What more can we say about this section? Obituaries not only name relatives and relationships, but often tell vivid stories of people's lives. Please send in your collected Herkimer or Montgomery Counties related obits. Put "OBIT" in the subject heading of your email and name the source of the obit if known. The obits do not have to be long but can be short notices.
4/9/05 This large group of Hilts family obituaries and death notices was graciously contributed by Hilts researcher Carol Grainger! Carol noted that she obtained them through research done by the Herkimer County Historical Society (HCHS). Obituaries.
Herkimer Citizen, Mar 27 1906. Note: Andrew Perry, son of George Washington & Elizabeth (Hilts) Perry. Married to the former Margaret Hilts, daughter of Nicholas & Anna Nancy (Schutt) Hilts.
Herkimer Democrat, 8-25-1858.
Herkimer Democrat, 7-1-1896.
Herkimer Democrat, 4-14-1880.
I.I., 12-11-1856.
Herkimer Democrat, 12-27-1893.
Herkimer Democrat, 12-6-1899.
Herkimer Democrat, 9-22-1858.
Herkimer Citizen, 10-1-1907.
Herkimer Democrat, 10-10-1883.
Herkimer Democrat, 9-21-1864.
Herkimer Democrat, 11-20-1895.
People's Friend, 9-28-1825.
Ilion Citizen, 12-6-1901.
Herkimer Democrat, 12-2-1891.
Herkimer Citizen, Tuesday, 4-8-1890.
People's Friend, 6-2-1831.
Herkimer Democrat, 1-9-1850.
Herkimer Democrat, 11-22-1871.
Herkimer Democrat, 2-28-1855.
Herkimer Democrat, 8-17-1892.
Herkimer Democrat, 5-8-1895.
Herkimer Democrat, 11-25-1896.
Herkimer Democrat, 6-26-1878.
Herkimer Democrat, 5-19-1886.
Herkimer Democrat, 10-4-1893.
Herkimer Democrat, Thursday, 6-1-1848.
?, 6-14-1844.
Herkimer Democrat, 5-23-1903. Note: From the 1900 & 1910 census it was stated that Clara Hilts Kay was the mother of two children, without any children living. End of this family line.
Herkimer Citizen, 12-6-1901.
?, 5-27-1830.
Herkimer Democrat, 1-18-1899.
Herkimer Democrat, 7-31-1867.
I.I., 1-15-1857.
People's Friend, 3-22-1900. People's Friend, 1-31-1828. 4/9/05 George H. Hilts' obituary was contributed by Hilts researcher Carol Grainger.
Eau Claire Leader. George H. Hilts. George H. Hilts, a pioneer resident of Eau Claire, died at this home, 215 Second street at _ o'clock Monday morning. He was 72 years old. He came to Eau Claire from Herkimer, N.Y. in 1863 and moved to a farm in Chippewa county where he married Ida Arminta Ranson in 1877. They made their home on a farm until five years ago when they came to Eau Claire. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and son George, residing at 112 Second street, two grandchildren and two brothers, Byron Hilts of Los Angeles, Calif., and Fred Hilts, Watertown, S.D.; a sister Mrs. John Avery of Bemeidji, Minn. The funeral will be held at the home at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and at the First Congregational church at 2 o'clock. Note: Silas Hilts was the gg-grandfather of Carol Grainger. 4/9/05 Flora Robinson Lyon's obituary was contributed by Hilts researcher Carol Grainger. "Regarding this obituary, I am interested in any of the descendants of John Lyon."
1-19-1915. This morning at 7:20 at her home on the corner of North Washington and Green streets. Flora, wife of John H. Lyon, laid aside her earthly cares and passed to the great beyond. While about three weeks ago deceased suffered an attack of the grip, from which she did not fully recover, her illness did not assume a serious aspect until last Saturday, when she caught more cold and suffered a relapse, and from that time she failed continually until the end. She was born May 26, 1860 in the town of Fairfield and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Robinson. It would have been 35 years this coming Monday that she was united in marriage to the husband who survives, and for the past 18 years they have resided in this village. The death is one that brings universal sorrows, as she was of the character and disposition that courted affection and respect from all whom she came in contact with on account of her pleasant ways, and disposition to help those about her. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of this village. Those who mourn her loss are the aged farther, Irving Robinson of this village, the husband, two sons George H. Lyon of this village, and Floyd Lyon of Schenectady, and three brothers Irving Robinson Jr of this village, William Robinson of Poland, and Arthur Robinson of Oneida and two sisters; Mrs. Allison Morse of this village and Mrs. Thomas Rathbun of Dolgeville. The funeral will be held from the late home Friday after noon at two o'clock, the Rev. W.M. Thompson offciating and interment will be made in Oak Hill Cemetery. 4/9/05 Benjamin D. Lyon's obituary and additional information about him was contributed by Hilts researcher Carol Grainger. "I just didn't know what to do about this family. It is not my family line, yet here I have all this information (see after obit). Benjamin was the brother of Elisha Lyon who married Helen Hilts. I had saved all this information in case later I could tie the children of Benjamin to another Hilts line."
Monday, February 8, 1915. At the advanced age of eighty-eight and a half years, Benjamin D. Lyon departed this life Sunday at a Utica Hospital. He would have reached his eighty-ninth milestone of life on July 17th next. His death removes one formerly active and prominent in the citzenenship of Herkimer. He was born in the town of Russia in 1826, but came to this village in 1860 and associated himself with Charles Barse in the conduct of a planing mill where the Standard Furniture Works are now located in Eastern avenue. Later James Clark was his partner in this enterprise and for a period commencing in 1892, he conducted a similar enterprise alone, the business being located in Folts street. Mr. Lyon also engaged in general contracting and various local structures are monuments to his industry and skill, the more prominent of these including the First Methodist Church and the Grand Opera House Block. Deceased was a member of the M.E. church and enjoyed a wide acquaintance and friendship. He was a Republican in politics and at one time held the office of superintendent of streets.Deceased was the son of Dr. Benjamin Lyon, one of the early settlers of Oppenheim. He located in the town of Russia in 1812. Mr. Lyon is survived by one son, William Lyon and two daughters, Misses Hattie and Jennie, all of this village. In his death removes the last of a family of twelve children. Funeral services will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 from the home of the daughters in Doxater Street, Rev. Dr. Powell, pastor of the M.E. church officiating. Descendants of Benjamin D. Lyon Generation No. 1 1. BENJAMIN D. LYON was born 17 Jul 1826 in New York, and died 1915 (Source: Cemetery Inscriptions). He married Susanna FOLTS, daughter of Peter FOLTS and Ann COLE. She was born Dec. 25, 1829 in New York, and died in 1909. (Source: Cemetery Inscriptions.)
More About BENJAMIN D. LYON: Notes for SUSANNA FOLTS: In the 1865 census it stated that Susanna was the mother of 3 children.In the 1900 census it stated that Susanna was the mother of 6 children, with 3 children living.
i. GEORGE "WILLIAM" LYON, b. Apr 1856, New York (Source: 1900
More About GEORGE "WILLIAM" LYON: Notes for KATE R.: In the 1900 and 1910 census it stated that Kate was the mother of 4 children, with 2 children living.
More About GEORGE LYON and KATE R.: ii. MARY G. LYON, b. 1860, New York; d. 28 Jan 1867 (Source: Cemetery Inscriptions.).
More About MARY G. LYON: iii. CHARLES LYON, b. Bet. 1862 - 1863; d. 1864 (Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, died at one year and 4 months.).
More About CHARLES LYON: iv. JULIE LYON, b. 1865 (Source: Cemetery Inscriptions.); d. 1868 (Source: Cemetery Inscriptions.).
More About JULIE LYON: v. HARRIET "HATTIE" LYON, b. Mar 1868, New York (Source: 1900 Census.); d. Aft. 1915.
More About HARRIET "HATTIE" LYON: vi. JENNIE L. LYON, b. May 1871, New York; d. Aft. 1915. 4/9/05 This group of miscellaneous Lynch surname obits was graciously contributed by Carol Grainger. Carol isn't related to the people listed below in any way but received the obits on a page with her Lyon family obits. Please do NOT email Carol for information - these were contributed to help someone - but contact the appropriate county historical societies. NOTE:Newspaper sources not stated.
10-14-1918. Herkimer lost one of its well kown citizens early this morning in the death of Frank E. Lynch a this home in Bellinger Avenue at an early hour this morning from pneumonia. The deceased was taken ill last Tuesday with influenza, which developed into pneumonia. He was born in Herkimer and would have been 50 years of age the 6th of November coming. His parents were the late Owen and Anna Lynch. He is survived by a widow who was Miss Celia Doyle, and a brother Irving P. Lynch, who will have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in this sad affliction. Mr. Lynch was employed by the Duofold Knitting Company at Mohawk. He was a faithful member of St. Francis deSales Church and of Herkimer Council Knights of Columbus. Burial will be made at Newport. The funeral services have not yet been arranged. 2-26-1907. At 3pm yesterday at a hospital in Utica, occured the death of Mrs. Ina Hurlburt Lynch, wife of Frank Lynch of Old Forge. Mrs. Lynch was stricken with appendicitis at her home in Old Forge and was taken to Utica for an operation which proved to be in vain.She was born in Boonville, her parents being Mr. and Mrs. Hurlburt, and where the greater part of her life was passed. She eventually went to Old Forge, however, where her marriage to Mr. Lynch took place. She was member of the Presbyterian church of Old Forge and had many warm friends, both in that village and in Boonville who will learn with deep regret of her untimely death. Besides her husband and parents she is survived by one son, Norman, four brothers, Howard, Roy, Arthur and Randall, a twin sister Nina and a sister Ethel, all residents of Old Forge with the exception of Nina, who lives in Rome. 10-13-1906. Ilion, Oct 13- At her home in East North street at 6:30 last evening, occured the death of Mrs. Mary Lynch aged 64 years. Death resulted from a complication of diseases, from which she had been a patient sufferer for a long time. Besides her husband she is survived by one son, Frank J. Lynch, and one daughter Mrs. J.P. McGraw both of this village. Deceased was born in Ireland and came to this country in 1866 and was united in marriage to Thomas Lynch in New York in ____. The family came to Ilion about sixteen years ago and have lived here ever since. She was a honored member of the Sacred Heart Society of Ave Maria church and enjoyed the respect of a large circle of friends in this village. 7-14-1908. The remains of James Lynch were brought to Herkimer last evening by his brother Frank Lynch, where they were met by Undertaker Laird and taken to the father's home in Mohawk where the deceased was born. Deceased was a polisher by occupation and the fatal accident occured at College Point, on Flushing Bay Long Island. The two brothers had worked at this place but a short time and both expected to return in a few days to New York City. Sunday morning the two brothers with other companions went in bathing and immediately after the evening meal of which the deceased partook heartly, he proposed to his brother that they again take a dip in the surf. His brother refused but a companion, James Hill, went with him. Within ten minutes after leaving the house the body was taken from the water by life-savers stationed on the beach, but all attempts at resuscitaion failed. The physicians called gave the cause of death as heart failure superinduced by exertion and entering the water after eating a hearty meal. The news of Mr. Lynch's death was a severe shock to the family and his friends here, the number of which was large as he was a genial, large hearted and kind young man, liked by all who knew him. There survive beside the father, six sisters, Mrs. Wallace Shoe of Albany, Mrs Thomas Nagal, Monticello; Mrs. Michael Monehan, Mrs. Patrick Finnegan and the Misses Kate and Delia Lynch of Mohawk, and two brothers, Eugene and Frank. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 10' o'clock from the church of the Blessed Sacrament of which he was a member. Father McDonald will officiate and burial will be made in St. Anges cemetery. Note: The 1900 Mohawk Village, Herkimer County NY census listed this family as:
Lynch Patrick, head, April 1830, Ireland, day laborer, owned a house, no mortgage. 12-21-1916. Utica, Dec 21- Mrs. Maurice J. Lynch died at her home in this city yesterday following a week's illness from peumonia. Deceased was born in the town of Salisbury, Herkimer county and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welch. She married Mr. Lynch in Little Falls and came to this city to reside about 20 years ago and was highly regarded by all of her acquaintances. She was a member of St. John's Church and the societies connected with the church. Besides the husband there survive two daughters, Mrs. James Kellmurray and Miss Loretta Lynch and three sons, Fred L., Leslie and Leo Lynch, all of this city and five sister, Mrs. Michael McCormick of Schenectady, Mrs. William Loucks of Franklin Mass., Mrs. A. J. Schell of Ilion, and Mrs. James Hallinan and Miss Julia Walsh of Little Falls; and one brother Thomas Walsh of Herkimer. Note: Both Welch and Walsh were both used in this obituary - this was not a typo. 8-8-1911. Frankfort, Aug 8- The death of William Lynch, who had been critically ill for two weeks, occured Monday at this home on Litchfield street. He leaves a wife, who was Miss Ella Northrup of Schulyer, and two daughters, Rose and Mary of this village; also three sisters, Mrs. John Riley and Miss Rose Lynch of Buffalo and Mrs. William Fullem of Frankfort. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9:30 from Sts. Peter and Paul's church. 3/22/05 This group of 8 Moss, Perry and other family obituaries and death notices was graciously contributed by Hilts researcher Carol Grainger! Carol noted that she obtained them through research done by the Herkimer County Historical Society (HCHS).
Newspaper source not stated. Mrs. Elisha Lyon, a Highly Respected Resident of This Village, Passed Away Last Evening. Mrs. Helen Lyon, wife of Elisha Lyon of this place, died at her home on South Washington street last evening at about 8 o'clock, at the age of 75 years. Mrs. Lyon had been a sufferer from cancer for the past twenty years and had been in poor health for the past year, although she was able to get about the house until Tuesday of this week. She was the daughter of Nicholas and Nancy Hilts and was married to Elisha Lyon over fifty years ago. She was a Christian lady and a devoted member of the Baptist church of this village. Mrs. Lyon moved to Herkimer about twelve years ago from the town of Russia and had since resided on South Washington street. A husband, three children, two sons Burt and John Lyon and one daughter Mrs. Arthur Lanning all of this place survive; also one sister Mrs. Catherine Bell of Cleveland NY and one brother Alexander Hilts of this village and a grandson Burt Lewis of Herkimer. Note: Helen was the d/o Johannes "Nicholas" George & Anna Nancy (Schutt) Hilts.
Herkimer Democrat, 6-23-1875.
Herkimer Democrat, 12-26-1885.
The Herkimer Democrat, 11/4/1868
The Herkimer Democrat, 9/24/1879.
Herkimer Citizen newspaper
Death of H.T. Perry
Evening Times William Murphy died at his home in Jersey City yesterday. He was a former resident of Little Falls, having been employed and learned his trade in Reddy's foundry. He leaves one sister, Mrs. George Perry of Herkimer. He was 58 years of age.
Evening Times Sudden Death in Herkimer Mrs. Margaret Perry, wife of Assessor A.J. Perry, dropped dead at her home on South Washington street about 11 a.m. today. A few days ago she was slightly indisposed, owing to a cold, but this morning she went about her household duties as usual and was in the act of preparing dinner when stricken down. She was about 64 years of age and was highly respected by all. Besides her husband she leaves two sons and two daughters. They are Officer W.F. Perry, John H. Perry, Layne Perry of this village and Mrs. Harry Gleed of Mohawk. Note: Margaret (Hilts) Perry was the daughter of Johannes "Nicholas" George and Anna "Nancy" (Schutt) Hilts. She was the sister of my ggg-grandfather George Frederick Hilts. Margaret's husband Andrew Jackson Perry was the son of George Washington Perry and his first wife Elizabeth Hilts.
Contributed by Carol Grainger 3/2/05 Another ARNOLD family obituary graciously
contributed by Karen Garber! Karen tells us that she obtained this obit
through a paid research of her family done by the Herkimer County Historical Society (HCHS) in May 2002.
2/7/05 This set of six ARNOLD family and related family obits was graciously contributed by Karen Garber! Karen also has a terrific Little Falls-related site for her PAUTH family.
Published 8 April, 1919 Evening Times Came From Pioneer Family Robert M. Arnold died at 9 o'clock last night at the Arnold homestead on West Monroe street, following a long illness due to heart trouble. Mr. Arnold was born October 13, 1841, in the same home where he has resided for so many years. He was the son of Edward and Christina McChesney Arnold who were pioneer settlers of this vicinity. By occupation he was a carpenter. He also served the old village of Little Falls in the capacity of policeman for a period of about seven years. He served several years as one of the local canal locktenders. In politics he was a Democrat. He was a man of worthy character who enjoyed the respect and esteem of his friends and neighbors. Mr Arnold was married 54 years ago to Margaret Hilts, also a member of a pioneer family. He is survived by his wife; by one son, Irving C. Arnold of this city; and by three daughters, Mrs. Nellie M. Ludwig, who resides at the family home, Mrs. George Beard of Truxton, NY, and Mrs. Miner Pauth of Sherburne. The funeral will be held at 2:30 p.m. Thursday from the late home, Rev. J. H. Anderson of the M. E church officiating and interment will be made in the Church street cemetery.
Published 1929 in a New York newspaper Mrs. Margaret Arnold Little Falls--Mrs. Margaret Hilts Arnold, widow of Robert Arnold, died yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Ludwig, West Monroe Street. She had been ill the past four weeks, death being caused by pneumonia. Mrs. Arnold was born in Shell's Bush, Feb. 7, 1843, but had lived here 64 years. Her parents were the late George and Polly Casler Hilts and she was married in this city, 1863, to Mr. Arnold. Surviving are one son, Irving Arnold of this city, and three daughters, Mrs. Catherine Pauth of Mohawk, Mrs. Addie Beard of Truxton and Mrs. Harry Ludwig of this city; also seven grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon from the Ludwig home. The Rev. J. W. Barrett of the M. E. Church will officiate, and interment will be in Church Street Cemetery.
Mrs. Catherine Pauth, 65 Frankfort - Mrs. Catherine Arnold Pauth, 65, of 338 First Ave, died at 8:15 a.m. today after an illness of eight years. She was born in Little Falls, June 3, 1875, the daughter of Robert and Margaret Hilts Arnold. She married Miner Pauth of Little Falls on September 4, 1895. She was a member of the Methodist Church in Mohawk. She is survived by her husband, Miner Pauth, one son, Harry Pauth, Norwich, three daughters, Mrs. George Robbins, Warsaw, Mrs. Walter Horn, Frankfort; Mrs. Theodore Darveau, Mohawk; one brother Irving C Arnold, Little Falls; one sister, Mrs. Addie Beard, Truxton; nine grandchildren; and one great grandchild. The funeral will be held from the home at 2 p.m. The Rev. J. A. Sypher of the Frankfort Methodist Church will officiate. OBITUARY Published in a New York newspaper Miner Pauth, Mohawk, Dies in Nursing Home Mohawk--Miner Pauth, 75, of 10 Green St., died today in the Morris Nursing Home, 429 N. Bellinger St., Herkimer. He was born in Little Falls on Aug. 17, 1875, a son of Charles and Belle Mansfield Pauth. He married the former Catherine Arnold a number of years ago. She died in 1940. Mr. Pauth was employed as a knitter in knitting mills in Little Falls, Herkimer and Utica. He leaves one son, Harry Pauth, Norwich; three daughters, Mrs. George Robbins, Little Falls; Mrs. Walter Horn, Ilion, and Mrs. Theodore Darveau, this village. Funeral Services will be conducted at 3:15 p.m. Wednesday from the Graves Funeral Home with burial in the Mohawk Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home tomorrow afternoon and evening. OBITUARY
Published July 16, 1898 George Beard Dead Victim of Baseball Game Passed Away Last Night The unfortunate baseball accident by which Manager George Beard of the Union store suffered on Thursday afternoon at Dolgeville, during the Presbyterian Sunday school picnic held at High Falls park in that village, has resulted for the worst. Mr. Beard is dead. No fatal issue was looked for during the first hours following the sad occurrence, but the fear of peritonitis expressed by Dr. Garlock after his examination proved only too well founded. The first symptoms developed yesterday noon and as the patient's left side began to fill he grew rapidly worse. It was evident there was only one resource left which gave a hope of recovery and that a slight one. Operation must be the last expedient and at 6 last evening it was resorted to by a council of physicians including Dr. Kilbourne of Utica and Drs. Garlock and Ingham of this city. They found the left kidney almost destroyed, the omentium torn and lacerated, and bleeding into the peritoneal cavity. The laceration resulted of course from the two ribs broken by the impact of the base runner. The removal of the kidney was essential and was therefore proceeded with. Unable to withstand the shock in his weakened condition, the patient never rallied and death followed the completion of the operation by about an hour. During his connection with the Union store and previously Mr. Beard's frank, open personality, unfailing cheeriness and obliging spirit ingratiated him with large classes of the trading and purchasing public, as well as more intimate friends, among whom his absence creates a gap that will be long felt and ever regretted. A widow and one little child survive to mourn a kind loving husband and parent. Mr. Beards' age was 33 years and 4 months. The Rev. C. S. Richardson will conduct funeral services 2:15 tomorrow afternoon at the residence, 604 Garden street, and 2:30 at the Presbyterian church. On Monday at 10:12 a.m. the remains will be forwarded to Truxton, Cortland county, where all that is mortal of a worthy, upright citizen will be consigned to dust. Another article. Published July 15, 1898 in the Evening Times..... Injured at Dolgeville - George Beard, manager of the Union store in this city, was the victim of a painful accident at Dolgeville yesterday afternoon. Mr. Beard was playing third base for one of the baseball teams. Claude Youker, a member of the opposing team, attempted to steal third base. The ball was thrown to Mr. Beard, who stood on the base line waiting for his prey. Youker tore the line with great speed, colliding with Beard with much force and knocking him to the ground. He was not unconscious, but was unable to walk. He was taken to the office of Dr. Strobel and cared for. He is now at his home in this city under the care of Dr. Garlock for two broken ribs and a laceration of the kidney.
OBITUARY MRS. ADDIE BEARD, 75, TRUXTON, DIES Funeral Sunday Afternoon In The Methodist Church There Mrs. Addie L. Beard, 75, of Truxton, widow of George Beard, died this morning at the Cortland County Hospital. Daughter of Robert and Margaret Arnold, she was born June 20, 1871, at Little Falls, N. Y. Surviving are one son, Ralph Beard of Truxton; a brother Irving Arnold Little Falls; two grandchildren, Darrell Beard and Mrs. Thelma Shutt, both of Cortland, and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the Truxton Methodist Church. Rev. Leonard P Hackney will officiate. Friends may call at the home at their convenience. Interment will be in Truxton Cemetery. Lots more obits on the Obits Bulletin Board Part 10. Back to Herkimer County NYGenWeb Created: 2/7/05 Last Entries Updated: 4/9/05 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 M. Magill/ Karen Garber / Carol Grainger Obits Indexing © 2008 Paul McLaughlin All Rights Reserved. |