Herkimer County Agricultural Society
Officers and Judges
Herkimer County Fair

I've had this picture of the old Herkimer County Fair Grounds by the Erie Canal. The location used
to be where the Herkimer NYS Thruway Interchange is. After the Thruway came through Herkimer, the site was moved to the Frankfort
Fairgrounds where it has been ever since. It took a while to figure out where the location was, but after talking to some of the
old-timers they remembered where the site used to be on the Thruway entrance/exit.
Betsy Voorhees
Town of Herkimer Editor
July 2001
Source: Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and List of Premiums offered by the Herkimer County Agricultural and Horticultural Society.
Annual Fair to be held at Herkimer, N.Y., Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 19th, 20th and 21st, 1894. Herkimer, N.Y.
Citizen Publishing Company. 1894.
County fair season is coming up all over the country! A county's annual fair was the most important social event of the year, and a prize at the fair would positively affect one's
income and reputation for quality stock and produce. The listings below come from the 12-page pamphlet issued prior to the opening of the 1894
Herkimer County Agricultural and Horticultural Society Fair (1842-1894). "Premiums" are
prizes (cash or items) awarded to the winning competing exhibitors. Cash premiums ranged from $350 (the purse for best 3 in 5, mile heats, a "free-for-all" horse race) to
many prizes of 50 and 75 cents, which was not an insignificant sum of money in 1894, especially to the children competing. Although
premium booklets don't list exhibitors, the local papers would list the winners, and possibly all contestants for some categories, after the fair's conclusion.
Competitions were specialized, ranging from farm animals, to grain and garden produce, to home-made household objects ("domestic manufactures"), to fine art and fine
biscuits, custards, berry pies and pickles. Just a few examples - Norman, Percheron and Clydesdale Horses;
Ayrshire, Alderney and Short Horn Cattle; Southdown and Shropshire Sheep; Brahma and Partridge Asiatic Birds; Dorkin, Hamburg, Houdan, and Creve-coeur Chickens;
largest number of bushels of various grains raised on one acre of land; best peck of beets for table use; best 3 factory made cheese for export; best sample of
maple syrup; best 6 bunches of Delaware grapes; best wheel horse rake; best crocheted shoulder cape, home-made sofa pillow, embroidered fire screen,
quilt pieced by girl under 12 years, oil painted easel scarf, specimen ink picture, collection Japan lilies, doughnuts not less than half
Officers of the Society for 1894 |
H.H. Green | Paines Hollow |
Will E. Kay | Herkimer |
J.H.J. Watkins | East Schuyler |
1st Valentine Brown | Mohawk |
2nd Jackson Smith | Herkimer |
3rd B.F. Petrie | Middleville |
4th D.G. Van Slyke | Little Falls |
James Folts | Frankfort |
Clarence Wheeler - Columbia | Varnum Harris - Newport |
Sanford Johnson - Danube | Fred Smith - Norway |
Alphonso Petrie - Fairfield | Dr. E.E. Kelley - Ohio |
Merritt F. Joslin - Frankfort | J.R. Sweezey - Russia |
Geo. W. Crook - German Flatts | Chas. Ives - Salisbury |
P.S. Eysaman - Herkimer | R.H. Smith - Schuyler |
B.A. Rider - Litchfield | John Hall - Stark |
L.A. La Rue - Little Falls | Geo. Casler - Warren |
Geo. Markell - Manheim | J.M. Richard - Wilmurt |
| C.T. Wheelock - Winfield |
Varnum Harris | Newport |
Horses - Jasper C. Morgan | Mohawk |
Cattle - Merritt F. Joslin | Frankfort |
Sheep and Swine - B.A. Rider | Litchfield |
Poultry - Geo. M. Sheaf | Herkimer |
Agricultural Implements - L.A. La Rue | Little Falls |
Floral Hall - Mr. and Mrs. Irving P. Rasbach | Herkimer |
Agricultural Hall - Harvey J. Small | Herkimer |
H.H. Green | Paine's Hollow |
Will E. Kay | Herkimer |
J.H.J. Watkins | East Schuyler |
John B. Smith | Eatonville |
Clarence Wheeler | Cedarville |
Willard Keeler | Little Falls |
Joel Pickert | Little Falls |
Geo. Markell | Little Falls |
Benjamin Brown | Newport |
Jackson Smith | Herkimer |
Wm. McKerrow | Middleville |
John G. Lewis | East Schuyler |
Elton Hopson | Salisbury Center |
Alphonzo Petrie | Middleville |
Peter H. Steele | Mohawk |
Beckwith Davis | Herkimer |
Benj. Petrie | Middleville |
James H. Steele | Herkimer |
Fred Smith | Norway |
D.G. Van Slyke | Little Falls |
Geo. Crook | Mohawk |
Mahrlon (sic?) Getman | Mohawk |
James Folts | Frankfort |
Chester Loomis | Ilion |
I.W. Swift | Paine's Hollow |
Mrs. Willard Keeler | Little Falls |
Miss E.M. Ayres | Little Falls |
Mrs. I.R. Devendorf | Herkimer |
Mrs. James H. Steele | Herkimer |
Mrs. James Yule | Paine's Hollow |
Mrs. I.W. Swift | Paine's Hollow |
Mrs. Geo. Crook | Mohawk |
Mrs. R.A. Smith | East Schuyler |
Mrs. B.A. Rider | Cedar Lake |
John R. Sweezey | Poland |
Names are spelled exactly as printed, so "corrections" won't be made to this historical document. We thank you in advance for
directing all inquiries about persons listed to the Herkimer County Historical Society or local
town/village historians and libraries.