Part 13

What more can we say about this section? Obituaries not only name relatives and relationships, but often tell vivid stories of people's lives. Please send in your collected Herkimer or Montgomery Counties related obits. Put "HERKIMER COUNTY OBIT" in the subject heading of your email and name the source of the obit if known. The obits do not have to be long but can be short notices.

Arnold, Charles M. Sep 25, 1931
Arnold, Christune (McChesney) Mar 14, 1887
Arnold, Delia S. Feb 7, 1915
Arnold, Erwin Aug 29, 1936
Arnold, Helen E. (Phillips) Jan 2, 1933
Arnold, Helen M. Oct 4, 1937
Arnold, Irving Feb 25, 1956
Arnold, Mrs. Minnie (Whalen) Apr 3, 1916
Arnold, Peter M. Mar 11, 1937
Arnold, William Feb 27, 1922
Beach, Fred 1960
Benson, Elizabeth Jul 21, 1911
Cayea, James E. Jun 6, 1942
Cayea, Sarah M. Sep 22
Chase, Bertha Bucklin Jun 13, 1912
Cole, Martha Bauder Aug 1906
Cruikshank, Mrs. Gertrude. Nov 26, 1946
Heaton, Barbara Feb 2, 2001
Houghton, Richard Nov 1906
Kurlbaum, Fred
Kurlbaum, Mrs. Fred (Alena Cayea)
Lee, James ParisFeb 24, 1904
Leskovar, Alvin Jan 26, 1982
Ludwig, Harry J. Dec 12, 1939
Ludwig, Mrs. Nellie M. (Arnold) Sep 10, 1919
Marriott, Bert E. 1924
Marriott, Ida (Perry) (wife of Morris) 1923
Marriott, Morris S. 1916
Mead, Edmond R. Jan 11, 1982
Mead, Lucy A. Feb 28, 1988
Moon, Nathan Millington Jan 6, 1914
Owens, Leland Curtis Jan 30, 1926
Parker, Elisha Feb 25, 1904
Perry, William Franklin Sep 12, 1912
Petrie, B. F. Jun 6, 1901
Petrie, Clyde T. Sep 22, 1993
Petrie, Irwin Jul 8, 1947
Petrie, Mrs. Marion E. Jun 6, 1901
Petrie, Mrs. Mary Baird Oct 14, 1897
Petrie, William I. ??????
Remington, Mrs. Nina Mae Slater 1953
Rowland, Elvira C. Jan 5, 1914
Sanderson, Joseph Oct 10, 1897
Silter, Horace Jan 16, 1914
Sitts, Ernest F. Sep 30, 1960
Slade, Mrs. Joseph H. Apr 24, 1916
Slade, Mrs. Mary Wilcox Jan 1918
Slaughter, Bert Jan 14, 1916
Slaughter, Charles B. 1912
Slaven, Karl Oct 15, 1918
Slawson, Mrs. Clayton L. Feb 3, 1913
Slingerland, Mrs. Abraham Sep 30, 1916
Sloan, Lorenzo A. Sep 3, 1915
Sloan, Mrs. Mary May 18, 1909
Sloan, Orville Dec 21. 1915
Slocum, Arthur E. Nov 7, 1928
Slocum, Chester A. 1914
Slocum, Chester W. 1919
Slocum, Daisy Apr 9, 1916
Slocum, Daniel Aug 12, 1867
Slocum, Daughter 1903
Slocum, David 1912
Slocum, David H. 1810
Slocum, Elisha Sep 25, 1872
Slocum, Elizabeth G. Aug 26, 1912
Slocum, Emily Alida Feb 26, 1859
Slocum, Mrs. Arlington (Daisy) Apr 9, 1910
Slocum, Mrs. Elizasbeth Catherine Jul 13, 1857
Slocum, Mrs. Harriet R. Mar 9, 1921
Slocum, Mrs. Nancy Apr 14, 1890
Slocum, Pearl S. Sep 29, 1916
Slocum, Sarah E. Oct 9, 1927
Slocum, Sidney Feb 1, 1890
Slocum, Sophia Aug 31, 1912
Slomaker, Daniel May 10, 1906
Slomaker, Julia Apr 13, 1919
Sofi, Anthony Jan 27, 1982
Sullivan, Bessie Hart Aug 19, 1906
Taser, Warren Jun 6, 1901
Vanantwerp, Cornelius Peter Jan 3, 1905

new 2/23/17   From The Fulton County Republican, Thursday, November 15, 1906

Richard Houghton

Information has been received announcing that Richard Houghton, a well known resident of Ilion for many years, had died at St. Johnsville, at the home of his brother-in-law, where he had been visiting for a few days. Mr. Houghton was in his 67th year, and had been in poor health for a long time. He was a native of Ephratah, Fulton county, where he was born in 1839. He located in Ilion about 43 years ago and during the war he enlisted in Company G, 186th New York Volunteers, and served for over a year. He was reported among the missing after one of the battles, and the report caused much sorrow among his relatives and friends here. Mr. Houghton united with Chismore Post, No. 110 G.A.R., in 1869. The post will have charge of the funeral services, which will be held Saturday afternoon, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Ingersol, on John street. Mr. Houghton was employed for many years as a gun stocker at the Remington armory, but he retired from active work several years ago.He was married 46 years ago to Elizabeth McKinney, who died December 24th, 1901. Mr. Houghton is survived by one daughter, Mrs. F. T. Ingersoll, of John Street, Ilion.

NOTE: he and his wife are listed in Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion, on findagrave as Richard Houghton (1827-1906) and Elizabeth McKinney Houghton (1833-1901.

new 2/23/17   From The Utica Observer, Tuesday, January 6, 1914, page 10

Death of Miss Rowlands (sic).

Herkimer, Jan. 6- Miss Elvira C. Rowland passed away yesterday at her home in Court street following an illness of hardening of the arteries. Miss Rowland was a native of the town of Herkimer and was about 70 years of age. She was born at Shell's Bush, the daughter of the late Samuel Rowland and Nancy Slocum. She was a woman of high Christian character, a member of the First Methodist Church and highly esteemed by all who knew her. There survive the sister, Miss Fannie Rowland, and four brothers, Herman and Morgan of Herkimer, Jacob of Little Falls and Samuel of Bridgewater. The funeral will be held from the home Wednesday at 2 o'clock.
NOTE: she was interred at Oak Hill Cemetery, Herkimer NY; dates were 1843-1914.

Death of Nathan M. Moon.

Herkimer, Jan 6- The death of Nathan Millington Moon, an aged, well known and lifelong resident of the town of Herkimer occurred this morning at ___ (illegible) o'clock at the home of his son John C. Moon in Henry street. Deceased was born in the town of Russia Oct. 22, 1831 and was in his 83d year, and was the son of the late Abner and Emily Millington Moon. He served the town of Russia both as constable and as superintendent of highways and was deputy sheriff under the late Volney and Warren Eaton. He was a Republican in politics. He is survived by one son John C. Moon of this village and two brothers, B.B. of Russia and V. B. Moon of Gravesville. The funeral service will be held Thursday and the remains will be taken to Gravesville for interment.
NOTE: Mr. Moon rests in Gravesville Cemetery, Gravesville, Town of Russia, Herkimer County.

new 2/23/17   From the St. Johnsville News, Wednesday, June 19, 1912

Bertha Bucklin Chase Dead.

Mrs. Bertha Bucklin Chase of Syracuse, formerly of Little Falls, and a noted violin virtuoso, died Thursday at 5:30 a.m. at the Crouse-Irving hospital at Syracuse. Mrs. Chase was widely known as a musician and completed her musical education in Germany and France. She was at one time violin soloist with Sousa's band. Besides her husband she leaves four children, also her mother Lucy Bucklin, and one brother, L. O. Bucklin, of Little Falls.

NOTE: findagrave gives her dates as June 29, 1873 Little Falls - June 13, 1912 Syracuse NY, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse NY. Findagrave has a more detailed obit from the Syracuse Herald, June 13, 1912, page 6. Her parents, Lucy Gay and James Henry Bucklin, rest in Church Street Cemetery, Little Falls NY. Her permanent findagrave memorial number is: 90691734

new 2/23/17   From The Times-Union, Albany NY, Tuesday, February 2, 1926

Leland Curtis Owens of Poland, N.Y., passed away Saturday morning at Nathan Littauer hospital, Gloversville. Mr. Owens underwent an operation for appendicitis, a week ago Friday, at Nathan Littauer hospital, and on Friday he submitted to the second operation. He was 48 years of age, having been born May 1, 1878, at Poland, N.Y. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Owens. He married Miss Anna Laura Marlette of Fultonville, 23 years ago.

Mr. Owens resided in Fultonville several years ago. He attended the Baptist church at Poland. He is survived by four daughters, misses Katherine, Florence, Anna and Margaret Owens, and one son, Thomas Owens of Poland; mother, Mrs. Flora Owens, and sister, Miss Mabel Owens of Poland.

The funeral was held at Welch's Funeral House on Main street, Fultonville, this afternoon, Rev. W. H. Smith, pastor of the Reformed church, officiating. The remains will be placed in Maple avenue vault until spring, when burial will be made in the Maple Avenue cemetery, Fultonville.

NOTE: findagrave's listings (Maple Avenue Cemetery, Fultonville NY) have a nice clear photo of Leland and his wife's monument. His birth year on the stone is 1877. His birth year on the stone is 1877. On his WWI Draft Registration he gave his date of birth as May 1, 1877. His death day, on the Saturday preceding this publilshed notice, would have been January 30, 1926.

In 905, Leland and Annie Owens resided in the Town of Glen. In 1910, Leland C. Owens age 33, and his wife Annie L. Owens and children resided in Little Falls. In 1920 and 1925, Leland's family is found residing in the town of Sharon, Schoharie County NY.

new 2/23/17   From the Utica Herald-Dispatch, Friday evening, February 26, 1904

Little Falls, Feb. 26

James Paris Lee, who formerly resided in this city, died in New Haven, Conn., Wednesday. His son, George M. Lee, was at one time in charge of the electric light station in this city.

NOTE: James Paris Lee rests in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Hartford CT.


Elisha Parker Hurled to Death in
Syracuse Yards - Interment in Little Falls.

Little Falls, Feb. 26- While walking along the tracks in the New York Central freight yards at East Syracuse at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Elisha Parker of East Syracuse, formerly of this city, was run down by shifting engine NO. 2,691 and hurled to instant death. Parker's back was broken.

Parker was intent upon catching his train and was unconscious of the engine approaching from the rear. The engineer did not see Parker until the engine was upon him. He sounded a warning, but it was too late for Parker to get out of the way.

The body was picked up by fellow workmen and later removed to Behr's undertaking rooms in East Syracuse.

Parker had been employed by the New York Central as a brakeman for a number of years. He was 40 years of age and is survived by his wife and two children.

The funeral will be held from his home at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Interment will be made in this city.

Elisha Parker, a Central brakeman, was killed in the Dewitt yards Thursday. He leaves a wife and two children at East Syracuse. (De Ruyter Gleaner, Thursday, March 3, 1904)

new 2/23/17   From the Utica Herald-Dispatch, Friday evening, July 21, 1911



Mrs.Elizabeth Benson, Who Became
Ill in Store Yesterday, Passed
Away in Hospital.

Ilion, July 21- The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Benson, who resided on West Main street, occurred at the hospital at 7 o'clock this morning. Yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock, while trading at the store of C. B.(?) Burch & Son, she was seized with a fainting spell and remained in an unconscious state until the end. Dr. T. B. (?) O'Neill was called to attend her and ordered her taken to the hospital, where everything was done to revive her, without avail.Coroner Getman, Drs, O'Neil and Hallwell performed an autopsy at the Brockway undertaking parlors this morning and decided that death was caused by heart trouble. The deceased was about 65 years of age. She had a niece and nephew who reside at Little Falls and also other relatives who live in the West.

NOTE:Elizabeth Benson was interred in Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion, with dates 1843-1911.

new 2/23/17   From the Amsterdam Evening Recorder, Tuesday, August 21, 1906

Mrs. William Sullivan, formerly Miss Bessie Hart of Little Falls died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hart, of that city Sunday afternoon, after a lingering illness of a complication of diseases. Mrs. Sullivan was 22 years of age and resided in Little Falls until her marriage last October, when she removed with her husband to Fonda. Besides her husband she is survived by her parents, three brothers, John of Herkimer, Jerry of New York and Thomas of Little Falls; and two sisters, Mrs. Frank Hecox of Utica and Miss Margaret Hart of Little Falls.

NOTE: Bessie is listed on findagrave in St. Mary's Cemetery, Little Falls, as Catherine "Bessie" Hart Sullivan. The entry gives her date of death as Aug. 19, 1906, has links to her parent and siblings, has the same obituary, and a lovely photo of her. Her permanent findagrave memorial number is: 49624495

Mrs. Justus Cole died at her home in the town of Fairfield yesterday afternoon. She was a daughter of the late Joseph Bauder of St. Johnsville, and was born in that village in 1833. She is survived by her husband, one son, Truman; and two daughters, Mrs. C. D. Smith of Fort Plain and Mrs. Isaac Lewis of Brooklyn; also one sister, Mrs. D. G. Van Slyke of Wilmurt.

NOTE: Mrs. Cole rests in the Cole Farm Cemetery, Fairfield NY. On findagrave, the photo of the common tombstone of Mrs. Cole and her husband, Justus Alan Cole, shows her name as Martha Bauder, 1832-1906.

1/6/2006  Barbara Heaton's obituary was contributed by Jim Jimenez.

February 2, 2001
Barbra Heaton

Barbra A. Heaton 67 of Amsterdam died at Edward L. Wilkinson Residential Health Care Facility following a brief illness. She was born 16 Nov. 1933 to George and Sarah Norris Stangle. Mrs. Heaton was a 1950 graduate of the former Wilbur H. Lynch High School. Mrs. Heaton was a certified Nurse at the Amsterdam Memorial Hospital. She was a former member of the Lyons. Mrs. Heaton was predeceased by two brothers George R. Stangle who died in 1990 and Clifford Stangle who died in 1989. Survivors include Four children Donald Heaton of Saratoga Springs, Jeffrey Heaton of Amsterdam, Laurie Lawton and her husband Paul of Broadalbin, and Mary Jo Schrader and her husband Alan of Broadalbin. Three brothers Robert Stangle of Boadalbin, Richard Stangle of Selkirk, and Edward Stangle of Glens Falls. Five sisters Jeannette Stangle of Broadalbin, Gertrude Natale and Elizabeth Grajewski both of Fort Meyers Florida. A memorial service will be held at 3pm Monday at Robert M. Halgas Funeral Home 38 W. Main St. Broadalbin. Creamation will be performed at Parkview Crematorium. The Rev. Dan Wheeler Officiating.

Posted 12/22/05  This group of KURLBAUM and CAYEA family obituaries was contributed by Sharon Klenotiz!

Funeral Tomorrow For Fred Kurlbaum

Funeral services for Fred Kurlbaum, 57, of 333 Mohawk Avenue, who died Wednesday after several months' illness, will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the James funeral home, Scotia. The Rev. E. H. Von Haahmon of Amsterdam will officiate. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery, Amsterdam. Born in Amsterdam, Mr. Kurlbaum was employed by the American Locomotive Company here. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. W. D. White of Troy and Miss Anna A. Kurlbaum of Scotia and several nieces and nephews. His wife was the late Mrs. Alena Cayea Kurlbaum. The funeral home will be open tonight from 7 to 9 o'clock.

Mrs. Fred Kurlbaum

Alena S. Cayea, wife of Fred Kurlbaum, and former resident of Amsterdam, died Friday night at 8:45 o'clock at her home, 333 Mohawk Avenue, Scotia, after an illness of three months, of a complication of diseases. Mrs. Kurlbaum was born in Burlington, Vt., but came to Amsterdam in early girlhood and this city had been her home for 24 years. Five years ago she moved to Scotia, where she resided since. She had a wide circle of friends, both in this city and Scotia, who will regret to learn of her death. A devout Catholic, she was a member of St. Joseph's church, Scotia and the Amsterdam branch of the L. C. B. A. May 9, 1924, she married Mr. Kurlbaum, by whom she is survived, together with her father, James E. Cayea, two sisters Mrs. F. LaFarra and Mrs. William Slater, Scotia, one brother, James Cayea, Gloversville, and several nieces and nephews.

Funeral of Mrs. Fred Kurlbaum

The funeral of Mrs. Fred Kurlbaum was held this morning at 9 o'clock at her home, 333 Mohawk Avenue, Scotia, and at 9:30 in St. Joseph's church, that village, where the Rev. Father Watson was the celebrant at a high requiem.

The bearers were Herbert Davidson, William Slater, Charles Neidermeyer, James Hillaire, James Cayea, Jr., and Fred LaFarr. Interment was in Fairview Cemetery, Amsterdam.

The following from out of town attended the funeral: Mr. and Mrs. W. Eliason, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ranser, Albany; Miss Lorraine Ranser, Ralph White, Mrs. W. D. White, Mr.and Mrs. William D. White, Mr. and Mrs. James Hanlon, Troy; Mr. and Mrs. James Cayea, Gloversville; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davidson, Miss Anna A. Kurlbaum, Mr. and Mrs. C. Neidermeyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hillaire, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hillaire, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hillaire, Roland Hillaire, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morley, Mrs. William Shelp, Mrs. A. J. Finlayson, Mrs. Walter Palmer, Mrs. W. Cooney, Mrs. R. E. Crawford, Amsterdam; Miss Helen Hourigan and J. Ross, Albany.

CAYEA- Sunday, June 7, 1942, James E., husband of the late Margaret Ross, of 331 Mohawk Avenue, Scotia. Funeral service 9 o'clock Wednesday morning from James funeral home and thence to St. Joseph's Church where at 9:30 a mass of requiem will be celebrated. Relatives and friends are invited. The funeral home will be open to friends Tuesday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. Interment in St. Mary's cemetery, Amsterdam. Amsterdam papers please copy.

J. E. Cayea Dead at 82

James E. Cayea, 82, formerly a motorman on the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad at Amsterdam, died yesterday at his home, 331 Mohawk Avenue, Scotia, after five years illness. Born in Champlain, he had lived in Burlington, Vt., and Amsterdam.

Survivng are two daughters, Mrs. Fred LaFarr and Mrs. William Slater of Scotia; a son, James Cayea of Gloversville, and several grandchildren. His wife was the late Margaret Ross Cayea. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the James funeral home and at 9:30 a.m. at St. Joseph's Church in Scotia where a requiem mass will be celebrated. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery. The funeral home will be open tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m.

CAYEA- Sarah M., wife of James E. Cayea, September 23. Funeral at the home, 75 Union Street. Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock and 9:30 at St. Mary's church. Interment in St. Mary's cemetery.

Mrs. James E. Cayea

The Free Press has received news of the death in Amsterdam, N. Y., September 22 of Sarah M., wife of James E. Cayea, after an illness of five days of a complication of diseases, aged 61 years. Mrs. Cayea was born in Burlington, but had been a resident of Amsterdam for the past 17 years. Surviving are her husband, three daughters, Alena K., of this city and Mrs Frederick LaFarr and Mrs. William Slater of Schenectady, a son, James H., of Gloversville, and one brother, John Ross of Amsterdam.

Mrs. Harry Remington Dies, Funeral Monday (unknown date in 1953)

Mrs. Nina Mae Slater Remington, 60, wife of Harry Remington, died yesterday at her home on the Amsterdam road, Hoffmans, after a long illness.

Born in Amsterdam, she had resided in Hoffmans for the past 25 years. Survivors, in addition to her husband, are one daughter, Mrs. Donald Trager, Schenectady, and two grandchildren.

The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the James funeral home, Scotia. Rev. Raymond Rogers of Scotia Baptist Church will officiate, and burial will be in Pine Grove Cemetery, Tribes Hill.

The funeral home will be open to friends Sunday evening after 7:00 o'clock.

NOTE: see her permanent findagrave memorial no. 15703965 for another obit from unknown newspaper. Her husband, Harry E. Remington, passed away in 1966.

10/11/05  Another group of ARNOLD family obituaries, contributed by Karen Garber! Karen is the ggg-granddaughter of Edward Arnold Jr & Christina McChesney.

"Many of these ARNOLD obituaries were shared with me by relatives Debbie & Thelma, descendants of Edward Arnold & Christina McChesney. Some were researched by Millie G., a Random Acts of Genealogy Kindness (RAOGK) volunteer (not related). All are shared here with permission.

Other related ancestors of Herkimer & Montgomery County I am researching:

Robert & Nancy McChesney 1700's-1800's, parents of Christina (McChesney) Arnold (1817-1887) & possibly other children; George Casler & Polly Hilts, parents of Lany Margaret (Hilts) Arnold (1843-1929); John Mansfield & Lany Loucks - parents of Belle (Mansfield) Pauth (1852-1899) & William Mansfield, & possibly other children; the parents of Charles Pauth (1843-1906) names unknown at this time."

Christina (McChesney) Arnold
Born October 11, 1817
Died March 14, 1887
Daughter of Robert & Nancy McChesney
(Nancy's maiden name unknown at this time)
Wife of Edward Arnold Jr.


Published March 15, 1887
Journal Courier
a weekly New York newspaper


In Little Falls, March 14, 1887 of paralysis, Christina Arnold, in the 70th year of her age.

***Researched by Millie, a RAOGK volunteer. Located at Little Falls Public Library.

Delia S. Arnold
Born 1 June, 1845
Died 7 February, 1915
Daughter of Edward Arnold & Christina McChesney


Published 9 February, 1915 Journal Courier a Little Falls, New York newspaper

Miss Delia S. Arnold, who taught school in Little Falls long before it became a city, died Sunday at the Arnold homestead on West Monroe street, aged 70 years. Heart trouble was the cause of death. She was a daughter of Edward Arnold and Christina McChesney. Miss Arnold possessed qualities of mind and heart that won her friends and esteem and her death brings sorrow to those who knew her. She is survived by five brothers. Funeral services will be held from the late home of the deceased at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Rev. C. M. Starkweather officiating, and interment will be made in the Church street cemetery.

***Researched by Millie G.

Charles M. Arnold
Born: May 30, between 1848-1851
Died: September 25, 1931
son of Robert Arnold & Christina McChesney

Published September 25, 1931
in a Little Falls, New York newspaper


Charles M. Arnold Died Last Night
in the House Where He Spent His
Entire 84 Years---Last Member of
Old No. 2 Fire Company

In the same house in which he was born 84 years ago last May 30, occured the death at 9:45 last night of Charles M. Arnold. He always resided at the old Arnold homestead, 226 West Monroe street, now the residence of his niece, Mrs. Harry Ludwig. Mr. Arnold had not been in good health for some time past.

Deceased was a son of the late Edward and Christina McChesney Arnold. He was a carpenter by occupation and worked first for the late Charles Newell, contractor and builder, and later for Newell & Little. He retired 25 years ago. Mr. Arnold was a Democrat in politics. His death takes the last member of the old No. 2 Volunteer Fire company of this city. He spent his entire life here, always residing in the house where he died. He never married. Of a friendly, affable nature he had many friends and was held in high regard. He was one of six children, two of whom survive, they being David Arnold of Syracuse, and Peter M. Arnold, this city.

Peter M. Arnold
Born: July 2, 1855
Died: March 11, 1937
son of Edward Arnold Jr & Christina McChesney

Published March 11, 1937
in a New York newspaper
likely a Little Falls, NY paper


Well Known Citizen Passes Today in the House in Which He Was Born, 81 Years Ago -- Was at One Time a Hat Merchant Here.

Peter M. Arnold, 81, died this noon at the home of his niece, Mrs. Harry Ludwig, 226 West Monroe street, after an illness of the past two months due to complications of diseases. Mr. Arnold died in the house in which he was born on July 2, 1855, and where he had spent his entire life. He was the son of the late Edward and Christina McChesney Arnold. Mr. Arnold formerly conducted a gentleman's hat store in connection with Wilham Goff, under the firm name of Goff & Arnold. The store was located where the DuBois jewelry store is now situated on the south side of Main street. After retiring from this business, Mr. Arnold worked for a time as caretaker in the Church street cemetery and later at the Jacob Zoller plant, retiring several years ago. He married Ida Galpin in 1880 and she died about 20 years ago. He was a member of the Presbyterian church.

Surviving are one brother David Arnold of Syracuse, also several nephews and nieces. The funeral will be held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. from the home, Rev. Harold Thomson, of the Presbyterian church officiating. Burial will be in Church street cemetery.

Born 13 July, 1867
Died 10 September, 1939
Daughter of Robert ARNOLD & Lany Margaret (HILTS) ARNOLD
Wife of Harry J LUDWIG


Published September, 1939
Evening Times
a Little Falls, New York newspaper


Mrs. Nellie M. Ludwig, 72, Succumbs
to Long Illness--Died in Same House
in Which She Was Born-
- Buried in Fort Plain

In the house where she was born, and where she had spent the greatest part of her life, death came yesterday morning at 8:45 to Mrs. Harry J. Ludwig, 226 West Monroe street who had been ailing for the past year.

Deceased was a good Christian woman, who was respected by all who knew her. Her maiden name was Nellie M. Arnold, and she was born July 13, 1867, daughter of Robert and Margaret Hilts Arnold. April 7, 1891, she was married to Harry Ludwig, who survives, by Rev. A. J. Dean, former pastor of the local Baptist church. Mrs. Ludwig attended the Presbyterian church.

There survives besides her husband, two sisters, Mrs. Addie Beard, Truxton, N. Y. and Mrs. Miner Pouth {sic}, Frankfort, N. Y. and one brother Irving Arnold, this city.

The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 from the home, with Rev. J. Harold Thomson, pastor of the Presbyterian church officiating. Interment in Fort Plain cemetery.

Note: Nellie's sister Catherine's name is incorrectly printed/stated as Mrs. Miner Pouth. Her married surname is spelled Pauth. Researched by Millie G.

Harry J. Ludwig
Husband of Nellie (Arnold) Ludwig

Published December 12, 1939
in a New York newspaper
likely a Little Falls, NY paper

Harry Ludwig Dies Suddenly

Resident of This City Succumbs at Fort Plain of Heart Attack, Due to Exertion,
in Starting His Automobile--Was in Attendance at Golden Wedding of Friends

Harry J. Ludwig died suddenly at 8:30 this morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Driver, Fort Plain to whose home he went yesterday for a visit ad [sic] to help celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. When Mr. Ludwig went to start his automobile this morning, the motor would not turnover, and in pushing it, he suffered a heart attack, from which he soon succumbed. Deceased was born October 1, 1869, at Fort Plain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gotlieb Ludwig. He came to this city when a young man to work in a grocery store. He was married to Nellie Arnold in Little Falls about 48 years ago. She preceeded him in death in September of this year. He was a member of the Presbyterian church. For the past 25 years deceased had conducted two different groceries, one on West Monroe street for about 20 years, and another on Ann street for the past five in the Bellinger block, retiring from the business some years ago. Since he has been an auctioneer. Nearest surviving relatives are cousins.

A tragic coincidence in connection with Mr. Ludwig's death is that the will of his wife was probated today at Herkimer named Mr. Ludwig executor of her estate.

The funeral will be held from his late home Friday afternoon at 2, Rev. Mr. Thomson, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating. Burial at Fort Plain.


Left $2,000 Estate to Her Husband, Who Died in Fort Plain This Morning --- Two Other Wills Probated

Herkimer, Dec. 12--Three wills were probated and one decree of judicial settlement granted by Surrogate Shall today in surrogates court. The wills were of Nellie M. Ludwig, Little Falls; Bertha. Finster, Schuyler; and Alida Bonsteel, Winfield.

Mrs. Ludwig, who died September 10, left personal property and realty value at upwards of $1,000 each. Her husband Harry J. Ludwig, was named executor and sole heir. He died of a heart attack in Fort Plain this morning. According to the terms of her will, which was executed June 20, 1927, she directed her executor to erect a monument on the burial lot of her grand-father Edward Arnold, in the Church street cemetery, Little Falls, not to exceed the cost of $500. This provision was nullified by a codicil of the same date.

Note: This article is printed directly below Harry Ludwig's notice of his death.


Published December 1939
a Little Falls, NY newspaper


Local Man's Host and Hostess in Fort Plain Had Celebrated Golden Wedding ---Cousins Who Survive

How suddenly a happy occasion can be plunged into one of sorrow was demonstrated Tuesday by the death of Harry Ludwig, of this city, while he was in Fort Plain to join with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Driver in celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. He was a cousin of Mrs. Driver's.

Before leaving this city Mr. Ludwig came into the Times office and had an attache of the office address a card of congratulations for him to the Fort Plain couple. After spending Monday night in Fort Plain, Mr. Ludwig was attempting to start his car to return home when he suffered the fatal seizure, induced by the exertion of pushing the machine to get the cold motor started.

The only survivors of this respected local man are cousins: Christina Baxter, Mrs. Dorothy Baum Smith and Mrs. Elizabeth Driver of Fort Plain; John Ludwig of Mohawk; William Bowdish of Fonda, and Lettie Ottman of this city.

Irving Arnold
Born: July 7, 1869
Died: February 25, 1956
Son of Robert Arnold & Lany Margaret Hilts
Husband of Minnie Whalen

Published 25 February, 1954
Herkimer Evening Telegram
a New York newspaper

Irving Arnold Dies, Little Falls Man

LITTLE FALLS -- Irving Arnold, 324 W. Monroe St., died today in Little Falls following a long period of ill health.

Born in Little Falls on July 7, 1869, he was the son of Robert & Minnie Hilts Arnold. He married in St. Mary's Church the former Margaret Whalen, who died in 1916.

He was employed as steward at the Moose Club. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Arthur A. Walker, Little Falls, and Mrs. Dennis Noonan, Tirard, Ohio; five grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and nieces and nephews.

Services will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday from the Shephardson Funeral Home and at 9:30 from St. Mary's Church. The body will be placed in St. Mary's Cemetery vault for burial in spring.

OBITUARY NOTE: Researched by RAOGK volunteer Millie G. Irving's mother is printed/stated incorrectly in his obituary as Minnie Hilts Arnold-her name is Lany Margaret Hilts Arnold, better known as Margaret. Also his wife's name is mentioned as Margaret Whalen-I only knew her as Minnie. I believe the first names of his mother and wife were mixed up & confused at time of publication.

***Researched by Millie G.


Minnie (Whalen) Arnold
Born: abt 1868
Died: April 3, 1916 Little Falls, NY
Parents: unknown at this time (Oct. 2005)
Wife of Irving Arnold
Mother of Georgiana & Edna Arnold

Published April 11, 1916
Journal Courier
a Little Falls, New York newspaper


Minnie Whalen, wife of Irving Arnold, died Monday night at her home on West Monroe street after an extended illness. The deceased was 48 years of age. Besides the husband, there survive two daughters and a sister Mrs. George Cogovan. The funeral was held at St. Mary's church Thursday morning.

***Researched by Millie G., a RAOGK Herkimer County NY volunteer.

William Arnold
Born: June 29, 1850
Died: February 27, 1922
Son of Edward Arnold Jr & Christina McChesney

Published February 28, 1922 Bridgeport Post a Conneticut newspaper

William Arnold

William Arnold, foreman in the employ of the American and British Manufacturing Corp. and member of the Masonic club, died yesterday at his home No. 619 Noble avenue. Funeral services will be held Thursday from Henry E. Bishops mortuary chapel. No 274 Fairfield avenue. Burial will be in Lakeview cemetery.

Helen E. (Phillips) Arnold
Wife of William Arnold
Born: abt 1856
Died: January 2, 1933

Published January 4, 1933
Bridgeport Post
a Connecticut newspaper

ARNOLD---In this city, Jan.2, 1933, Helen E., widow of William Arnold. Funeral services will be held at her home No. 535 William Street, on Thursday Jan. 5th, at 1:30 p. m. Interment at Lakeview cemetery.

Helen M. Arnold
Born: June 28, 1855
Died: October 4, 1937
Daughter of William Arnold & Helen Phillips

Published October 5, 1937
Bridgeport Post
a Connecticut newspaper


ARNOLD--On Monday, Oct. 4, 1937, at her home, 718 East 18th street, Helen M. Arnold sister of William H. Arnold. Services will be held at Lakeview cemetery chapel, Bridgeport, Conn., on Wednesday at 2:00 p. m.

Second Notice

Published October 6, 1937
Bridgeport Post

Miss Helen M. Arnold

Funeral services for Miss Helen M. Arnold, formerly of this city, who died Monday at the home of her brother William H. Arnold, 718 East 18th street, Brooklyn, N. Y. were held in the chapel at Lakeview cemetery this afternoon. The Rev. Robert F. R. Peters, pastor of the Park Street Congregational church, officiated. Burial took place in the cemetery.

[Note: Helen M. is the daughter of William & Helen E. Arnold but she was born in CT and died Brooklyn, NY as far as I know.]

Erwin Arnold

Published August 31, 1936
The Bridgeport Post
a Connecticut newspaper

Erwin Arnold

Services for Erwin Arnold, 61, a veteran of World war, of Lakeland, Florida, who died in New York city Saturday, will be held at the funeral home of I. T. Banks, 314 Fairfield avenue, Tuesday at 2 p. m., with military honors. Burial will be in Lakeview cemetery. Mr. Arnold was taken ill during a recent visiting Redding.

[Note: I'm not certain of Erwin's relationship, but he is buried in William & Helen E. Arnold's family plot at the Lakeview Cemetery in Bridgeport, CT. I'm not sure where he was born, however he died in Brooklyn too. I sent for his NYC death certificate with hope it will reveal his parents' names.]

More of Karen's Arnold and related family obits are posted on Obits Bulletin Board Part 11.

9/3/05  The death notice of Civil War veteran Cornelius Peter was graciously contributed by Barbara Allen Empey Elmore. Barbara is not related to Mr. Vanantwerp, but submitted this notice to be of help to someone.

From the "Utica Weekly Observer" January 14th, 1905.
Under 'Deaths'


In Glen, Montgomery County, N.Y., Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1905. Cornelius Peter Vanantwerp, formerly private in Co. C. 153d N.Y. Volunteers, and father of Mrs. L. W. SNELL of this city, aged 72 years, 2 months and 9 days.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Allen Empey Elmore (not related to the above).

9/3/05  A large group of Slocum and several Marriott obituary abstracts were contributed by researcher Carol Grainger! Carol obtained them through research done by the Herkimer County Historical Society (HCHS).


Slocum, Elizabeth G.
Born Ilion, died Ilion aug 26, 1912, age 1 da.
Surv. relative, A. Slocum, father.

Slocum, Sophia.
Born Herkimer, died Herkimer, Aug 31, 1912, age 3 mo.
Surv. relative, John Burlaydf, grandfather.

Slocum, Pearl S.
Born Boonville, (Oneida County NY). Died Ilion, Sept 29, 1916, age 22. Married Albert E. Slocum, Mar 17, 1913 (Herkimer Marriage Index).
Surv. relative, Albert Slocum, husband.

Slocum, Sarah E. (also an Elizabeth Sarah, noted, no data - this might be the same person).
Born ?, died Ilion, Oct 9, 1927, age 71.
Surv. relative, A. E. Slocum, husband.

Slocum, Arthur E.
Born Ilion, died Ilion, Nov 7, 1928, age 73.
Surv. relatives, Arleigh Slocum & brothers.

Slocum, Daisy.
Born Starkville NY, died Ilion Apri 9, 1916, age 34.
Surv. relatives, Arleigh Slocum, husband.

Slocum, daughter.
Daughter of A.L. & D. S., 1902-1903.
Oak View, Frankfort.

Slocum, David.
1844-1912, wife Margaret
Note: Margaret, d/o John & Margaret (Cristman) Kirkwood.

Slocum, Chester W.
Note: Wife Estella B. Folts.

Slocum, Chester A.
Note: Son Chester and Estella (Folts) Slocum.

Oak Hill Cemetery.

Marriott, Morris E., 1850-1916.

Marriott (Perry) Ida, 1860-1923 (wife of Morris).

Marriott, Bert E., 1873-1924.

9/3/05  A grouping of Slocum surname obituary abstracts, contributed by Slocum researcher Carol Grainger! Carol obtained them through research done at her request by the Herkimer County Historical Society (HCHS).

Slocum Obituary Abstracts.

Slocum, Mrs. Nancy.
Herkimer Democrat 4-20-1870.
In this village 4-14-1870, relict of Daniel Slocum 64yrs.

Slocum, Sidney.

NT 3-1890.
In Russia 2-1-1890 ae 83.

Herkimer Democrat 2-5-1890.
At Poland 2-1-1890, 82 yrs.

Slocum, Elisha.
Herkimer Democrat 10-16-1872.
In Herkimer 9-25-1872, 25 yrs.

Slocum, Daniel.
Herkimer Democrat 8-14-1867.
In this village 8-12-1867, 57-8-1.

Slocum, Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine.
I.I. 7-16-1857.
In Ilion, 7-13-1857, 72 yrs.

Slocum, Emily Alida.
Herkimer Democrat 3-16-1859.
In Cold Brook 2-26-1859, dau of Sidney & Polly Slocum, 5-2-21.

9/3/05  A large group of obituaries, contributed by Petrie & Hilts researcher Carol Grainger! Some of these people might not be related to Carol. Carol obtained them through research done at her request by the Herkimer County Historical Society (HCHS).

Herkimer Obituary Abstracts

Mrs. Mary Wilcox Slade.

West Winfield, Jan 7, 1918 - Mrs. Mary Wilcox Slade died Sunday from pneumonia at her home here. She was the daughter of Dudley and Kezia Wilcox and was born at Cedar Lake January 21, 1847.

As a girl she came to reside with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Morgan at North Winfield.

She took up the teaching profession at an early age and in 1868 was united in marriage to George S. Slade.

Leaves a husband, one son Clyde and three grandchildren, Ruth, Lynn and Alice Caroline Slade, all of this village. Two brothers Melvin Wilcox of Craig Neb., Herbert Wilcox of Auburn Wash., one sister Mrs. James Turner of Elk City Neb.

Note: June 1900 listed a son Lynn age 6. April 1910 census stated that Mary was the mother of 2 children, with 1 child living. Husband George born abt 1848 New York.

Mary is buried West Winfield Cemetery in the of Town of Winfield.

Death of Mrs. Joseph H. Slater. 4-24-1916.

Mary, wife of Joseph H. Slater, formerly of Espanola Ontario, aged 4, died at Sault Ste Marie, Ontario on the morning of April 22nd.

Mr. Slater is now at the home of his sister Mrs. A.P. Jackson, 16 Van Kirk. Mrs. Sheldon of Oneonta NY is also at 16 Van Kirk.

Bearers were Karl Sheldon, William Rife, Charles D. Thomas, Judson Bridenbecker, William C. Prescott, Fred E. Gray. Mourners besides the husband, three sisters, Mrs. Minnie Sheldon of Oneonta, Mrs. George Raubacher of Cooperstown and Mrs. Fred Weller of Utica. Nathan Smith of Copperstown, an uncle; Mrs. Claude Sponsberg, niece; Karl Sheldon, nephew; Mrs. William Rife, Mrs. George Raubacher and daughter Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hupe, Berlin; Mrs. Cora Jackson, Camden and Mrs. William T. Slater, Cleveland O.

Burial 4 25-1916 in Oak Hill.

Well Known Litchfield Man is Dead.

Frankfort, Jan 6, 1916-The death of Bert Slaughter, resident of Litchfield at his home Tuesday night.

He is survived by his parents, wife and four sons.

Note: 1900 Litchfield census; Burt R. age 34, wife Josphine age 36, married 12 yrs, mother of 5 children, 4 children living: Roy, age 9, Russell, age 8, Harry, age 6 and Allan age 3.

Charles B. Slaughter. 1912.

The death of Charles B. Slaughter occured at the home of Burton D. Rose in the village of Frankfort. Was born in the town of Stark, 53 years old. He was married to Miss Jennie Knieskern, who passed away a few years later. Survived by daugther, two sisters Mrs. George Moore of Greenbush and Mrs. Schuyler of Indian Castle NY.

Note: 1900 Frankfort census: Ruth A. Slaughter born Aug 1895. Res with grandparents James K. and Amy A. Kneeskern (Knieskern).

Karl Slaven.

Ilion, Oct 16, 1918-Karl Slaven formerly of Buffalo, died of pneumonia on the Charles Hopkins farm Elizabethtown Tuesday night. He was nineteen years old and employed on the farm. His remains have been sent back to Buffalo.

Death of Mrs. Clayton L. Slawson. 2-3-1913.

Mrs. Clayton's maiden name was Carrie E. Kenyon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Kenyon of King Street. Born 22 years ago in Newport on the eighth of this present month.

Survived by husband, parents, brother Harold, sister Reba. Carrie was married about a year and a half before death. Burial in Oak Hill.

Death of Aged Starkville Lady.

Starkville, Oct 4, 1916- Mrs. Abraham Slingerland died Monday night at her home near this village following a long illness. She was born in Albany county 87 years ago, had spent many years here.

Survived by husband and three children. Burial at Fort Plain.

Lorenzo A. Sloan.

Ilion, Sept 3, 1915- At his home on North Third street in this village, following a short illness. Deceased was 70 years and a resident of this village for 40 years.

Survived by one son Ralph, a daughter Mrs. Wilson Green and a sister Mrs. M.E. Wilkerson of Richfield Springs, and one brother Orville Sloan of De Ruyter NY.

Note: 1900 German Flatts census: Julia Green born Mar 1874, wife of Wilson Green.

Horace Silter Found Dead in the Roadway.

Dolgeville, Jan 16, 1914- Horace Silter dropped dead of heart disease this morning about 11 o'clock near the Otis Leavitt place on the road between Salisbury Center and Stratford. Mr. Silter had been in that section to get a load of wood. Mr. Silter was 68 years old and born in Richfield Springs. He had spent most of his life there as a farmer.

He is survived by his widow, one daughter Mrs. Fred B. Chapin and one son M.E.L. Silter, all of this village.

Note: 1900 Manheim census; Nettie H. Chapin, b. Aug 1865, wife of Fred B., b. Apr 1860. Married 5 yrs, mother of 2 children, 2 children living. Ch: Helen, b. Aug 1896 and Mildred A., May 1900.

Mrs. Mary Sloan. 5-18-1909.

At the home of William Moyer on the Creek road south of Mohawk, where she was acting as housekeeper. Widow of the late Frank Sloan, who died in Herkimer 6 years ago. She was 68 years old, born in Niagara, having resided in Herkimer for eight years.

Suvived by brothers William of Saltspringville, Charles, Frank and Henry Smith of Herkimer, and two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Wires of Saltspringville and Mrs. William Gibson of Herkimer; niece Mrs. Peter Davenpeek of East Herkimer.

Burial in Oak Hill.

Orville Sloan Dead. 12-21-15.

Former resident of Mohawk and Herkimer. Death occured on his farm near De Ruyter, Madison county. Death was from cancer.

The family consisting of the deceased, his widow Lydia, daughter Miss Hattie and son in law Walter Gedmney (Gedney) had lived in Richfield Springs, then on a truck farm south of Mohawk. Later they resided in Herkimer, going thence to De Ruyter.

Funeral to be held today at the home of a daughter, *Mrs. Wilkinson at Monticello, where the burial was made.

Note: 1900 Richfield, Otsego County census: Orville b. June 1844, Lydia, b. May 1852; married 30 years, mother of 2 children, 2 children living. Hattie, b. Mar 1872 and Grace Gedney b. Dec 1875. Grace m. 1 yr to Walter b. May 1874; mother of 1 child, with 1 child living; Glen b. Jul 1899.

*If Lydia was the mother of 2, namely Hattie and Grace, then it was possible Orville was previously married or there was a mistake in either the census or obituary.

Daniel Slomaker- Lived Nearly 105 Years.

Frankfort, May 11, 1906- Daniel Slomaker died early yesterday at the home of his daughter Mrs. Warner Muckey. Mr. Slomaker was born in Roxborn Pa., and lived there until 1817, when he moved to Itha__. He was captain of the canal boat The Senator. When 38 years of age he married Betsey Cummings, who died in 1880.

Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Warner Muckey of Frankfort with whom he made his home for the past twenty years; Julia Slomaker of this village and James Slomaker of Utica.

Burial will be in Oak View cemetery.

Miss Julia Slomaker.

Frankfort April 13, 1919- Miss Julia Slomaker of this village died at the home of her sister Mrs. Emma Muckey, Wednesday, following a few days of illness. She was born at Frankfort Center, August 19, 1854. She was a member of the Universalist church and is survivied by the sister mentioned above and one brother.

Mrs. Harriet R. Slocum. 3-1921.

Following a brief illness with pneumonia, Mrs. Harriet R. Slocum, wife of Dr. M. M. Slocum, died in her home in Far Rockaway on Saturday. She was born in Poland of this county, December 1872 and her maiden name was Schermerhorn. She married Dr. Slocum in June 1905.

There survives the husband, twin daughters Dorothy and Gertrude; her mother in Poland, and a twin sister, Mrs. F.A. Coonradt of Utica.

Mrs. Arlington Slocum.

Ilion, April 10, 1910- Daisy, the wife of Police Officer Arlington Slocum, died in her home in this village yesterday afternoon, following a four month illness. Deceased was born in Starkville 34 years ago.

Survived by the husband, one son, Ransom, her father, Henry Muller of Mohawk, one sister, Mrs. Warren.

Chester Slocum. 1914.

Chester, the 16 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Slocum of Frankfort, died at the home of his parents yesterday diabetes after a comparative short illness, as he had been confined to his bed for only a couple of days. Aside from the parents, deceased was survived by two older brothers and a younger sister.

Note: Brothers Howard Frank b. 24 Sep 1894, Alba b. Dec 1895 and sister Ola, b. 1905. Chester Slocum & children were Hilts descendants. Please contact Carol for further information.

Was Blind For 32 Years- David H. Slocum Passes Away Saturday.

David H. Slocum, one of the oldest residents of this town, died at his home in East Herkimer Saturday from a general breakdown and heart trouble. Deceased was born in the town of Boonville Dec 16, 1842 and came to this town when a boy of 6 years. He lost his sight about 32 years ago, but was able to perform certain kinds of work.

He is survived by a wife and four sons; Chester and Frank of Frankfort, George F. of Cleveland and Everette of Herkimer; also one daughter Mrs. Bert Snyder of this village.

Note: David and his children were Hilts descendants. Please contact Carol for further information.

William Franklin Perry. Herkimer Telegram, September 12, 1912.

Lifelong Resident Dead.

William Franklin Perry, a life long resident, died at 3 o'clock this morning, at the home of his daughter Mrs. George Huffert, Mohawk Street, Herkimer after a two week illiness from broncial pneumonia. He has been in poor health for a year past, due to his advanced age of 79 years having been born May 14, 1833. The deceased was a native of Little Falls having been born in that town being the son of George Perry and Elizabeth Hilts. Coming to Herkimer with his parents when young, he had always resided here.

The deceased was a sawyer by occupation and for many years was employed by Snell Lumberyard. In politics he was always a staunch Democrat and was highly esteemed and respected.

In 1861 he was united in marriage to Harriet, daughter of Mr. amp; Mrs. John Kirkwood, whom he survived. His passing will be regretted by many friends. There survives four children all of Herkimer being Mrs. William Vogal, Mrs. George Huffert, Oscar and Frank Perry, a brother Jacob I. Perry, Little Falls, a half brother, George Perry, Herkimer, three half sisters; Mrs. Horace Rasbach, Herkimer, Mrs. Charles Rockwell, Miss Clara Perry, Little Falls.

The funeral will be held Saturday from the Huffert home at 2 o'clock, Rev. J.H. Brinckerhoff officiating, burial in Oak Hill Cemetery.

Note: Please contact Bernice Jump for information regarding the Kirkwood family (kjump@tds.net). Please contact Carol Grainger with information regarding the remaining families listed in this obituary.

Ilion Citizen 6-7-1901.

B.F. Petrie.

Died at his home in Little Falls last Thursday, a life long resident of Fairfield in his 53rd year. Leaves a wife and 6 children: William, Mrs. Leonard Cruikshank and Mrs. Wm. Dennison of Herkimer, Adrian of Mohawk, Mrs. Warren Taber and Burt Petrie, Middleville, his mother, Margaret Petrie, 4 brothers and 1 sister: Alfred and Alphonso, Middleville, Albert of Norway, Thomas of Herkimer and Mrs. C.M. Robinson of Johnstown, N.Y. Funeral was Sunday.

Note: B.F.; Benjamin Franklin Petrie.

Mrs. Marion Petrie, of Mohawk, Dies.

Mohawk - Mrs. Marion E. Petrie, 56, sales manager of Lueier Cosmetic Co., Kansas City, MO., died yesterday at her home 61 Columbia St.

Born March 25, 1906 in Utica, a daughter of Walter and Edna Weber Smith, she was married to Clyde Petrie in October 1925 and served several years as a Town of German Flatts election inspector. She was a member of the Reformed Church and Mohawk Chapter Order of Eastern Star.

Her husband survives, also a daughter Mrs. Betty Ann Young, East Aurora; and two grandchildren.

Burial will be in Mohawk Cemetery.

Clyde T. Petrie.


Clyde T. Petrie, 93, of 8 Bellinger St., Mohawk, died Wednesday, September 22, 1993.

He was born on April 7, 1900 in Herkimer, the son of Adrian and Etta Tabor Petrie. He was married to Marian Smith in Herkimer. She died in 1963. Mr. Petrie was employed at Remington Arms Co., Ilion, for several years. He was a member of the Mohawk Reformed Church and a 65 year member of the Mohawk Masonic Lodge.

Survivors include one daughter and son in law, Betty and Ken Young of Elma, NY; three grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

Warren Taber, Ilion Man, Dies.

Ilion-Warren Taber, 79, of 80 W. North St., died yesterday in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lucy Meade, 45 W. Clark St. Mr. Taber had been ill several months.

He was born Oct 9, 1871, in Middleville, a son of Charles and Amelia Taber. He married Margaret Petrie in Middleville in 1896.

Mr. Taber was employed as a repairman by Remington Arms until his recent retirement. He had lived in Ilion for 47 years and was a member of the Methodist Church and Order of Macabees.

He leaves his wife, his daughter and one sister, Miss Jennie Taber, Herkimer; one brother Harry Taber also of Herkimer and several nieces and nephews.

Burial will be in Armory Hill Cemetery.

Edmond R. Mead.

Ilion- Edmond R. Mead, 86, of 65 First St., Ilion, passed away January 11, 1982 in his home.

He was born November 21, 1895 in Newark, New Jersey, the son of John and Helen McCance Mead. He married the former Lucy Taber July 15, 1922 in Ilion. He attended Ilion schools and was a Tool Maker for Univac, retiring in 1964. He was a WWI Veteran V.F.W. Ilion American Legion, 60 year member of the Ilion Lodge # 591 F & AM; also the Iroquois chapter Royal Arch Masons.

He is survived by his wife Lucy, 2 sisters of Ilion, Mrs. Jean Hammond and Mrs. Helen Welch.

Interment will be in Armory Hill Cemetery.

Fred Beach Dies. 1960.

Fred Beach, 53, of Snells Bush section, Town of Manheim.

Born May 7, 1907 in Stark. Married ___ Loucks on Dec 23 19--.

Survived by his wife, mother Nellie, two grandchildren and several cousins.

Burial in Inghams Cemetery.

Note: I could not view the whole article and I have no further information.

Anthony Sofi.

Sofi, Anthony, 86, of 161 Burwell St., Little Falls, N.Y. died Jan. 27. 1982, in St. Luke's Hospital, Utica. Interment will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, Town of Herkimer.

Note: Social Security Index; 1 Jan 1896 - Jan 1982, res Little Falls, Herkimer NY. 1930 Mayfield, Fulton, NY census; born Italy.

Alvin Leskovar.

Leskovar, Alvin, 76, of RD 3, Flint Ave Ext., Little Falls N.Y., died Jan 26, 1982 in Little Falls Hospital. Interment will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, Town of Herkimer.

Note: Social Security Index; 28 Sep 1905 - Jan 1982, res Little Falls, Herkimer NY.

Ernest F. Sitts
Dies: Former Resident Here.

October 17, 1960.

Ernest F. Sitts, 84, formerly of Herkimer, died in his sleep at his home in Phoenix, Arizona on Sept 30, according to work received here.

Born in Sandy Creek on May 18, 1876, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sitts, he attended school there and came to Herkimer as a young man, residing at 325 N. Bellinger St. His father was a marble cutter for A.O. McMarth & Son.

Joining the Army during the Spanish-American War, he left Herkimer in May 1898, returning home after discharge and then moving to Lansing Michigan, where he remained until his retirement. While at Lansing, he continued his education and was admitted to the Michigan State Bar.

Note: Ernest was married to (1) Bertha Perry, d/o William Franklin and Frances (Dishaw) Perry and (2) Margaret E.

Ilion Citizen 10-15-1897.

The funeral services of Joseph Sanderson whose death occurred on Sunday previous, were largely attended from his residence on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. B.B. Gibbs of Herkimer, conducting the services. F.H. Sanderson of Vallejo, Cal. son of the deceased, will return to this home this week.

Mrs. Cruikshank, 66, Dies in Herkimer Home.

Mrs. Gertrude Cruikshank, 66, a resident of Herkimer for the past two weeks after living 43 years on Osborne Hill, died last night, Nov. 26, 1946, at the home of Mrs. Nora Bloodough, 305 N. Washington St.

The daughter of Benjamin and Lucy Hilts Petrie, Mrs. Cruikshank was born Nov. 18, 1880 in Fairfield. She attended the Fairfield schools and in 1898 was married to the late Leonard E. Cruikshank.

The Cruikshanks lived five years on a farm on Steuben Rd. and moved to Osborne Hill 43 years ago.

Mrs. Cruikshank leaves two brothers, Bert Petrie, Binghamton, and Adrian Petrie, Mohawk, two sisters, Mrs. Marion (Mary) Morey, Rockdale, and Mrs. Margaret Taber, Ilion, two grandchildren, one great grandchild, and several nieces, nephews and cousins.

Funeral services will be conducted at 3p.m. tomorrow from the Fenner Funeral Home, the Rev. Luther R. Scheehl offciating. Burial will be in the Oak Hill Cemetery.

Former Local Woman Dies in Detroit.

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Baird Petrie, 83, who died yesterday in Detroit, will be conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday from the Fenner Funeral Home. Interment will be in Oak Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Petrie, a resident of Herkimer for many years was born in Scotland Aug. 26, 1861 and came to America as a young woman. She lived in Lewis County for several years.

She was married to William I. Petrie, a foreman in the Standard Furniture Company. He died in 1938 and Mrs. Petrie has since lived with a son Irwin W. Petrie in Detroit.

Dies in Michigan Former Resident.

Irwin Petrie, 53, died Tuesday , July 8, 1947 in Highland Park, Mich., after a long illness.

He was born in Little Falls, April 16, 1894, a son of the late William and Mary Baird Petrie.

He was employed as a civil engineer for the city of Detroit.

Besides his wife, he leaves fours sons, Robert, Paul, Kenneth and Richard.

Lucy A. Mead.

Ilion - Lucy A. Mead, 86, of 65 First St. Ilion, passed away February 28, 1988.

She was born April 6, 1901 in Middleville, the daughter of Warren and Margaret Petrie Taber. She was educated in Ilion Schools and married the former Edmond Mead, July 15, 1922. He passed away in 1982. She was employed as a bookkeeper with Sperry UNIVAC, retiring serveral years ago. She was a member fo the Ilion United Methodist Church.

Mrs. Mead is survived by two sisters in law, Helen Walsh of Ilion, Jean Hammond, of Mohawk; one cousin Clyde Petrie, of Mohawk; and a niece Jean Bowers of Ft. Worth Texas.

Interment will be in the Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion.

Former Standard Desk Foreman Passes Away.

William I. Petrie, Green Street, Dies at Age of 66; Was Native of Middleville; Funeral Wednesday.

William I. Pretrie, 66, a native of Middleville and a foreman of Standard Furniture Co. for several years, died late last night at his home, 301 Green street, following an illness of about a month.

Mr. Petrie was born in the town of Fairfield on the Middleville-Little Falls road, son of the late Benjamin and Lucy Hilts Petrie. He lived there untill 44 years ago, when he married to Miss Mary Baird, town of Fairfield. They took up their residence on the old Cooper farm and lived there for two years before coming to Herkimer.

Mr. Petrie was a member of the Reformed church here and was formerly very acative in the local Odd Fellow lodge. He was at one time a member of West Canada Creek Grange of Middleville.

Besides his wife, he leaves a son, Irwin, Detroit; two brothers, Adrian, Mohawk, and Bert, Binghamton; three sisters, Mrs. Warren Taber, Ilion; Mrs. Marion Morey, Rockdale; and Mrs. Gertrude Cruikshank, Middleville road.

Lots more obits on the Obits Bulletin Board Part 5.

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Created: 9/2/05
Last Entries Updated: 2/23/17
Copyright © 2005 - 2017 M. Magill/ Carol Grainger / Barbara Allen Empey Elmore / Karen Garber / Sharon Klenotiz / James Jimenez
Obits Indexing © 2008 - 2017 Paul McLaughlin
All Rights Reserved.