Part 3 of the Camden Advance Journal marks the completion of two full newspaper years of an entertaining monthly serial created by Beverly Crim, Town of German Flatts Section Editor. The Camden Advance Journal's weekly column covered local human interest stories and other items considered newsworthy to people living in the neighboring county of Oneida. The reporter had a real sense of humor, and occasionally a flair for the dramatic; mundane events indeed seem far more interesting in happening to the ancestors. Part 3 begins with the July 1, 1875 column.
July 1, 1875:
Little Falls will celebrate Independence Day on the 5th, and preparations are making for something huge and amusing. According to the printed programme, Hon. Mark Twain will read the Declaration and Hon. Josh Billings will deliver the oration. Then there will be skirmishes, tightrope walking, sack racings, etc. All this will take place on Main Street.
At the park, exercises of a different character will be held. Rev. N. R. Evarts, of Utica, will be the orator.
Last week, an old man named Davis was murdered in Gray, Herkimer county, apparently for no other reason than because he was old, infirm, almost imbecile, and a burden to his family. There seems no doubt that the foul crime was committed by a member of the family simply to get rid of the poor old man. The victim was killed by blows about the head with an ax. The family is under arrest.
July 8, 1875 and July 15, 1875:
No Mohawk Valley area news.
July 22, 1875:
Col. F. A. Reynolds, who has been engaged at Ilion, inspecting and receiving arms for a foreign government, died there suddenly on Monday of congestion of the brain. His age was about forty years. He was a graduate of West Point and had served in the confederate army.
The census returns indicate that the population of Herkimer county will be 1,100 to 1,200 greater than in 1870. This will give it more than 40,000 and will entitle it to elect a Surrogate as an officer separate and distinct from the County Judge.
July 29, 1875:
No Mohawk Valley area news.
August 5, 1875:
The Irish Catholics of Little Falls will celebrate the approaching centennial birthday of Daniel O'Connell August 6.
A correspondent of the "World" names Hon. Robert Earl, of Herkimer, as a probable candidate for Comptroller this fall.
A grandstand to cost $1,200 is in process of erection on the grounds of the Herkimer County Agricultural Society at Herkimer. It will hold 500 persons.
Perhaps no one along the line of the Mohawk Valley was much better known than Ed. Davis, who kept the "St. Julian" at Mohawk. Sunday afternoon, some good citizens of the village held a temperance meeting, which was quite largely attended. Among those present was Ed. Davis. Soon after the close of the meeting, and while walking in the street, he suddenly dropped dead to the sidewalk. It is supposed to have been a case of heart disease.
August 12, 1875 and August 19, 1875 and August 26, 1875 and September 2, 1875 and September 9, 1975:
No Mohawk Valley area news.
September 16, 1875:
Mrs. Augustus Adams of Ilion is in town (Camden).
One of the most cruelly brutal affairs we have heard of in a long time by which a bright little boy is rendered a cripple for life, occurred in Utica early Saturday morning. The facts are these: As the Pacific Express West was leaving the city, and after it had attained considerable speed, the porter of the rear sleeping coach dropped Johnnie Roche, of Ilion, from the forward platform of the car, and the little fellow fell in such a way as to have one foot crushed, making amputation necessary. Young Roche was 11 years old, and had been in Boston for medical treatment, his eyes being effected. The porter was paid $5 to take care of him, and deliver him to friends at Utica. Johnnie was ready to leave when the train stopped, but the porter told him they were at Little Falls. After the cars were under way, the porter came to put him off, but the boy objected, saying his father had told him never to jump from a moving train, and he would go to Rome. However, the porter dropped him off with the result stated. A watchman found him, he gave the name of his father, Edmund Roche, of Ilion, and added: "Send for papa; don't tell mamma, and take me to Bagg's Hotel."
September 23, 1875:
No Mohawk Valley area news.
September 30, 1875:
Horace L. Terrell, of Laurens, Otsego County, who picked hops at Waterville this season, was overpaid to the amount of $13. He did not discover the mistake until he got home, when he immediately sent the amount back by mail. The people of Waterville propose to get him and varnish him, and set him up in the public park for a monumental statue of Honesty.
October 7, 1875:
No Mohawk Valley area news.
October 14, 1875:
Mrs. Anna R. Bacon died recently at Sherburne at the age of 102. She was at the head of a family known as the Reese family, and she could count her descendants by hundreds. (Ed. Note: thought this might be the Reese family who was in some accounts at Andrustown during the 1778 massacre.)
October 21, 1875:
The annual parade of the Little Falls fire department occurs on Saturday of this week.
Herkimer has voted $800 appropriation for uniforms for the fire department.
October 28, 1875:
No Mohawk Valley area news.
November 4, 1875:
Herkimer County gives a Republican majority of about 500.
November 11, 1875:
A. T. Stewart, of New York, has purchased of John W. Stitt, the Mohawk and Albany Woolen Mills at Little Falls. Consideration $160,000.
A petition is to be presented to the Board of Supervisors of Otsego county at the approaching session, asking for relief on the sheep killing question. During the past year, the number of sheep killed by dogs has been so great in the town of Cooperstown, that the tax levied to pay for the same proved insufficient by several hundred dollars.
November 18, 1875:
No Mohawk Valley area news.
November 25, 1875:
No Mohawk Valley area news.
December 2, 1875:
No Mohawk Valley area news.
December 9, 1875:
No Mohawk Valley area news.
December 16, 1875:
Died: Adams: At Ilion, NY, December 10, 1875, Augustus T. Adams, aged 32. Mr. A. rendered faithful military service as a member of Co. G. 14th Regiment NY State Volunteers, in the war for the Union. Though but 18 years old at enlistment, of not strong physical constitution and severely ill for a while in the army, he served his full term of two years. Soon after he secured employment in the Remington Armory. But his health suffering, he successfully sought its improvement on the Plains of Nevada, for more than a year. Returning he resumed service in the armory, making Ilion his home, and was soon after married to Mattie, eldest daughter of Mr. Nicholas Salladin, of Camden. The oldest of the five children of the late Nathan A. and Rebecca Adams, filial, fraternal, ingeneous and sanguine, he not only bore a name of endearment at home, but was a general favorite with his associates and held in high esteem by all who knew him. His sudden decease is a heavy bereavement to not only the devoted wife, with her father's family, and to the loving sister and two confiding brothers, with the cherishing and cherished aged grandmother but to a large circle of warmly sympathizing friends. The remains were brought to Camden for interment, the funeral services being held at the residence of Mr. Salladin, on Sunday, December 12, at 2 o'clock.
December 23, 1875:
Mrs. Augustus Adams has returned to Camden to live, since the death of her husband.
According to the State census, Herkimer county has a population of 41,692; an increase of 1,763 above that of 1870 and 2,568 over 1865. There were 9,720 voters in 1865 and there are 11,504 in 1875. 2,166 naturalized and 9,338 native.
December 30, 1875:
No Mohawk Valley area news.
January 6, 1876: nothing
January 13, 1876: nothing
January 20, 1876: nothing
January 27, 1876: nothing
February 3, 1876: nothing
February 10, 1876:
The date on the old bell of Emmanuel Church, Little Falls is 1686. It is stated there are a hundred places in Little Falls where liquor is sold.
The Democrats of Herkimer nominate Ex-Judge Geo. W. Smith for supervisor. Town meeting in Herkimer County Tuesday resulted in a probable Democratic victory.
The trial of C. Fred Smith, for the murder of Edward Yost, at Johnstown, commenced yesterday.
February 17, 1876:
E. Remington and Sons are fitting up quite a display of fire arms for the centennial exposition.
Pat Crowley of Newport, Herkimer County, killed his brother-in-law, Dennis Mullverhill, Sunday night, by striking him on the head three times with a sled stake.
Hon. Frederick P. Bellinger, for several terms a member of the Legislature from Herkimer county, died at his residence in Herkimer, Sunday noon, in his eighty-fourth year.
February 24, 1876:
(This might or might not be pertinent-it might fit a family legend handed down!)
There was a funeral recently down in Sullivan county. The deceased was a woman and while some of the attendants were looking upon her, and wondering if she was really dead, she opened her eyes and exclaimed, "My God, what are you going to do with me?" She then fell back unconscious. A doctor was sent for, her funeral postponed until the next day, for she was really dead before the medical man arrived.
March 2, 1876:
Patrick Crowley who killed Mulverhill near Newport a few days ago, has been indicted by the grand jury for murder in the first degree.
A serious shooting affray occurred in a saloon in Herkimer Tuesday night, in which Fred Griffin was wounded in the face and shoulder, and Alden Morse received a ball in the abdomen. Griffin's wounds are not serious, but Morse's chances for life are said to be slim.
March 9, 1876:
Dr. Pryne has been appointed Health officer at Herkimer.
March 16, 1876: nothing
March 23, 1876:
The Ilion Literary Society realized a net profit of $420.37 upon its lecture course of twelve lectures. The largest receipts were from Gough's lecture.
The family of Edward and Emma Wescott, of Gravesville, Herkimer county, has lost 5 children between the ages of four and thirteen years and one sister of the father, of diphtheria, within the short space of eighteen days.
Little Falls had a severe fire Friday night, which destroyed the fine brick block occupied by the Helical Suspender Co., American Express Co., a flour and feed store, several families and two vacant stores. Origin of the fire unknown. Losses: $15,000: fully insured.
Died: In this town (Camden), March 17, 1876, Mrs. Christiana Cleland, aged 76 years.
March 30, 1876:
R. A. Clogher, of Utica, proprietor of the Asoragan Woolen Mills at Little Falls, suspended operations yesterday owing to the depression of the market. It will throw quite a large number of hands out of employment. When he reopened the mill, he was promised aid from Little Falls capitalists, but it is thought that the collapse of Burke & Hely's Bank deprived him of this support.
April 6, 1876:
A woman giving the name of Mrs. Smith with a son and daughter, claiming to be a Free Mason's widow, from the East, is going West, asking assistance from the different lodges along the route. She is pronounced a fraud. It was found at Little Falls, where she had received assistance from the Gloversville Lodge, and she left town very suddenly.
The editor of the Little Falls Journal has got his fishing tackle ready for a departure from town so soon as the weather is favorable, and explains the position thus: "If there is anything in which rural housewives take delight in all its moods and tenses, past, present and future, it is in house cleaning, soapmaking and tearing up generally. If you listen attentively, you will already detect premonitions of the gathering storm close at hand."
April 13, 1876:
Little Falls has subscribed nearly $500 for the celebration of the Fourth.
Little Falls accomodated 399 tramps at her station house during March and 1,390 from November 1st to April 1st.
William Murphy, Jr., aged 18 years, living near Crain's Corners, committed suicide Monday afternoon, about three o'clock, by hanging himself in a barn. No cause is assigned for the rash act. An inquest is being held.
April 20, 1876:
In 1778, three houses stood within a short distance of each other on the ground now covered by Ilion. When Joseph Brant, the chief of the famous Six nations, devastated the valley, they were all burnt down.
April 27, 1876: nothing
May 4, 1876: nothing
May 11, 1876: nothing
May 18, 1876: nothing
May 25, 1876: nothing
June 1, 1876: nothing
June 8, 1876:
Sister Betsey Tripp was born in German Flats, Herkimer County, New York, October 1820. Removing in 1831 to Oswego County, there in later years, she was joined in marriage to Bro. James Tripp. After several changes in residence in 1859, her home came permanently to be in Camden, Oneida County. In 1867, under the ministry of Rev. O. C. Cole, she gave her heart to Christ, and in the purposes of an earnest Christian life, soon after came into the fellowship of the Christian church. In unwearied diligence, she continued to fill worthily the responsibilities of a wife, mother, and a Christian till after an afflictive illness on the 18th of May, 1876, sweet release came, and she was numbered with the immortals. The sorrow resting upon a desolate home; the vacancy in the church of her choice, testify how inadequate are mere details of figures and dates to describe such a life. In later years, to her was given a ministry of affliction. Alarming attacks of illness threatening the physical and mental powers, gave frequent prophecies of waiting results. As far as consciousness remained, the closing hours and words, gave full assurance of an immortal hope. Life held fewer attractions than heaven, and death had no fears. Besides two of her children gone before, we laid her body down to "rest in hope" till the "coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." As a wife, devoted mother, affectionate; as a Christian, and Christian friends, except to meet her in that "eternal summer land of song." A. L. York. Camden June 7, 1876.
June 15, 1876:
The sidewalk between Main Street and the depot in Camden ought to last a little longer--Charlie Munger has gone to Herkimer.
June 22, 1876: nothing
June 29, 1876:
Miss Maggie Rathbun of Springfield, Otsego County, is visiting in Camden.
Mrs. F. F. Fifield is visiting at Springfield Center, Otsego County.
July 6, 1876:
At Newport, the matter of railroad communication with Herkimer is again being agitated. Responsible parties guarantee to build and equip the road from Newport to Herkimer for a bonus of $50,000.
July 19, 1876:
Governor Tilden has commuted the sentence of Albert Fradenburgh, the condemned murderer of Orlo Davis, in the town of Gray, Herkimer county, to imprisonment for life.
July 20, 1876:
The Winfield Union Agricultural Society hold their next annual fair at West Winfield, September 18, 19, and 20. Miss Nellie Thurston makes a balloon ascension from the fair grounds the 19th.
July 27, 1876:
No Mohawk Valley news.
August 3, 1876:
Little Falls has 5,800 inhabitants, and 58 licensed saloons and bar rooms. For every 100 inhabitants, old and young, male or female, there is a place to buy liquor.
August 10, 1876:
No Mohawk Valley news.
August 17, 1876:
The survey of the Herkimer and Newport railroad is completed.
William Houghton, of Little Falls, made Camden (NY) friends a flying call, the first of the week.
August 24, 1876:
No Mohawk Valley news.
August 31, 1876:
No Mohawk Valley news.
September 7, 1876:
No Mohawk Valley news.
September 14, 1876:
The Herkimer county Democratic convention yesterday made the following nominations:
For Sheriff: Jacob Small of Herkimer County Clerk: John W. Bridenbecker of Frankfort District Attorney: George A. Rasbach of Ilion Member of Assembly: H. B. Maben of Ilion Justice of Sessions: Hiram Broat of Manheim Coroner: Dr. Brown of Newport
September 21, 1876:
No Mohawk Valley news.
September 28, 1876:
The Ilion Citizen says: Who can tell the whereabouts of the widow or children of a man named Clements or
Clenemence who is said to have been accidentally killed in this county some twenty-five years since? Some
property in England is said to belong to them.
CAIN--In this town (Camden, NY), September 27, 1876, Mary Ann, wife of Stephen Cain, aged 62 years, 8 months,
and 18 days. Mr. and Mrs. Cain were born in the adjoining towns of Charlestown and Root, Montgomery County, NY in the latter of which they were married more than 43 years ago. They have lived in Camden (NY) since 1835. Mrs. Cain has been for the last three years in imperfect health. She lived and died in Christian hope. Her nine children survive her. Funeral at her late residence on the Seventh at 11 AM tomorrow.
(Ed. Note: "The Seventh" is a place-haven't looked in a Gazetter to locate it yet, but it is somewhere near
Camden, NY)
October 5, 1876:
Herkimer will have races October 17, 18 and 19 for $1,000 purse.
October 12, 1876:
A Fairfield chap paid $30 to learn about three card monte at the Newport fair.
Herkimer is to have races on her driving park October 17th, 18th and 19th for purses aggregating $1,000.
D. R. Skinner, a prominent citizen of Little Falls, and engaged with his son in the shoe business, dropped dead in his store Saturday afternoon while waiting on a customer. Cause, heart disease. He was about 65 years old, and came to Little Falls from Oswego.
SNOW-BELL: At the home of the bride, by the pastor of the Baptist church, October 4, 1876, Frank A. Snow,
formerly of this place (Camden, NY), and Miss Maggie Bell, all of Ilion.
October 19, 1876:
Not really of Herkimer County but I thought interesting all the same:
Buffalo Bill was at Watertown last week.
In this village (Camden, NY), October 1, 1876, after eight weeks' illness from severe and repeated prostration by heat, Sarah, wife of Leroy Brown, aged 51 years. Born in Washington county, she came in early life to Oswego County, whence after her marriage she removed with her husband to Otsego County. After 23 years of of residence there, they came to Camden seven years since.
Mrs. Brown united with the Presbyterian church, on profession of faith, in August 1874 and much loved the Lord and his people. An energetic woman, a faithful wife and a good mother, she will be much missed.
October 26, 1876:
Buffalo Bill at the Utica opera house this evening.
Ilion is arranging a course of lectures for the coming winter.
November 2, 1876:
The eight fast mail trains are now stored at Fort Plain.
(Ed. note: Again because of the movement and relative nearness of this article-I have included it.)
OLD TIMES: The following is a copy of the notice of the first mail stage from Utica to Elbridge, Oswego being on the route:
MAIL STAGE FROM UTICA THROUGH CATO FOUR COURNERS TO ELBRIDGE The subscribers will commence running a stage from Utica to Cato Four Corners, once a week, on the third of
December next, which will leave Utica every Wednesday at 4 o'clock in the morning and arrive at Hampton village at Hallodis at 6 o'clock;
from thence to Rome at M. Stone's;
Vienna, at 11 o'clock;
Doolittle's, Camden, at 2 o'clock;
Humpstead's, Williamstown, at 6 o'clock; from thence Thursday morning start for Richland at 4 o'clock and arrive at 8 o'clock;
at Mexico 12;
New Haven 2 o'clock;
at Oswego village at 6 o'clock;
start from thence Friday morning at 4 o'clock and arrive at Hannibal at 8 o'clock;
Cato Four Corners at 12;
and Elbridge at 4.
On return, at Oswego at 6;
and on Monday morning at 4 leave Oswego for Utica, and arrive at 6 p.m. on Tuesday at Gay's Mansion House. Signed: Warner Mitchell, Jose H. Landon. Westmoreland, November, 1823
The Oswego Times says: "The arrival of the first stage in Oswego was an event of great importance and created great excitement in the village. A few of our old inhabitants remember the circumstance."
James Ferguson's coal kiln at West Frankfort burned down a few days ago.
Twelve bears have been killed in the town of Wilmurt lately by two parties.
Ilion is to have another hotel, to be located in the new brick Hunt block. It will be a temperance hotel.
Patrick Ward, aged 25, employed in the ore mines at Philadelphia, fell into the pit a distance of 100 feet Tuesday and was killed.
November 9, 1876:
A mare stolen from G. W. Brigham of Richfield Springs, last week, has been found. One of the Loomis gang had
November 16, 1876:
By reference to a notice in the proper column, it will be seen that a Herkimer gentleman has subtracted one from Camden's long list of young ladies. Thirty five guests witnessed the ceremony. The bride received a large number of very valuable presents, and amid hearty congratulations, the happy pair left on the evening train south, en route for Sandusky, Ohio, for their wedding trip.
Married: FOX-MOSES
At the home of the bride, in this village (Camden, NY), November 15, 1876, by Rev. E. N. Manley, Jabey E. Fox, of Herkimer, and Ida E. Moses.
The Ilion lecture course commences this evening.
A train from Utica to Richfield Thursday night struck a large stone near Cedarville. The pilot of the engine was broken and also a beam, and the train was delayed fifteen minutes. The scoundrel who put the stone on the track has not been caught.
November 23, 1876:
X. A. Willard and family have removed from Fairfield to their old home in the town of Little Falls.
S. C. Sammis, a Midland news agent, has been arrested for bigamy. He has one wife in Norwich, one in
Middletown, and another in New York.
The Ilion Citizen says that at a serenade given to Judge Smith in Herkimer, the Judge announced that "he should not catch at any such technical bait" as that offered by the Lewis County Democrats in reference to Congressional ballots.
Mrs. Burton, of Little Falls, formerly of Williamstown, is here in Williamstown on a visit.
The project of the south side railroad between Utica, Frankfort, Ilion and Herkimer is again being agitated.
November 30, 1876:
By agreement between District Attorney Mills and Hon. S. S. Morgan, of West Winfield counsel for Patrick
Crowley, the Newport murderer, the trial has been set down for Tuesday, December 12.
Miss Libbie Slater, of Mohawk, was in the woods gathering moss a few days since, and while standing at the top of a deep ravine, the earth suddenly gave way under her feet and precipitated her to the bottom of the ravine, but luckily not seriously injuring her.
December 7, 1876:
No Mohawk Valley news.
December 14, 1876:
No Mohawk Valley news.
December 21, 1876:
A subscription paper is being circulated along the line of the proposed Newport and Herkimer railroad, to raise funds for its construction. Newport is expected to raise $25,000.
The Herkimer county supervisors think they have discovered a mare's nest of fraud in the poor accounts. According to the allegations, everyone seems to have had a fat slice of the plunder, and some leading businessmen are said to be involved.
December 28, 1876:
A Little Falls lady "ministered to the wants of 132 of God's poor" in one week recently, says the Journal, by feeding all the tramps who called at her door. Tramps are generally believed to belong to his satanic majesty.
At the home of the bride, December 12, 1876, by Rev. F. H. Seely, Howard L. Wilder, MD of New Haven CT,
formerly of Camden and Miss Hattie L. Clapsaddle of Schuyler's Lake NY.
Continue on to Part 4.
***Bev plans to transcribe the columns a few months at a time. Because she doesn't own the microfilm of this newspaper, no lookups. If you see an item about your ancestors, contact the historical societies to do a search for you to check for more detailed coverage in Herkimer and Montgomery Counties papers. We think Bev deserves a round of applause for this project! If you like what she's doing as much as we do, let her know.
Source: These newspaper columns were transcribed from microfilms of the original newspapers by Beverly Crim.
Copyright © 1997, 1998 Beverly Crim
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Created: 6/14/98
Last Updated: 9/25/98
Text Copyright© 1998 Beverly Crim
Copyright © 1998 Martha S. Magill
All Rights Reserved.