Excerpts from The Herkimer Evening Telegram, May 19, 2001

NOTICE: Servicemen who were killed in action during the war and whose bodies were never found are now eligible to receive a full military funeral and placement of a headstone at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va. After providing proof of service record and death, through the branch of the service the person served in, arrangements can than be made for a full military funeral honoring the serviceman whose body has never been recovered.

During World War II there were incidences of brothers assigned on the same ship (such as five Sullivan brothers from Waterloo, Iowa who were lost when the Juneau ship they were on sank.) Situations such as this prompted federal legislation that banned brothers from serving on the same ship during wartime to avoid multiple family casualties.


Military Funeral

Herkimer native Joseph Fontanella, who was killed in action during World War II, recently received a full military funeral at Arlington National Cemetery despite the fact that his body was never recovered. The service was attended by Joseph's brother Steve of California along with Fontanellla's former next-door neighbor, Clarinda Giammaria of Herkimer, and her husband Robert and son Richard.

Fontanella, who volunteered for the Navy at the age of 18, received the Purple Heart from the federal government for his service. His ship, the Juneau, was a light cruiser that participated in numerous naval battles during World War II.

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Created: 5/12/01
Copyright © 2001 The Herkimer Evening Telegram
Copyright © 2001 Betsy Voorhees
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