Mohawk, N.Y.

The following list of WWII Veterans was printed in "The Ilion Sentinel" on Thursday, May 24, 1945. We reproduce that list, and request anyone who may have additions or corrections to contact us. The list was copied in May 2001 by Martha S. Magill, generously contributed by Carolyn Deming Bayer of Ilion, N.Y.


Acker, Frank Roy
Adamko, Albert E.
Adamko, Michael
Ackerman, Charles B.
Ackler, James Henry
Ahern, Edward J.
Anderson, Clarence E.
Andrecheck, James Sam
Andrecheck, Joseph P.
Andrecheck, Thomas
Ahern, Walter J.
Andrecheck, Robert
Ahern, John T.


Bacon, Robert L.
Bachorik, John M.
Bachorik, Paul Jr.
Bachorik, Stephen X.
Baldwin, James C.
Baldwin, Raymond A.
Baldwin, Robert A.
Barbiero, Nicholas
Barnum, James E.S.
Barnum, Leon H.
Bass, Elmer E.
Baum, Arthur G.
Bean, Edwin LeRoy
Beha, James A.
Bennett, Harold L.
Bergin, John W.
Bergin, Shirley Agnes
Bialock, Matthew
Boyd, William R.
Bouchard, William G.
Bowie, Lester J.
Bowie, Gordon W.
Boulia, Raymond
Brest, Eugene A. Jr.
Brewer, Earl E.
Brewer, Robert L.
Brittain, Risdon S.
Brooks, Alfred L.
Brown, Carroll S.
Brown, Lester A.
Brown, William E.
Bruska, Walter G.
Brownrigg, Lyle E.
Burdick, Eldon E.
Burdick, Robert E.
Burke, LeRoy
Burke, Myron E.
Burney, Claude A.
Burney, Robert O.
Burrill, Walter S.
Burroughs, Hildreth W.
Burroughs, Richard J.
Burton, Lauren A.
Burton, Vernon J.
Busher, Henry C.
Busher, William F.
Butler, Leon T.

Byrda, Steve


Caputo, Frank D.
Carona, Frank R.
Carona, Ralph J.
Casadonte, Pasquale, J.
Case, David T.
Casey, Donald W.
Casey, Robert E.
Cirillo, Dominic William
Cirillo, Joseph Anthony
Cirillo, Michael J.
Clair, Curtis C.
Clark, Lawrence B.
Clayton, Robert E.
Cockett, Samuel T.
Coffin, Edward L.
Colella, Thomas C.
Comstock, Charles B.
Comstock, Merton J.
Conway, Edward G.
Cook, John J.
Cook, Robert F.
Cook, William S.
Covert, Maynard B.
Corey, Whitney T.
Corman, Leonard
Crim, Edward A.
Crim, William A.
Cross, Donald F.
Cross, George H.
Crowe, John V.
Cunningham, Eugene David
Cunningham, Francis W.
Czerniawski, John A.
Czerniawski, Joseph J.


Daly, John F.
Davis, Harold R.
Davis, Irving C.
Davis, George W.
Davis, Joseph W.
Davis, Voris J.
Day, Donald E.
Day, Irving William
Day, Lee Arthur
Day, Rex E.
Decker, Leo Arthur
Decker, Ward Jr.
DeLong, Ward Dayton
Denis, Joseph D.
Dennison, Arthur R.
Dennison, Robert A. Jr.
Dennison, Robert A. Sr.
DeRocco, Alfonse F.
Devenpeck, Ernest Frank
Dievendorf, Richard V.
Dodge, Robert M.
Doling, James R.
Dorn, James A.
Drury, Emmons T.
Drennan, James Francis
Drury, Philip B. Jr.
Dunning, Helen G.
Dunning, James R.
DuPont, Richard H.
Dutcher, Frederick W.
Dutcher, Richard L.
Dutcher, Thomas P.
Dutcher, Francis Roland
Dygert, George H.
Dygert, Robert W.
Dygert, William C.


Eberlien, Frederick J.
Edgett, Francis I.
Edward, Henry Morgan
Ellis, Robert C.
Evans, Louis M.
Eveans, William M.
Eygabroat, Howard C.
Eysaman, Gerald K.


Failing, Arthur H.
Faxon, Francis G.
Faxon, Henry S.
Fenton, Ward W.
Fenton, Lynn E.
Ferguson, Daniel V.
Fistick, Stanley
Fralick, Raymond C.
Fullington, Harry O.


Galusha, George V.
Gareau, Francis Joseph
Garlock, George T.
Gilman, Hubert Edward
Gilman, William C.
Gleed, Bette M.
Glagowski, Frank T.
Glogowski, Peter E.
Glogowski, Steve
Gokey, Robert L.
Gilman, Ervie Lion
Gonyea, George Louis
Good, Eleanor C.
Goodell, Andrew W.
Goodman, Harry J.
Goodrich, Ralph J.
Goodwin, Roscoe H.
Greer, George W. Jr.
Gressel, Doris F.
Guile, Wayne H.
Guzir, Frank J.


Hadcock, Donald S.
Hadcock, Frank Duane
Hall, Alfred Warren
Hall, Francis David
Hall, Frederick G.
Hamilton, Edward F.
Hammond, Jim Ray
Hand, Jasper N.
Hand, Leon Henry
Hand, Norman Myron
Hansel, Carl
Haramis, Chris L.
Haramis, George L.
Harlow, Fred J.
Harris, Leo D.
Hart, William C.
Harter, Norman J.
Harper, Stanley C.
Harter, Taylor A.
Harwood, Henry F.
Hausner, Arthur E.
Hathaway, Gordon William
Hawkins, George C.
Heath, N. Robert
Helmer, Gordon A.
Helmer, Leon C.
Heneka, Gerald B.
Heneka, Stanley Anthony
Hennessy, Ann T.
Hensel, James S.
Hewitt, Henry B.
Hext, Gerald P.
Hicks, Edgar A.
Hilts, Earl T.
Hilts, Paul S.
Hinman, James Walker
Hoffman, Charles M.
Hoke, Leslie C.
Holcomb, Charles N.
Hollum, Norman James
Hopper, Edmund I.
Hopper, Frederick W.
Hosel, Arthur J.
Hooper, George E.
Hopper, Sherrill P.
Hopper, Walter R.
Hopper, Herbert William
Horton, John R.
Hubbard, Kenneth F.
Hughes, Edward E.
Hughes, Robert T.

Hunt, Burl Ross


Innes, Gordon Bruce
Innes, Ross


James, Robert F.
Jaquish, John W.
Johnson, Emerson D.
Johnson, Floyd
Johnson, Maynard E.
Johnson, Nelson L.
Johnston, John P.
Judd, Clifford L.
Jurewicz, Irene J.


Kanaley, Gerald F.
Kanaley, Gertrude I.
Kaples, Garry L.
Karnsek, Joseph
Kennedy, Francis J.
Kiddney, Donald P.
Kodz, Joseph
Kovac, John Jr.
Koziol, John Joseph
Kozoil, Peter
Kulchyski, Lawrence


Lacelle, Lawrence H.
LaCelle, Merrill D.
Lahey, George K.
Lahey, Herbert B.
Lahey, Samuel P.
Lane, Kenneth
Lankton, George A.
Lasky, Bennie
Latreille, Francis J.
Lawrence, Francis J.
Lawton, Irving F.
Leaf, William
Lee, Elizabeth Jane
Lee, William Floyd
LeFever, Myron A.
LeFever, Russell H.
Leonard, Howard L.
Lesko, Andrew
Lincoln, Kenneth R.
Long, Robert V.
Loomis, Merlin E.
Loopman, Robert H.
Luppino, Felice A.
Luppino, John J.
Lynch, Gerald David
Lynch, James L.
Lynch, Robert T.


MacDonald, Dr. William J.
McGraw, Arthur J.
McLaughlin, John L.
McMahon, Harry J.
McNally, James
McNally, Margaret C.
McRorie, Charles L.
Madison, Charles E.
March, Ellis L.
Marineau, Claude E.
Markwordt, Edward B.
March, Owen J.
Martin, Robert W.
Martin, James S.
Marotto, Joseph A.
Marquissee, William J.
Marshall, Robert C.
Martin, William L.
Mehring, Richard D.
Merganthaler, Lyle E.
Merganthaler, Marian E.
Murray, Rita E.
Metott, Timothy Lorenzo
Mickle, Vernon Floyd
Miers, Lawrence E.
Miers, Robert J.
Miller, Arnold S.
Miller, Charles J.
Miller, Clarence D.
Miller, Frederick W. Jr.
Miller, Harold L.
Miller, Malcolm A.
Mills, Earl A.
Mills, Richard Douglas
Misencik, George P.
Monroe, Douglas S.
Moore, Phillip J.
Moore, Thomas F.
Morey, Horace F.
Morgan, George D.
Mosher, Donald
Mosher, Glen
Mosher, Charles H.
Mosher, Charles L.
Moyer, Roy R.
Moynihan, Morris M.
Moynihan, William W.
Murphy, Douglas R.
Murphy, Francis J.
Murphy, B. Lester
Murphy, H. Leland
Murphy, John P.
Mumford, Harold E.
Murphy, Robert J.
Murphy, Michael Leo
Mumford, Orville C.
Myers, Harold R.
Myers, John Daniel
Myers, Robert L.


Nabinger, Leon W.
Neff, John C. Jr.
Neuendorf, Martha A.
Nichols, Lester Earl
Nichols, Walter
Nicholette, Enos


O'Connor, Edward F.
O'Connor, Francis J.
O'Connor, Walter P.
Orendorf, Alfred E.
Orendorf, Edward D.


Paddock, William J.
Palmer, John K.
Palmer, Robert W.
Panko, Molly
Paulson, Donald H.
Patrick, Ralph L. Jr.
Pavius, Samuel J.
Pedersen, Robert M.
Pelepeshin, Michael
Perry, Donald W.
Penner, Albert G.
Perry, Robert Glen
Petrie, Walter T.
Petrie, Donald R.
Peplinski, Glen M.
Petrie, Gordon R.
Phillips, Chas. Vincent
Phillips, Earl W.
Phillips, Harold L.
Phillips, John W.
Piper, Richard E.
Piper, Robert J.
Pollock, James S.
Potzner, William L.
Pratt, Arthur E.
Price, George M.
Price, Virgil B.
Pye, John B.
Pye, Stanley L.


Quackenbush, John P.
Quayle, George A.
Quimby, Herbert Luther
Quinlow, Carl S.


Radek, Stanley J.
Randall, Woodrow G.
Rankins, James F.
Rathbun, Frederick Chas.
Rathbun, John S.
Raymond, Leon H.
Reinhardt, Walter A.
Richardson, Burton E. Jr.
Richie, Albert W.
Riggs, Arnold F.
Robb, Donald J.
Robertson, Donald Craig
Robertson, Harold S.
Robertson, Sidney J.
Robinson, John G.
Robotham, Rinald J.
Rowland, Kenneth H.
Ruehl, Harold J.
Russell, William J.
Ryan, Bernard E.
Ryan, Edmund E.


St. Louis, T. Robert
Sadlow, Samuel
Sarafin, Charles L.
Schoonmaker, Clarence L.
Schmidt, Elwood R.
Schultz, Albert Emil G.
Shaut, Lester Junior
Shaver, John L.
Shaver, Theodore R.
Shedd, Anne M.
Sheppard, Jack V.
Shedd, Leon P.
Shields, Francis M.
Shields, John T.
Shoemaker, Charles D.
Shoemaker, Ellis T.
Shoemaker, Donald R.
Shoemaker, Grover F.
Shoemaker, Robert M.
Shumway, DeWitt Wood
Simms, Grover E.
Sitts, Ernest H.
Skandera, John
Skinner, Kenneth W.
Skandera, Martin
Skinion, Thomas H.
Slabe, John L.
Slack, Leighton A.
Smith, Allan LeRoy
Smith, Charles E.
Smith, Donald E.
Smith, Jean B.
Smith, Donald Irving
Smith, Erwin J.
Smith, Gareth E.
Smith, Leslie E.
Smith, Robert Edward
Smith, Wallace L.
Smith, Walter A.
Smith, William E.
Snyder, George L.
Somers, Edward B.
Sperbeck, Donald Thayer
Spencer, Donald Franklin
Spicer, Albert E.
Sponburgh, Charles A.
Sponburgh, Garland
Sponburgh, William
Spellicy, Thomas A.
Springsteen, Chas. E. Jr.
Stafford, Gordon E.
Stallone, Michael J.
Stallone, Orie
Stark, John Peter
Staruck, Steven
Staruck, Paul
Stasco, John Joseph
Steele, Charles S.
Stilwell, Donald F.
Stilwell, Jarvis S.
Stitt, John E.
Stoiber, Joseph H.
Stone, David DeWitt
Stone, Gerald S.
Stone, Horace M.
Stone, Max M.
Streeter, George E.
Streitz, Paul Phillip
Swatling, Roy K.


Terpening, John R.
Thomas, Alice Elizabeth
Thomes, Charles E.
Thomes, Delbert C.
Thomes, Edna M.
Thomes, George Jennings
Thomes, Helen M.
Thomes, Henry J.
Tompkins, Harold D.
Townsend, John
Townsend, Paul A.
Townsend, J. Gordon
Trimboli, Nicholas Joseph
Tripp, Edward F.
Tucker, Roger V.
Turley, Joseph F.
Turner, Howard E.
Tuttle Evelyn L.
Tuttle, Franklin H.
Tuttle, Maxwell K.
Tynda, George
Tynda, Nicholas J.


Ucasz, Felix


Vancour, Marshall B.
Varm, Adolph C.
Van Alstyne, Oakley D.
Van Pelt, Percy J.
Vogel, Charles W.
Volo, Joseph P.
Volo, Natalie J.
Volo, Michael A.


Wainwright, Elwood J.
Wainwright, Robert M.
Walrath, Raymond F.
Walrath, Bernard G.
Walrath, James W.
Ward, Harold J.
Warner, Edward J.
Warren, Edgar W.
Washburn, Edgar L.
Washburn, Orville F.
Waterbury, Leon Gordon
Watkins, Paul E.
Watkins, Raymond A.
Weaver, John
Welles, William G.
Wells, Leland G.
Werner, D. Ernest
White, Charles James
White, Robert Edward
White, Gordon R.
Whitfield, Walter F.
Whitford, Robert B.
Wiernicki, Henry
Wiernicki, Stanley J.
Wiernicki, Vincent R.
Wiernicki, William
Wilbur, Olin R.
Williams, Clarence R.
Williams, Frank David
Williams, Robert H.
Williams, William H.
Wilson, William H.
Witkowski, Charles
Witkowski, Edward J.
Witkowski, William
Wood, William K.
Woodward, George H.
Woroby, Peter


Yager, William R.
Yates, Donald Willialm
Yates, P. Edwards
Yozzo, Orlando J.


Zimmerman, Roff L.

James E.S. BarnumJuly 16, 1944Normandy
Eugene Brest, Jr.April 17, 1945Germany
Gordon W. Bowie
Robert M. DodgeFebruary 21, 1944Germany
Stanley Harper

Charles N. HolcombAugust 25, 1944France
Arthur J. Hosel
George E. Hooper

Ellis T. Shoemaker

Thomas A. Spellicy
Paul A. TownsendMay 3, 1944Aberdeen, Md.
J. Gordon TownsendFebruary 1_(?)Luzon, P.I.
Raymond F. Walatle (sp?)
Zelli Zelli

Another newspaper list titled "Ilion, Frankfort, Mohawk War Dead", date unknown gives the following list of servicemen:

James E. S. Barnum
John M. Bachorek
Eugene Brest, Jr.
Lester J. Bowie
Robert M. Dodge
Stanley Harper
Charles N. Holcomb
Arthur J. Hosel
George E. Hooper
Owen J. March
John A. Moran
Donald R. Petrie
Ellis T. Shoemaker
Thomas A. Spellicy
Paul A. Townsend
J. Gordon Townsend
Raymond F. Walrath
Felix Ucasz

All spellings are as in the original newspaper, and so spellings won't be changed on this historical record. For further information about men listed, please contact the appropriate historical societies and libraries.

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Created: 5/23/01
Copyright © 1945 The Ilion Sentinel
Copyright © 2001 Martha S. Magill
All Rights Reserved.