Part 4 of the Camden Advance Journal continues the entertaining monthly serial created by Beverly Crim, Town of German Flatts Section Editor. The Camden Advance Journal's weekly column covered local human interest stories and other items considered newsworthy to people living in the neighboring county of Oneida. The reporter had a real sense of humor, and occasionally a flair for the dramatic; mundane events indeed seem far more interesting in happening to the ancestors. Part 4 spans the editions of January 4, 1877 - June 30, 1878.

Scroll down to July 5, 1877 for new additions.

January 4, 1877:

Rev. J. H. McGahen, of Richfield Springs, has received and accepted a call to become pastor of the Baptist Church, Mexico (NY). He is expected to commence his labors about the first of January.

The Utica & Ilion Narrow Gauge Railroad Company organized at Utica last week with the following officers:
President and Treasurer: Lewis Lawrence
Vice President:  D. B. Goodwin
Secretary:  Hiram Hurlburt.

Several of the most enterprising and substantial men of Utica are connected with the enterprise and it is in hands which makes its success seem highly probable.

(Included for your enjoyment!) A Lee Center correspondent of the Rome Sentinel tells this tale:
By a recent marriage of parties of this place, the lady marries her nephew and becomes daughter-in-law to her innocent sister and brother-in-law, sister-in-law to her nephew and niece and cousin to her own children, and aunt and uncle are now grandparents to the lady's own children. If there is any escape, it is that the gentleman has not married his mother-in-law. It is only justice to say that the parties are only related by marriage. (I have edited the relationships as I had copied them. I don't know if I got confused copying them or the reporter got confused trying to sort out the relationships. After diagraming them, I believe I have the relationships correct, but you might have fun trying to sort out this! On the not so funny side, I found some of these marriages in my own family tree and that of my husband!)

The Waterville Times says: "Residing in the Town of Marshall, today, are two brothers, whose grandfather settled in that section in 1799, and the younger of the grandchildren spoken of above now occupies the old homestead purchased by his grandfather. The father of these two gentlemen was born near the center of the Town of Parish; the elder of his sons near the center of the Town of Kirkland, and the younger of the two in the center of the Town of Marshall, and yet all three were born in the same house, which has not been moved since it was erected, and is neither near the four corners nor the town line. The solution of this singular affair has puzzled many old heads who have heard the statement made and yet it is very simple.  (No answer is given-you're on your own to come up with the solution!)


Subject: Herk/Mont Co

Hi Bev,

I thoroughly enjoy your Camden Advance Journal series, and couldn't resist the most recent items "Included for your enjoyment". The reason I am writing is because I think the newspaper gave the name of the wrong town in this one, so 'tis no wonder it "puzzled many".

The Waterville Times says: "Residing in the Town of Marshall, today, are two brothers, whose grandfather settled in that section in 1799, and the younger of the grandchildren spoken of above now occupies the old homestead purchased by his grandfather. The father of these two gentlemen was born near the center of the Town of Parish; the elder of his sons near the center of the Town of Kirkland, and the younger of the two in the center of the Town of Marshall, and yet all three were born in the same house, which has not been moved since it was erected, ... "

As written, I believe it is a geographical impossibility. However, PARIS [not Parish] was formed in 1792. If the grandfather moved there in 1799, the father would have been born in PARIS. In 1827, Kirkland was taken off from Paris, so if the first grandson was born in 1827/8, he would have been born in Kirkland. The 2d grandson must have been born after 21 Feb 1829, when Marshall was set off from Kirkland. This would fulfill the requirements of the above puzzler.

Additional evidence: Parish is in the center of Oswego Co. The first settler supposedly did not arrive there until 1805. The town was established in 1828 -- making the above claims truly impossible.

THANKS for the great job you do!!!


January 11, 1877:

No Herkimer County news.

January 18, 1877:

At Frankfort, a few days ago, died Albert Earle, who was but thirty inches in height and 24 years of age.

A. G. Story has been made president and Z. C. Priest, vice president, of the Herkimer County National Bank at Little Falls.

Mr. Keeler, postmaster at Newport, fell from a ladder last week, while cutting ice from the eaves of his house, and fractured his ankle.

January 25, 1877:

No Herkimer County news.

February 1, 1877:

Moses Crim, an old resident of Amboy, (NY), died at Plainfield, Otsego County, January 16, 1877, aged 76.

February 8, 1877 to March 15, 1877:

No Herkimer County news.

March 22, 1877:

At the residence of George J. Klock, East Frankfort, NY, February 24, 1877, by Rev. __ H. Sherwood, Andre J. Yeomans of Forestport and Mary __ Sweet of Camden.

March 29, 1877:

Chief of Police, John H. Smith, of Little Falls, was dangerously shot in the head Monday by Andrew Pfau. He was trying to arrest Pfau who is insane.

April 5, 1877:

No Herkimer County news.

April 12, 1877:

North Williamstown News: William Murtough, of Frankfort, was the guest of W. Blount, last week.

April 19, 1877:

No Herkimer County news.

April 26, 1877:

No Herkimer County news.

May 3, 1877:

A Wagner sleeping car will be run through from New York to Richfield Springs, via Utica, this season.

The parents of little Johnny Roche, the Ilion boy, who was dropped from a Central sleeping car at Utica, some months since, and had one foot cut off, have received $6,000 from the Central authorities.

May 10, 1877:

No Herkimer County news.

May 17, 1877:

Mrs. Emhough who was buried in Theresa (NY) was 98 years old. She was one of the remaining settlers who speak the jargon of Dutch, English and Indian common in the valley settlements a hundred years ago.

May 24, 1877:

No Herkimer County news.

May 31, 1877:

No Herkimer County news.

June 7, 1877:

Ilion is troubled with burglars.

June 14, 1877:

Hudson M. Warren, formerly of Ilion, was drowned in Lake Erie, off Cleveland, Ohio, June 3rd.

A Gray, Herkimer County, correspondent writes: William Bennett recently caught, in Mud Lake, a brook trout weighing about one and one-half pounds, and upon dressing the same, a large sized potato bug was found inside of the fish. This lake is situated at least four miles in the woods from the nearest point where potatoes are raised. How came the bug in that locality?

Ten boat clubs have agreed to take part in a regatta on Schuyler Lake, Richfield Springs this season.

An organization has been formed and arrangements made for suitably celebrating the 100th anniversary of the battle of Oriskany. The following resolution was passed at the meeting in Utica, Monday evening, which is a call to perfect the programme: That the commandants of all military organizations and Grand Army posts, masters of Masonic and Odd Fellow organizations, chief engineers of fire departments and presidents of all civic organizations in Central New York be invited to be present or to send representatives to the meeting of the general committee of arrangements to be held in the Common Council chamber, Utica, Tuesday, June 19, at 2 pm to perfect the programme for the proper celebration of the centennial of the Battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1878.

Early in May, the remains of a German who had committed suicide, were found near Herkimer. All usual clues of identification had been removed previous to death. Who the man was could not be determined until last week, when a correspondent sent the following information to the Utica Herald:

Herkimer, June 7: Mrs. Catherine Strahle, wife of John G. Strahle, Dundee, Kane county, Illinois, and her son, with a Rome friend, have been here. They identify the remains of the German who committed suicide near this village in the early part of May as John G. Strahle, of Dundee, Illinois. His stepmother lived in Rome, in this state, and Mrs. Hartman Thron, of Rome, is his sister. He left home May 1 for Chicago, with a deed and money. His friends believe he intended to visit his stepmother and sister in Rome, and wandered to Herkimer. On one or more occasions, he threatened to shoot his wife, and his son says he was very troublesome when in liquor. They had advertised for him after he was missing and were first led to look east by a telegram from Utica regarding the suicide that appeared in the Chicago Times.

June 21, 1877:

Judge Hardin will reopen the Herkimer special term in the Herkimer Court House next Tuesday.

June 28, 1877:

A cave was recently discovered near Laurensville, Otsego County, containing a ton of pure lead, a skeleton, and peculiar copper utensils, supposed to be Indian relics.

An Exeter, Otsego county man, losed a pocketbook in West Winfield, containing several hundred dollars. A little girl found it, and it was restored to its owner. The latter's munificent offer of five cents for finding the money was indignantly refused by the little miss.

July 5, 1877:


July 12, 1877:


July 19, 1877:

A Sabbath School Convention was held in this village (Camden) last week, Monday and Tuesday. There was a large attendance, and Rev. Ferguson, of Richfield Springs, Wadsworth, of Cherry Valley, Fairhead of Van Hornsville, Marvin of Fly Creek, Bissel Stuart, of this place (Camden) took active and spirited parts. Tuesday afternoon was devoted to answering certain difficult and knotty questions connected with the Sunday School and addresses to the children. All went to their homes feeling well pleased that so general an interest was felt.

July 26, 1877:

Dr. J. G. Holland of New York has purchased of Cornwall and Walton, the point below the Crossman House, formerly known as Root's Point. He has named it Bonny Castle and we understand intends erecting a cottage.

August 2, 1877:

Buyers between Utica and Albany will not promise to contract forpotatoes as high as twenty-five cents per bushel. The crop will be very large and the fruit large and solid.

Saturday morning, William Gates, proprietor of Gates' Match Manufactory, of Frankfort, died in that village. He had been for the past year suffering from a complication of disorders, which several times threatened to prove fatal.

Died: In Middleburg, Schoharie County, NY, July 26, 1877, John Meeker, father of Andres Meeker, of this village (Camden), in the 80thyear of his life.

August 9, 1877:

The Oriskany Celebration

The celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Oriskany, which has filled the papers and been so much talked aboutfor the past few weeks, occurred on Monday. With our limited space, it will be impossible for us to give more than an outline of what was done on the occasion.

In the first place, the weather was delightful, and the attendance perfectly immense. The number is variously estimated at from twenty to one hundred thousand. Good judges say the crowd could not have fallen much short of seventy-five thousand.

The military parade about noon, was an extensive one, and very successful, notwithstanding the clouds of dust and crowds of people, both of which impaired the beauty and perfections of uniforms and evolutions.

The vast assembly having been called to order, Hon. Horatio Seymour, President of the Day, then delivered the address of welcome.

After dinner, letters of regret were read from President Hayes and Governor Robinson, after which Lieutenant Governor Dorsheimer was introduced as large enough to represent two governors, and made an eloquent address. He was followed by Hon. W. J. Bacon, and he, in turn, by Hon. Ellis H. Roberts, upon whom devolved the duty of making the main address of the day. One of our exchanges says of his address, "He told more fully, and better than it has ever been told before, the story of the Battle of Oriskany, using the facts with which reading people of the Mohawk Valley were already familiar, and many new facts collected with painstaking labor, not in this country alone, but from the official military records of Great Britain as well."

The Ganesvoort silk, regimental flag, a snare drum which Barry St. Leger forgot to take away with him when he moved so suddenly from the front of Fort Stanwix toward Canada, and many other relics were exhibited.

Interesting addresses were also delivered by Maj. Douglass Campbell, Hon. Clarkson N. Potter, Chancellor E. O. Haven, Hon. Samuel Earl, poems were read, etc. etc.

Remarkably few accidents occurred during the day, the only serious one being the explosion of a small canal steamer, in which the engineer was badly scalded and a peanut boy so badly injured that he died during the night.

August 16, 1877:

This is just funny and was worth including in "things that happened in olden days".

Young men, if you want a protection from drowning when in swimming, do as our little five-year-old cousin did. He took his sister's bustle, tied it on, and called it his life preserver.

The body of Mr. Potts, drowned last week, Monday, at Richfield Springs, was found floating Thursday morning.

August 23, 1877:


August 30, 1877:


September 6, 1877:


September 13, 1877:

Dr. Potter, abortionist, was arrested by Utica officers near Waterville, last week. He has served one term for the offense with which he is now charged.

Springfield, Otsego County: weather is delightfully cool. Potato crop is unusually large. There is an unusual fruit crop of every variety, in Springfield this year.

Rev. P. F. Sanborne is expected home this week from his European Tour.

Our county fair (Otsego County) comes off this week, at Cooperstown, the 25th, 26th, and 27th.

Harry Sanborne left last week to attend school at Richfield Springs for the coming year.

Mr. Prime has nearly completed his house, which is a decided improvement to our quiet village.

Mrs. Abner Cook is lying very dangerously ill. More hopes are entertained of her recovery than for some days past.

Mrs. Kittie M. Carlton, of Camden, has been spending some time with her brother, Dr. Swanson, at Springfield Center, and other friends in this vicinity.

Hop picking is fairly over, and the hop picker goeth about our streets with pockets full of cash (?) and best clothes for every day wear. Verily some people get rich while others starve.

Miss Nettie Fifield, who has been spending a month with her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Rathbun, left last Wednesday en route for her brother's home in De Pere, Wis. Her father, F. D. Didield of Camden, also made his sister a flying visit last week.

September 20, 1877:


September 27, 1877:


October 4, 1877:


October 11, 1877:

In Springfield it is cold and wintry.

Miss Addie Benedict, of Little Falls, is in town.

The apple crop, which is abundant, is now being harvested.

A bridal party from Connecticut were here last week, the guests of Mrs. Durfey.

Mrs. J. C. Rathbun and family spent the past week with friends in Cooperstown.

Mrs. Mary Wright, adopted daughter of Mr. Parmalee, of East Springfield, lies very low. It is feared she will not survive the night.

The next best thing to going abroad oneself is to listen to those who have, a privilege which we are just now largely enjoying. Our beloved pastor, the Rev. P. F. Sanborn, returned September 27, after nearly four months absence, in perfect health, and the next evening was tendered a surprise reception at his home, which he mostly heartily accepted. On the Sabbath following, the church was beautifully decorated with autumn vines, flowers, and leaves, while the words, "Welcome Home", in vivid green, just over the altar, spoke the sentiments of the assembled people. He finds, as he richly merits, a warm welcome from all his friends. His Sabbath evenings thus far have been occupied in giving accounts of his Sabbaths on the ocean, and in Glasgow, Edinburgh, London, and Paris. Next Sunday will find us listening to his Italian Sabbaths.

October 18, 1877:

Springfield News: Jack Frost has made us but one short call this season. We look for him again on every evening train.

Mrs. Bills, of Williamantie, Massachusetts, and Mrs. Miller, of Ohio, are spending several weeks in our village.

Rev. P. F. Sanborne and lady and Mr. Durfey and lady will spend a greater part of the week in Syracuse.

The severe illness of Miss Mary Wright was noticed in the Advance of last week. She died on Tuesday evening of typhus fever. She was a young lady of unusually amiable and lovely traits of character and although a resident of Springfield but a few months, she had endeared herself to all, as was attested by the large number who gathered to attend her funeral on Thursday. The family have the warmest sympathy of the entire community.

October 25, 1877:


November 1, 1877:


November 8, 1877:


November 15, 1877:


November 22, 1877:


November 29, 1877:


December 6, 1877:


December 13, 1877:


December 20, 1877:


December 29, 1877:

There is an obituary of an Alden Rathbun which I will look up if anyone is interested.

January 3, 1878:


January 10, 1878:


January 17, 1878:


January 24, 1878:


January 31, 1878:


February 7, 1878:


February 14, 1878:


February 21, 1878:

Married: KLOCK-POWELL: At the home of the bride, February 13, 1878, Shull Klock, of St. Johnsville and Miss Myra Powell, of McConnellsville.

Miss Ada Forte, of Jordanville, was in Springfield, Otsego County, last week, the guest of Mrs. M. M. Forte.

February 28, 1878:

A Mohawk Valley correspondent says: "Look out for a fellow about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches, high hat, black wife, dark gray clothes, has a scrap-book full of scraps and papers and claims to be a newspaper correspondent. He is soliciting aid from the Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Columbus, and others. He is a fraud--post him."

Charles E. Cook, of Cooperstown, and Miss Addie Benedict, of Paine's Hollow have been spending several days in the vicinity (Springfield, Otsego County).

The much dreaded scarlet fever, which has been for some time in the Town of Warren, is spreading, and its appearance in Springfield is constantly dreaded.

March 7, 1878:

Daniel D. Ingal, a farmer living two miles from Richfield Springs, was accidently killed yesterday afternoon by a load of hop poles falling upon him while he was hauling them to his yard. His neck was broken.

March 14, 1878:


March 21, 1878:


March 28, 1878:


April 4, 1878:


April 11, 1878:


April 18, 1878:


April 25, 1878:

A new fast mail and express train was placed on the N.Y.C. & HR RR Monday, leaving New York at 7:30 p.m. It will only make four stops between New York and Rochester--Albany, Palatine Bridge, Utica and Syracuse.

May 2, 1878:


May 9, 1878:

The Black River Canal was opened for navigation Monday. A telegraph line is to be contructed from Herkimer to Newport. There is some talk of using telephones instead of telegraph instruments.

Mrs. Hiram Shults, the wife of a retired farmer living at St. Johnsville, became deranged four years ago and was placed in the Utica asylum. She grew worse instead of better and her family removed her from the institution. Her mental agony was great, and she was constantly bemoaning her condition. A few mornings ago while stopping with one of her daughters in Stone Arabia, in the Town of Palatine, she came down stairs from her sleeping room and to the surprise of the family, conversed rationally, and said that during the night she awoke and, to her own delight and surprise, found that reason had returned to her, but how, she could not exclaim.

May 16, 1878:

J. S. Maxwell, of Amsterdam, is building the Empire Knitting Mills at Stittville on the site of the one burned in 1872. He hopes to commence operations with twenty or thirty operatives in July.

May 23, 1878:


May 30, 1878:

One hundred hens in Richfield netted E. R. Holdbridge $180, besides what chickens and eggs the family used.

June 8, 1878:

The Telegraph, the new Catholic paper about to be started at Little Falls, will be edited by Rev. J. M. Ludden, brother of Father Ludden of Florence, NY

June 13, 1878:

The Oswego Times, writing of Mrs. Fry, of Albion, in that county, a native of Montgomery County, says: "If Mrs. Fry lives until the 10th of September next, she will be 108 years old. A short time since in walking about the house, Mrs. Fry stumbled over a loose board and, falling, injured her hip so that she has since been confined to her bed. It is doubtful whether she will ever again be able to walk. She is now in a very helpless condition physically but her mental faculties are not seriously impaired. Mrs. Fry has sed (sic) tobacco ever since she was a young woman. Lately her appetite is voracious and it is necessary to restrict her in the amount of food she consumes. Mrs. Fry lives with her son, Henry Fry, a youth of 74 years.

Mr. Casler of Springfield Center, had a valuable horse stolen from his barn last night (June 10).

A young lady of 35 years, living in Herkimer county, astonished one of our young bachelors Saturday by beginning an action against him, claiming a marriage in this county in 1873. The lady has lived in this county or vicinity ever since, and this is the first time she has made her claims public. The bachelor denies the charge in toto and challenges proof and claims that it is begun as a short cut to "wealth and fame" by the plaintiff, crowded on by enemies here from.
From the Carthage Republican.

June 27, 1878:

The Ilion Citizen says: The Mohawk Manufacturing Co. have a large contract for cannon of four different sizes, the casting is being done here. They will be made of the best material; they will vary in size from three to twelve inches long. Some of our doctors may come in for their share before the 4th of July is past.

From the Springfield, Middle Village column: Old Mr. Shaul, of Van Hornesville, was buried Friday last, aged 80

To be continued.

***Bev plans to transcribe the columns a few months at a time. Because she doesn't own the microfilm of this newspaper, no lookups. If you see an item about your ancestors, contact the historical societies to do a search for you to check for more detailed coverage in Herkimer and Montgomery Counties papers. We think Bev deserves a round of applause for this project! If you like what she's doing as much as we do, let her know.

Source: These newspaper columns were transcribed from microfilms of the original newspapers by Beverly Crim.
Copyright © 1998, 1999 Beverly Crim

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Created: 1/10/99
Last Updated: 5/14/99
Text Copyright© 1998, 1999 Beverly Crim/ BJP
Copyright © 1999 Martha S. Magill
All Rights Reserved.