer - office at First National Bank, Frankfort, N.Y.

William Graham, ales, wines, liquors, tobacco - East Main St., Frankfort, N.Y.

Jacques Meng, Justice of the Peace, agent for all steamship lines - Joslin Block, Frankfort, N.Y.

W.H. Johnson Cafe - Orchard Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

H.S. Getman, agent for Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York

Francis Trevor, Baker and Confectioner, wedding cakes, parties and suppers - Litchfield St., Frankfort, N.Y.

Ballda Bros., Salt Beef, Pork, Lamb, etc. - Main Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

Hotel Imperial, W. Muckey, Prop. hotel, pool and billiard parlors, hall, private parties

S.W. and A.J. Holdredge, Funeral Directors - 49 Litchfield St., Frankfort, N.Y.

Schuyler the Barber - No. 7 and 9 Litchfield St., 4 doors north of the Masonic Block

Tine Bros., custom and ready made clothing, "Sole Agents for the Famous Dutchess Pants."

Grand Union Hotel, W.J. Dady, Prop. - Main Street, Frankfort, N.Y.

The site coordinators have no knowledge of persons and businesses named in the rare booklet this was transcribed from. For further information, please visit or order a search from the Herkimer County Historical Society.

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Created: 8/23/00
Updated: 1/12/06
Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Martha Magill
Postcards from collection of Martha Magill
All Rights Reserved.