Receipts and Selected Agreements
From Mr. Alonzo W. Harter's Day Book
November 4, 1859 - May 8, 1895 and 1916-1917
Herkimer, New York
Extracted by Judy Longley, Detroit, Michigan, March 1995.
Green Corn Pudding
Allow one ear of Sweet corn for each Person
take Half a pint of sweet milk one egg
a desert spoon full of white sugar one of Butter
and a teas spoon full of salt for every too ears
beat the eggs and sugar all to gether
and ad the milk & salt cut the
corn off the ear Before Boiling it
split each row of grains down the
middle before cutting off the cob
Stir the choped corn in the milk and
Bake in a brisk overn in a tin Pan
To Pickle Ham or Beef
to one gallon of Water
1-1/2 Pound of salt
1/2 Pound of sugar
1/2 ounce of saltpeter
1/2 ounce of Potash ---Omit if you like
At this rate the quantity can be increased
the meat must bee well covered
Boil and skim let cool
Cure for diphtheria
sulphuric acid
4 drops 3/4 tumbler water
to be given a sip at a time
smaller dose for a child
Hair Dye
2 Drams Sugar lead
2 Drams Black Sulpher
1 oz glicrene
1 pt Sage tea strong
Bottle for use
it will not coller the skin
improve By adding Bay rum
Condition Powders For Horses
Too ounzes rosin too ounces saltpeter
too ounces black antimony too ounces sulpher
too ounces saleratus too ounces ginger one
ounce coperas one table spoon full for
a dose once a day for thee days then
Omit for two or three days and give in
this way till you Have given nine doses
if deemed nessesary
tinct Arnica 2 oz
Aqua amonia spirits 2 oz
camphor spirits 2 oz
oil ariganum 1/2 oz
laudanum 1/2 oz
tinct cloraform 2 oz
alcahall 1/4 Pt
fever & Ague
Take field Sorrel
and squeeze the Juice out
and take it
it Will effect a cure.
to catch fish
take too cents worth of asifidety
one shillings worth of oil of anis
an ounce vial ful of furth Proob
Brandy mix them to gather dig a
Pint of worms and put 3 or 4
drops and let stand over night
for scratches on Horses
6 oz alum 6 oz of sugar
lid 1 qt vinegar
Horn Ale on Cattle
one lump of alum as large
as a walnut and a red
pepper steeped up in
watter strong. turned
into the ears
1 Pt Alchahall
2 oz arganom oil
2 oz camphor gum
1 oz oil spike
1 oz oil of wormwood
1 oz Harts Horn
1/2 oz lodnum
tooth ache indian cure
take the root of goos Bery
Root steep up strong
Hold in mouth on tooth
as Hot as you can
Will kill the Nerve
3 or 4 applications
for fever Sore indian cure
take the inside Bark of Basswood Sprouts Steep in milk
over a slow fire to a Salve
if not thick Put in a little mel & Poltice
John Wolshlaker
Commenst Work
April 4th 1861 By the
year and agrees to
Work one year for
Sixty Dollars Pay
When Work is done
Nick Cristman agreed to draw all the sand
required to Build a Brick House for Plastering
and all sand required about the Hous for 1 Pair of
Woolf skin Robes and 28 dollars in money
Woolf skin robes delivered Dec 11 1871
Dec 16 (1871) Coe Mohawk Agreed to let A. W. Harter
Have fifty one or 2 thousand Merchantable
Brick at 6 Dollars per thousand
Pay for them when yoused also Hard brick for 8 in wall
agrees to allow what is fare for broken rubish or Brick
Feb 23, 1878 Henry Vorus
rented Henry vorus the Half of House up crick at $5.50 pur month Payabel
by month is to move in Nort Side until April 1 then is to Have the South
Side Half of garden all of the meddow below garden one Half of fruit
as i may derict also the Barren i reserve for an other family the Privlige to
Put Horse or Horses in as i may direct
Source: This text was transcribed from the original ledger and contributed by Judy Longley,
Copyright © 1998 Judy Longley
All rights reserved.
We'd like to thank Judy for her recent large donation of never-before-seen original material, and transcripts of important early Mohawk Valley documents. All of these outstanding items will be parceled out for your reading enjoyment in January and February.