The Free Methodist Church of Herkimer, NY

Source:  "Panorama and History of Herkimer, NY, 1725-1900," written and compiled by Thomas C. Murray, sketches by A.P. Zintzmaster and D.J. Devendorf, published by Miss Flora L. Wood, book held at the Frank J. Basloe Library, Herkimer, NY.

Free Methodist Church
The church building in 1900 - b/w photo from source

        The Free Methodist Society of Herkimer, was organized in the year 1879, by Rev. B. Winget, of Oneida, N.Y.  The charter members were eight in number.  They first held their public services in a small hall in the Adams block, now the Mark block, on Albany street.  The first pastor sent from the annual conference was Rev. George Stover, who served the charge one year.  From the close of his pastorate until September, 1899, the following ministers have served, some one year, and some two years each.

Rev. L. H. Robinson
Rev. J. D. Santmier
Rev. Mr. Carpenter
Rev. Mr. Warren
Rev. M. S. Babcock
Rev. G. S. Coons
Rev. T. C. Givens
Rev. W. E. Sitzer
Rev. M. T. Marriott
Rev. M. H. Kendrick
Rev. E. N. Jenks

The present pastor is Rev. Moses N. Downing.

        A few years after organizing, the society was without a permanent place of worship, but held services in different localities in the village.  The society finally secured the present site on Park Avenue, near the entrance to Myers' Park.  The building on the lot was origianlly used for barn purposes, but was converted into a church edifice, and was again improved during the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Kendrick.  The present commodious parsonage, located in the rear of the church edifice, was built during the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Jenks.  The present membership of the society, including probationers, is forty-two.  The church property, including the parsonage, is valued at $3,500.

        The Free Methodist denomination preaches no new doctrine.  In belief they are Wesleyan.  They seek to be Bible Christians; to come out from the world in association, spirit and practice.  They do not believe that Christianity has changed to suit the fashionable tendencies of the age.  They believe that the terms of discipleship are the same now as when laid down by Christ.  Insisting on this is doubtless the principal reason why they do not increase more rapidly in numbers and wealth.

        The first annual conference of the Free methodist denomination was organized in October, 1860, at Rushford, N.Y.  It now has 37 annual conferences, nearly 1,000 traveling preachers, several hundred local preachers, about 2,500 members, six seminaries, and one college.  It also sustains six missionaries in South Africa, six in India, and one in Japan.  It has throughout the United States over one hundred Woman's Foreigh Mission Societies; a publishing house at Chicago; and a weekly paper which is the official organ of the denomination.


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