Centennial of Famous Plant to be Observed in 1916,
Its Second Gun Being Now Preserved With Care.

ILION, Feb. 21- This village never does anything by halves and that is one reason why plans are already being laid for the celebration that is to take place in 1916 of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Remington Arms industry.

From small beginnings this business has grown to be one of the most important in central New York.

It was in 1816 that it was first started. Tuesday night the Ilion Board of Trade, at its annual meeting, discussed the question and appointed a committee to see that due and proper arrangements were made for the centennial celebration. Heading the committee is ex-District Attorney Frank A. Schmidt. The other members are the following: John A. Giblin, F. A. Houghton, E. E. Barney, A. B. Russell, J. E. Brennan, F. S. Brooks, Senator Heacock, Alexander Jarvis, Editor Rufus E. King and William Hartford.

The oldest Remington gun known to be in existence at this time is the property of Walter C. Green, of John Street. Mr. Green got the gun from his brother-in-law, Marcus Frazier, and has been its owner for 60 years. He takes great pride in the weapon and what it stands for and talks interestingly on matters connected with its history.

The weapon owned by Mr. Green is the second one that was made in the village. It was the product of the brains and skill of Eliphalet Remington. Mr. Remington used to work at an old forge, near the site of the Gulf Hotel, on the road running south from this village and over the hills to Cedarville. This was a full century ago. One day Mr. Remington made a gun for himself. He showed it to his shop-mates and they were so well pleased with it that a man named Youngs gave Mr. Remington an order for a smooth bore rifle. It was this rifle that has been passed down to Mr. Green, who has cherished it so many years.

After that, Mr. Remington received more orders and he finally decided to branch out in the business. He accordingly obtained the necessary help and Remington guns began to be produced as a regular thing. Naturally, the first ones were all sold nearby, but the business prospered and expanded. Larger and larger quarters became necessary and finally the industry reached its present state of development.

Mr. Green, though nearly 80, is a vigorous man, enjoying such good health that he seldom misses a day from his work. He has been a contractor for years and directed the construction of many prominent local buildings, including the public library.

Oldest Remington Gun



[This gun, now in the possession of Walter C. Green, was the forerunner of the famous rifles of to-day. - Photo by Thompson.]

Walter C. Green

Marcus Frazier

NOTE: the original newspaper source of this undated article is unknown. Walter C. Green (1834-1917) rests in Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion. His brother-in-law, Marcus Frazier (1826-1908), rests in Maple Grove Cemetery, Hudson, Lenawee County, Michigan.

2nd Rifle

Many, many thanks go to Bob Frazier for sharing the original news clipping with us! Bob is a descendant of Samuel Frazier of the Town of German Flatts. Samuel was the father of Marcus Frazier.

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Created: 3/18/16
Updated: 3/30/16
Copyright © 2016 Herkimer County NYGenWeb
Photograph of Mr. Green & the 2nd Rifle courtesy of Bob Frazier
All Rights Reserved.