Little Falls, NY
Source: "Boyd's New York State Directory, 1872-3," business directory and
gazetteer, by Andrew Boyd, Syracuse, N.Y., 1872
Little Falls, Herk. Co.
Little Falls is a village situated in the most romantic portion of the
Mohawk Valley, in a deep gorge or vale, between the mountain chain which
extends from Pennsylvania to Lake Champlain, sufficiently wide to form a
channel for the Mohawk River, and the Erie Canal, the writer knows no
portion of the State where such good water power can be commanded, the
river having a declevity of 45 feet in half a mile in several cascades,
rapids or little falls, from which circumstance the village takes its name,
on the north side the hill rises in a gentle acclevity, and on the south,
abruptly, to a height of 700 feet; at one place a beautiful prospect is
afforded from a point called Lovers Leap; the valley is intimately,
connected with the bloody horrors of the times of the revolution. There are
now several large and extensive woolen and cotton mills; 3 paper mills, R.
B. Mooney's & Waite & Co's; an iron foundry and a starch manufactury are
now in full operation. Messrs. Mitchell & Bailey, the shoddy manufacturers
are located here, as also the Warrior Mower Co., and the Cottage Hotel is a
first class house. The education of the young is ably attended by the
public schools, &c. The churches are ample. It is 74 miles from Albany, on
the N.Y. C. & H. H. H. R. Population over 6,000.
Abbott W. H. photographer, Main
Abel Mount M. boots and shoes, Main
Adams Franklin, book binder, Main
Anable's I. S. Sons, painters, Ann
Arnold S. S. bookseller and stationer, Main
Barnes Ira G. hair dresser, Second
Barnes Lucian H. grocer, Main
Beattie W. &. J. brewers, William
Beer Emanuel, fancy goods, John
BENEDICT CHARLES, carriage and sleigh manufr. Main c. Mary
Boyle Nathan, liquors, Main
Bradford N. A. Nelson House, Main
Bradley Geo. L. Hinchman House, Main
BRAMER FRANK, managing agent, Warrior Mower Co. Mohawk
Brown S. E. flour and feed, Benedict Block
Brown Wm. A. carpenter, Bridge
Buddle Wm. T. harness maker, Second
Burch & Co. dry goods, Main
Burch & Curtis, clothiers, Main
Burke Chas. G. & Richard F. Healey, bankers, Main c. Second
Bushnell & Sharer, physician, Ann
Casler Napoleon, grocer and butcher, Bridge
CASLER PETER J. Cottage Hotel, Main
Casler Richard N. painter, Bridge
Casler Bros. grocers and butchers, Bridge
CHAPMAN & CHAPPLE, editors and proprs. Herkimer County News, and book and
job printers, Main c. Second
Cheney Henry, hammer manufr. Mill
Churchill James, livery stables, Second
Churchill Norman A. liquors, Main
Cohn Lewis, merchant tailor, Main
Cole & Sweeney, stoves and tin ware, Main
Coleman Davis, cigars, Main c. Second
Collins Denis, grocer, Main
Conyne Peter A. wagon maker, Second
Cook A. V. furniture, Bennett Block
Cooney Edward, harness maker, Main
COTTAGE HOTEL, Peter J. Casler, proprietor, Main
Craske M. dry goods and groceries, John c. Main
Crim Ogden A. stationery, post office, Main
Crouse & Garlock, boots and shoes, Main
Curlinden Samuel, barber, Main
Danelson J. Edwin, physician, Ann
Deasy Timothy, liquors, Main
Dillon Moses, restaurant, Mary c. Main
Donovan Cornelius 0. liquors, Main
Dorr William M. packing case manuf. Mill
Evans E. W. liquors, John c. Ann
FARNAM STEPHEN H. axe manuf. Mill
Feeter George A. flour and grist mill, Second
Feeter James, grocer, Main
Fleming George, boots and shoes, Second
Flynn D. & Co. rectifyers and distillers, Second
Foley Ann, hotel, Bridge
Fralick John H. liquors, Bridge
Francis W. A. & Co. druggists, Main
Garner & Co. cotton mills, Mohawk
Gearhard Nicholas, saloon, Main c. Third
Gilbert Joshua J. starch manufacturer, Celey Island
Gilman L. stoves and junk, Main
Girvan George F. druggist, Main
Girvan & Robinson, New York and Little Falls Line, Canal
Goethius G. H. photographer, Main
Golden Augustus, groceries and liquors, Main
Golden Daniel N. cigars, Main c. Ann
Granger C. coffee house, Ann c. Main
Green Alonzo H. general insurance agent, Main
Greene Brothers, insurance, Ashley building, Main
Groom Walter T. coffees and spices, Second
Grosmann Philip, saloon, Mill
Gross Samuel A. boots and shoes, Albany c. Mary
Haight Alfred, boots and shoes, Second
Hardendorf William, carpenter, Furnace c. King
Hardin G. A. & C. G. Burrows, lawyers, Main
Harvey John P. marble yard, Main
Haskins Irvin W. ladies furnishings, Main
Haun Abram, physician, Main
Heath H. & Son, confectionery, Main
Herkimer County Nat. Bank, Third
HERKIMER COUNTY NEWS, Chapman & Chapplo, edts. and props. Main c. Second
Hix F. & Son, furniture, Second
Hose Henry C. billiards, Second
Houghton Wm. B. & Son, sash and blinds, Mill
House J. B. & Co. dry goods, Main
Hynds Andrew A. groceries and liquors, Main
lngham Silas, physician, Ann
Jamieson Wm. boots and shoes, German
Johnson John, barber, John
Journal and Courier. J. H. & G. G. Stebbins, Main
Judd C. P. & Co. tailors, Main c. Second
Kearns James H. butcher, Main
Kehoe Patrick, boots and shoes, Main
Kellam Julia T. millinery, Main
Keller Amos, groceries, Main
Keller Geo. groceries and provisions, Main
King Samuel, tobacconist, Main
Klock L. R. clothier, Main
KLOCK WILLIAM H. dentist, Main
Koehler John M. boots and shoes, Main
Ladue & Schuyler, lumber and cheese boxes, Mill
Lansing & Fonda, merchant millers, Mill
Lebart J. A. blacksmith, John c. Second
Leigh Christopher B. grocer, Canal
Link & De Camp, lawyers, Main
Lintner W. H. H. & Co. druggists, Main
Lipe Bros. dry goods, Main
Little Falls Gas Light Co. Mill
Loban David, grocer, Main
Loomis Arphaxed, lawyer, Main
Loomis Sidney A. lawyer, Main
Loomis Watts T. lawyer, Main
Lubin Isaac, clothier, Main
Lucey Jeremiah oyster saloon, Second
Mabee Wm. H. grocer, Skinner's Block
McCarthy Daniel, saloon, Main
McCauley John, dry goods, Main
McChesney Hiram, horseshoer, Second
McCrone Daniel, boots and shoes, Main
Magill T. N. & Co. machinists, Mohawk
Merchants' and Farmers' Bank, Main
Metcalf Miss, millinery, Main
Miller & Churchill paper manuf, C. Island
MITCHELL & BAILEY, manufacturers of shoddy of all kinds, and dealers in woolen rags, n. R. R. depot and on Elizabeth. (See adv.)
MODEL MILLS, E. B. Waite & Co. props. news paper manufacturers, E. Mill
Mohawk & Elboeuf, woolen mills, M. W. Priest, Treas. William Clark, Supt. Bridge.
Moll Jacob, bedstead manuf. Bridge
MOONEY ROBERT H. manilla, wrapping and roofing paper manuf. Rock Island
Wrapping, Rooffing Match and Trunk Paper, Little Falls, Herkimer Co., N. Y.
Morse Alfred A. bookseller, Main
Mullin Joseph, clothier, Bridge
Murphy Cornelius D. dry goods, Main
Myers & Bellinger, drugs and groceries,Main
Nellis C. W. & Co. grocers, Main
Nelson H. C. & W. dry goods, Main
New York & Little Falls Canal Line, Girvan & Robinson, Canal
Newah Moses, cigar manuf. 22 Main
O'Connor Edmund, lawyer, Main
Oppel George A. watches and jewelry, Main
Ostrander J. dentist, Main
Page Samuel, barber, Bridge
Pepper Elijah D. shoes, Bennett's Block
Pepper L. F. shoes, Bennett's Block
Perrine P. & Son, painters, Ann
Petrie Mansfield, barber, Ashley Buildings, Main
Quackenbush John, wagon maker, Second
REDDY MICHAEL, prop. Little Falls Iron Foundry, Mohawk
Richmond S. M. & A. coal dealers, Mill
Robinson W. H. & Co. coal, Canal
ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS, Robert H. Mooney, prop. Rock Island. (See adv.)
Rothschild Daniel, jewelry, Main
Saxony Wool Company, A. Howarth, Canal
Scott Elias, dry goods, 30 Main
Selcer John, tailor, Second
Sharp Hiram, butcher Main
Sheard Titus, yarn manuf. Mohawk
Shepardson C. H. & Co. butchers, Second
Shepherd & Skinner, hardware, Main
Shipman Alonzo, boots and shoes, 11 Bridge
Shipman Warren J. boots and shoes, Bridge
Shoemaker Jonas, groceries, Bridge
Silver & Mather, merchant tailors, Main
Smith George & Son, dry goods, Main
Smith James, merchant tailor, Bridge
Smith James M. druggist, Main
Smith John A. restaurant. Second
Smith Rollin H. lawyer, Main
Smith Terence, restaurant, Main
Snell Abram, groceries and fruit, Main
Snell & Scott, jewelry and crockery, Main
Snyder Henry, liquors, John c. Ann
Spohn Adam, grocer, Main
Staring Henry, groceries, Bridge
Staring Peter A. grocer, Bridge
STEBBINS J. R. & G. G. props. Journal and Courier, and book and job printers, Main
Stebbins William B. physician, Main
Stevens Charles E. tin and glass ware, Bridge
Sunderland William H. tobacconist, Main
Tefft Brothers, horse shoers, Main
The Academy, Rev. William F. Bridge, principal, Main
THOM WILLIAM, house and sign painter, 31 Main
Ad: WM. THOM, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER; Grainer, Glazier, Paper Hanger,
Marbeler, &c.,SHOP, 31 MAIN STREET, LITTLE FALLS, N. Y ; Opposite Fourth Street; Your patronage
is respectfully solicited. All orders promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed.
Timerman James H. grocer, Main
Truman Marcella Miss, millinery, Main
Tryon M. B. restaurant, Main
Tucker Wilson M. photographer, Main
Uhle John, justice of the peace, Jas. Feeter Block
Ad: MITCHELL & BAILEY, Manufacturers of SHODDY, OF ALL KINDS AND COLORS, AND CAREFULLY SEAMED WHEN REQUIRED. And dealers in Woolen Rags, Near the Depot, and on Elizabeth Street, Samples can be seen at their Mills at Little Falls, N. Y.; also at their Sales Room, 29 South Water Street, Providence, R. I.
Van Alstine C. 0. & Co. groceries, Main
Vanslyke Mason S. grocer, Main
Vosburgh C. E. boots and shoes, Main
Vosburgh J. H. H. jewelry, Main
Wagor Walter, undertaker, Church c. Ann
Waite Lorenzo D. boots and shoes, Main
WAITE E. B. & CO. newspaper manufrs. E. Mill
Warcup J. M. dentist, Main
WARRIOR MOWER CO. A. Loomis, Pres; L. Carroll, Vice-Pres; Frank Bramer, Managing Agent; W. G. Milligan, Treas; E. D. Pierce, Sec. Mohawk
Watters W. H. lumber, Mill
Weeks & Van Vechten, leather and findings, Second, and tanners, E. Mill
West Charles D. carpenter, Furnace
Wheeler W. T. tinsmith, Main c. Ann
Whitman & Burrell, hardware, Main
Widrick Nicholas, shoes, Main
Wilkins Ann E. millinery, Main
WILLARD F. H. & BRO. breeders and shippers of fine fancy poultry
Williams J. fancy goods, Main
Wilson Andrew, barber, Bridge
Woodruff Edwin F. sewing machines, Main
Yost J. H. & Co. druggists, Main
Young Glover S. furniture, Albany c. Second
Zoller Bros. pork and egg packers, Bennett's Block