Farmer Settlement, in 3 Parts
Town of Herkimer
Herkimer County, NY

Contributed by BetteJo Caldwell

Alexis L. Johnson, a venerable resident of East Schuyler, Town of Herkimer, contributed historical articles to the newspaper "Ilion Citizen," many of them written when he was in his late 80s and early 90s. His keen remembrances from childhood and young adulthood, and intimate first-hand acquaintance with people mentioned or their close family, provide anecdotal information about early 19th century residents not found in conventional history books. Local residents mentioned in his articles have turned out to be ancestors of many of our regular site visitors. Readers of other of Mr. Johnson's articles posted on this site are well aware of his occasional idiosyncratic sentence structure, punctuation and spelling. Thank you again to BetteJo Caldwell for this latest generous donation from her clippings collection.

Farmer Settlement

Part I

Alexis L. Johnson of East Schuyler contributes to the Ilion Citizen,

Friday, November 1,1901

This Settlement is in the Town of Herkimer and here Mr. Johnson's father lived and the boyhood days of the writer were spent at the settlement. The Writer by association and research is intimately acquainted with the early settlers and these contributions to local history promise to be of particular interest to very many of our readers.

Some history and mention of families who were among the first settlers of the "Farmer Settlement" and the vicinity. This history will not be confined to school district, but will begin the farm at present owned and occupied by David Witherstine. The first known owner of this farm was - Folts, a brother of Conrad, Melchert and Peter Folts. Mr. Folts was killed by a falling tree, while clearing off the farm. His brother Conrad, and half brother Frederick Stevens succeeded in ownership of the farm, during their ownership, the house was occupied by different tenants, and the farm was worked by the owners. Among the tenants known to have lived there were Cephas Bailey in 1826 and Alanson Woodworth in 1828. In 1826 Conrad Folts sold his interest in the farm to Frederick Stevens. A few acres of the lower part of the farm were sold to Cephas Johnson, on which he built a house and sawmill, taking the water from the West Canada Creek, which bounded the farm on the south-east side. This house and mill were later owned, together with about twenty acres that he bought on the adjoining part of the farm, by Duane S. Johnson and by him sold to George Stearns who now lives there. The sawmill, like many other sawmills, has gone to decay. About 1810 Cephas Johnson bought the balance of the farm. He sold a few acres to Henry Ellison and Emily Walrath. Mr. Johnson built a new house, also a new barn after the old one had been burned. He died there in 1871, and his widow in 1875. The next farm, going north, was owned, and perhaps cleared off by - Bell, father of Fritz Bell, and Mrs. Lawrence Frank. Little is known of the Bell family by the writer. Later the farm was owned by the widow and children of Lawrence Frank, they selling it to Richard Perry, and he to Simeon Osborn. Osborn sold the place to his son-in-law, Franklin Hawkins. Hawkins built a new house, and made other improvements, but finally, in a fit of despondency, committed suicide. The farm was then sold to Michael Callahan, whose survivors now occupy it.

Alanson Woodworth at one time owned a few acres of the farm on which he built a small house. After living there a few years he sold back the lot and moved away. No house is there now. In early times the highway, after passing the Callahan place, continued directly on through the field near where stands the house now owned by - Dineen, and thence turning to the right, passed across the hollow and the present highway between the school house and the Myers place, through the field and entering the highway leading from the school housed northerly across and down the hill to the creek road. After some years this road across the fields was discontinued and a shorter route was taken turning to the right at Callahan's place, crossing the hollow lower down and entering the other road nearer the Farrington place. On this old road Lawrence Frank lived and died there suddenly. This farm was at one time owned by Simeon Osborn and occupied by his son Francis. On the new crossroads Dyer Graves, who had formerly kept a tavern in Fairfield on the road from Eatonville to Middleville, bought a small farm and built a house in which he lived several years. He sold the place to Alvin Pierce, of whose forefathers some account will be given. Francis Pierce, the ancestor of this family, was born in England in 1704. He and his brothers, Calvin and Luther immigrated to the New England Colonies. His son, Sergeant Francis, was born in 1734 and was a school teacher; was with Gen. Wolfe at the taking of Quebec, and a soldier of the revolution. His first wife was Mary Smith. I have no dates of marriage or death. His second wife was Phoebe Kingsley, the widow of Nathan Ainsworth, Sr. She was the mother of nine children by Ainsworth and five after she married Pierce. She was born in Suffolk, Conn., lived many years with her son, Nathan Ainsworth, and was buried in the old cemetery at Countryman's. Her son Alvin was born in Suffolk, Conn., August 16, 1782. He was a captain in the militia, and was a cloth dresser by trade, learning his trade of Mr. Burt, whose daughter, Thankful Langdon, he married in Wibraham, Mass., in 1813. Their son Alvin was born there in 1815, and they moved soon after and settled in the "Old City," near Newport in this county, where he worked at his trade. He introduced the first spinning jenny into this state. In 1823 he moved to the Farmer Settlement, working at both farming and cloth-dressing. Later he bought the Graves place. His sons Torrey Langdon and Francis Kingsley, were born there in 1829 and 1832. After a few years he sold his place to Simeon Osborn and went to the "Old City," working at his trade, but his health failing, he went to his brother's in western New York, dying there. His wife died at Herkimer in 1849. Their eldest son, Alvin J., died at Herkimer in 1868. He and his four sons and four sons-in-law served in the union army in the civil war. William Burt, their second son, was an expert stone cutter. Later he conducted hotels at different places in India county, dying in 1896, leaving one son and two daughters. Walter Burt, third son, is living with his daughter at Lynchburg, Va. was a tobacconist, having two factories in Oneida county, New York. He is now an ordained minister of the M.E. church. He has two sons and three daughters. Their daughter, Mary K., never married. Most of her life was spent in Herkimer. She died in 1892. Their fourth son, Torrey Langdon, was a cigar maker. He died at Graefenburg in 1863, without children. Francis Kingsley, fifth son, came to Osborn Hill when young and spent eleven years with the family of Rev. Simeon Osborn, working one of Mr. Osborn's farms three years. In 1854 he married Martha Minott, daughter of Thomas Minott. When Francis was a boy John C. Underwood of Herkimer got a place for him in the printing office of E. M. Griffing at Little Falls to learn the printing trade, but he not liking it soon retrned to Osborn Hill. After marrying, he became a member of the Northern New York M.E. conference and received an appointment to preach in 1873. After preaching for the time limit in several places in Herkimer county, he took a supernumerary relation in 1898, and returned to Minott to superintend his farm, though preaching occasionally, officiating at weddings and funerals. He has two sons, Frank Minott and Edwin Burt. The Pierce family were members of the M. E. church.

Since writing the above, the names of Francis Pierce's children by his first wife have been given me. Luther was born 1765 and died in Vermont in 1828. He owned property in Canada that was confiscated in 1812. Francis died without issue. Murill married Mr. Rising. Elizabeth married Joseph Pease and lived later in Ohio. Calvin, the youngest son, born 1775, lived in Erie county, N.Y., married Esther Conners, died in 1853. These children were born in Suffolk, Conn.


Amos Farrington, Sr., was a merchant in New Hampshire, but he left there in 1802 and bought land in this county that is now owned and occupied by Jerome Osborn and the Dempster family. He surveyed the farm he bought. There was no road at that time along the "Farrington Hill." He began the clearing of his land by cutting down 70 acres of heavy timber on the level land extending southerly from where the buildings now stand. This timber he set on fire and some frightened people thought the world was on fire and his house was saved with difficulty. This level portion of the farm was always called "the plain." The portion of the farm that was below the steep hill at the end of the plain was nearly surrounded by a bend of the West Canada creek. This is owned by the Dempster family, who are descendants of the Farringtons by marriage. Amos Farrington, Sr. was an industrious man who, Judge Abijah Osborn said, "Was the best type of a perfect gentleman he ever saw." While carrying on the farm he had a tannery with which, according to the customs of those days, a shoemaker's shop was connected. He also had a ashery and brick kiln on the farm. His first wife was Miss Upham, to whom five sons and five daughters were born.

John, the eldest son, married Sophronia Johnson in 1812. They began housekeeping in a log house in the "Bush" now Minott, near the present cheese factory belonging to W.V. Minott. Later he built a good frame house near by. At one time he owned several hundred acres of land, some of which he rented and on the balance had a dairy and a large flock of merino sheep. After selling some of his land, leaving the balance to his sons, he moved to Middleville and bought the cotton factory there. He died at that place. His wife survived several years, living with her daughter Frances, Mrs. Josiah Bailey. Their house was always open to the itinerant M. E. preachers who often enjoyed the hospitality of himself and wife. Two sons survive, Horace G. of Pulaski, and Varnum of Middleville and one daughter Lamed, Mrs. Lewis Mead of Herkimer.

Amos jr., born in 1795, married Aurelia Minott in 1818. He learned the shoemaker's trade in his father's shop, but carried on dairying many years in the "Bush" and bought cheese for Harry Burrill. After the death of his wife he sold his farm and lived with his daughter. Mrs. Geo. Buell, at Sandy Creek, Jefferson county. Of his seven daughters only one survives, Martha, the widow of Joel Sheaf. Henry married Betsy Johnson and lived on the Farrington homestead several years, but later moved to his own farm. After some years he moved to Frankfort village, leaving the farm to his two sons. His wife died in 1865. He married again but died in 1867. Of his three daughters and two sons, only the sons, Ira and Jerome survive. Harvey the fourth son was well known in Herkimer county as authority on dairying, and was often consulted by dairymen. He built the second cheese factory in this county, and the first one in Canada. He was a great promoter of dairying, and the valuable and successful results of his work are shown in the great amount and good quality of the cheese now made in Canada. His first wife was Sophronia Ainsworth. After her death he married Ann Favill of Brocket's Bridge, and a third wife in Canada. In early life he taught district schools and inherited from his father the gentle and manly qualities that made friends of those he met. He died in Canada in 1878.

His son Sidney, like his father was an expert in cheese making and in managing cheese factories. John his second son was killed in the civil war. William the youngest son of Amos, Sr., followed peddling fine dry goods for several years in central New York, but finally left the country under a cloud, and nothing has been known of him since. Hannah, the eldest daughter married the Rev. Simeon Osborn whose family will be mentioned later. Sally, married Abel Simpson of Trenton. The writer knows little of the family; probably some are living near Trenton. Sophronia, the third daughter acquired a liberal education, and went to Liberia as a teacher and missionary in 1834. She was accompanied by Rev. Rufus Spaulding, and Rev. Samuel Wright and their wives. Wright and his wife soon fell victims to the climate. Spaulding's health failing, he and his wife returned in May. Miss Farrington stayed till April 1835, being nearly a victim to the climate that killed so many of the missionaries and emigrants. In middle life she married Mr. Cone of Utica, dying there. She was sometimes called Sophronia Africa. Polly went with her father to Michigan. She married Mr. Adams and died there. Pamelia married Mr. Delong of Utica and probably died there. Little is known of the families of these last two daughters. After the death of the wife of Amos Farrington, Sr., he married again, but owing to some differences, they separated, he moving to Michigan taking his daughter Polly with him. He died there, also his daughter after marrying and rearing a family. Of the second wife little is known. The Farrington homestead was occupied by Henry for a few years, and is now owned by Jerome Osborn, of whom mention will be made in the account of the family of Simeon Osborn. The Farringtons were Methodists. The writer expects to continue the history of the "Farmer Settlement," as material is collected, and there may be some additions in notes and explanations at the close. In the meantime, if any of the readers find some errors, or something to add, I hope they will furnish it either to the Citizen or to me. Contributors will noticed at the close of these sketches.

Farmer Settlement

Part II

Alexis L. Johnson of East Schuyler contributes to the Ilion Ctizen,

Friday, November 15,1901


Simeon Osborn was born in Southbury, Conn., January 25/6, 1792. When he was twelve years old his father's family came to Middleville, buying a farm on the upland west of there. At the age of 20 he was licensed to preach by the M.E. church, and married Hannah Farrington, the eldest daughter of Amos Farrington, sr. She was born in New Hampshire, May 20, 1791, and was married January 14, 1812. He held meetings in his father's house. His father was opposed to the Methodists, and at one time got another preacher to preach at one of his appointments. This preacher took a glass of rum before he began and drank with Simeon's father. Simeon and his wife began house keeping in Shortlots, Schuyler, on a farm they hired of Mr. Ladd. Later he owned a farm west of Middleville, on the uplands. This he sold to Harvey Farrington. In 1829 he bought the farm that his father-in-law had cleared off, owned at that time by Henry Farrington and now owned by Jerome Osborn. Simeon Osborn at one time was a large holder of land, having eight farms, and gave each of his children a farm. He was ordained an elder, often preached and sometimes conducted quarterly meetings in the absence of the presiding elder. He was well read in the Bible and theology, and at the same time was a successful farmer. He died June 26, 1863, and his wife died September 10, 1867. Five daughters were born to them and four sons. The elder daughter, Sarah, married Elder Benjamin Phillips. Loisa's first husband was Peter Bradt of Deerfield; her second husband was Rev. Frank Hawkins. Almira married Rev. Stephen Turtelot. Hester A. was the first wife of Rev. Frank Hawkins. Mary was the wife of James M. Caldwell, dying within a year. Simeon jr. had two wives, first Miss Mary Rice of Fairfield, and second, Charlotte Getman of Newport. He was a cheese buyer. He built the brick house now owned by Frank G. Hildreth. He had two children born in Iowa and died there. Usel married Maryette Dempster of Lassellsville, owned the farm now owned by Howard Hildreth and he now lives in Minnesota, has two daughters and one son. Francis married Cynthia Minott, daughter of Thomas Minott, in 1850. He died in 1860, leaving one son, Minott, of Schuyler, and one daughter, Lilia, wife of Jerry Huyck. Francis when he died owned the farm now owned by Mr. Dineen. Jerome married Juliette Richards of Newport, and owns part of the Farrington homestead that his father had owned. He has always lived there, and has a large collection of relics and antiques. His only son Olin is single and lives with him. The Osborn family were members of the M.E. church.


The Tourtelott family were of French Huguenot descent and were among the refugees who fled to America to escape the persecution after the revocation of the edict of Nantes. They were among the most influential and prominent of the refugees, and were descendants of the House of Burgundy. They purchased a large tract of land at Oxford, Mass., to which they brought colonists at their own expense. Many of their descendants have attained distinction in professional life. Among the most conspicuous of the refugees, was Count Gabriel Bernon. Born in 1644, he landed in Boston in 1688 and engaged in mercantile pursuits with Peter Faneuil of Faneuil Hall fame. Gabriel Toutelott, a son of a count and head of the family in this country, was a native of Bordeau, France, and came here with Count Bernon, whose daughter he married. Two sons and one daughter were born to them. He and his eldest son were afterwards lost at sea. The daughter married ____ Harding of Newport R.I. The remaining son, Abram, settled in Glocester,, Prov. Co., R.I. He had three wives and twelve children, among them a son named Abram, who settled at Thompson, Conn. Among his fifteen children was Isaac, the father of ten children, and one of them named Isaac, came to Herkimer county in 1809, when about 26 years old, and was the founder of the family in Herkimer county. He shortened the name to Turtelot. Shortly after his arrival he married Catharine Grimes, who died in September 1840 aged 56. Isaac Turtelot died Jan. 18, 1853. Eight children were born to them, six sons and two daughters. Augustus C., M.D., was born 1810, received the appointment of assistant surgeon in the United States army and died in Florida during the Seminole war and was buried in the Cong. cemetery at Washington, D.C., leaving no issue. Rev. Stephan M.D., was born Oct. 29, 1812, at Herkimer, graduated from Union College in 1843, receiving the degree of A.B., and from Geneva Medical college, receiving the degree of M.D. in 1844. He was superintendent of schools of Herkimer county and originated teachers institutes, was a member of the New York state assembly from second district, Herkimer county in 1866. Also was pastor of several M.E. churches, and after farming a few years died at Onondaga Valley, N.Y., Sept. 8, 1877. He married Almira Osborn of Herkimer, July 4, 1856, who died May 23, 1871. Seven sons were born to them, Germain, Martyr Stephen, Vance, Severance, Phil Earnest, Stephen J. and Montane. Martyr Stephen and Severance died young. Annie Turtelot was a teacher, never married, died in 1853, aged 38. Theresa Ann married Chas. Willard and died April 1889, aged 70 leaving four sons and one daughter. Isaac Turtelot married Mary Ann Easterbrooks, moved to Minnesota, followed farming, died 1890 without issue. Almeron married Amira Hotalling, moved to Indiana, was in the marble business, died without issue in 1880, aged 57 years. Alexander married Eliza Bly, taught school in early life, moved to Nebraska about 1866, dying there in 1899, being 75 years old, leaving one son Herbert, and one daughter Augusta, Mrs. Williams, all Nebraska. William W., of Rome, N.Y., the youngest son of Isaac and Catharine Tutelot, married Mary Ann Willard and died Sept 1893, 68 years old, leaving a widow and two daughters, Miss M. Dell Turtelot and Mrs. Emma Morris, both of Syracuse. The descendants of Gabriel Turtelot and his wife, Marie Bernon, are widely scattered throughout the United States. Some recent emigrants of that name have landed in Canada, but are not known as members of the original family. Isaac Turtelot, the father of the family in Herkimer, came here on horse back. The Grimes family came some years before he did. They came with an ox team, through the woods in some places and had to cut down trees to get through. It was not unusual for people to move with teams in those days. As this is intended as a record of early times I have rarely mentioned members of families who are now living and in business.


One of the early settlers of this place was Wilder Stearns. He was born in Walpole, New Hampshire, June 6, 1796, and as stated in his diary, he left home in 1821, when he was twenty-five years old, and made the journey to Herkimer, of 150 miles, mostly on foot. Part of the way he rode on the stage. Some extracts from his diary will be made. He started Sept. 10, 1821, "arriving at Herkimer on the 14th and saw the muster," meaning the general training. While there he saw a "cattle show and fair and a Dutch funeral." From there he "went to Boonville and Watertown stopping at several places." Returning to Herkimer he bought 100 acres of land, which with additions of more than 100 acres, is yet owned by his sons George W., and Orson G., and occupied by a tenant as a dairy farm. He returned to Walpole, Oct. 20. On his way "a man with a horse and shay carried him fifty miles for one dollar." Feb. 27, 1822, he started again for Herkimer "with an ox team." arriving there March 11. Nineteen miles was the most traveled in one day. He married Hannah Wires Feb. 5, 1823, and brought her to the log house he had built on his farm. Eight children were born to them, Mary A., Sarah E, Curtis, Fanny A., George W., Orson G., Ephraim M. and Hiram M., of these George, Orson and Hram M. survive. Mr. Stearns was a handy man, making various tools for his farm work, also for his neighbors. He tells of "helping them pull flax, shearing sheep and fixing shoes." To make his house warm he "moulded up the cracks with clay," built an "out door" oven with stone and clay that was used many years in which the family baking was done. He made the wood work, and blacksmith the iron work for the old style plow. He died in 1870. Isaac Stearns, the ancestor, came from England in 1630. In his diary Mr. Stearns mentions his neighbors, Isaac Turtelot, John Farmer, also Simon, Luther, James and Daniel farmer. He also mentions Col. John Green, Lauren Ford, an eminent lawyer and "Esq Ford" Simeon of the village of Herkimer.

Farmer Settlement

Part III

Alexis L. Johnson of East Schuyler contributes to the Ilion Ctizen,

Friday, December 13, 1901

I advise my readers who take any interest in these sketches of history and families to preserve them until they are closed, as undoubtedly some errors that may be found will be corrected, some additions or explanations made, or some incidents related that may add to their value. My friends who have kindly furnished me with much material will be credited also. An extract from the address of Professor Stephens before the Oneida County Historical Society will be quoted: "The unhappy historian finds that he is largely dependent on volunteer information gleaned by those who make collections and who are volunteer students of the past. Many do not see the value of their studies. They do not know that by these dovetailing of bits of history, that accurate history is made. It is impossible for any historian to exaggerate the debt he owes to volunteer information. Historians are largely dependent on corespondents who are willing to answer letters." The above extract will truly tell of the difficulties that a person who attempts to write the early history of some locality will meet. For many facts of dates and incidents, he must depend on records and traditions that are not easily obtained.


The family of Henry Ellison will next engage our attention. Mr. Ellison was one of the pioneers in the "Framer Settlement." He was born at Northbridge, Worcester County, Mass., in 1777; his wife, Lucy Knight, was born at Topsfield, Mass., in 1776. They moved to the Farmers Settlement prior to 1805, but the late is not known. Henry Ellison owned a farm at the foot of Farrington-Osborn Hill; on which his life was spent. For many years he owned a farm on Hassenclever Hill, in the town of Schuyler, which was rented as a dairy farm. It contained 400 acres. It is now owned by his grandson, H.D. Ellison of Utica. On the homestead, he built a large and commodious house to succeed the log house, the house was painted red and, for those times, was superior to most of his neighbor's dwellings. In addition to his farming, he built and equipped a tannery. Not being a tanner himself he employed a master workman to manage the work. Peter Countryman who had learned the trade there succeeded to the business after the death of Mr. Ellison, whose daughter he married. Mr. Countryman built a large and modern house near by and the old red house was torn down some years after. Mr. Countryman enlarged the business and made a specialty of buying and tanning deacon(?) skins. He carried on the tannery for some years, but the shop was discontinued many years ago. Mr. Ellison built a sawmill on a small stream that ran through his farm, that was quite useful to him and his neighbors. But the sawmill, like the tannery, has gone the way of all mills and tanneries forgotten. In 1834 Henry Ellison was chosen presidential elector from this district, and voted for Martin Van Buren. Benton's History says of M. Ellison; "This was most grateful office, the remembrance of which he long cherished." The writer when a young man, remembers a conversation he had with Mr. Ellison in regard to wages of workmen, as some were complaining of the prices paid them. He quoted Luke III. 14th, "Be content with your wages." Strikes were not known in his time, but if men of the present time were contented with their wages, strikes would be few. He died in 1848 and his wife died in 1855. His mother, who had lived with him some years, died in 1845, aged over 93 years. They were buried in the cemetery near their home. In this cemetery repose the remains of the early settlers, but it has now fallen in disuse. The daughters of Hannah Ellison now own the homestead.

Three sons and four daughters were born to Henry Ellison and wife. Eben, born 1802 at Hancock, N.H., died here in 1840, unmarried; Jacob, born 1807 after his parents moved here, died at Middleville in 1877; George, born 1816, died 1878 at his son's house at Battle Creek, Mich., and was buried at Middleville where his brothers and sisters were buried. Jacob married Delia Richardson of Schuyler where he had taught the district school and she was probably one of his pupils. She died in 1865. During several years he owned and managed a dairy farm and at the same time was engaged in buying and selling cheese. He spent a portion of one summer in England looking after the interests of dairymen. In his youth he was an athlete and there were few who could excel him in the wrestling matches that were common then. He had two sons and three daughters, Henry Duane and Jacob jr.; the daughters were DeEtte D., Mary E., and Harriet Elizabeth. Only DeEtte D.. and Henry D. survive. They reside in Utica. George married Jane E. Hildreth, daughter of Thaddeus Hildreth. She was born in 1823 and died in 1899. They had two sons, Henry, now living at Battle Creek, Mich., and George P., who died in 1888. Their three daughters, Gertrude, Ella and Jennie M., now live at Utica. Their mother and brother, George P. are buried at Middleville.

The daughters of Henry Ellison were, Olive, born 1805, married Silas Willard. She died in 1831. Her husband survived her and married again. He died in Schuyler. Hannah, born 1809, married Peter Countryman. She died in 1856. Eliza was born in 1811. She was the second wife of Peter Countryman and died in 1883. Julia, born 1814, married Jason Ayers of Norway. She died in 1886. Countryman and Ayers are dead. Olive had one son, Hannah had several children, Eliza and Julia had none. The daughters of Hannah now own the Ellison Homestead.


The Rev. John Stebbins was born in Massachusetts in 1779. His wife was Achsah Fairbanks. Both came with their parents to New York, and were married in 1803, in Jefferson county, N.Y., living there till their house was burned in 1812, when they sold out and moved to the "Farmer Settlement" and bought 50 acres of land next north of and adjoining the farm of Henry Ellison. In 1822 they rented the farm and moved to Winfield and ran carding machine and fulling mill two years, then returning to their farm. The cemetery is not used now. As a preacher he was noted for his zeal and earnestness. His stalwart form, his powerful voice, accompanied with appropriate and impressive gestures, seldom failed to affect his hearers. At a quarterly meeting of the M.E. church at Eatonville, he was standing in the old-fashioned pulpit perched high against the wall and leaning over it, some of his young hearers feared the pulpit would break down and he fall headlong to the floor. But the pulpit withstood his vigorous attack and the sermon was finished with safety. He was always plainly out well dressed, wearing, like most of the M. E. preachers of those days, a single breasted coat with standing collar. He died February 10, 1827, and a marble slab marks his grave in the cemetery near Countryman's with the following inscription:

Rev. John Stebbins,

A Respectable preacher in the

Methodist Episcopal Church,

Who departed this life in the full assure

ance of a better.

Died February 10,1827,

Aged 48 years.

"Consumption earth and worms,

Shall but refine this flesh,

Till my triumphant spirit

Comes to put it on afresh."

His widow married the Rev. Eleazor Whipple, a member of the Black River M. E. conference, who died in Rome, Oneida county, in 1856, aged 71. After the death of Elder Stebbins, his widow bought the adjoining farm of Joseph Kelly. Two sons were the fruits of the marriage, Lorenzo D., born in 1817, and John W., in 1819. Both sons had a liberal education. Lorenzo was a member of the M. E. church and while pastor of a church in Rome, N.Y., was chosen principal of an academy at Charlotte, Schoharie county, serving there several years, until chosen principal of Fairfield Academy. After leaving Fairfield, he was pastor of a church in Albany and other places till superannuated owing to a throat difficulty, which later caused his death at the age of 52. He was a graduate of Middlebury College, Connecticut. He married Maria Cole of Fairfield, who died in 1898, leaving no children.

John W., graduated from Union College in 1846, and was chosen principal of Madison Academy, serving there three years. He enter the practice of law at Rochester in 1851, has been judge of probate court and postmaster of Rochester, holding each office four years. He held official positions in the Sunday schools of the city many years. Was a member of the legislature one term and presidential elector in 1864, voting to elect Lincoln for his second term. In 1849 he married Louisa J., daughter of Hon. Durfee Oshand. A daughter and son were born to them; the daughter dying when 11 years old. The son survives. Mrs. Stebbins, his wife died in 1898. Judge Stebbins writes in his 82d year that he is "strong, healthy, hearty, working hard in my profession, though diverging a little, having just completed a small half century history of the female branch of Odd Fellowship. I feel like a youth of 50," and after mentioning several old families, he wonders how many of them or their descendants remain, or "whether on a visit which I hope once more to make, I should find a face that I could recognize." We think he could hardly find one; he would find very few of the descendants of the names and families he mentions. He would find the West Canada Creek in which he "was wont to bathe and fish" but with diminished volume and fewer fish. The hills are there over which "I have wandered," but it is doubtful of his being able to find and "drink again from the sulphur spring by the roadside leading up the hill from the old tavern."

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Created 9/16/03
Copyright © 2003 BetteJo Caldwell
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