1869 -1870

The Hamilton Child Company of Syracuse, New York produced directories of New York counties for 1869. These directories are useful in conjunction with the 1870 US census, and are available at many New York State libraries and historical societies either in print or on microfilm. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there. In transcribing this material we have kept the original spelling and punctuation. The Hamilton Child brief history of the Town of Herkimer is as follows:

IMPORTANT: For all Hamilton Child county directory listings, the locations in parentheses are the post offices where residents received their mail. In some cases, although a person resided in a particular township or settlement, their post office may have been in another township or county.

Unfortunately, we have no further information on individuals or families listed in the Hamilton Child directories. If you spot your ancestor in our directory listings, please contact directly the appropriate Herkimer or Montgomery county historical society for further assistance.

Herkimer, (p.v.) originally called "Stone Ridge," is situated upon the Mohawk, west of the mouth of West Canada Creek. It was incorporated April 6, 1807, and contains three churches, viz., Methodist, Episcopal and Presbyterian; a newspaper office, a bank, four hotels, several mills and manufactories, and about 3,000 inhabitants. The County buildings are located in this place.

Fox Hall is 40 by 80 feet and capable of seating 800 patrons.

Herkimer Paper Mill is 100 by 200 feet and two stories high, employs thirty hands and manufactures about three tons of wall paper daily.

Herkimer Stone Mills are 60 by 75 feet, three stories high, besides the basement, and have a capacity for grinding 500 bushels daily. The water power for these manufactories is furnished by Canada Creek.

The Herkimer Cemetery lies a short distance west of the village. It contains about fourteen acres, is tastefully laid out with gravel walks, and ornamented with shade trees, shrubs and flowers.

Eatonville is a postoffice in the north-east part of the town.

Herkimer County Cheese Factory was the first one erected in the County and the third in the State. It is owned by Messrs. Pine, Gray and Smith, and took the first prize awarded to any factory in the State. Its capacity is sufficient for the milk of 800 cows, though it has been running the present season with about half that amount.

Herkimer Union Cheese Factory is owned by a stock company and makes about 120,000 pounds annually.

Shells Bush makes about 135,000 pounds.

Countryman's about 2000,000 pounds.

There are several saw mills in various parts of the town. Hart's Mill, three miles north of Herkimer village; Huyck's Mill, in the north-east part of the town, and Stearn's Mill.

Osborn Hill M. E. Church is in the north part of the town. The society was organized in 1811 with forty members, but since the erection of other churches the membership has diminished.

The first settlement of this town was commenced by Palatinates, under the patronage of Gov. Hunter, in 1722. Among the early settlers were Johan Hoost Petrie, Frederick and A. M. Pell, Jury Docksteder, Nicholas Feeter, Melgert Fols, Herny Heyer, -- Lemdert, Frederick, Johan, Adam and Philip Helmer, and families named Schmidt, Weaver and Bellinger. Mr. Petrie was one of the original patentees of Barnetsfield, lands being allotted to him, his wife Gertruyde, and his son Mark. The Eighty-six Acre Lot, then and afterwards called the Stone Ridge, was allotted to his wife. The present village of Herkimer occupies a portion of this lot. The adjacent flats were liable to inundation, and this ridge was the only land upon which they could safely build. This circumstance caused so much dissatisfaction among the sttlers that Mr. Petrie divided this lot into smaller portions and gave them to the owners of the low lands adjacent. He was one of the principal men of the colony and had accumulated considerable wealth. He was called the "Mayor of the village of the Palatinates," in the French account of the attack made upon the colony in 1757, where it is said he lost 400,000 livres.

This, like the other settlements upon the Mohawk, not only suffered during the war between the French and English in 1757-8, but also suffered greatly during the Revolution. Those who remained during the struggle for Independence took shelter in Fort Dayton. This was a small fort, erected on the Stone Ridge, about thirty rods above the present site of the Court House. it was erected in 1776 and took its name from Col. Dayton, who erected it. A small force was kept here during the war. Lieutenant Solomon Woodworth was in command at Fort Dayton in 1781, and while making a reconnaissance with about forty soldiers, about three miles from Herkimer, fell into an ambuscade and were completely surrounded by a force of Indians double their own number. A fierce hand-to-hand fight ensued in which Lieutenant Woodworth was killed and all but fifteen of his men killed or taken prisoners. On the 6th of August, 1781, a German settlement, called Shell's Bush, a few miles north of Fort Dayton, was attacked by a party of Tories and Indians under the command of Donald McDonald. Most of the inhabitants had taken refuge in Fort Dayton. John Christian Shell, with his wife and six sons, took refuge in a strong block house upon their own farm. The first story contained no opening apertures for firing upon any enemy who might attempt to break open the door or fire the house. When the enemy made their appearance, Shell and his sons were at work in the field and his two youngest, twins, only eight years old, were too far off to reach the house and were taken prisoners. Shell was well supplied with fire-arms, and, after securing the door, kept up a fire upon the assailants until dark. Several attempts were made to set fire to the house, but without success. McDonald attempted to force the door with a crowbar, but was wounded in the leg, and before any of his comrades could rescue him, Shell had unbarred the door and dragged him inside. This secured the house against being burned, and increased Shell's supply of ammunition, McDonald giving up his to save his life. Just at dark, Shell made them believe that troops were approaching from Fort Dayton, which caused them to retreat, taking with them the two boys. After providing for McDonald, Shell and his family went to the Fort. Some of the Indians visited McDonald after Shell left, but finding he could not be removed, left word that the welfare of the boys depended on the treatment that McDonald received. The wounded prisoner was taken to the Fort the next day, where his leg was amputated. The enemy left upon the ground eleven killed and six wounded. The boys, on their return after the war, stated that nine of the twelve wounded that the enemy started with, died on their way to Canada. The next year Shell and two of his sons were fired upon while at work in the field; Shell was dangerously wounded, and before his sons left him one was killed and the other wounded. Shell survived only a short time. After the close of the war many of the Indians and Tories who had been actively engaged in the hostilities, returned to the settlements; but they were received in a way that made them leave for a more congenial clime.

The first town meeting was held in March, 1789, at which the following officers were chosen: Henry Staring, Supervisor; Melger Fols, Town Clerk; Melger Fols, George Smith and Melger Thum, Assessors; George Fols, Collector; Adam Bauman and George Fols, Constables; Peter F. Bellinger, John Demuth, Jacob N. Weber, Commissioners of Highways; Henry Staring, George Weber, Jr., michael Myers, Overseers of the Poor; Marx Demuth, Philip Helmer, Adam Hartman, Hannes Demuth, Peter Weber, Philip Herter, Hannes Hilts, jr., Hannes Eiseman, Overseers of Highways; George Weber, jr., Peter Barkey, Hannes Demuth, Nicholas Hilts and Hannes Schell, Pound Masters. It will be seen that several persons held two offices, and nearly all of the favored candidates were descendants of the Palatine settlers.

The first church was formed at a very early day by Rev. A. Rosegrantz, of the Reformed Protestant Dutch denomination.

John Adam Hartman, a native of Germany, was one of the most zealous and efficient of the hardy band who fought so nobly during the long and bloody war that resulted in our independence. Inured to hardship from his childhood, he became a successful ranger in this new region beset by a wily and savage foe. A detail of his encounters, perilous adventures and escapes, would prove that fact is stranger than fiction. Soon after the peace of 1783, Hartman fell in company with an Indian at an inn near the west part of the town. After becoming somewhat exhilarated by strong drink, the Indian boasted of his exploits, the number of rebels he had killed, the scalps he had taken, and other deeds of barbarity, and finally exhibited a tobacco pouch made from the skin of a white child's arm, the finger's and nails still remaining on it. The Indian left and Hartman followed soon after. Nothing was ever seen of the Indian after entering a swamp, except by Hartman, who, on being questioned as to the matter, said that the last he saw of the Indian he was standing on a log a few rods in advance, and that he fell as though he was hurt. Hartman was tried for murder and acquitted. The following inscriptions is upon a tombstone which marks his last resting place in Herkimer, "John Adam Hartman, born at Edenkoben, in Germany. A great patriot in our war for Independence. Died April 5th, 1836, aged 92 years and 7 months.

The population of the town in 1865 was 2,922; its area is 18,978 acres.

There are ten school districts, employing twelve teachers. The number of children of school age is 892; the number attending school 734; the average attendance 319, and the amount expended for school purposes during the year ending September 30, 1868, was 4,283.78.

From Gazetteer and Business Directory of Herkimer County, N.Y. 1869-70
published by Hamilton Child & Co., Syracuse, NY 1869

( post office addresses in parentheses )
Abbott, Sylvester C.
photograph gallery, east side Main.
Addy, James
town clerk
Allmon, Theodore
prop. Locker's Hotel, Albany St.
Archer, Joseph
farmer 1-3/4
Arnold, Christian
eating saloon, Main
Ausman, Jasper
farmer leases of Aaron Harter, 200
Ausman, Levi
express man, Ilion Express Line
Austin, Charles H., Rev.
retired M. E. clergyman
Avery, C. L.
(Avery & Munger)
Avery & Munger
(C. L. Avery and H. G. Munger) staple and fancy dry goods, carpets, &c., east side Main
Bagger, Charles & Co.
(Edwin Bottger) drugs, groceries, pure wines and liquors, east side Main
Barse, Charles
master builder, carpenter and joiner, shop, Mill
Barse, Nathan
farmer 1
Barse, William
farmer 3
Batcheldor, A., Mrs.
farmer 13
Baum, Chauncy
farmer 10
Beckwith, Clinton
(Beckwith & Son)
Beckwith & Son
(William and Clinton) marble, freestone and cemetry work, Albany
Beckwith, William
(Beckwith & Son)
Bellinger, Frederick P.
retired farmer
Bellinger, Henry H.
manages for Frederick P. Bellinger, 290
Bellinger, Jacob G.
manages C. C. Bellinger's estate
Bellinger, James H.
dairyman, hop raiser and farmer 200
Bennett, Douglas
clerk of Herkimer Co.
Blood, James
broom corn raiser and farmer 100
Bottger, Edwin
(Chas. Bagger & Co.)
Bowman, David
farmer 7
Bridenbecker, John
merchant and (with Elison Richison) farmer 290
Bronson & Morgan
(Olcott W. Bronson and Hubbard H. Morgan) coal dealers, office west side Main
Bronson, Olcott W.
(Bronson & Morgan)
Bucklin, William
(Little Falls)
dairyman and farmer 103
Burrill, Jacob G.
dealer in drugs, medicines, groceries, hardware, musical instruments and sewing machines, also auctioneer, west side Main
Caldwell, Thomas
barber and fashionable hair dresser, east side Main
Caswell, Warren
dry goods, groceries, clocks and watches, also post master
Christie, Herman H.
principal of Herkimer Union School
Christie, Horace
cheese manuf.
Churchill, Henry
(Miller & Churchill)
Clark, Leonadas
Cole, Jeremiah
Cone, Geo. W.
Countryman's Cheese Factory
Peter Countryman, president; Delos C. Dempster, secretary; William B. Fenner, treasurer; John M. Schermerhorn, manager
Countryman, E. Mrs.
farmer 190
Countryman, Peter
president of Countryman's Cheese Factory, prop. tannery and farmer 350
*Cramer, Henry
livery stable, Main
Crego, Harvey
dairyman and farmer leases of Peter Countryman, 207
Cristman, Edier
Cristman, J. S.
farmer 1
Cristman, Leman
dairyman and farmer 314
Cristman, Nicholas
dairyman and farmer 55
Cristman, Zimri
dairyman and farmer 84
Cromwell, Benjamin H.
farmer 31
Crosby, Abner B.
farmer leases of Mrs. John Sykes, 107
Curtiss, David J.
(Field & Curtiss)
Davan, Andrew
farmer 1
Davis, H. R.
backery and fruit store, Albany St.
Davison, Andrew
dairyman and farmer 117
Deimel, Henry A.
lumber, sash, blinds &c., corner Washington and Albany
Dempster, Delos C.
secretary of Countryman's Cheese Factory, dairyman and farmer leases of Mrs. L. Hawkins, 57
Dixon, Philip
farmer 5
Dodge, Harriet, Mrs.
farmer 34
Doolittle, Andrew F.
(Doolittle & Harter) farmer 16
Doolittle & Harter
(Andrew F. Doolittle and William Harter) physicians and surgeons, office east side Main
Dorr, Charles H.
(Little Falls)
dairyman and farmer 80
Dryer, Theodore
farmer 7
Earl, Robert
(S. & R. Earl)
Earl, Samuel
(S. & R. Earl
Earl, S. & R.
(Samuel and Robert) attorneys and counselors at law, bankers and farmers 750
Ellison, Henry
farmer 11
Eyesaman, Sanford
dairyman and farmer 250
Falk, Spelman
commissioner of highways, shoe maker, dairyman and farmer 304
Farmer, Daniel
retired farmer 50
Farmer, Hiram
dairyman and farmer leases of Daniel Farmer, 50
Farmer, John
farmer 2
Farmer, Loren W.
farmer 70
Farmer, William A.
prop. of eating saloon and fruit dealer, west side Main
Farrington, Jerome L.
dairyman and farmer 112
Fenner, Edward
superintendent of the poor, Co. house keeper and carpenter
Fenner, William B.
dairyman, treasurer Countryman's Cheese Factory and farmer 102
Field, Alanson
(Field & Curtiss)
Field & Curtiss
(Alanson Field and David J. Curtiss) porps. of Washburn Hotel, east side Main
Fields, Thomas
teamster and farmer
Fikes, Morris
attonrey and counselor at law
Folts, Adam M.
dairyman and farmer 140
Folts, Allen
dairyman and farmer 400
Folts, George P.
(Folts & Schuyler)(Snell & Folts) president of Herkimer Union Cheese Factory and farmer 210
Folts, Joseph
(Green, Folts & Patrick)
Folts, Melchert C.
dairyman and farmer 183
Folts, Norman
(Aaron Snell & Folts)
Folts, Peter M.
Folts & Schuyler
(Geo. P. Folts and W. D. Schuyler) manufs. of cheese boxes, Mill
Folts, William
dairyman and farmer leases of Allen Folts, 250
Folts, William F.
dairyman and farmer 100
Folts, William N.
retired farmer 147
Fox, Charles J.
house, sign and ornamental painter, west side Main
Freeman, J. E.
prop. of machine shop in paper mill
Fulmer, Philip
farmer 48
Furgeson, James
farmer 1
Getman, George
farmer 6
Getman, Rudolph
dairyman and farmer leases Folts' estate
Getman, Timothy
farmer 85
Giery, Frederick
(Stewart & Giery)
Gloo, Casper
boots and shoes, east side of Main
Golden, Aaron
farmer 1
Gora, John
eating saloon, corner Main and Albany
Graves, Ezra
attorney and counselor at law, east side Main
Gray, Alexander M.
banker and farmer 230
Gray, Frederick A.
dairyman and farmer leases of Alexander M. Gray, 150
Gray, George
(Prowse & Gray)
Green, Folts & Patrick
(Zenus Green, Joseph Folts and Berthwait Patrick) sash, doors and blinds, Mill
Green, Joseph
deputy clerk of Herkimer Co.
Green, Zenus
(Green, Folts & Patrick)
Green, H. M. & L. K. Misses
millinery goods, east side Main
Griffin, John
farmer 6
Griswold, Giles
(with Theodore,) dairyman and farmer leases of Henry H. Bellinger, 200
Griswold, Harvey W.
toll gate keeper
Griswold, Laurin D.
farmer 10
Griswold, Theodore
(with Giles,) dairyman and farmer leases of Henry H. Bellinger, 200
Gunn, George P.
gun maker

Directory of Herkimer: Surnames H - Z

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Last Updated: 2/6/99
Copyright ©1999 Lisa Slaski/ Martha S. Magill
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