Herkimer County NY
Ancestral Sightings Part 3

Lisa Slaski and Jane Dieffenbacher's abstracting of family profiles from county history books has become one of the most popular resources on the site. Similar profiles, as well as shorter mentions, can turn up anywhere. The profiles, sightings and new tidbits below of former Herkimer County residents come from books, newspapers, and articles published in other states and other NY counties, as well as specialized reference works.

Many states "Out West" published books with short biographies about their local residents, telling where they originally came from. Of course, history books for other NY State counties profiled their own residents, some of whom had Herkimer County roots. Detailed genealogical information is occasionally given. The persons whose short bios and info appear below may or may not be your ancestors, but it's worth scanning through them to check out where your own families' relatives migrated and when.

This section is for resources from other places mentioning persons with Herkimer County ties. Contributions can be sent to the site coordinators, putting "Ancestral Sightings" in the subject line of your email. Include accurate reference as to book/source if you have it. Published sources must be over 75 years old (copyright law). **No notice is too small.** A one-line mention may be the solution to someone's brick wall.

new 6/27/05 A large batch of great local reading from far northern New York State newspapers was graciously contributed by Joanne Murray.

From: The Franklin Gazette (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Friday, March 15, 1889

The Secret Wine Vault in Herkimer

The prohibitionists do not think that they have any reason to love Dr. Warner Miller for his decoy temperance campaign of last year, and the present probability of his absence from politics does not seem to make their hearts grow fonder. An extraordinary accusation has lately been brought against him by Mr. F. F. Wheeler, chairman of the Prohibition State committee.

In the Voice of Feb. 23rd, Mr. Wheeler avers that he had for some time heard that Dr. Miller was a wine drinker, and "had a secret wine vault in the cellar of his beautiful Herkimer residence." Mr. Wheeler was asked by some of his temperance friends to inquire into these reports. He went to Herkimer to make an investigation, and he reports these results:

"Warner Miller has a secret wine vault in his Herkimer residence. It was built secretly, the workman who did the woodwork being instructed to lock the cellar door on each occasion of going out or coming into the cellar. The work was done by one of his gardeners, who is a carpenter and "jack at all trades," and engaged by Dr. Miller by the year. The workman was also instructed to make the door of the vault three inches thick; but supposing that by using seven-eighths material doubled together, thus making the door one and three-quarters inches thick, he would have a door heavy enough for any ordinary purposes he did so. But Dr. Miller ordered him to make another, and "make it three inches thick this time." This he did, but it made so heavy a door that one man could not easily hang it. He was not permitted, however, to take anyone in there to help him, but was compelled to use wooden horses, weights, pulleys, chisels, &c., as well as much time and strategy, in order to hang it.

"The liquors were sent to Herkimer, not directed to Dr. Miller, but to the manufacturing company of which he is president. The same workman hauled them from the depot and placed them in the vault. They came in a long, rough box, which, upon being opened, was found to contain another box, and this contained generally four smaller boxes, each having twenty-four bottles of liquor. A year or more after the vault was built, the empty bottles had accumulated somewhat, and Dr. Miller instructed his faithful employee to take a quantity of them out into the swamp, dig a hole, and bury them. The workman, thinking they would be very useful for catsup and other purposes in his own home, offered Dr. Miller $3 for 100 of them, but Dr. Miller refused to sell any and insisted that they be buried.

On one occasion, while building the vault, when the workman was carrying in a bundle of lath on his shoulder, before he could lock the door on the inside, two men walked quickly around the corner of the house and down into the cellar, and of course very soon comprehended what was going on. These men imparted the news to some of their friends, and thus the secret escaped. In about two weeks the workman received a letter from Dr. Miller, who was in Washington, upbraiding him for his carelessness in not better protecting the secrecy of the work."

Mr. Wheeler's case apparently rests upon hearsay evidence, but he proclaims his ability to make good his assertions. Even granting them to be true, his conclusions from them are not sound. He says that many sincere temperance men supported Dr. Miller because they were "led to believe that he was a total abstainer, and, as a prominent Methodist, a believer in the doctrine of his church on the liquor question." But if this was so, it was not Dr. Miller's fault. As far as we know he did not pose as a prohibitionist. He was known to use wine in moderation. The Sun pointed out more than once during the campaign that not he but Governor Hill was the total abstinence candidate. Dr. Miller is a Methodist, and the Methodists are inclined toward total abstinence and prohibition, but they do not forbid a Methodist to be a high-license man.

As to Dr. Miller's wine vault, Mr. Wheeler charges that the Herkimer statesman keeps, or tries to keep, his wine vault a secret. In rural communities, where the thirst is as great and the wine cellars are fewer than in the towns, it may be prudent to keep the exact situation of your wine cellar undisclosed. Perhaps, too, Dr. Miller has prohibitionist neighbors, whose sensibilities would be painfully moved did they know he had a wine cellar. On their account he may have had this whiskey crypt built in huggermugger. And his refusal to sell the empty liquor bottles certainly shows firmness and a mind for temperance. Had he allowed them to become catsup bottles, the smell of the corn juice might have hung around them still, and some innocent prohibitionist might, perhaps, have taken in residuary poison with his catsup.

Provided that Mr. Wheeler can make good the allegations of his indictment, Dr. Miller may be content to demur. If a gentleman chooses to bury his wine and liquors in a secret vault and his bottles in a secret place, is it anybody's business but his own? And then, can Mr. Wheeler prove that Dr. Miller's so-called wine vault was not a medicine chest? - N.Y. Sun

From: The Malone Farmer (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) February 1900

Abram E. Elmer, of Utica, celebrated his 118th birthday last week. He was born at Warren, Herkimer County, and was the oldest of fifteen children. He served in the War of 1812. Mr. Elmer has used tobacco since he was twelve years old, consumed a five-cent package every day and says it "tastes good yet".

From: The Malone Farmer (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Wednesday, May 15, 1901

Herkimer County had a double murder a little over a week ago. Benjamin Hoyt shot Mrs. John Wallace, wife of the owner of the farm on which he had been working, as the result of a bitter fight with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace who ordered him to leave the place. Hoyt refused to go and shot Mrs. Wallace through the heart. Wallace had by this time secured a weapon, and as Hoyt shot at him he returned the fire, killing Hoyt instantly. Hoyt had once eloped with Mrs. Wallace, but both the wife and Hoyt were taken back to the farm by the forgiving husband. Recently Hoyt had been importuning Mrs. Wallace to elope with him again but she refused. Hoyt was 35 years of age and Mrs. Wallace 55. As the result of the quarrel they are together in death and the husband is waiting the result of an official investigation of the tragedy.

From: The Ticonderoga Sentinel (Ticonderoga, Essex Co., NY) Thursday, May 30, 1901

Wilbur F. Porter Dead

Wilbur F. Porter, mayor of Watertown, NY, and democratic nominee for governor of New York State in 1892 is dead, aged 68 years. Mayor Porter was born in Herkimer County, NY and resided in Watertown nearly all his life. He was widely known as a criminal lawyer and counselor. He was six times chosen mayor, being the nominee of both parties one year. Governor Flower appointed him a member of the State Board of Claims, which office he held for six years.

From: The Malone Farmer (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Wednesday, November 20, 1901

Dennis J. Mahoney died at Big Moose, Herkimer County, Wednesday, as the result of a blow on the head, alleged to have been given by Victor McPhee at the Butler House, Big Moose, on Monday night. McPhee is in custody.

From: The Malone Farmer (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Wednesday, November 4, 1903

The only surviving pensioner of the War of 1812 is Hiram S. Cronk, a resident of Ava, Oneida County. He is a native of Frankfort, Herkimer County, and is in his one hundred and fourth year. Mr. Cronk enlisted in the New York volunteers in 1814 and his father and two brothers served in the same regiment. All were engaged in the defense of Sackett's Harbor. For many years Hiram drew a pension of $12 a month, but at its last session Congress increased the sum to $25 a month.

From: The Ticonderoga Sentinel (Ticonderoga, Essex Co., NY) Thursday, October 10, 1907

Taken For A Deer

Found Dead in the Woods With Two Bullet Wounds

The body of John Wilsey was found Sunday morning in a woods in the town of Salisbury, Herkimer County, with a bullet in his head and another in his back.

Later in the day George Harris of Salisbury, was arrested while he was returning from church, and confessed that he shot Wilsey Saturday while both were out hunting, mistaking him for a deer.

Harris, who is only 17 years of age, said that when he discovered what he had done he became so frightened that he feared to tell of the accident.

He was lodged in Herkimer jail pending examination. Wilsey worked for various parties in Salisbury, and he is said to have come from Cooperstown.

From: The Ticonderoga Sentinel (Ticonderoga, Essex Co., NY) Thursday, November 14, 1907

Jack Wiltsie was killed by George Harris in Salisbury, Herkimer County. Harris concealed the tragedy for 24 hours and was arrested while attending church service. Harris is a mere boy and the shooting was plainly accidental.

From: The Malone Farmer (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Wednesday, March 11, 1908

Alfred Dolge, the founder of Dolgeville, Herkimer County, is dead at the age of 85 years. He was the inventor and maker of piano equipments. At one time 80 per cent of the felt used in piano making was manufactured by his firm, which employed over 2,600 skilled workmen, and the village which he constructed attracted the attention of the world. All the workmen shared in the profits of the business.

From: The Malone Farmer (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Wednesday, April 18, 1917

Justice Sanderson, of Salisbury Centre, Herkimer County, held court in a lumber camp recently to save time and expense. Albert Malloy, a lumberjack, confessed judgment before him and paid $25 for killing a rabbit out of season.

From: The Malone Farmer (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Wednesday, October 22, 1919

Harley Martin, 50, a farmer of Grant, Herkimer County, was killed when his brother-in-law, George Bunce, of Herkimer, thought he was a deer. Martin, dressed in a light colored suit, had bent over to pick a wild flower. Bunce saw what appeared to be a four-legged animal, fired and Martin fell over dead.

Note the difference in the brother-in-law's name - BRUCE in the Ticonderoga paper and BUNCE in the Malone paper.

From: The Ticonderoga Sentinel (Ticonderoga, Essex Co., NY) Thursday, October 23, 1919

Harley Martin of Grant, Herkimer County, was killed when his brother-in-law, George Bruce of Herkimer, fired at him when he reached to pick a flower. Martin wore a light colored suit and Bruce mistook him for a deer.

From: The Franklin Gazette (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Friday, September 29, 1899

One of the worst murders ever perpetrated in Herkimer County occurred one and one-half miles south of Fulton Chain at 9:30 o'clock Thursday evening. The murderer is Horace Norton and the victim was his wife. She was struck down and killed with an axe. The crime was committed on the veranda of their home in full view of several witnesses. Norton, when last seen, was walking south on the Adirondack & St. Lawrence railroad tracks. He is about 40 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high and weighs 160 pounds. When last seen he wore dark clothes. He has a sandy mustache and a light complexion.

From: The Franklin Gazette (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Friday, February 24, 1893

Edwin C. Hiser, and engineer of the Central-Hudson railroad, whose home has been for several years at Lockport, has been appointed master Mechanic of the Adirondack & St. Lawrence railroad from Herkimer to Malone. The new official will have his headquarters at Herkimer and has already removed to that town with his family from Lockport. He is said to be a thorough railroad man whose knowledge of the mechanical construction of engines is so perfect that he has been repeatedly called to testify as an expert witness in important suits involving thousands of dollars.

From: The Franklin Gazette (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Friday, November 25, 1887

Michael Rickard Appointed Railroad Commissioner

Governor Hill, on Friday last, appointed Michael Rickard, of Utica, Railroad Commissioner in place of John D. Kernan, resigned. The appointment is a good one and must give universal satisfaction. Mr. Rickard has been for more than twenty years, an engineer on the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, and was urged for the appointment by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and other trade and labor organizations throughout the state. He was nominated by the Governor last winter and his name sent to the Senate for confirmation, but that body refused to confirm. His appointment at this time being to fill a vacancy it is not necessary to get the confirmation of the Senate. The Utica Press, an independent journal, says of the appointment:

Governor Hill's action in appointing Michael Rickard, of this city, to the vacant place in the Railroad Commission is most commendable and manifests good judgment and political sagacity on his part. Last winter he nominated Mr. Rickard and the Republican Senators declined to confirm him and in time the name was withdrawn and others presented. The "hanging up" process went on for a long while and everyone remembers the attention it attracted. It was then said by the Republicans that the nomination of the Utica Engineer was not made in good faith and that it was not actuated by any desire on the Governor's part to give him the place, but that it was only done for effect. This fall a great deal has been said on that question and the effort has been made to have it understood that Gov. Hill knew Mr. Rickard would never be confirmed when he sent in his name. This was done to lessen the Governor's reputation with the railroad men and working classes generally. But the executive has adroitly taken the wind out of his enemies' sails by nominating the Utican again when no Senate can prevent him from taking his seat in the Commission. Gov. Hill has the knack of doing a clever thing at the time when it will do the most good. His re-nomination of Mr. Rickard is the best possible answer to those who accused him of bad faith last winter.

To say that Mr. Rickard is a model man for the place is only repeating what this paper has frequently said on previous occasions. He has been in the railroad business since 1848 and has served in numerous capacities, and always efficiently. Michael Rickard was born at East Creek, Herkimer County, February 1, 1837. His father was a section boss on the old Utica & Schenectady railroad and lost his life in that service. The son commenced work for himself, after having acquired a common school education, as a line-boy for the civil engineer who were laying out the new track. Later he was ticket agent at Fort Plain, locomotive fireman, and at the end of his apprenticeship, an engineer. He ran an engine for a time, and was then made dispatcher at the roundhouse in this city. Next he was promoted to the position of Master Mechanic in the Utica shops, when this city was the terminus of a division. After holding this position several years he returned to the road, and has ever since been regarded as one of the most skillful and trustworthy men who ever sat on the right side of a cab. He enjoyed the complete confidence of his employers and is popular with his associates. He is a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and by them was first urged for the commissionership, and was afterward supported by all the railroad men of the state. He has never before been a candidate for office of any sort. He is pre-eminently a practical railroad man, and understands the business thoroughly in all its branches.

One of the results of this nomination will be to make Governor Hill popular with the 75,000 railroad men in this state. They are a loyal class and stand by each other and their friends. Viewed simply in a political light it is a very shrewd selection and an investment on which the Governor will receive sure returns. But the influence goes farther than one class of employment. The workingmen generally will appreciate the appointment and accept it as a recognition. It will have a tendency to materially strengthen both Mr. Hill and his party, and moreover comes at a very good time just before a Presidential and Gubernatorial election. This appointment shows that at least now and then worthy men secure deserved promotion without buying it. Mr. Rickard is no politician and was content to attend strictly to his own business, striving only to excel in his calling, serving his employers conscientiously and doing his duty. He was suggested for the place by his associates, men who saw him every day at his work. They were impressed with his faithfulness, his intelligence and his devotion to his vocation. They saw in him qualities and acquirements worthy of honor and they generously and heartily supported him to a man. The railroad men are to be congratulated that they have secured for one of their number so honorable, responsible and lucrative a position. Mr. Rickard is to be congratulated too. He is a man abundantly competent to fill a place on the Commission in a manner creditable to himself and satisfactory to the people.

From: The Franklin Gazette (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Friday, February 2, 1894

Fred Conroy, of Herkimer, has retained Hon. P. H. McEvoy, of Little Falls, to commence suit against the Adirondack & St. Lawrence railroad for damages sustained in Herkimer, December 21, while out riding with William Macksey. They were on their way to Little Falls in a cutter. As they were crossing the railroad tracks an Adirondack & St. Lawrence train approached from the north. As it neared them their horse became frightened and backed the cutter toward the train. Conroy was thrown out against the passing train. His left arm struck the tracks and was nearly severed by the wheels of one car which passed over it. Macksey escaped uninjured. Conroy was brought to Utica, where his arm was amputated below the elbow in St. Luke's Hospital by Dr. Glass. He remained in the hospital until last week, when he was discharged. Conroy will ask the jury to award him $3,000. He is a paper cutter by trade, and earned $3 a day when he was employed in Warner Miller's mill.

From: The Malone Farmer (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Wednesday, March 8, 1916

Two cases, involving sixty men in illegal killing of deer, are in the hands of the game protectorate force of the state under the direction of the conservation commission. In one case thirteen big railroad officials of Syracuse and members of their party, who, it is charged, killed deer illegally while on hunting trips last fall in the vicinity of Fulton Chain and Big Moose, are implicated. In the other forty-four lumberjacks, who have been occupying camps on the Independence River, 11 miles southeast of Old Forge, will be called before Justice of the Peace Moore, in Poland, Herkimer County. Never before have the protectors unearthed such slaughter of deer as is apparent in these cases, involving as they do high-up "sportsmen" in one instance and tree choppers in the other.

According to the agents, C. E. Underhill, of Tribes Hill, and Joseph Jenkins, of Poland, two big parties of Syracuse railroad men went into the southern Adirondacks, in October, one going to Big Moose and the other stopping at Fulton Chain. They are alleged to have taken nine deer, eight of them does, and one buck with horns less than three inches in length. The carcasses were cut up and carried out of the woods in pack baskets. Two of the members of this party are said to have confessed, and implicated the other eleven. It is expected that all will confess judgment and settle their fines and costs.

The biggest roundup of lumberjacks ever known in the Adirondacks in connection with any violation of the game or fish laws has been made during the last few days on the Frank Murphy lumber job on the Taggart Tract on the Independence River. Information of the killing of deer this winter by men at work on this lumber job came to the attention of Division Chief Byron Cameron in Saranac Lake, through a report made to him by Wm. Stearns, protector. Mr. Cameron made a report to C. E. Underhill, chief of the division, in which the deer killing was going on. Mr. Underhill gathered about him Protectors Joseph Jenkins, of Cold Brook, William H. Andres and A. Waterman, of Crogan, and went to the scene. The carcass of one whole deer was found and many deer skins were found in the snow.

It is said that at the beginning of the winter 68 deer were in a yard near lumber camps on the Murphy job. There were several camps and it is said that men from the largest camps made a practice of killing deer of a Sunday. Mr. Underhill and his men found evidence of the illegal killing of 11 deer. One man is said to have confessed to killing 7 deer. - Adirondack Enterprise.

From: The St. Lawrence Herald (Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., NY) Friday, May 15, 1903

Railroad Collision

Four men Killed Others Hurt

Malone, NY, May 10 - There are many conflicting reports relative to the collision on the M & M RR on Saturday at about 2:55 pm at Nelson Lake, near Fulton Chain. The cause of the wreck was either a misunderstanding of orders, or else one train running on the other's time. This seems to be the dispute. Hiram Porter was on the north bound train for Malone and says the train was going very fast, and rounding a curve when without warning a clash came, and the next thing he knew he was on the ground outside of the car. How he came to be there he does not know. The car, smoker, was badly smashed and splintered. The locomotives fairly plowed through each other. Engineer Kelly of the north-bound train was killed, also conductor Frank Faulke of Utica and John T. [section missing] of Malone, newsboy, and [section missing] Yorkan.

James R. Jones, mail clerk of Malone was on the south bound train, and has a compound fracture of the right leg, a broken nose, and scalp wounds. He was brought here Saturday night between 12 and 1 o'clock. He claims the attention given him by Mr. Porter saved his life as he was pinned down.

John Best of Herkimer, mail clerk, running between Malone and Utica, is also badly injured and may die. He was taken home.

Both trains were loaded with men going into the Adirondacks fishing. Many passengers were more or less injured and Mr. Porter says the scene is beyond description and pandemonium reigned for a while, while unhurt were looking after those who were injured.

A lady on the train north bound for Montreal is said to have done heroic work in helping to care for the injured. There were no physicians at hand. The tenders of the locomotives took fire which was put out by passengers before doing any damage. That more people were not killed seems miraculous. Conductor O'Connor of the south bound train which leaves here at 10:30 am was badly hurt, and also express messenger Thomas Wallace. - EX

From: The St. Lawrence Herald (Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., NY) Friday, March 16, 1900

Engine Toppled Over

Engineer Patrick Garrigan and Fireman George Brothers Injured

Patrick Garrigan of Utica, an engineer employed on the Adirondack and St. Lawrence railroad and his fireman, George Brothers of Herkimer, met with an accident on the Raquette Lake railroad, running from Clearwater to Raquette Lake, about noon Sunday. Three engines were pushing a plow through the big snowdrifts. Garrigan's engine left the track and toppled over on its side so suddenly that the engineer and fireman did not have a chance to escape.

Engineman Garrigan had his right side badly injured, and it is feared that two of his ribs are fractured. He reached Utica on the Black River train at 9:45 o'clock that night. It was feared at first that fireman Brothers had been seriously injured. A piece of glass struck him in the neck, cutting a deep gash and severing an artery. He bled considerably and became weak from loss of blood, but after medical assistance was secured he rapidly recovered. He is at Fulton Chain.

new 6/19/05 These five newsy tidbits from far northern New York State newspapers were spotted by Joanne Murray.

From: The Franklin Gazette (Malone, Franklin Co., NY) Friday, May 7, 1897

There was a shooting affray on the streets at Herkimer Tuesday morning. F. Doxtader received a wound in one hand and a second in his leg near the groin. The shots were fired by Italians who had been employed on the canal during the spring. Doxtader was one of the bosses and had incurred the enmity of some of the men. The men fled and are not known.

From: The St. Lawrence Herald (Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., NY) Friday, May 9, 1902

Mrs. P. Chalmers took the early train Saturday morning in answer to a telegram received from Herkimer that their daughter, Mrs. Hart, was very sick.

From: The Elizabethtown Post (Elizabethtown, Essex Co., NY) Thursday, April 2, 1903

Herkimer Woman an Heiress.

Mrs. Joan Carr of Herkimer has been informed that she is heir to one-fourth of the estate of Col. J. Palmer, who died recently, leaving his estate of about $200,000 to his four surviving relatives. Mrs. Carr's husband conducts a boot-blacking establishment at Herkimer.
- Troy Times, March 30th.

From: From: The Fulton Patriot (Fulton, Oswego Co., NY) Wednesday, [?], 1924

Mrs. Charles Ives has gone to her old home at Norway, Herkimer County, to attend the funeral of her uncle.

From: The Fulton Patriot (Fulton, Oswego Co., NY) Wednesday, September 18, 1929

C. S. Ives and friends of Syracuse and Jefferson County, visited Wallingford, Conn. Last week. Mr. Ives' ancestors came from Connecticut in 1796 to Herkimer County, this state. Mr. Ives procured part of a wooden peg from a barn at Wallingford, which his grandfather built. The peg is in a good state of preservation and was used in place of nails.

new 6/19/05  The following Herkimer County men attended Princeton University. Names abstracted from Princeton University Alumni Directory, 18th Edition. Princeton University Press: Princeton, N.J. October 1, 1948. There was no notation regarding being deceased, or whether the villages were their hometowns when attending the university or where residing in 1948.

' = graduate of a particular class year
* = recipient of higher degree
- = non-graduate
no mark = undergraduate at time directory was printed

BRAYTON, H.P. Jr., Herkimer, '35
BROOKS, A.E., Ilon, '23
JAMES, E.R., Ilion, '98
LAURIE, A.J., Frankfort, '48
RUSSELL, A.H., Ilion, '45
VAN DER GRACHT, A., Little Falls, '24
VANDERHOEF, H.B. Jr., Old Forge, '16

new 5/29/05 Found in The Medentian, the 1945 yearbook of the Medical and Dental Schools of the University of Buffalo.

Dr. Sal Sapia

Under Dental School Graduates, Class of 1945:

Salvatore M. Sapia
Amsterdam, New York

University of Buffalo
Med-Dent Basketball Team

Popular, good alto man in any laboratory quartet. Member of the pin-ball squad. "The name is Sapia, Doctor. The "a" as in say, not as in nap!" Checking for sore spots on chronic complainers is his specialty.

new 4/29/05 An almost 75-year-old newspaper query, spotted by researcher Paula Pitts!

From The Boston Transcript Genealogy Column, Oct 17, 1936, page 87.


2748.3   Potter, Barnes, I.T. P. Sept. 22, 1936 Jeremiah Potter, born April 17, 1765 Cranston, RI married Polly (Mary) Barnes daughter of Comfort Barnes Jr. born in 1737. Comfort Jr. married Hannah Corey; located in New Ashford, Berkshire Co., Mass; had 12 children, 5 sons and 7 daughters. The family later removed to Saratoga Co. NY. Comfort Barnes Jr. was a son of Comfort Barnes. Report of Census of July 1, 1825 Norway NY gives: Comfort Barnes, one in family.

The Potter family moved from Cranston, RI to Norway, Herkimer Co., NY. Jeremiah Potter, son of Fisher Potter, was born in Cranston, RI March 3, 1737, died at Norway, Herkimer Co., NY Jan 27, 1813. His wife, Mary died there May 13, 1826. Jeremiah Potter, Sr. was married April 2, 1758 at Scituate, RI by Edward Sheldon, Justice of Peace to Mary Matthewson, daughter of Jeremiah Matthewson and wife Sarah Angel. Mary Matthewson was born March 19, 1737, at Scituate. I do not think Jeremiah Potter Jr. had service in the Revolution. They settled in the "Royal Grant" in 1787 and 1788; not all the family coming at the same time.

O. H. H.

Note: Transcribed from microfilm FHL 14743, available from any Family History Center at an LDS church or at the Salt Lake City Family History Library.

Contributed by researcher Jack May, some new information relating to the William Kline family! Abstracted from 1892 Portrait & Biographical Album of Genesee, Lapeer & Tuscola Counties, which counties are in the State of Michigan.

GEORGE KLINE, of the firm of Kline, Goodenough & co., general dealers in produce, who are doing a heavy business and occupying a double block in Flint, has been in this line of business for sixteen years. He was born in Amsterdam, Montgomery County, N.Y. November 10, 1827, and is a son of Adam and Elizabeth (Kreisler) Kline. The father was a farmer and came to Michigan when George was still a small boy. They located upon a farm in Grand Blanc Township, this county, and this the father improved and lived on until his death, leaving a family of seven children.

The brothers and sisters of our subject are: Adam, James, John (deceased), Joseph, Henry (who died in the army), and Sarah, Mrs. Milton Bradley, of Eldorado, Kan. The mother survived the father for some twelve years. Our subject received a good practical education in the common schools and helped upon the farm, remaining there until he was married.

While still a young man Mr. Kline learned the carpenter's trade and worked at that for some time, and subsequently went into the business of a drover, gathering up here and shipping to Detroit and Buffalo such stock as he could purchase. This he carried on quite extensively, and after having been in the city for some time he bought a farm at Burton. He was first connected in business with Mr. Goodenough alone, but now has added to the firm Mr. Richard Bailey, and they are doing an extensive business to the amount of fully $200,000 a year. They buy and ship grain, hay, oats, and all kinds of produce. The marriage of our subject which took place July 8, 1858 united him with the woman of his choice in the person of Miss Artemesia Shaw, of Grand Blanc Township. She has always made her home in this county and is a daughter of Abiel and Mary A. (Gibson) Shaw, natives of Genesee, N.Y.

Spotted by the site coordinator in the newspaper Lakeshore News, for Thursday, October 7, 1943. p. 9. Published in Wolcott, Wayne County, New York State.

Under news of North Rose, NY, the following:

Mr and Mrs. Robert Lindsley and daughters, Janet and Carol Ann, and Mrs. Harold Talbot and son, Harold, of West Winfield, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oaks.

The following regional students were spotted by the site coordinator in The Cornell University Registry 1883-84, published by The University, Ithaca, New York. Herkimer County students in bold. For further information about them, please refer to the local historical societies.



Boshart, Charles Fred, Lowville, Agriculture
Fish, Fred Starr, Cedarville, Science and Letters
Larned, William Henry, Poland, Civil Engineering


Hough, Elida Crofoot, Lowville, Arts
Snyder, Charles Earl, Herkimer, Science and Letters


Dunham, Andrew Ellsworth, Sauquoit, Science and Letters
Ehle, Boyd, Fort Plain, Civil Engineering
Ingalls, Owen Lovejoy, Peterboro, Civil Engineering
Hyatt, Louis Eugene, Lansingburg, Hist. and Pol. Science
Smith, Eva Anna, West Winfield, Science and Letters
Smith, Sidney Alvord, Herkimer, Science and Letters


Alvord, Lucy, Johnstown, Arts
Bellinger, Lyle Fred, Ilion, Civil Engineering
Gifford, Arthur Warner, Little Utica, Civil Engineering
Lyne, Arthur Lincoln, Antwerp, Civil Engineering
Merwin, Milton Knapp, Utica, Mechanic Arts
Norton, Albert Julius, Utica, Architecture
Pelton, Gilbert Brace, Ilion, Civil Engineering

Spotted by the site coordinator in History of the Seneca Baptist Association with Sketches of Churches and Pastors, by Lewis Halsey. Illustrated. Ithaca, N.Y.: Journal Association Book and Job Printing House. 1879.

CALVIN GREENE CARPENTER. Born, Fairfield, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1800. United with Whitesboro church Oct. 11, 1818, there licensed. O., Fairfield, Feb., 1821. P., Fairfield, (10), preached at Norway, Salisbury, Little Falls, Whitesboro. P., Little Falls, 1831-5; Ithaca, 1835-7; Romulus, 1838-42; Phelps, 1843-8. A fellow student of Wade, Kincaid, Wall, Stearns, Goodale and Blood, at Fairfield and Whitesboro, before the Institution at Hamilton was born. With Galusha, Willey, Lathrop, and others, established the Baptist Register, 1824. Agent of N.Y., Bap. MIs'y. Conv., 1824., and again in 1834; Sec'y. of that body 1827-35. P., Geneva, 1853-5; Elbridge, 1858-60; Phelps Village, 1862-64. Received honorary A.M., from M.U., 1852. Married Laura Haskins, Dec. 1, 1825; Married his second wife, Nancy Munroe, Aug. 19, 1834. His son, Calvin Hasseltine, distinguished as a physician, died of dyptheria, Dec. 1, 1878, at Geneva. His second son, Stephen Haskins Carpenter, L.L.D., a Professor in Wisconsin State Univ., and an author of repute, died Dec. 7, 1878. Mr. Carpenter now resides at Phelps. [p. 236]


At Hamilton, 1835-40. O., Frankfort, Herkimer Co., Dec. 5, 1838. P., Farmer Village, 1841-45; Vernon, Knowlesville, Ovid Village, Walesville. Studied under Rev. L. Ransted. [p. 242][O. = ordained; P. = pastor]

Spotted by the site coordinator in the newspaper The Fairport Herald, for Wednesday, July 9, 1913. p. 3. Fairport is in eastern Monroe County, New York State.

Miss May Yule of Jordanville, N.Y., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Franc Terpening, and other relatives in town.

(possibly related family) Mrs. Floyd Terpening is spending some time at the home of her father, P.A. Welch. Mr. Terpening is expected Friday to spend his vacation.

Spotted by the site coordinator in State of New York. No. 74. In Assembly, March 30, 1893. Annual Report of the Forest Commission. Annual report presented by Commissioners Townsend Cox, Theodore B. Basselin and Dudly Farlin. p. 66


TOWNName of FirewardenPost-office address
ColumbiaJames L. Ackler Spinnerville
Danube John Moyer Danube
Fairfield John Field Middlefield (sic. Middleville)
Frankfort George W. Keeler Frankfort Centre
German Flats William Kittle Mohawk
Herkimer Thomas Byrnes Herkimer
Litchfield Edward Cole Cedarville
Little Falls George W. McCammon Little Falls
Manheim Peter J. Dunckel Dolgeville
Newport William Stroop Newport
Norway Michael Mahardy Norway
Ohio William Lawton Ohio
Russia William Lights Northwood
Salisbury Charles L. Ives Salisbury
Schuyler William Way, Jr. West Schuyler
Stark John Vedder Van Hornesville
Warren John M. Hanmer Jordanville
Wilmurt Burt J. Conklin Wilmurt
Winfield Thomas Smith West Winfield

Spotted in "Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Adams, Clay, Hall and Hamilton Counties, Nebraska, comprising a condensed history of the state, a number of biographies of distinguished citizens of the same, a brief descriptive history of each of the counties mentioned, and numerous biographical sketches of the citizens of such counties..." Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Co. 1890." These men lived in Hall County, Nebraska.

WHITEHEAD, Frederick Frederick Whitehead, farmer and stock-raiser, Wood River, Neb. Mr. Whitehead is a native of the Empire State, where his birth occurred in 1844, and is the son of William and Sarah (Watson) Whitehead, both natives of England. The father was born in 1810 and was a cotton-spinner by trade, working at his trade in his native country until he came to America in 1834. He was married in England in 1830, and after reaching this continent continued his former trade for about ten years in New York. He then went to Middleville, town of Newport, and followed the same business there for six years, after which he moved to Wisconsin and engaged in agricultural pursuits, continuing the same until 1884, when he emigrated to Nebraska. He is now eighty years of age, reads and writes without glasses, takes care of a carload of cattle and carries corn to them on his shoulders. He belonged to the regular military in England, was with them a year, when his people bought his discharge. When the Civil War broke out he was a Union man in principle and gave instruction to the bugler of the Third Wisconsin Cavalry. His two sons, Fred and William, were in service. The mother of our subject died in July, 1857. She was the mother of nine children, seven of whom are still living. After her death, or in 1863, the father married again, to Miss Mary Rhines, who bore him two daughters, both now living. The grandfather, William Whitehead, was born in England in 1765, and died there in 1837. He was a hatter by trade. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary Ashworth, was a native of Denton County, England, born in 1772. They were the parents of fourteen children, twelve daughters and two sons, and six of whom grew to maturity, but our subject's father is the only one now living. The last one that died was eighty-one years of age. The great-grandfather, Robert Ashworth, was born in the town of Denton, England, and was a hatter also.

Frederick Whitehead passed his youthful days in Wisconsin and there received a fair education. He was early instructed in the duties of farm life by his father, and at the breaking out of the late war entered the Federal service in Company C., Thirty-second Wisconsin Infantry. He was discharged in June, 1865, and participated in thefollowing battles: Tallahatchie, Holly Springs, Parker's Cross Roads, Colliersville, Monroe, Lafayette, Marion Station, Paducah, Decatur, Courtland, the siege of Atlanta, Jonesboro, Savannah, Salkehatchie, Orangeburg, Columbia, Cheraw, Fayetteville, Bentonville, Raleigh, and many other skirmishes. He participated in twenty-two general engagements. He then returned home, and in April, 1867, he was married to Miss R. Carter, a native of Wisconsin, born in 1851, and the fruits of this union have been two children: Alvin and Merty. Mr. Whitehead continued to farm in Wisconsin until 1872, when he came to Nebraska and homesteaded Section 18, Town 10, Range 11. He sold this in 1878 and the following year bought his present property, paying $10 an acre for it, and raised enough the first year to pay for it all. He is now the owner of 155 acres and feeds cattle every winter. He has about ninety head of cattle on his farm, hogs in proportion, and also raises some horses. He is a member of the Shauppsville Farmers' Alliance and is chaplain for the lodge. He belongs to Brady Post No. 134, G. A. R., and is also a member of the A. O. U. W. In his political views he affiliates with the Republican party. The father of Mrs. Whitehead, William Carter, was born in Massachusetts, and the mother in Wales. The father was a joiner and ship carpenter by trade, and died on January 28, 1882, at the age of eighty-one years. The mother died in 1866 at the age of forty-one years. Her maiden name was Laura Williams. Grandfather Williams was a native of Wales, who came to America at an early day.

[Bio of his brother, Ervin Whitehead. Their father's family, the William Whiteheads, passed through Newport, but might have had several other children born in Herkimer County in addition to Ervin. They don't appear to be related to other Whiteheads I found through our site search engine.]

WHITEHEAD, E. E. Whitehead, farmer and stock-raiser, Cairo, Hall County, Neb. The estate which Mr. Whitehead now cultivates embraces 200 acres, land well adapted to the purposes of general farming, and in his operations he displays those sterling principles characteristic of men of New York State, especially industry and wise, judicious management. He was born in Herkimer County in 1851, and was one of nine children born to his parents [see sketch of Fred Whitehead]. The children were named as follows: James, Mariah, Mary, Samuel, William, Frederick, Eleanor, Margaret and Ervin. Seven of these children grew to maturity. In 1857 the family emigrated from New York to Wisconsin, and there remained until 1873, when they broke up. Ervin Whitehead emigrated to Hall County, Neb., and took up the southwest quarter of Section 2, Township 11, Range 12 west, where he still resides. When he came to Nebraska he was without money but was blessed with good health and plenty of energy, a fact which is clearly demonstrated by his success. He is a man of more than ordinary business ability, and one who is universally respected. He served three terms from Cameron Township, as county supervisor, and has for eight years filled the office of school treasurer in the district where he lives. He is at present the president of Cairo Farmers' Alliance Business Association, and is a member of the A.O. U. W. Of his fine farm every acre is tillable, and all is under fence. He has a good young orchard, in fact one of the best in this part of the county. To his marriage have been born three children: Lloyd, Edith and Ervin.

Spotted by the site coordinator in "Cornell University 1944-45 Directory," published by The University, Ithaca, New York. Number-letter combinations following names refer to programs. Addresses are campus dorms or street addresses in Ithaca. For further information, please refer to an original copy of the directory.


BROWN, (Miss) Annetta Marie, 2 A, 306 Highland Ave ... Herkimer
CHIRICO, (Miss) Theodora Benita, 1 H, Anna Comstock A ... Herkimer
CHISMORE, (Miss) Joyce Mary, 1 Ag, 324 Risley ... Ilion
FREDERICI, (Miss) Adeline Frances, 3 A, 308 Wait Ave. ... Amsterdam
GILBERT, Vedder Morris, Grad, 201 Highland Ave ... Amsterdam
HAMILTON, (Miss), Shirley, 5 H, 228 Wait Ave ... Little Falls
OGONOWSKI, (Miss) Adelaide Victoria, 3 A, 4 The Circle ... Utica
PALMLITER, Richard Leslie, 6 V, 409 College Ave ... Utica
PAULUA, (Miss) Helen Christina, 1 H, Balch ...Ilion
POWERS, (Miss) Mary Anne, 7 H, 305 Thurston Ave ... Ilion
RUBERT, (Miss) Shirley Laney, 1 A, Balch ... Fort Plain
SHAHEEN, (Miss) Mary Agnes, 5 A, Balch ... Utica
SHINEMAN, Richard Shubert, 7 A, 522 Stewart Ave ... Canajoharie
SMITH, (Miss) Agnes Katherine, 7 Ag, Balch ... Amsterdam
STONE, Richard, 2 Ad Eng, 516 Stewart Ave ... Utica
STUART, (Miss) Dorothy Ritchie, 5 A, Balch ... Utica
STUART, (Miss) Gertrude Elizabeth, 7 H, 15 East Ave ... Utica
SWIFT, Richard Floyd, 1 Ag, 115 Orchard Place ... Mohawk
WING, (Miss) Ellen Cornell, 3 Ag, 118 Triphammer Road ... Little Falls
WRIGHT (Miss) Barbara Helen, 1 A, Balch ... Canahoharie
WRIGHT (Miss) Mary Ruth, 7 Hotel, 5 Reservoir Ave ... Herkimer
ZYZES, Felix Charles, 1 A, 201 College Ave ... Amsterdam


GOSLINE, Ernest, Utica


GRIFFITH, Shirley, Utica
HISGEN, Jessie, Utica

Spotted by the site coordinator in the newspaper Hudson Gazette, Vol. 87, Number 50, Whole No. 4468, Thursday, June 29, 1871, published in Hudson, Columbia County, N.Y.


In Kinderhook, June 17th, by Rev. J.W. Quinlan, Mr. Horatio Putman and Miss Louisa Caster, both of Little Falls. [Note: should this be Casler?]

Drowned from a Canal Boat

The wife of C.H. Philo, of Rochester, captain of the canal boat Philadelphia, fell overboard from the boat on Friday afternoon last and was drowned. The woman was a daughter of Daniel Halsey, of Frankfort, Herkimer Co., and was 21 years of age. She left a babe seven months old. The boat was in tow of the steamer Alida, and the accident took place near Germantown Landing.

Miscellaneous items contributed by assistant coordinator Lisa Slaski.

From the newspaper Adams Sentinel, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Oct 31, 1804.

Information Wanted.

Of Martin Copler, being a citizen of Herkimer town in Herkimer county, state of New york, who left Baltimore on the 25th July last, for Philadelphia, and from there he was to proceed to Fort Pitt, by the way of Chambersburg, and to return to Baltimore in the space of six weeks; but as he has not been heard of since he left Baltimore, it is supposed he has met with some accident, and has not been at Chambersburg. The object of this advertisement is to request any person that may know or hear any thing of the said Martin Copler (whether dead or alive) to forward information of the same to Mr. John Coter, at the corner of Pratt and Charles streets, Baltimore, by which they will greatly oblige his distressed sister.

From the newspaper The Fairbanks Weekly News Miner, Fairbanks, Alaska, 19 Nov 1920

In Port of Missing Men

Mrs. John Hilts, of East Herkimer, New York, R. F. D., No. 1, has not heard from her brother, Ralph D. Ingraham, since the first "gold raid in Nome," as she calls it.

She says that Ralph became angry with the family because a poor younger brother with a large family to support would not buy get rich quick mining stock Ralph was promoting, but until three years ago he always wrote her. And, she wants to know if he was killed in "the gold raid two years ago in Nome."

Tell what you know of him to Postmaster Deal, the guardian of al[sic] missing men (mails) in Our Town.

From the newspaper Appleton Post Crescent, Appleton, Wisconsin

14 Jun 1923

Mrs. Cora Taylor of Herkimer, NY is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Eliza Harwood, 774 North street.

24 Oct 1924

Mrs. Louis Edwards of Herkimer county, New York, who spent three weeks with local relatives, returned home Tuesday.

Spotted by the site coordinator, from Galen Town Clerk's death records, Wayne County, NY:

28 August 1914 Katherine SMITH, age 53, Housewife, b. Poland, NY, Heart block, buried Lyons Elmwood Cemetery

No further info or maiden name given. Katherine would have been born ca. 1860-61.

Spotted by the asst. coordinator Lisa Slaski, from "Memorial History of Syracuse, N.Y. From its Settlement to the Present Time," edited by Dwight H. Bruce. Syracuse, N.Y.: H.P. Smth & Co., Publishers, 1891. Page 443.

GILBERT, WILLIAM.- Was born in Columbia, Herkimer county, N.Y., July 26th, 1827; educated at Mexico Academy, N.Y.; studied law at the Mexico office of Judge Whitney, in 1849; admitted at Syracuse, October, 1852; practiced in Syracuse, N.Y.; Superintendent of Common Schools two years; justice of the Peace; Canal Collector one term; Supervisor Eighth ward two years; Quartermaster of the 185th regiment.

new 2/15/04 Spotted by the site coordinator in "History of Luzerne, Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties, Pa. with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Their Prominent Men and Pioneers." New York: W.W. Munsell & Co. 1880.

Mehoopany Township
William Henry BARNES was born in Fairfield, Herkimer county, N.Y., January 31st, 1813, and came to Wyoming county, February 12th, 1830, from Ulster county, N.Y. He began his business career in New York city, in 1827, as clerk. A few months later he went to Saugerties, N.Y., and worked as a clerk. He came to Mehoopany in 1834, where he commenced business on his own account. He has been postmaster a number of years. (p. 516A, Wyoming County)

Spotted by the site coordinator in "Fifty-Second Annual Report of the New York State Agricultural Society for the Year 1892," Albany: James B. Lyon, State Printer. 1893.

Life Members of the New York State Agricultural Society

Fox, Eli (M.D.), Mohawk
Miller, Warner, Herkimer
Mixter, David E., Jordanville
Morgan, M.T., North Winfield
Mortz, M.C., Mohawk
Pine, George W., Herkimer
Smith, George A., Frankfort

Awards Given at the 52nd Annual Cattle Show and Fair of the New York State Agricultural Society, held at Syracuse, September 8-15, 1892.

Wheelock, S.C., North Winfield, received Special Prize for best dozen cheese over 20 lbs from same dairy or factory suitable for Army use, 3rd for American Cheese less than one year old, 3rd prize for American Cheese over a year old and 20lbs weight

- Moetz, M.C., Mohawk, received 1st prize for American Cheese made for home trade
- Hilton, Samuel, Flat Creek, received 2nd prize for American Cheese made for home trade
- Wheelock, S.C., North Winfield, 3rd prize for American Cheese made for home trade

- Mortz, M.C., Mohawk, special prize for Sage Cheese [note spelling difference from above surname]
- Petrie, Holley A., Middleville, Special prize for Sage Cheese

- Petrie, Mrs. Holley A., Middlevlle, 1st prize for best handmade rag carpet

Spotted by Steven Knight in "Richfield Springs and Vicinity," by W.T. Bailey, published 1874.

Elias Braman came to the town of Richfield previous to the last war with England, and purchased a farm of one hundred acres, about one mile to the west of this village. This farm was subsequently enlarged by additional purchases, until it finally embraced 290 acres. Mr. Braman constructed the section of the Great Western turnpike that passed through the town of Richfield. Also built the cotton factory at Van Hornsville, and the stone gristmill near the covered bridge on his estate. He died* March 14, 1845, aged sixty-six years, leaving to his only son, Elias Braman Jr., who, in 1846, erected the present substantial mansion now owned and occupied by Mr. Peter Bush.

*During his life, Mr. Braman ordered a limestone "Sarcophagus" cut and prepared to receive his remains after death, in which his burial-case was placed in the ground.

Daniel Harrington was born in the town of Mansfield, Windham County, Conn., August 13th, 1795. Removed to Winfield, Herkimer County, N. Y., in 1810, where he continued to reside until 1861, when he removed to the town of Richfield, and now resides in this voillage with his son, Mr. DeWitt Harrington.

Spotted by the site coordinator in "Souvenir Program. One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of the Battle of Oriskany and The Siege and Relief of Fort Stanwix. Saturday, August 6, 1927 at The Oriskany Battlefield and in the City of Rome." Published by J.B. Lyon Company, General Printers, Albany, New York. 1927. Regular site visitors will note that Mrs. M.M. Hatch did many of the early D.A.R. cemetery readings posted on our site.

Fort Stanwix-Oriskany Committee
Herkimer County Members

Hon. T. Douglas Robinson, Herkimer
Robert Earl, Herkimer
Hon. Charles Bell, Herkimer
Hon. William C. Prescott, Herkimer
Mrs. Theodore D. Robinson, Herkimer
Col. J.W. Vrooman, Herkimer
Mrs. Douglas Robinson, Herkimer
Judge Irving R. Devendorf, Herkimer
Mrs. C.B. Root, Herkimer
Mrs. Frank D. Callan, Ilion
Samuel T. Russell, Ilion
Mrs. William Moreland, Ilion
Hon. Charles L. Fellows, Newport
Mrs. M.M. Hatch, South Columbia
Hon. Homer P. Snyder, Little Falls
Mrs. Delight E. R. Keller, Little Falls
H.G. Munger, Little Falls
Col. Edward H. Teall, Little Falls
M. Loomis Burrell, Little Falls
Mrs. William H. Bonnett, Little Falls
John Crowley, Little Falls

Otsego County Members

Douglas Campbell, Cherry Valley
Clarence M. Davidson, Cooperstown
Miss E.L. Winne, Richfield Springs
Mrs. Mary Seacord, Unadilla

Two profiles from "History of Outagamie County, Wisconsin," by Thomas Henry Ryan. Chicago: Goodspeed Historical Association. 1911.

WARREN JEPSON, who for thirty-six years was engaged in agricultural pursuits in Deer Creek township, Outagamie county, was one of the pioneers of this district, and during a long and useful career did much towards the building up and development of his community.

Born February 27, 1833, in St. Lawrence county, New York, Mr. Jepson came to Wisconsin in the late '50s, locating in Fond du Lac, and after one year removed to Maple Creek township, where he bought eighty acres of land. He was married August. 28, 1859, to Miss Lana E. Krake, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Lepper) Krake, natives of New York State, of German ancestry. They left Herkimer county, New York, for Wisconsin in 1855, settling in Fond du Lac, where they remained for two years, and then came to Maple Creek township and purchased eighty acres of land, both spending the remaining years of their lives here. They are buried in Maple Creek Cemetery. Mrs. Jepson was the youngest of a family of six children, and was born November 5, 1841. Mrs. and Mrs. Jepson had four children: Albert, who married Maggie Dempsey, and is now living in Outagamie county, has nine children; Frank, who married Edna Pelton, of Fond du Lac, who died leaving three children, and he married (second) Mary Calkins, by whom he had seven children, and is now living in Outagamie county; Nora E., who married Albert Raisler, of Appleton, had three daughters; and Edna, who died at the age of two years. Mrs. Jepson adopted another child, Jennie, when a year and six months old, and she married David Calkins and lives in Whittenberg, and had two children who died, later adopting a son. After marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Jepson moved on to a farm of eighty acres in Deer Creek township, upon which, in 1860, they built a log house, which was replaced in 1883 by a brick residence. Here they lived for thirty-six years. They moved to the property in the winter, and with a yoke of oxen, two cows and an ax, Mr. Jepson began clearing the land. In the following spring he secured a plow, a drag and a wagon, and as time passed by he added to his implements piece by piece as he was financially able, and in time developed an excellent property. There was a widow Johnson who lived on the adjoining property, who was the first white woman in this township, and who had a young man making his home with her who was an incorrigible. Mr. Jepson had lumber for building stored in a mill three miles north of his property, and the mill was fired at the instigation of the widow Johnson in revenge for some fancied wrong she had suffered at the hands of the owner in regard to some cattle. It was proved that the young man living with her had fired the property by direction of Mrs. Johnson, and she was sentenced to jail, where she died. Mr. Jepson lost his lumber, but later erected a brick house and barns, and continued to develop his eighty acres, which are now almost all under cultivation.

In November, 1894, he turned the property over to his son and built a residence in Welcome, where he lived in retirement until his death, November 15, 1899, and is buried in Maple Creek Cemetery. His widow, who still lives in the residence in Welcome, was the first white woman in Deer Creek township, with the exception of the widow Johnson above mentioned. In the spring of 1864 Mr. Jepson enlisted for service in the Civil War, becoming a member of Company A, Forty-second Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, with which organization he served until the close of the war, being assigned to guard duty at Cairo, Illinois. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, which took a part in his funeral services.

In politics Mr. Jepson was a Republican, and he served on the board of supervisors for some years and was also a member of the school board. He and his wife were earnest members of the Methodist Church.

REV. JOHN FAVILLE, who, as pastor of the Congregational Church at Appleton, Wisconsin, became widely known through this city both for his spiritual helpfulness as well as for the executive ability that brought about, within two years, the replacing of the small structure of the congregation by an edifice that ranks with the leading ones of the place. In a wider field Mr. Faville is equally well known. He was the originator, with his brother, Rev. Henry Faville of the Young Men's Sunday Evening Club, an organization which claims membership in every State in the Union. So important and far reaching had become the work of this organization as far back as the World's FairCongress, that Mr. Faville was requested to address this great body on this subject.

John Faville was born in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, July 7, 1847, a son of Elijah and Eliza (Ostrom) Faville, the former of whom was a native of Herkimer county, New York, and the latter of Wayne county. They were parents of three sons: John and Henry, twins, and Rush E. The older sons both entered the ministry but the youngest adopted agriculture as his business. John Faville attended school at Milford, Jefferson county, later was a student at Lake Mills and subsequently at Lawrence University, where he was graduated in 1871. On leaving his alma mater he became principal of the Milford schools, and one year later accepted the same position at Two Rivers. In 1873 he entered the Theological department of the Boston University, where he was graduated in 1876, and his first charge was the Cotton Street M. E. Church at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. In the following year he was assigned to the M. E. Church at Fox Lake, where he officiated also as supply pastor for the Congregational body. Later he was transferred to Waupun and from there returned to Fond du Lac, Division Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and three years later accepted the urgent invitation of the Congregational Church at Appleton, with the result above noted. After a pastorate of thirteen years at Appleton, he accepted a call to the First Congregational Church of Peoria, Illinois. After a pastorate of nine years at Peoria he was recalled by the church at Appleton, Wisconsin, where he is now in his fourth year of service.

Some of Mr. Faville's public service aside from the ministry has been as a trustee of Lawrence University, of Milwaukee Downer and Northland Colleges, as president of the Anti-Saloon League of Wisconsin and director in the League in Illinois; as contributing editor of "Unity" and director in the Congress of Religions; and as moderator of both the Wisconsin and Illinois Congregational Associations.

He has been also a temperance and general lecturer and so great a factor has he been in the ranks of the Prohibition party that in the fall of 1894 he was chosen as that party's candidate for Congress.

For years he has written for the press and in every direction his influence has been beneficial and uplifting.

Rev. John Faville was married October 26, 1876, to Miss Louise G. Thayer, a daughter of Henry and Mary A. (Kelly) Thayer, of Massachusetts ancestry. Mr. and Mrs. Faville have two sons and one daughter: Henry T. (deceased); Mildred and John, Jr.

The site coordinator and asst. coordinator have no further information about references listed for items above. Your local librarian can assist you in tracking down published sources.

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Created: 9/16/03
Last Updated: 6/27/05
Copyright © 2005 Martha S. Magill/ Steven Knight / Lisa Slaski / Jack May / Paula Pitts / Joanne Murray
All Rights Reserved.