1869 -1870

Surnames A - L

The Hamilton Child Company of Syracuse, New York produced directories of New York counties for 1869. These directories are useful in conjunction with the 1870 US census, and are available at many New York State libraries and historical societies either in print or on microfilm. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there. In transcribing this material we have kept the original spelling and punctuation.

From: Gazetteer and Business Directory of Herkimer County, N.Y. 1869-70
published by Hamilton Child & Co., Syracuse, NY 1869
( post office addresses in parentheses )
Angell, W.W.
Voorhees & Angell
Bailey, A.E.
wagon and carriage manuf.
Baker, Charles W.
carriage trimmer, mechanic
Barry, John G.
assistant internal revenue assessor and
justice of the peace, Main.
Barry, Standish
resident, Main
Bateman, Lyman
farmer 150
Benson, A.S.
mason and farmer 1
Bowen, E.L.
produce dealer, Bridge
Bowen, H.S.
stock dealer and farmer 46
Bowen, Nathan
farmer 250
Bradford, Geo. L.
teller National Bank of Newport
Bradford, Hopestill
retired farmer
Bradt, Charles M.
dairyman and farmer 235
Bray, Patrick
dairyman and farmer 127
Brayton, Albert W.
farmer 210
Brayton, Candace Mrs.
farmer 200
Brayton, Fanny Mrs.
with Mrs. ___Brayton, estate of the late
Rensselaer Brayton, farmer 400
Brayton, Mrs. ___
with Mrs. Fanny, estate of the late
Rensselaer Brayton, farmer 400
Brayton, Warren A.

Bromley, Samuel
farmer 30
Brown, Richard K.
dairyman and farmer leases 64 1/2
Browne, Albert J.
physician and surgeon, West.
Buell, George W.
dairyman and farmer 110
Bullard, Albert A.
dairyman and farmer leases of Geo. Bullard, 167
Bullard, Bereth
farmer 410, residence West.
Bullard, Geo.
dairyman and farmer 383
Bullard, Hiram
dairyman and farmer 100
Bullard, Irving W.
dairyman and farmer 144
Burlingame, H.G.
lumber dealer and tanner, Bridge
Butler, Michael
farmer 180
Butler, Norman
farmer 45
Cain, John
dairyman and farmer 122
Campbell, John
dairyman and farmer 160
Carl, Patrick
farmer 2
Carpenter, Albert W.
dairyman and farmer leases of H.W. Dexter, 153
Chapin, Charles O.
wall layer, dairyman and farmer 196
Chapman, William
cheese buyer
Cipher, Daniel
farmer leases of Mrs. C. Brayton, 200
Clark, James
dairyman and farmer 250
Clifford, Thomas D.
dairyman and farmer 277
Cline, Martin
farmer 2
Coe, H.R.
manuf. and wholesale and retail dealer
in furniture and ready made coffins
Coffin, Alexander
farmer 50
Coffin, Edward C.
dairyman and farmer 108
Coffin, Joseph R.
dairyman and farmer 188
Coffin, Lorenzo
farmer 8
Coon, Samuel
farmer 11
Crossett, James
farmer leases of John Crossett, 130
Crossett, John
farmer 177 and with Wm. Getman
and D.W. Crumby, 160
Cruikshank, M.
farmer 1
Crumby, David D.
with George B. Hawkins, farmer 169
Davis, James
dairyman and farmer 254
Davis, John T.
dairyman and farmer leases of James Davis, 184
Dexter, H.W.
produce and stock dealer and farmer 150,
residence Main.
Dickins, Wm. W.
Dockstader, Adam
draper and tailer and
farmer 225, Main.
Dunn, Edward F.
dairyman and farmer 187 1/2
Eagle Hotel
J.G. Hawkins, prop., Main
Earl, Charles L.
prop. of saw mill and lumber yard,
and dealer in cheese boxes
Eddy, Chauncey
carpenter and joiner
Ellison, H. Duane

Ellison, Jacob
dairyman and farmer 906
Evans, David
dairyman and farmer 200
Evans, John W.
farmer leases of Walter W. Ward, 164
Farmer, James D.
dairyman and farmer 100
Fenner, E.
farmer 9
Fenner, George E.
dairyman and farmer 177, West.
Fenner, George W.
saw mill and farmer 130
Fenner, H.
watch repairer
Finnigan, Edwin
farmer 19
Fisher, Henry
(Deerfield, Oneida Co.)
with Thomas Kurfess, farmer 120
Fortune, Ely
stone quarry and farmer 6 1/2
Fortune, John
farmer 237
Fox, John
farmer 3
Gallagher, Michael
stock dealer and farmer 175
Gartlan, Frank
farmer 200
Gartlan, Hugh
dairyman and farmer 265
Getman, William
cashier of National Bank of Newport
Gibbons, H.B.
photographer, Main
Gibbons, H.B. Mrs.
milliner, Main.
Gibbons, Joseph
Gibbs, Leonard Jr.
prop. of Newport and Utica stage,
leaves Newport daily at 7 a.m.
and Utica at 2 p.m.
Ginane, John
tailor, Main.
Goodall, William
Graves, George
dairyman and farmer 206,
and leases of John Fortune, 237
Graves, John F.
farmer leases of George Graves, 150
Griswold, Irvin H.
Griswold & Mills
Griswold, James M.
farmer 88 and leases of
Bierth Bullard, 390
Griswold & Mills
Irvin H. Griswold and Fred Mills,
props. Newport and Herkimer, Poland and
Cold Brook stages; leave Newport
at 8 a.m., and Herkimer 1:30 p.m.
arrive at Newport at 5,
Poland 6, Cole Brook 6:30
Hadcock, E.P. Dr.
dental surgeon, Main.
Hadcock, Sylvester
retired farmer
Hall, William
farmer 5
Hardendorf, Edwin R.
dairyman and farmer 125
Harding, James
mason and farmer 12
Harding, Robert
shoemaker and farmer leases 17
Harrington, Wm.
farmer leases 255
Harris, Archibald L.
dairyman and farmer 145
Harris Brothers
W.I. and J.W.
manufs. of Yale's patent locks
and night latches, Main.
Harris, Josiah
retired edge tool maker and farmer 33
Harris, J.W.
Harris Brothers
Harris, Orrin C.
wagon and carriage manuf.,
blacksmith, prop. planing mill
and turning lathe
Harris, Randolph
farmer 27
Harris, Varnum H.
dairyman and farmer 262
Harris, W.I.
Harris Brothers
Harter, Thomas
farmer 700
Haskell, Judson
farmer 196
Haskell, Orren
carpenter and joiner and farmer 1 1/4
Haskins, L.G. Jr.
dental surgeon, Main.
Hawkins, George B.
with David D. Crumby, farmer 169
Hawkins, J.G.
prop. of Eagle Hotel, Main.
Hawkins, S.B.
prop. of restaurant, Main.
Hawkins, W.E.
cooper, Main.
Hawkins, W. Keith
road commissioner, mason and farmer 164
Heffron, Bartlett
farmer leases estate of late
Rensselaer Brayton, 400
Hines, Charles
(Cold Brook)
farmer 200
Hoag, Horace
carpenter and joiner
Holcomb, Jerome B.
druggist and physician, Main.
Hoskins, L.G.
Howe, Isaac C.
dairyman and farmer 253
Howe, Manson W.
farmer leases 40
Hurlburt, G.H.
agent for Newport Union Store
Jarvis, John
dairyman and farmer 102
Jenkins, Henry
farmer 8
Jenkins, Joseph
dairyman and farmer 135
Johnson, Wm.
farmer 3
Jones, Jerome E.
dairyman and farmer 136
Jones, Mirick
dairyman and farmer 200
Jones, Rolland
farmer 4
Keating, Thomas Rev., D.D.
pastor of St. John's Catholic Church
also pastor of St. Patrick's Catholic
Church, east of Newport
Kelley, Dean
cheese box manuf. and prop. of planing mill
Kelley, Joseph
dairyman and farmer 316
Kelsey, Dwight H.
cattle broker, dairyman, and farmer 270
Kenyon, Varnum S.
president of National Bank of Newport
Kirck, R.D.
dealer in copper, tin, sheet iron ware,
stoves, silverware, &c., Main.
Kurfess, Thomas
(Deerfield, Oneida Co.)
with Henry Fisher, farmer 120
Ladue, Stephen
prop. of saw mill and cheese box manuf.
Laquay, Lydia Mrs.
dress maker, Masonic Hall building
Longstaff, George
blacksmith, dairyman and farmer 20
Lovett, Lebbeus
dairyman and farmer 230
Luther, Royal P.
resident, West.

Directory of Newport: Surnames M - Z

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Last Updated: 4/5/97
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