
These records were graciously contributed in the year 1999 by Daniels researcher David B. Daniels.

Eleazer Daniels was born in Mendon, Massachusetts on July 4, 1761, son of Major Joseph Daniels. Eleazer joined his brother Nahum Daniels in Herkimer County, New York in the very early 1800s. Eleazer is buried by his wife Mary Burrill in Fairfield Rural Cemetery (behind Middleville Methodist church, 1998) Fairfield, Herkimer County, New York.

His brother, Nahum, did not serve in the war but was reported as hearing the cannons at Bunker Hill. This was very possible since the Daniels family came from Mendon, MA, and their farm located on high ground near what is known as Daniels Hill (can see clearly marked in Yahoo maps view under Mendon, MA, lookup). Nahum Daniels was a founder of Poland, which was once called Danielsville. Nahum's first wife Ann Cooke died while giving birth to her first child George Cook Daniels April 7, 1800.

Ann Cooke Daniels' father was Dr. Samuel Cooke. He was a surgeon in the Revolutionary War. The line - Fifth Regiment, New York. BLW #390-400-8 September 1790 to executors (wife and John Bailey). He was surgeon in the third New York, August 25, 1776, to January 1776, a member of Elmore's Continental Regiment (troops were recruited mostly from Conn. by the company officers) April 15, 1776, and in the Fifth NY, April 15, 1777, until he retired on January 1, 1781. The Fifth was commanded by Col. Lewis Duboys.

Eleazer Daniels is my 3rd great-grand uncle. Nahum Daniels is my 3rd great-grandfather. I have complete records of our line back to the arrival of Robert Daniel (s) in 1636.

Dave Daniels
Boonton, NJ


In the War of the Revolution:

Eleazer Daniels, Private, Captain Samuel Baldwin's Company, Col. Dike's Regiment; service from Dec. 23, 1776, to March 1, 1777; credited to town of Mendon; also, Captain Samuel Hamant's (also given Captain Lamb's) Company, Col. Nathaniel Wade's Regiment; enlisted June 22nd, 1778; service 6 months 11 days at Rhode Island; enlistment to expire January 1st 1779; roll dated Middleton, R.I.; also Captain Lamb's Company, Col. Wade's Regiment, muster roll dated Warwick, November 7, 1778; also, same co. and regt.; muster rolls sworn to at East Greenwich, Sept. 17, Sept.22, Nov. 13, and Dec. 30, 1778; also, Capt B. Read's co. commanded by Lieut. John Benson, Col. Nathan Tyler's (Worcester Co.) regt.; enlisted July 29, 1780; discharged Aug 7, 1780; service 13 days, travel included, on an alarm at Rhode Island.

Documents regarding the Affairs of Eleazer Daniels, 1761-1848

I. Declaration for a Revolutionary War Pension - photocopy of handwritten transcription of court record.

State of New York
County of Herkimer: On this second day of June 1835 personally appeared in open Court of the Court of Co_____ that issues (?) for the said county of Herkimer now sitting, Eleazer Daniels, a resident of the town of Newport in this said county of Herkimer aged seventy three years and upwards (?) who being first duly sworn (?) according to law(?)doth swear his oath to make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. That he entered the service of the United States and the following officers and served as herein stated:

      The said Eleazer Daniels saith that in December 1776 he was enlisted under Lieut. Preserved Baker as a volunteer at Mendon in the County of Worcester in the State of Massachusetts for the term of three months and was immediately marched under Lieut. Baker aforesaid to Dorchester Heights, near Boston and this deponent was there joined to Capt. Baldwin's Company in the Regiment Commanded by Col. Dyke in the State service and this deponent was stationed in the Capt. Baldwin's Company in the Barrack at Dorchester Heights and was employed in guarding two forts on said height and another fortress Castle William on a small island in Boston Harbor and that this deponent served three months in said guards at said station under command of Capt. Baldwin and this deponent saith that at the expiration of his said three months service, he this deponent again enlisted at Dorchester Heights in the forepart (?) of March in the year 1777 into said Capt. Baldwin's Company in Col. Dyke's Regiment aforesaid for the tern of one month as a volunteer in state service and at this time under a new arrangement of the officers Capt. Baker was permitted to sever the service and this deponent was attached to a Company commanded by a captain whose name is not now entirely recollected by this deponent but he believes his name was Capt. or Lieut. Wilder having command of said Company in said Regiment and this deponent was marched to Boston and directly afterwards this deponent was marched to Little Cambridge and was stationed there about a week to guard the Continental stores at that place, about six miles from Boston and then this deponent, was, marched back to Boston and stationed there in the barracks and served in the guards in guarding Fort Hill until the forepart of April 1777 and this deponent served one month at aforesaid from the forepart of March to the forepart of April 1777 and this deponent did not receive any discharge in writing either in the said three months service or in said one months's service above set forth.

      And this deponent further saith that about the first day of January in the year 1778 he enlisted as a volunteer in the Town of Mendon aforesaid into a Company commanded by Capt. Craggin in Col. Nathan Tyler's Regiment for three months in that service and the deponent was marched with Capt. Craggin's Company to Providence and stationed there about three weeks and during that time this deponent served in his turn on guard and then this deponent was marched with Co. Tyler's Regiment to [refdyke's ?] New town in North Kingston on the shore nearly opposite Conanicut Island and stationed there a few days and this deponent then passed with Capt. Craggins Company across a small bay to Quidnessitt's Point and was stationed there and this deponent there served on the guard, in guarding the shore for better than a mile; the enemy being at that time on Rhode Island; and this deponent continued to serve at said station until the time for which he had enlisted aforesaid was expired and this deponent served in said tour three months and he was then discharged by Col. Tyler aforesaid but this deponent received no discharge in writing. And this deponent saith that he was discharged by Col. Tyler aforesaid about the first of April 1778 at said Quidnessitt station.

      And this deponent further saith that about the first of July in the year 1778 he enlisted as a volunteer under Capt. Penniman for six months at the Town of Mendon aforesaid in the state service and joined Capt. Hammond's Company in Smithfield (?) in the state of Rhode Island and from there this deponent was marched with Capt. Hammond's Company to Providence and stationed there with Capt. Hammond's Company about three weeks and served on guard there during that time and this deponent was kept marching with Capt. Hammond's Company to Argot's (?) Point about ten miles below Providence and this deponent saith that he was stationed at said Point four or five weeks and this deponent served at said station in guarding said point and this deponent was then marched with Capt. Hammond's Company to Tiverton about the first of August 1778 and was stationed there a few days and this deponent saith that General Glover's (?) Brigade passed from Tiverton to Rhode Island and on the same day at evening this deponent also passed over with Capt. Baldwin's Company from Tiverton to Rhode Island and this deponent was marched near Butt's Hill as deponent thinks and encamped there three or four days and this deponent saith that he was marched in company with a few men under a sergeant (?) as a flanking party in advance of the picket guard towards the lines to reconnoiter the enemy and came in sight of the enemy's Fort on said Island and was fired upon by the enemy from the fort, but the picket guard approached in sight but did not advance in view as said flanking party and at night this deponent returned back with said guard to their encampment near Butt's Hill; and on the next day there was a very strong gale which upset the largest part of the tents in the encampment aforesaid; and after the gale passed over this deponent was marched with the American Army under the command of General Sullivan to the lines (?) and encamped there for a number of days and this deponent thinks ??? twenty days in sight of the works of the enemy and then orders came for a retreat and on the retreat this deponent was put on to the picket guard and retreated three or four miles and then halted not far from the Quaker's Hill and remained there until the enemy came up and fired. General Glover's briagade ??? at that time to the right and the American troops made a further retreat; and this deponent was in the picket guard at this time and assisted to guard three eighteen pounders near Butt's Hill and the enemy came up and fired in from the picket guard which was directly relieved by the American troops and this deponent joined his own company and on the next day after the engagement at Butt's Hill this deponent was marched and stationed on sentry on the line of sentries across the Island and in the following night this deponent retreated with the American army from the Island and landed at Tiverton; at this time Capt. Hammond left his Company and this deponent was attached to Capt. Lamb's Company and this deponent was marched from Tiverton to East Greenwich and there encamped and were stationed there about three months; and during this time this deponent served on guard at this station; and this deponent saith that during said six months service he belonged to Col. Nathaniel Wade's Regiment in Capt. Hammond's Company until this deponent was attached to Capt Lamb's Compnay as above stated; and this deponent saith that he served six months in said tour and was discharged about the first of January 1779 at East Greenwich station aforesaid by Col. Wade; but this deponent received no discharge in writing.

      And this deponent further saith that he was born in the Town of Mendon in the state of Massachusetts on the fourth day of July 1761, and this deponent further saith that he has a record of his age in a letter book at his home; and this deponent further saith that he was living at the time he was called into the service as above stated in said town of Mendon in the state of Massachusetts and this deponent removed from Mendon aforesaid to the Town of Franklin in the County of Norfolk in the state of Massachusetts and from there this deponent removed to Bedford in the County of West Chester (Westchester) in the state of New York and from there to the Town of NewPort in the County of Herkimer in the state of New York and that this deponent has resided in said Town of New Port aforesaid for twenty six years past and still resides there; and this deponent further saith that he enlisted as a volunteer into the service in the several tours, above stated; and this deponent further saith that the officers under whom he served were Capt. Baldwin, Lieut. Baker, Col. Dyke, and in the one month's tour in March 1777 he served under Capt. or Lieut. Wilder, in Col. Dyke's Regiment; and in the said three months service in 1778 he served under Capt. Craggin, Lieut. Green, Col. Tyler and in the said six months service he served under Capt. Hammond, Lieut. Matoon; Capt. Land and Col. Wade; this deponent in the said six months service saw Gen. Glover, thinks he saw Gen. Sullivan; and this deponent saith that he never received any discharge in writing from the service in aforesaid.

      And this deponent further saith that he made a declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. ? also said Court of Common Pleas of the Said County of Herkimer at the February term of said Court in the year 1833 and that his said declaration was duly completed with the opinion of the Court that this deponent had served in the Revolutionary War as stated and that Lauren Ford Esq. and the attorney of this deponent in making out this declaration before the said Court and this deponent saith that he produced in said Court a furlough which was granted to this deponent by Col. Wade at East Greenwich camp in September 1778 by which this deponent had leaves of absence from Camp several days. On leaving was in his stead to do duty and that said furlough was attached to said declaration of this deponent and forwarded by Lauren Ford to the war department as this deponent was informed by said Lauren Ford and ??? and this deponent further saith that he has been informed by said Lauren Ford that he sent his declaration to the Secretary of War and sometime afterwards he received a letter from the war department that said declaration had been forwarded from the war department by mail to him; and this deponent saith that he cannot ascertain where said papers are; and that he has long been in hopes that the ??? would be received or found and this deponent saith that he doesn't know nor can he learn where the ??? are and he therefore believes that they are either miscarried in the mail or have been lost or destroyed; and this deponent saith that he set forth in this said declaration the amount and history of his revolutionary services as substantially as he has hereintofore set forth and stated the sum; and this deponent further saith that he made the said declaration before the said Court in February 1833 and directed his said attorney to forward the same to the war department in good faith on the part of this deponent and that such declaration has been lost or destroyed without any fault or negligence on his part; and this deponent further saith that Lauren ford aforesaid has made his affadavit which is hereunto annexed to his attendance to said application on behalf of this deponent of his forwarding the said declaration to the war department and of the other circumstances detailed in his affadavit showing that the said declaration is probably lost.

      And this deponent further that he is known to the following named persons in his neighborhood, Abijah Osborn and Richard Herenden (?) and they can testify as to the character of this deponent for veracity and their belief of his services as a soldier of the Revolution; and this deponent further saith that he does not know any surviving witness who can testify of his own personal knowledge as to the services of this deponent in the Revolutionary war.

      And he this deponent hereby relinguishes every claim whatever to a pension or warranty except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.

Sworn to and subscribed this 2nd day of June 1835 in open Court,

Eleazer Daniels (signed)

We Richard Herenden residing in the town of NewPort in the County of Herkimer and State of New York and Abijah Osborn residing in the same town and county hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Eleazer Daniels who has subscirbed and sworn to the above declaration; that we believe him to be seventy-three years of age; that he is respected and believed (?) in our neighborhood where he resides ??? became a soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion.

Sworn to and subscribed this 3rd day of June 1835 in open Court,

A. Osborn
B. Richard Herenden

John Dysut (?) Clerk

And the said court do hereby declare their opinion after their investigation of this matter and after putting their interrogation prescribed by the war department

II. Sheet from the Dept. Of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions in Washington, D.C. - Eleazer Daniels war record:

Dates of
Length of
Dec, 23, 1776Feb. 28, 1777Pvt.Samuel BaldwinDikeMass
Mch 17771 mo.
Lt. Or Cpt WilderDike
Jan. 1,17783 mos.
CragginNathan Tyler
June 22, 1778Jan 1, 1779
Samuel Lamb
Nathaniel Wade

Battles engaged in, Rhode Island
Residence of Soldier at enlistment, Mendon, Worcester Co, Mass.
Date of application for pension, June 2, 1835. His claim was allowed.
Residence at date of application, Newport, Herkimer Co., NY
Age at date of application, Born in Mendon, Worcester County, Mass, July 4, 1761
Remarks: He mar. At Chelsea, Suffolk Co., Mass March 30, 1786, Polly or Mary Burrill b. July 24, 1763, he died at Newport, N.Y. May 1, 1848 and she was allowed pension on ap ex Oct. 27, 1848 while a resident of Newport. Children: Eleazer b. Feb 11, 1787; Demaris, b. Sept. 10, 1790; Charles Jarvis, b. Aug. 3, 1794; Polly b. May 30, 1800; Sally b. Feb. 27, 1805. Westol Sherman, son of Charles J. Daniels d. 1822.

III. Declaration from Mary Daniels requesting widow's pension.


In order to obtain the benefits of the provision made by the act of Congress passed 29th July 1848 and of the Joint Resolution of Congress passed July 1st, 1848.

State of New York
Herkimer County
On the twenty seventh
day of October One Thousand eight hundred and forty Eight personally appeared before me Ezru Gierry       County Judge in and for the aforesaid County of Herkimer, Mary Daniels, a resident of the Town of Newport in said County of Herkimer, aged Eight five years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provision made by the act of Congress passed 29th July, 1848, entitled "An Act for the relief of certain surviving widows of Officers and Soldiers of the Revolutionary Army." And also the benefits of the Joint Resolution of Congress passed July 1st, 1848.
      That she, the Declarant, is now the widow of Eleazer Daniels, who was a revolutionary soldier of the United States and served as Declarant verily believes in the Massachusetts Line of Troops, and who died a revolutionary Pensioner of the United States at the rate of about twenty Eight Dollars per annum on the first day of May Eighteen hundred and forty Eightin the aforesaid Town of Newport and State of New York, that he drew a Pension for his said Revolutionary service until the said time of death as she verily believes under the act of June 7th 1832.

      And Declarant further saith that she was married to her husband the aforesaid Eleazer Daniels on the Thirtieth Day of March Seventeen hundred and Eighty-Six by the rev. Mr. Payson in the Town of       Chelsea in the state of Massachusetts.

      That the following persons were present at her marriage to wit. Samuel Clark, Sally Burrill, William Clark, Polly Clark, William Allen, Betsy Clark and others.

      That previous to her marriage as aforesaid, she resided in the aforesaid Town of Chelsea, and in the Town of Braintree and in said state of Massachusetts and bore the maiden name of Mary Burrill.

      She further declares that the accompanying record is her family record made by and in the hand-writing of her husband, the said Eleazer Daniels. This Record Declarant's said husband made many years ago, as she verily believes, but the number of years it has been made she cannot now relate. Said record is a true Register of Declaran't family, adn the names thereon recorded are those of her said husband, Declarant, and their children with the dates of their births be successively.

Subscribed and sworn to me before me the day and the year first aforesaid. And I certify that Mary Daniels is the above Declarant is unable to attend court by reason of the infirmities of age, that she does not write her name owing to said infirmities and is therefore compelled to make her mark or cross. And further that the forgoing Declaration was by me read to her and by her declared to be true and correct her poor execution.       her
Mary X Daniels

                    Ezru Gierry Judge of Herkimer County

IV Letter from Daniels family member to his brother.

January 18 1824

Dear brother I now sit down with great pleasure to inform you of our father's family thair all well accept my self I have ben sick this year and a half. My life has been last summer was all most Dispaird of but i think iam getting better. Demaris and her family in tolable good health she has 5 children she has 4 a living 3 daughters one son. [Indeciperable] and his family are well they have three daughters one son their oldest died a year ago last august he was 6 years old. I hope these few lines will find you and you family injoying good health.

[No signature on photocopy]

V. Nahum Daniel's Declaration on behalf of his sister-in-law, Mary Daniels

State of New York
Herkimer County

      I, Nahum Daniels, a resident of the Town of Russia in the aforesaid County of Herkimer, aged 80 years being duly sworn according to law deposith and saith that he is acquainted with Mary Daniels now the widow of Eleaser Daniels, who died a Revoultionary Pensioner of the United States on or about the first day of May last, in the Town of Newport in said County of Herkimer. That as Deponenet verily testified (?) the said Eleaser and Mary Daniels were married to each other in the year 1786 in the Town of Chelsea in the State of Massachusetts. Deponent was not present at their said marriage but well remembers the report thereof. That about two years after said marriage occurred Deponent became acquainted with the said Mary and which was in 1788. Deponent is a brother of the said Eleaser Daniels, and at the time Deponent became acquainter with said Mary, in 1788, as aforesaid she was the wife of the said eleaser Daniels who then lived in the town of Mendon in said State of Massachusetts in which Town Deponent then also resided or in Milford adjoining. That Deponent has continued to be acquainted with the said Mary from the time of his first acquaintance with her in 1788, as aforesaid until the present time, and that from that time she and Deponent's said brother Eleaser lived together and sustained all the relationship of husband and wife until the time of the death of said eleaser in 1848, as aforesaid. They raised a family of children the olderst of whom are between fifty and sixty years of age and are named Eleaser, Demaris and Charles.

Subscribed and sworn
Before me the 27th day of
October A.D. 1848. And I
Certify that the said Nahum
Daniels is a credible witness
Whose testimony upon any
Suject is entitled to full faith
And credit Ezru Gierry, Judge of
Herkimer County
Nahum Daniels (signed)

State of New York
Herkimer County

I Standish Barry, County clerk of the aforesaid County of Herkimer, do hereby certify that Ezra G???? Esqr before whom the forgoing Deposition of Nahum daniels and the annexed Declaration of Mary Daniels purports to have been sworn and executed, was at the date of the same County Judge in and for the said County of Herkimer duly listed and qualified and authorised by law to act as such Judge. And further that his respective signatures to the Jurats of said deposition and Declaration are genuine. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the said County, at Herkimer on this 31st day of October in A.D. 1848

                Standish Barry, Clerk

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