FOUND FAMILY FOTOS #3HERKIMER and MONTGOMERY COUNTIES NYThe identified family photos in the "Found Family Fotos" sections were purchased by the site coordinator at various antique shops and flea markets around NY State between 2001 and 2007. If anyone here is your relative or you have information to share about them below their photo, please contact the site coordinators. An 1880s photo of an unidentified bakery in Frankfort N.Y. The original photograph is a heavily damaged, taped up sepia-toned cabinet card. Repairs were made using a graphics program. Click on the photo to see a closeup. If you can identify who the proprietor and family are, or building location, please contact the site coordinators. An early 1890s photo of pensive little Edna Conover, taken by Stanton of Amsterdam. Click on the photo to see a closeup. In the 1900 census of Amsterdam, 12-year-old Edna was residing with her parents Charles and Frances, and siblings Charles Jr., Emma and Grace. This was an "instant ancestors" photo bin find in New York City. If you have information to share about her, please contact the site coordinators. Written on the back of this 1870s carte de visite in fine old penmanship - "J.S. Kingsley, M.D. Rome, N.Y." Doctor Kingsley was a Frankfort boy, and a long-time resident and medical doctor in Rome, NY. I found a considerable bit of information about him or his family in online databases, on our site, and on neighboring Oneida County NYGenWeb, but am going to be brief with my findings; if you want to know more, follow these clues. Jedediah Kingsley, age 28, first appears in the 1850 census of Frankfort NY residing with parents Obediah and Lovina Kingsley and several siblings. Next door to them is elderly Lydia Kingsley and nearby a large Newell family. In the 1860 census "J. P. Kingsley" is an unmarried physician, residing in the household of Perry Rathbun in Rome. The 1870 census of Rome shows 38-year-old "Jedson S. Kingley" residing with wife Angeline and children Virgil, Merritt, Philip, William, Sumner, and servant Maria Armstrong. In 1880 Jedediah, wife, and the five boys are still in Rome. Also residing with them was niece Georgia(?) Newell, who I was able to determine would have been the daughter of his sister Lydia Jane. In the 1900 Rome census, recently widowed Mrs. Angeline Kingsley was residing with her sons William and Dr. Sumner, and noted that she had had 5 children, 5 living. Angeline is still alive in 1910 and residing with son Sumner and his young family. I found Jedediah Kingsley listed in an online database as being the son of Obadiah Kingsley and Lavinia Tucker and having the middle name Lampson; but with old handwriting sometimes being hard to interpret, I'm proposing that his middle name was actually Sampson. In the census his middle initial is "S" and it is **unquestionably** an "S" on the back of this original photograph, AND this was probably written by Dr. Kingsley himself and the photograph given by him as a gift. Dr. Kingsley, his wife, their 5 sons, and several other family members are buried in the large Rome Cemetery. From the reading of this cemetery posted on Oneida County NYGenWeb site:
Kingsley Angeline 6/1/1911 (nee Myers) [note: this is her date of burial. See obit to follow.] His parents and paternal grandparents are buried in Herkimer County. From lists on our site: Town of Frankfort Cemetery on Ferguson Rd. (George Hildebrandt's 1960s reading)
KINGSLEY, Jedediah, D. 2-17-1843, 77yr, Wf. Lydia Also from our site, same cemetery, different reading and ascribed name: West Frankfort Cemetery Harbor (D.A.R. reading, possibly 1920s, noted to be an incomplete reading)
KINGSLEY, Mary C., died Jun 3, 1868, age 36 yrs. Never take as fact all that you find on line. Notice the difference in months and days for same people between the two readings. has a tree tracing Dr. Kingsley's ancestry back into New England. His father Obadiah is said to have been born in Utica on Oct. 15, 1793 (a very early date to have proof of Oneida County birthdate), and to have passed away on April 1, 1860. Our site's two readings have April 3 and April 31. Dr. Kingsley's paternal grandparents are said to be Jedediah Kingsley (1766-1843) of Kingston, Rhode Island and Lydia Ballou, both of whom are buried in the Frankfort Cemetery on Ferguson Rd. From The Syracuse Herald, Tuesday, May 30, 1911, page 12: Death of Mrs. Angeline M. Kingsley Rome, May 30.- Mrs. Angeline Myers Kingsley, widow of Dr. Jedediah S. Kingsley, died at 5 P. M. yesterday at the home of her son, Dr. Sumner B. Kingsley, No. 512 North George Street. She was born in Oswego 81 years ago. The following children survive all being with their mother when she passed away: Dr. Virgil C. Kingsley of Danville, Ill., Dr. Sumner B., Merrit H.(?), Philip S. and William G. Kingsley, all of Rome, and one sister, Mrs. S. E. Carleton of Santiago, Cal., and five grandchildren. I found this formal wedding photo in Keuka County last year. The seated women strongly resemble the bride. The women wear detailed Edwardian era embroidered whites and sewn straw dish hats. Although there are still boned high collars and silk tucked lower sleeves on the dresses, this could be as recent as ca. 1908-1910. On the back it says in fountain pen - "W.H. Thorpe. Ilion. Herkimer. New York. America. Box 27." Someone else has written in ballpoint pen "Not a Lyon. 1998." Click on the picture to see a much larger image. This photo of Alison Walker was found in New York City. Taken at the W.F. Brown Studio, Division St., in Fort Plain. On the back of this cabinet card photo it says "Alison Walker about 1897 or 98." Also written on the back - "Aunt Peggy, Waterford RFD 3," maybe in his own hand. Just below the studio address on the front is the stamped date "1898." Waterford NY is near Troy, between Lansingburgh and Prospect Hill.
I found this blond young man's picture in Madison County. He appears to be in his late teens, 21 tops, and something about him looks like he was a real wiseacre. Another small carte de visite, taken at W.H. Abbott's studio in Little Falls, N.Y., probably in the 1880s. Is he your great-grandfather or uncle? |
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