MONEY WENT FAR IN 1882Herkimer County, New YorkBelow are excerpts from the "Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Herkimer, for the year 1882." These are "poor account" charges submitted by the respective businesses. Clients' names listed are not mentioned by this editor. These prices for goods and services are just for your comparison with today's prices. W. W. CROSBY (charges by poor customers) 49 lbs. flour $2.00 One broom $ .25 Ten lbs. meal .20 One lb. coffee .30 Six lbs. pork .75 One lb Currants .10 Half gal. molasses .35 Two lbs. rice .20 Half lb. tea .25 One lb. raisins .15 Four lbs. sugar .36 Two lbs. butter .60 Two bars soap .10 half lb. mustard .20 One gal. oil .12 One bushel potatoes 1.00 HUYCK & DEIMEL (deliveries 1881) 1,000 lbs. coal $ 2.25 (many clients listed same amount) PROWSE & BRONSON accounts for poor Half bush. potatoes $ .50 Lard .15 Half lb. tea .25 Three lbs. sugar .30 Two lbs. butter .60 Twelve lbs Pork 1.50 Matches .02 One lb. crackers .10 Quarter lb. baking powder .10 Quarter lb. ginger .10 Quarter lb. cinnamon .15 One gal. oil .14 WILLIAM FOSTER "To five weeks' care and support of a County pauper, from Jan. 31st to March 15th, 1882" five weeks, at $5 per week: Claimed...........$25.00 Allowed $1.25 per week .........................$6.25 VOLINA H. BENJAMIN Boarding a county pauper - ten weeks and 3 days ..........$10.45 L.L. MERRY & SON Twenty-seven weeks board of child by Mrs. Clegg, at $1.25 per week............$33.75 DIEMEL & SNELL - invoices/charges by poor accounts One pair of shoes $ 1.00 One pair of boots 2.75 One pair of pants 2.50 One vest 1.50 One hat 1.09 MISCELLANEOUS OTHER ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DURING YEAR 1882 A.J. STERLING One day's services searching for body of John Clark, drowned ...$1.50 C.SCHOENTHALL One day searching for body of John Clark, drowned ..............$1.50 J.B. FAIRCHILD Notifying coroner of finding of body of Henry Fredericks .......$1.12 Services of self ...............................................$3.00 Claimed.......................................$ 4.12 Allowed .....................................$ 3.12 J.W.FISH, JOHN J. ATKINS, JOHN MORRIS, Services as jurors on the drowning case of J. D. Davis... $1.00 each JOHN CRESS Digging grave for A.E. Smith ......... $3.00 |
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