34th NY Volunteer Infantry
Contributed by BetteJo Hall-Caldwell
Charles M. Rich
Herkimer Citizen, Tuesday, September 5,1905
He came Here in 1883 and has Been a Loyal Resident in this Village Ever Since - Very Popular - Has held Many Offices of Honor.

This week through the kindness of a disobedient son we are able to print a picture of a
man who is so well known to most of the people in Frankfort that this little so-called "write up" is entirely
unnecessary. But we like him and by the long list of his friends we judge that there are many others
who will not be displeased to see his picture in print.
Charles M. Rich, who falls into our than he that has fallen into our clutches this week,
was born at Marion, New York, in the year 1858. [Note: this sentence was garbled by the typesetter.] Just think
of it, C.M. Rich born at Marion. Did you ever think that perhaps that was where his youngest son received his
name? Well to continue - after being born he passed his early years very much in the same way that most of
us spend our first days in this world. In 1879 he was proclaimed a graduate of the Rochester Business College;
on leaving college he went to South Manchester, Conn., where he learned the trade which he has followed ever
since. He worked here for some time with Morril Bros. & Co., which firm is now doing business in Boston.
From here he went to Fort Plain and worked in a jewelry establishment in that village. And from there he came
to Frankfort in 1883 and since that time has made this village his home. He was the first new business man to
locate here after the West Shore shops became a certainty. His first acquaintance in Frankfort was throe' a
friendship with the late Hon. Francis Kernan, who gave him a letter of introduction to Frederick Gates, at
that time president of the village, and the head of the Gates Match Factory.
Mr. Rich first located in what is now the Fullem block with John Limpert who at that time
conducted a clothing and boot and shoe store. When the Joslin block was completed he moved in that and is in the same store now.
In January, 1885, he was married to Miss Blanche J. Webster. They have two children, both of
them boys. Webster who is 18 years old and Marion aged 12.
Politically Mr. Rich is a democrat. For many years he was a member of the Democratic County
Committee and during this time was elected their treasurer. He is now one of the city fathers. He is also a
member of the following organizations: sons of American Revolution; Olive Branch Lodge, F. & A.M., No. 40,
Iroquois Chapter, R.A.M., No. 236, Utica Commandery, K.T., No.3, East Schuyler Gange P. of H. No. 576, Oneida
County Sportsmen's Association, Exempt Firemen.
Now we have told all we could find out about this ever pleasant gentleman. Our acquaintance
with him has been very short but friendly and we are glad to say good things of him. We might add that we had
a cut of David B. Hill which we were going to run to save ourselves the expense of having a new cut made
but David was not quite handsome enough and fearing we would be caught we decided not to do so. Mr. Rich,
our kindest regards to you and yours.