Osbourne House

When you visit Herkimer County to do research, take a drive around the area to admire its many early homes. Simeon Osbourne Jr., was a cheese broker and had this house constructed in Gothic Revival style after having English bricks imported. He only occupied the home with its 197 acres about three years when he ran into financial difficulties and sold it to Harvey Doolittle during the year 1853. Four years later Thaddeus Hildreth purchased it. Four generations of Hildreth's occupied the home before selling it to others. For some time it was called Maple Row Farm because of all the huge maple trees abounding on the property. In the year 2000 the home is still in mint condition in the Town of Herkimer on Route 28 about five miles from the Village. The main farmlands have been divided and sold several times over the years.

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Created 7/17/00
Copyright © 2000 Betsy Voorhees
Picture Copyright © Herkimer County Historical Society
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