What more can we say about this section? Obituaries not only name relatives and relationships, but often tell vivid stories of people's lives. Please send in your collected Herkimer or Montgomery Counties related obits. Put "OBIT" in the subject heading of your email and name the source of the obit if known. The obits do not have to be long but can be short notices.
Babcock, Jesse E. (Ilion Chief of Police) | Dec 12, 1960 |
Bloodough, Mrs. Theron | ???? |
Bloodough, Pvt. Joel | ???? |
Boyer, Charles (Henry) | Apr 13, 1921 |
Broat, Henry 1912 | 7 |
Brooks, Emily Ring | Apr 21, 1929 |
Burk, Sidney | 1918 |
Casler, D. Edward | Nov 5, 1896 |
Conkling, Hon. Alfred | May 1860 |
Corrado, Anna | 1918 |
Crane Sr., Capt. James Wolf | Sep 21, 1873 |
Crane, Edward S. | Feb 1888 |
DeVoe, James | Mar 22, 1914 |
Dygert, Catherine | May 20, 1864 |
Fonda, Douw H. | Nov 11, 1895 |
Gilbert. Mrs. Lucy | 1918 |
Groff, Mrs. Lany | Dec 18, 1909 |
Gros, Catherine | Nov 16, 1862 |
Gros, DeWitt W. | Jul 13, 1882 |
Gros, Elizabeth | Nov 23, 1885 |
Gros, Johan | Jun 14, 1877 |
Gros, Juliette | Apr 23, 1886 |
Gros, Lawrence | May 30, 1890 |
Gros, Maria P. | Jul 21, 1886 |
Gros, Nicholas | Nov 20, 1863 |
Hall, Julia Ann Cook | May 6, 1896 |
Hall, Mrs. Robert | ???? |
Helmer, Cecilia Lynch | Jul 22, 1976 |
Ingalls, Gladys Adle | Dec 29, 1998 |
Keller, George | Jan 8, 2001 |
Kelly, Gertrude A. Lynch | Dec 3, 1970 |
Kerber, Raymond | 1918 |
Kilts, Willard | Feb 10, 2001 |
Lettice, Myron C. | v Oct 28, 1918 |
Lynch, Alice I. | Jun 9, 1982 |
Lynch, Arthur J. | Feb 11, 1962 |
Lynch, Bernard M | Sep 13, 1944 |
Lynch, Catherine I. | Oct 29, 1988 |
Lynch, Frances A. | Aug 10, 1959 |
Lynch, Mrs. Francis Miller | Oct 30, 1947 |
Lynch, Raymond T. | Sep 29, 1918 |
Lynch, Thomas J. | Jul 8, 1926 |
McLaughlin, Clara E. Lynch | Mar 4, 1974 |
McLaughlin, Dennis J. | May 15, 1947 |
McLaughlin, James | Apr 16, 1905 |
O'Brien, John M. | Mar 5, 1921 |
Paine, Charles | Mar 22, 1914 |
Payne, Byron L. | Jan 13, 1916? |
Payne, Mrs. Calegrnia | Jan 12, 1916? |
Richardson, Capt. Tilley | Jan 29, 1852 |
Schiffer, CD. C. | 1918 |
Smith, Mrs. Francis | 1933 |
Stacey, Jacob | ???? |
Steele, Daniel H. | Apr 8, 1926 |
Strobeck, Mrs. Francis | 1918 |
Van Schaick, Peter C. | Nov 5, 1913 |
Winship, Mrs. Dolly M. | Mar 21, 1881 |
Wood, Harriett A. Lynch | May 15, 1963 |
February 10, 2001 contributed by Sarah Israel:

The Late Henry Broat
Another aged resident departed this life on Thursday night when Henry Broat passed peacefully away, the result of
heart trouble, at his home on the Salisbury road, a short distance north of the church. He was born, Jan. 9, 1821, being over 91 years of
age. His first wife was Mary Dockstader, to whom he was married in October 1845. From this union three sons and one
daughter survive, John Broat, of Manheim, Malvin, of Salisbury, Wallard of Missouri, and Mrs. William Timmerman, of
Snells Bush. The last named ___ing to the illness of his wife, could not be present at the funeral. In October ___ Mr. Broat married
Margaret Keller, then of Little Falls, but formerly of Fairfield, who has been untiring in her attentions upon her husband
during his illness, covering a period of several months. Two sisters also survive, Mrs. Wm. Hendricks and Mrs. John W. Windecker, both
of the town of Fairfield. The deceased was a prosperous farmer who has resided here all his life, having been born in the house
in which he died. He was possessed of a frank and genial disposition, was a consistent member of the Lutheran church, and easily
commanded the esteem of all who knew him. That his circle of friends was large was attested by the attendance at the funeral, held
in the church Sunday morning, the congregation present necessitating the use of camp chairs. The service was conducted by the
pastor, Rev. R.J. VanDeusen, B.D., and the choir rendered appropriate selections, including a choice duet by Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Wetherwax. Beautiful floral tributes covered the pulpit and casket. The bearers were Joel Pickert, Joseph Rice, Chas. Loucks,
George Windecker, Jeremiah Loucks, and Job Eades. The remains were laid at rest in the family plot of the Manheim cemetry.
Mrs. Henry Broat and family desire to thank all who in any way rendered assistance in connection with the sickness, death
and burial of their beloved husband and father.
February 10, 2001 contributed by Sarah Israel, who would
love to hear from other Keller researchers:

The Late George Keller
Death of One of the Foremost Residents of Little Falls.
Little Falls, Jan. 8 - By the death of George Keller, which occurred at his home at the corner of Mary
and East Main streets, Monday evening, the city of Little Falls loses one of its oldest and most respected
Mr. Keller was born in 1829 on a farm about two miles north of this city. He began his business career as clerk
in the store of M___ Van Slyke, in Little Falls. In 1854 he started in the grocery business on his own account. In
1863 he erected the old Keller Block. In this building the Keller Hall was located and for many years it was the only
hall of any size in the village. Since 1875 he had been engaged in various business enterprises.
In politics Mr. Keller was a strong Democrat and held many positions of trust within the gift of the voters of the village
and town of Little Falls. He was elected supervisor for three terms and served in the capacity of village trustee and
school commissioner. He was a member of the Universalist Church and had been strongly identified with every temperance
movement for the past 20 years.
Besides his wife Mr. Keller is survived by five children. Horace, of Utica; George E., Mrs. William Beattie and Mrs. Fannie
Miller, of Little Falls, and Mrs. C.C. Jarvis, of Troy. The funeral was held on Thursday and was in charge of the local
lodge of Masons, of which he had been a member for the past 30 years.
February 10, 2001 contributed by Sarah Israel, who would
love to hear from other Kilts researchers:
The death of Willard Kilts, a respected farmer of the town of Fairfield, son of the later Peter Kilts, occurred at his home, Friday
morning, after about a week's illness of pneumonia. He had shown improvement up to Thursday night, but during that night he was suddenly
taken worse and sank rapidly away. His age was 36 years. Mr. Kilts was an industrious and honorable young man who can illy be spared
by his widowed mother, he having had the management of her large farm. He had the esteem and confidence of all and his death is a
great loss to the community. He is survived by a widow, mother, one brother, Seymour, and two sisters, Mrs. H.A. Crofoot, of
Norway, and Mrs. James W. Thompson, of Fairfield. He was a member of Rockton Council, Royal Arcanum, and this order attended his
funeral in a body yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock, the services being conducted by Rev. D.D. Munro, of this city.
February 10, 2001 contributed by Sarah Israel. No date or paper given, pasted down on same
scrapbook page as that of Henry Broat.
Jacob Stacey died at his home on Salsbury street, at 5:35 last Saturday evening, aged 74 years. For some time he had been
in a critical condition owing to a heart difficulty, coupled with his age, and his death was not unexpected. The demise of
Mr. Stacey removes sone of the old landmarks of Little Falls, he having resided here most of the time since his arrival in
this country from Switzerland at the age of nineteen. He was at first employed on the Central under Major Priest, and later
followed the business of trucking until his retirement with a competency a few years ago. He was twice a trustee of the village,
and in this capacity as in all others, his good judgement and integrity made him successful and respected. His widow and two
sons, Irving E. and Frank Stacey, of this city, survive him.
The funeral was largely attended from his late home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Dr. Richardson officiating, and
the remains were deposited in the vault at Fairview cemetery.
February 10, 2001 contributed by Sarah Israel. No date or paper given, pasted down on same
scrapbook page as that of George Keller.
In Saratoga, Nov. 5, 1896, of stomach trouble, D. Edwin Casler, of Little Falls, aged 48 years.
Deceased was a painter by trade and well known in this city and vicinity. He had been in ill health for months
past and had gone to Saratoga in the hope of receiving benefit. Mr. Casler was an industrious man, of
agreeable manners and made friends readily. He is survived by a wife and two children; also two brothers,
John H. Casler, of Little Falls, and Dr. Casler, of St. Johnsville. Burial at Minden, Sunday.
January 28, 2001 contributed by Betsy Voorhees, from an old Massachusetts newspaper article in
"The Puritan Recorder, Thursday, Jan. 29, 1852."
Capt. Tilley Richardson
At the residence of Wines H. Skeels, Esq. in Watertown, NY, on the 14th inst., Capt. Tilley Richardson, 93. He has left
to mourn his loss, one hundred and twenty children, grand-children, and great-grand-children. Capt. Richardson volunteered
as a soldier at the commencement of the War of the Revolution; he was at the taking of Burgoyne in 1779; he emigrated from
New Hampshire to Litchfield, in Herkimer Co., NY, in 1792, and from thence to Watertown in 1802, and settled on the farm on
which he died. He was a kind husband and father, a good neighbor and a peace maker. He has never been a party in a litigated
suit, and very rarely, if ever, has such a suit originated in his neighborhood. He had no enemies, and as many friends as
knew him and enjoyed his acquaintance. His heart and hand has always been open to the wants of the poor. His integrity was
never questioned. Community has lost a good citizen and his numerous family their best friend.
The deceased was a maternal uncle of one of the editors of this journal. A daring exploit was performed by Capt.
Richardson, when the American and British armies lay on Rhode Island. One day he observed two horses, who had strayed
from the British lines toward the American camp. He formed the purpose of bringing them in, and went round them and started
them for the American lines. The British saw him and commenced firing a cannon at him. The first ball came within a
short distance of him; nothing daunted, he still continued to drive on his horses, at the same time keeping watch of
the cannon. When he saw its flash, he fell upon the ground; each ball came nearer and nearer, one ball ploughing the ground
by his side, half covering him with dust; he arose, swung his hat, and hurrahed. The British gunner felt sure of his
object at the next shot; but Capt. R. reached a hay stack before the next discharge of the cannon. The ball passed through
the edge of the stack, and did him no harm. He drove both horses into the camp, brought them to head-quarters, and received
pay for them. This exploit was done in full view of both armies. The American army watched his progress with intense anxiety,
cheering him only repeated huzzas.
OBITUARY of: The Late Peter C. Van Schaick
Montgomery County: (The name of the newspaper is not on the clipping, but it is the 18 Nov 1913 issue.)
When, in 1825, John Van Schaick, of Glen, N.Y., spoke to his
wife, Jane Conover Van Schaick, of the wonderful dedication of "The Grand Canal," through the Mohawk valley,
(40 feet wide and 4 feet deep), and of how much it meant to the farmers to have such a splendid outlet for their produce,
their son, Peter C., was already a sturdy lad four years old. As the boy grew to manhood he saw the seccessive coming of
enlargements and improvements culminating in the work done on our "Second Panama", the barge canal. He saw
the coming of the railroad and remembered the changes it made. He early married Susan, daughter of Luke Winnie, and lived
an ideal home life with her for nearly seventy years until death claimed her on June 26th last. Fifty-five years of this
time were passed on their homestead farm in Flat Creek, N.Y. There came to bless this home, two sons, Luke W. and Frank J.,
and one daughter, Kate, the wife of Malachi Spencer. To these children were born seven children and the grandparents lived
to see some of these grow up and marry and, no doubt, counted the four great grandchildren their greatest treasure. His death
on Wednesday, November 5, 1913, was the passing of a patriarch and will be long mourned by a great circle of relatives and
friends. He bore his years lightly and until very lately it might have been said of him "his eye was not dim nor his
natural force abated." He had another resemblance to the men of old for like them he worshiped the God of his fathers.
He had been a professing Christian for more than 60 years, a member of the Ames Free Baptist church and was the last
surviving trustee of the old Flat Creek church. Shall we say he lived 92 years? No, let us rather say he lived much
longer than this, for, as the poet says:
"He liveth long who liveth well,
All other life is short and vain.
He liveth longest who can tell
Of living most for Heavenly gain."
His funeral was held at the M.E. church at Root Center, on Friday, November 7th. The sermon was by the Rev. Adelbert Welsh of
Charleston Four Corners who spoke feelingly on the fact that on Sunday, November 2d Mr. Van Schaick had driven alone six miles to
Charleston Four Corners to attend divine service. Interment was in Ross Memorial cemetery, Charleston Four Corners.
Our thanks to "The Anonymous Angel" for sending us Peter C. Van Schaick's obit.
October 14, 2000 contributed by Kenneth Mowers, the obit of
Mrs. Theron Bloodough and her son Joel. Both are listed on the Curtis Cemetery:
Mrs. Theron Bloodough, whose humble home is in the town of Salisbury, Herkimer County, and
her hero Son, Pvt. Joel Bloodough, who was killed by an explosion in France. His body
was brought home for burial in native soil, but just a few hours before its arrival at
the old home the grief-stricken mother breathed her last - heart broken over the loss of
her only boy. Their bodies were reverently placed at rest in the same grave Thursday by loving hands.
Source: "THE EVENING TIMES", Little Falls, New York, March 25, 1921. The Little Falls Evening Times is still
in existence. www.littlefallstimes.com
Contributed by Kathy
Mrs. Francis Smith
Fort Plain-Mrs. Francis Amie Smith, 73, died at her home in Hallsville
yesterday after a brief illness of complications of diseases.
She was born June 16, 1860, the daughter of the late Hiram and Sylvia Shaute Brown.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. LeVere Deer and Mrs. Lola Bailey of Ilion; Mrs. Bert Tyson of East
Frankfort; one son, Floyd Smith, Ilion: two grandsons, Willard and William Martin, both of Fort Plain; two
halfsisters, Mrs. Olive Wright of West Winfield, and Mrs. Mae King, Utica.
October 4, 2000 contributed by Barbara Babcock, obit of former Ilion Chief of
Police Jesse Babcock.
Contributed by Gail Boyer Swetman, given to
her by Leona Boyer Perkins.
Killed at Green Lake Lumber Mill
Local Man Lost Life Late Yesterday Afternoon.
Dolgeville, NY April 14, 1921- Charles (Henry) Boyer of this village who has been employed for
some time past at the lumber mill of Julius Breckwoldt & Company at Green Lake, was instantly
killed as the result of an accident which occured at the mill yesterday afternoon. Mr. Boyer
was at work on an edging machine, upon which there are two saws, set about four inches apart.
He had just put a board in the machine. When the board reached a point about a foot from the end,
it suddenly snapped, causing a piece about a foot in length to bound back onto the saws.
When the piece of wood re-bounded, it struck Mr. Boyer in the chest above the heart with such
force as to cause his death. Workmen hurried to the place where he had fallen, but he had
expired before they reached him.
Coroner Palmer of Gloversville, who was called, stated that death had probably been caused by
a ruptured blood vessel. Undertaker E.W. Moore brought the remains today to the home of a
daughter, Hazel Boyer, in this village, and the funeral arrangements will be made later.
The deceased was born in Stratford in 1864 and was the son of Charles and Mary Jane Brown Boyer.
All of his life had been spent in this vicinity. He maintained a home in Stratford, but for
the past eight years had been employed at the Breckwoldt plant in this village. Last winter
he went to work in the Green Lake mill, of which Fred H. Croll, formerly of this village,
is the superintendent.
Mr. Boyer was a man of upright character, well known and highly regarded for his amiable
personal qualities and the news of his sudden death was a great shock to his many friends.
Surviving are four children, being Clarence Boyer of Rochester, Lyndon of Pennsylvania, Mrs.
Clarence Daley (Lena Belle) of Utica and Hazel Boyer of this village; a brother, Frank of
Stratford, and three sisters, Mrs. Charles Goodwin (Mary Elizabeth) and Mrs. Daniel Hawes
(Eva Jane) and Mrs. Lena Beckhorn of Rochester.
Spotted by Joyce Berry.
In Memory of Douw H. Fonda, (according to the age plus birth date, the date is 1895)
Who died at his home in Fonda, Nov. 11th aged 86 years.
At the death of this most estimable gentleman there has passed away the last one of his generation and an honored
member of one of the oldest families in the state. Mr. Fonda was born where the hotel Roy now stands, in the village of
Fonda, July 21st 1809. He was the twin brother of the late Henry Fonda, who died Mar. 12th, 1891, and the son of
General Henry Fonda, an officer in the war of 1812. He was truly a child of Nature--"His frame had ne'er been bent,
by wasting pain, 'till time and toil, his iron strength had spent." Maintaining up to the last few weeks of his
life a remarkably healthy appearance, and despite his age had never used glasses. His habits were strictly
temperate, his principles beyond reproach. He died in the home where more than 60 years of his life had been
spent, ministered to by those of his loved and loving children who were able to be with him. He leaves at the
old homestead his son, Albert, and his daughters, Annette and Alida; Veeder Fonda of Gloversville, and Mrs.
Sarah Snell and Mrs. John Nellis of Geneva. May the mantle of his many virtues fall upon those who mourn for him.
Submitted by Marcia Buffett:
Obituary, Johnstown Daily Republican, Monday 20 Dec. 1909.
Lany Groff age 66 wife of Daniel B. Groff died Dec. 18, 1909 in Crum Creek
Oppenheim area of Montgomery Co.. She was born in Danube, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Davy. She is survived by her husband, 3 sons; Josiah
of Rochester, William D. of St. Johnsville, and John at home; 3 daughters,
Mrs. Emery A. Smith, Mrs. R. J. Van Deusen, and Mrs. Clarence Christman of
St. Johnsville. She is also survived by a brother John W. Davy of Danube, a
sister, Mrs. Failing of Palatine. The Rev. David A. Davy of Chicago and Miss
Mary Davy are children of her deceased brother Jeremiah. William H. Davy
and Mrs. Edgar Spoor of Danube and Charles F. Davy of Mohawk are the
children of her deceased brother David. Wife of the mother of William Davy
was of the Timmerman family of Minden.
The obituary of Capt. Joseph Martin was abstracted about 60 years ago
by Mrs. Thomas D. Watkins, at that time Librarian, Oneida County Historical Society, from 1838 obit notices in the
newspaper "Utica Observer". A short list of Revolutionary War Veterans from Oneida County who passed away that year
(who had obit notices in the paper) appears in Volume 167 of the New York State D.A.R. records.
"Jan. 9, 1838 At Winfield, Herkimer Co. on 31st Ult., in 82nd year, Capt. Joseph Martin, a Rev. Veteran."
The obituary of John M. O'Brien, a former resident of Montgomery
County and son of Michael O'Brien, was kindly donated
by Joyce Brown. John M. O'Brien was born in Amsterdam, Montgomery County Sept. 9, 1845 and died Mar. 5, 1921.
Thursday, March 10, 1921
John O'Brien was born in Amsterdam, New York, September 9, 1845 and died at his home in Vining, Kansas, Saturday morning,
March 5, 1921 at seven o'clock, aged 75 years, 9 months, and 27 days.
Mr. O'Brien had only recently disposed of his barber shop, and within a month of its sale he was stricken with paralysis. For
a time it was thought that he would recover, but last week he began to fail, and Saturday morning the end came.
Mr. O'Brien moved from New York to Palmer in April, 1885 and resided there until the year 1903, when he moved to Vining,
where he has since resided.
He was affiliated with the Modern Woodmen of America and the Knights and Ladies of Security.
Mr. O'Brien was very widely known in this community and was universally liked by those who knew him. His barber shop
in Vining was a popular meeting place of the men of the community who liked to visit with him.
He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Isaac Swart of Albany, New York, one brother, James O'Brien of Amsterdam, New York,
two sons, Harry of Clifton and James of Kansas City, and two grand-children, Leah and Chester.
The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Christian church, the pastor of the church, Rev. J.C.
Owens in charge. Interment was made in the Vining Cemetery.
The following two obituaries of Daniel H. Steele and Emily Brooks
Steele were contributed by their gg-granddaughter Judy Hiller. Judy tells us that "These obituaries I transcribed from what was originally published in the newspaper at the time of their deaths. I have enjoyed browsing
the the Herkimer County web site and have found it interesting to find so much information about my Steele ancestors." Daniel H. Steele's obituary is an extremely informative early history of Ilion.
1//28/2016 Photos of Daniel H. Steele and his wife Emily Ring Brooks Steele were contributed by their GG-granddaughter, Judy Hiller.

Daniel Hess Steele

Daniel Hess Steele
End Comes Suddenly to One of Oldest Settlers
Well Known in Section as Expert at Several Trades
Ilion, April 8 - (1926) Daniel H. Steele, 84, a most estimable citizen and one of Ilion's oldest settlers, died at his home at 34 Second Street, where he had lived for about 60 years, Thursday morning, having been stricken during the night.
He was about town Tuesday and apparently was well as usual upon retiring Wednesday night.
Mr. Steele was born in the town of German Flats, June 12, 1841. Most of his life had been spent in Ilion, His ancestors' came from Germany and originally the name was spelled Stehle. Rudolf Stehle and 17 others once owned 40,000 acres of land in Herkimer and adjoining counties, and Conrad Stehle, his grandfather, owned 500 acres of land in what is now the western part of the village of Ilion. The English, from whom the grants of land came, spelled the name Staley, and the Yankees, who came from Connecticut in the early part of the 19th century, changed it to Steele, and they also called the stream which flows through the village Steele's Creek.
Mr. Steele received a good education and as a young man learned the trade of blacksmith and ironworker. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the 152nd Volunteer Infantry Regiment, which went to the front with the 146th Regiment from Oeida County. Mr. Steele was commissary sergeant of his regiment and served acceptably until the close of the Civil Was, a period of three years. He was on the non-commissioned staff.
On his return to Ilion, Mr. Steele went to work in the Remington Agricultural Works, making agricultural implements. He also worked as blacksmith and in doing forge work in the Ilion Armory during the time when it had large contracts for rifles for the Egyptian and French governments. He also worked for a time for
Moses Allen of Utica, and for Wheeler's Foundry in Utica, making frog joints for the Utica and Black River Railroad. He made and finished the crossing plates for the two northern railroads at Philadelphia and was a
skilled and diligent worker. In 1873 he went on the road selling agricultural implements for the Remingtons,
traveling through Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. For five or six years
he was on the road as sales agent for W. D. Chapman of Theresa, selling fishing tackle and sporting goods.
About the year 1890 he started laying concrete sidewalks in the village of Ilion. It was a new industry
and being a good mechanic he tried his hand in laying a walk in front of his own property in Second Street.
He succeeded so well that some of his neighbors asked him to lay walks for them and before he was aware
of it he found he had established a new business in which he was the pioneer in Ilion and he continued
in it some 18 or 20 years. Not only in Ilion but throughout the city and villages of Herkimer County
one can find his handiwork in sidewalks which was skillfully and honestly laid and which bear the
imprint of their maker. He had made many improvements in the trade and his walks were of the best.
Mr. Steele was a charter member of the Grand Army Post in Ilion and was on the committee which selected
its name, Post Chismore 110. He had been commander of the post and had long served it as adjutant.
He had attended department encampments with Maj. John Peattie of Utica and also attended the national
encampments at Washington and Buffalo. He as for a long time a member of Ilion Lodge 591, F. & A. M.
In politics he was Republican and he had served as collector of the village in the early days. Later
in life he became a Progressive. For many years, he served as secretary of the 152nd Regiment Veteran
Association. He attended the Presbyterian Church.
November 3, 1865, Mr. Steele married Miss Emily Brooks and with whom he celebrated his golden wedding anniversary.
Mr. Steele was a very intelligent, well-informed man, a skillful mechanic, and his years of travel in
various states of the Union had given him a wide fund of information and ripened his judgment. He had a
remarkable good memory and one gained both interest and instruction from his accounts of what he had seen
and experienced. He was greatly devoted to his home and friends.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Emily Brooks Steele, and five children, Mrs. E. E. Rowland and Alfred B.
Steele, Boston, Mass; Miss Katharine Steele and Edmond A. Steele of Ilion, and Robert L. Steele of Herkimer.
The funeral services will be held from his late home Saturday at 2:30 p. m. and will be conducted by Rev.
A. B. Corbin and Rev. E. D. Barnes.
Newpaper Death Notice Daniel H. Steele

Emily Ring Brooks Steele

Emily Ring Brooks Steele
Mrs. Daniel H. Steele Passes Away in Ilion
Ilion, April 21 - (1929) Emily Ring Brooks, 89, widow of Daniel H. Steele, passes away at her home, 34
Second Street, Sunday afternoon, April 21.
Mrs. Steele was born in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, December 11, 1839, where her family had emigrated from Massachusetts.
When she was 7 years old, they returned to the old homestead in West Springfield, Mass. Mrs. Steele was
educated at the Union Classical Institute in Springfield.
She was married in 1865 to Daniel H. Steele and had since made her home here. Mr. Steele died April 8, 1926.
Mrs. Steele was the oldest member of the Presbyterian Church. She was a direct descendant of Andrew Ring who
came to this country in 1632 and married Deborah Hopkins, daughter of Stephen Hopkins, the Mayflower pilgrim.
Her maternal grandfather, Eliazer Ring was with Washington at Valley Forge.
Mrs. Steele is survived by five children; Mrs. E. E. Rowland and Alfred D. Steele of Boston, Miss Katherine
D. Steele and Edmund A. Steele of Ilion, and Robert L. Steele of Herkimer. There are also two grandchildren,
Mrs. Oliver Marble of Boston, and Miss Emily S. Steele of Washington D. C., and three great grandchildren.
The funeral will be held from the late home Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. E. D. Barnes officiating.
Burial will be made in the family plot in Armory Hill Cemetery.
Newspaper Death Notice Emily Brooks Steele
desc. of J. L. Hiller
The following grouping of obits were found in an early Utica newspaper by
Laura Perkins, Town of Frankfort Editor. At the time of these deaths the Great Flu Epidemic was raging across the world.
Source: Utica Observer, Monday, October 28, 1918
Myron C. Lettice
Canajoharie, Oct. 28---Myron C. Lettice died at his home on Orchard Street at 2 a.m. Sunday, of pneumonia.
He was born at Canajoharie Nov. 30, 1853, and he has always resided here. He was employed as a printer at the Radil
Office until a few years ago then he secured a position at the Beech-nut Company. He was taken ill a few days ago
with influenza, which developed into pleura-pneumonia Saturday afternoon.
He was survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Edward Wilcox of
Washington, D. C., Irene M. Lettice of Canajoharie; one grandson, George
Edward Wilcox, Washington, D. C.; one sister, Mrs. Frank Shurbert, and
one brother James Lettice, both of this village. The funeral will be
Wednesday at 2 p.m. at his home. Rev. V. Biekkink will conduct the
services. Burial at Canajoharie Falls Cemetery.
Source: Utica Observer, Monday, October 28, 1918
St. Johnsville, More Deaths in the Vicinity.
St. Johnsville, Oct. 28 --- Mrs. Francis Strobeck, wife of Benjamin
Strobeck, a highly respected lady, died at her home at Lassellville
Friday night of pneumonia. She was about 50 years of age. Besides her
husband she is survived by two daughters, Mrs, Chauncey Shulenburg of
Oppenheim and Mrs. Stowell; three sons, Benjamin, William, and Claude
Strobeck of Lassellville. The funeral was held this afternoon;
interment in the Fical Cemetery at Lassville.
Mrs. Lucy Gilbert, aged about 84 years, an esteemed woman, died at home,
at East Creek Saturday of paralysis. She is survived by one daughter,
Mrs. John Crocker, and one son, George Gilbert.
Sidney Burk, an orphan, aged 11 years, died Oct. 24 of influenza at the
home of Mrs. Gussie Wilbon in the village. Interment was made in the Herkimer Cemetery.
John J. Hook of Oneida attended the funeral of the late D. C. Schiffer
in St. Johnsville on Thursday.
Source: Utica Observer, Monday, October 28, 1918
Mrs. Durant Also Dead - 3 Orphans
Follows Husband and Child in Death as Result of Influenza - 33 Years old.
Frankfort, Oct. 28 --- The death of Anna Corado, wife of the late James
Durant, occurred at her home on Frankfort street at 7 oclock yesterday
morning, having been ill for two weeks with influenza. This is the
third one to be taken in the family, the father succumbing to the
disease last Tuesday, followed by the little daughter the next day, and
now the mother, leaving three small children orphans.
Mrs. Durant was born in Italy but came to this country in her
childhood and most of her life had been spent in this village. She was
33 years of age and had many friends by whom she was highly regarded.
She leaves surving, her mother, Mrs. Mary Frances Corado, two sisters,
Mrs. Frank Terrenova, and Mrs. Joseph Ritzuto, and two brothers,
Dominick and Frank Corado, all of this village, and three little
children, Mary, George and Josephine. The funeral will be held from St.
Mary's Church tomorrow morning at 9:30.
Source: Utica Observer, Monday, October 28, 1918
Raymond Kerber
Frankfort, Oct. 28 ---- The death of Raymond Kerber, son of Mrs. Emma
Kerber of Frankfort Hill, occurred at his home in Chicopee Falls last
week of influenza-pneumonia. He was born on Frankfort Hill 27 years ago
and had always lived here until three years ago, when he went to
Chicopee Falls, where he was employed in the engineering department of
the Westinghouse Company. He had formerly been employed in the
Remington Arms plant at Ilion, and had many friends in this vicinity who
will regret to learn of his death. He is survived by his wife and two
children, Virginia and Norma, his mother, and the following brothers and
sisters: Mrs. J.P. Maloney of New York, Mrs. Henry Bonacker of
Rensselear, Mrs. Oliver Beckwith and Walter Kerber of New Haven, Conn.;
Cleveland Kerber of Rome and Eugene Earl and Edna Kerber, who live at
home. He was a member of SS, Peter and Paul's Church when he lived here
and was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose and of the Foremans Assoc.
in the shop where he worked. The funeral services were held from his
late home and the body was brought here, and interred in St. Agnes
Cemetery, Utica, Saturday.
NOTE: while copying and pasting I accidentally deleted information about the submitter of this obit. As it was back during the
summer or fall I can't remember a thing. I hope I have a copy of this file backed up! Would the submitter please contact me so that I can replace
your name and info? All that remains of the intro is "....an early issue of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record."
NYGBR - Vol V No 4, Oct 1874 p.195
HON. ALFRED CONKLING -- The late Hon. Alfred Conkling, for many years District Judge of the United States for the Northern District of New York, was a son of Benjamin Conkling, of East Hampton, L.I., and Esther (Hand), his wife. He was born in the town of Easthampton (sic) on the 12th October, 1789. He graduated at Union College, and studied law with the noted Daniel Cady of Johnstown, Montgomery Co., afterwards a Judge of the Supreme Court. He commenced the practice of law at Canajoharie, N.Y. about 1812 or '13. He married Miss Eliza Cockburn, of Montgomery Co., and had children,
1. MARGARET C, who married Albert Steel, of Jersey City; 2. COL. FREDERICK A of N.Y., who mar. Eleanora Ronalds, of N.Y.; 3. AURELIAN, who studied law, and became clerk of U.S.Courts for the Northern District of New York, residing in Buffalo until his death in May, 1860, and who married Harriet Schermerhorn, of Utica, now residing with her children at Jersey City; 4. ELIZA T., who married Rev. S. Hanson Coxe, of Trinity Church, Utica, and who died in April, 1869, leaving two children; 5. ROSCOE, educated as a lawyer, and now U.S. Senator, who mar. Julia, dau. of the late Henry Seymour of Utica, having one or more children. The appointment of U.S. District Judge was made during the presidency of John Quincy Adams. The judge then removed to Albany, and afterwards, in 1836, to Auburn. About 1850, he resigned that position, and was appointed by President Fillmore Minister to Mexico, whence he returned in 1853. He afterwards resided at Utica, remaining in general, in excellent health until his 86th year, when he died. His legal and judicious character will doubtless be well noticed by the members of his profession. His numerous publications are mentioned in Allibone. He had a fine personal appearance, and preserved great order in his court.
The obituary of Edward S. Crane was contributed by J.A. Crane.
&aquot;The following was printed about my gr.gr. uncle, one of the brothers of my gr.gr. grandfather Capt. James W. Crane, being two of the sons of Caleb Camp Crane and Mary Steele. Edward's wife was a cousin of James W.'s. wife. Obituary published in the Illinois Freeport Daily Journal, Feb. 4, 1889":
Mr. Crane was a native of Montgomery County, N.Y., and was born in March 1803, and was therefore 86 years old at the time of his death. [His date of birth was engraved on his tombstone as 12 Mar 1802, thus, one month shy of 87 years when he died.] He followed farming for an occupation and was married in 1833 to Miss Catherine Lawson who survives him.
In 1856 Mr. Crane came west with his family and settled in Freeport, where he has since resided. He did not engage in any particular business here, on account of his health, which had been poor for many years. He was personally known to many of our citizens. At all times he bore a spotless reputation and was a model citizen.
He was looked upon as a reliable and worthy man, and for the past twenty-five years, but few elections have been held in the First Ward that Mr. Crain [sic] has not been one of the judges of election. He was an honest, incorruptible citizen, and a Democrat of the Andrew Jackson school. In his death Freeport loses a good citizen, his aged widow a life companion, he was ever true and kind to her, and the children lose a father whom they had every cause to love and respect.
Mr. Crane leaves a widow and four children besides a wide circle of friends to mourn his loss. His only son, George D. Crane, is now a prominent lawyer at Ft. Wayne, Ind., and was at his father's bedside when he died. Mrs.. Adeline C. Starkweather, one of his daughters, resides at Wilmington, Ill., the other two daughters, Louisa and Charlotte, make their home with their parents in this city.
The obituary of Julia Ann Cook Hall was contributed by Rita Gros Parish.
Daughter of Samuel Cook and Magdelena Crems (Gramps) and wife of Robert Calvin Hall.
Julia was born July 8, 1818 and died May 6, 1876. She is buried in the Fort Plain Cemetery.
Died at her home at Hallsville, Julia Ann, wife of Robert Hall, at the age of 58 years.
On Thursday while looking for some chickens in the barn and stepping on a plank overhead that had become loosened from its support, she was thrown to the floor beneath, thereby sustaining a lesion of the spinal cord, which caused her death at 2 o'clock a.m. on the Sunday following. Mrs. Hall was in many respects a model woman. She was industrious because she loved to be so, and never a moment was wasted or idled away, but always applied to the production of some useful purpose and necessary
accomplishment. She was kind, sympathetic, and generous. Calls of charity were always heeded by her, and the beggar never left her door unfed. She was a good mother every way to the growth and welfare of her children and solely interested in them in their happiness, was a good neighbor, accommodating and obliging always, and loved and respected by the entire community. Her life quiet and unpretending as it may have seemed, nevertheless had its field of usefulness, and the world is better for her
having lived in it.
She leaves a husband and six children to mourn her loss, and properly to emulate her life and virtues.
Obituaries of Lucinda J. Gros Lathrop and Lawrence
Gros, Esq. contributed by Rita Gros Parish.
Obituaries of the Lynch and McLaughlin Families, with photos,
contributed by Paul McLaughlin.
We've received more obits from the private stock of Chris Devoe. Chris has been a regular
site contributor over the last couple of years. " I have other extensive articles on the history of Warren and
more obits -- so much to do, so little time! Anything below in brackets are my additions -- parentheses are original.
A Utica paper had this obituary for both James Devoe and Charles Paine, date
unknown in 1914:
The death of James DeVoe at Crains Corners, Warren, Herkimer County, on Saturday, was followed within 36 hours by the
decease of his brother- in-law, neighbor and close friend, Charles Paine, at the still more advanced age of 87 years, 1
month, 19 days, Mr. DeVoe having lacked 1month, 27 days of completing his 77th year. The first American ancestor of the
Paine family landed at Plymouth Rock in December 1620. The family were among the early settlers of Connecticut.
Seth Paine, born probably about 1750, came in 1797 from Windham County, Connecticut. That he did not come aeroplane,
limosine [sic], motorcycle, or the Empire State Express may be inferred from the fact that he was 43 (?) days on the
way and made good time at that. He was accompanied by his wife, a lady of the Swift family and 11 children. These
were the founders of Paine's Hollow. Mr. Paine built a saw mill and a grist mill and a settlement of 200 inhabitants
grew up on the banks of Fuller Creek. Then saw mills, a rolling mill, store and hotel marked the activity of this pioneer
settlement and the first post-office in German Flatts and known by the name of the town, German Flatts was established
here and was presided over by John Paine, doubtless a son of the founder, Seth Paine. Otis Paine, who came from New
England with Mr. Paine being the mail carrier. The later post-office, established after the discontinuance of German
Flatts was located in the town of Little Falls, which town includes a large proportion of the original Paine's Hollow,
including the residence of its present most distinguished citizen, Hon. Henry Harper Green, MD. Seth Paine was at one
time the owner of 1,000 acres of land at this place. Seth Paine jr., grandfather of Charles, married a Miss Filer and
passed his life at Paine's Hollow. His son, Seth B. Paine, was born at Paine's Hollow in 1805, and died in Ohio in 1833.
His wife (born Loretta Avery [sic]) daughter of Dr. Jonathan and Anna (Watkins) Avery, survived him more than 60 years,
dying at her girlhood's home and that of her sons, at Crain's Corners in 1895. Charles Paine and his brother, Byron, took
up the carpenter's trade. They finally opened a wagon shop at Crain's Corners. Large carriage factories, operating on
wholesale principles had not yet driven the old wagon shop with its hand made wagon out of existence and Paine's
wagon shop became known as a place where honest work, whether construction or repairing, was done. Paine Brothers also
became successful farmers although not on a large scale and were ranked among the solid and influential men, not merely
of the town of Warren, but of Herkimer County, and were well and favorably known beyond the limits of the county. They
were also active in politics, especially Byron, the younger brother, embracing thee Republican cause with ardor in the
campaign of 1856. In February, 1909, not far from his 82nd birthday anniversary, Charles Paine, while opening a barn door
during a gale of wind was struck by the door which got the advantage of him and sustained a severe injury to his hip,
which made it impossible thereafter for Mr. Paine to walk, leaving him entirely dependent for the last five years upon
the kind offices of others. Anxious friends had before this time thought they had detected symptoms of pulmonary disease,
and few had any hopes that he would survive this blow. Beyond all human expectations he partially rallied from the shock
and retaining his intellect and his interest in matters in general proved an interesting companion to those who called
upon him. His memory was excellent and covering as it did a period of twice that alloted to an average generation of
humanity gave him a commanding position among the patriarchs of the day. Among his reminisences was that of the death
of Nehamian Klock of Indian Castle, father of Z. R. Klock of St. Johnsville, who met death by the kick of a vicious
horse in 1850. Mr. Paine, then a young man, doing carpenter work at Indian Castle, rather more than a mile from the
Klock residence was the first man to reach the place after the alarm was given. It was surprising to those who visited
him at intervals to observe the tenacity of physical life and mental vigor contending with the complications of physical
ailments, and with his advancing. On his debilitated condition the passing of Mr. DeVoe on Saturday came as a final shock.
Mr. DeVoe and Mr. Paine had lived in such proximity so long, Mr. DeVoe having resided at what was known for years as the
"Bronson" wagon shop, for 43 years, and both being in slowly declining health, the silver cord was loosed and the golden
bowl was broken, and the friends and brothers rest on the other side.
Mr. Paine is survived by his widow, Calphurnia,
daughter of John and Hannah (Yule) De Voe, one son John L. Paine of Henderson, Herkimer County, the active aid [sic] of
Hon. Theodore Douglas Robinson in porgressive political work, three grandsons, Byron, second, Charles, second, Harold, all
of Henderson, and two granddaughters, Mabel, wife of David J. Shibley of Deck, formerly Bethel [NY], and Inez of Henderson
[town historian of Warren], children of John L. and Cora Lewis Paine, and another grandson, Frank, son of his deceased
daughter, Frankie Inez Paine (died 1895) by her marriage with Perry Wood of Warren (now of Syracuse) a student in the
Polytechnic Institute of Troy, NY., and by his brother and business partner, Byron Paine, for years one of the most
influential men in Warren, and for some time a justice of the peace in that town and a justice of the sessions, before
the abolition of the office in Herkimer County, and an active Republican in those days when the party was not considered
an annex to the organization. Messrs. Paine and De Voe were both members of patrons of industry.
The funeral services were held at the residence at Crain's Corners this afternoon. Rev. C. B. Smith, pastor of the
Baptist Church at Jordanville, who officiated yesterday at the funeral of Mr. De Voe having the service to-day.
Henry Wainman and Mrs. Charles Yule, led by Mrs. Eugene Swift at the organ having the choral service.
[James DeVoe was born May 18, 1837, so this puts his death on March 22, 1914. Charles Paine may have died the same day, according to other articles, or the 24th as this article implies. David Shibley and Mabel were divorced by 1930.]
Two other members of these families died the same day in 1917. This is from a fragment of an article in a Utica paper (probably the Press):
Death of Mrs. Calfernia Payne Is Followed by Death of Byron L. Paine
Within 24 Hours in Jordanville
Jordanville, Jan. 14. -- The death of Mrs. Calfernia Paine ocurred at her home...of this village Thursday after a brief illness of grip [sic], which developed into pneumonia. Mrs. Paine was born in the town of Warren on August 23, 1834, and had spent her entire life near here. She is survived by one son, John L. Paine of Henderson, and six grandchildren, Mrs. David Shibley, Inez Paine, Byron, Charles and Harold Paine of Henderson, and Frank Wood, who [resided?] with the grandparents, now a student at the Polytechnic School at Troy.
What makes the home more bereft and saddened ocurred Friday night [Jan. 12th?], in the death of another in the house. Byron L. Paine, who was also stricken with the dread disease, died late last night [Jan. 13th?]. Byron Paine was brother-in-law of the deceased, and had always lived in the household. He had reached the advanced age of 87 years, and was born December 29, 1829.
Mr. Paine was a man of sterling worth, a staunch Republican, having held the office of justice of the peace for years, but his advanced age had kept him close at home for some years. The sympathy of the community is extended to them.
[Virtually all these people mentioned in the obits are buried in the Highland Rural Cemetary (or New Cemetary) in Jordanville.]
From Roberta Calhoun. "Marilla's life was lived on the edge of both counties (Oneida and Herkimer). She is listed in the church at Norwich Corners as Marilla; her mother's name was also Dolly Marilla. "
Obituary of Dolly Marilla CALHOUN WINSHIP 1790-1881
Source: Geneology of the Calhoun Family from August 24, 1741, Old Style, to January 1, 1885. Published in Chicago (c.1885) by Barnard & Gunthorp. Page 2.
Mrs. Dolly M. Winship died at Sauquoit, March 21, 1881. Her maiden name was Calhoun. She was born in Connecticut February 1, 1790.
When she was nine or ten years of age her parents removed to New York State and settled about three-quarters of a mile north of Norwich Corners, Herkimer County, in what was then an almost unbroken wilderness. Here she lived some years; and to the last of her life her remembrance of her girlhood home was most affectionate.
When old enough she became a teacher, and for twenty-five years she taught district schools, summer and winter. As a teacher she was very successful--her services always being in demand--and for six successive years she taught at Winfield.
About the year 1832 she married Mr. Winship of New Hartford, and removed to that place, where she lived some thirty years.
Not long after Mr. Winship's death, which occurred in 1859, she came to Sauquoit, where she resided until her death. When young she gave her heart to Christ and joined the Presbyterian Church, lived a consistent christian life, always attending church as long as she was able.
For a long time Mrs. Winship's naturally strong mind had been failing, until at length she became quite childish; but until the last there were occasionally flashes of her old wit. For the past twelve years she has boarded with Mrs. Camp Griffin, whose faithful care, no doubt, prolonged her life some years. Her last illness was brief--less than a week--and she died without a struggle at about ten o'clock Monday morning, March 21.
Thus has passed away one of the old landmarks. She was the oldest person in Sauquoit, and perhaps in the town. Mrs. Winship's life almost covers the period of our National existence. Her early life was spent among stirring scenes. The stories told in her childhood were those of the revolution and of the dark and bloody ways of the Indians.
She was a young lady during the war of 1812, and she lived to take an intelligent interest in the war of the Rebellion. But as her
eyes have finally closed on earth, we trust they have opened on brighter visions "On High," where death shall no more enter.
(Donated by Douglas J. Ingalls, who passed away in 1999.) "Gladys Adle Ingalls was a valuable resource of information for me. Although I have never met
her in person our telephone calls were always pleasant and I took notes as we conversed. Her mind was sharp and she had a
great recall of dates and events. "
Gladys A. Ingalls
ONEIDA- Gladys Adle Ingalls, 89, 411 Fultz Drive, died Tuesday evening, Dec. 29, 1998, in the Extended Care Facility of the Oneida Healthcare Center, where she had been a resident for the past 5 1/2 months.
She was born on Jan. 12, 1909 in Durhamville, the daughter of Clarence and Florence Mason Adle.
A lifelong resident of the area, she was educated in the Oneida Schools. Mrs. Ingalls married Adon C. Ingalls on June 26, 1929, in Oneida. Mr. Ingalls died on Feb. 25, 1971.
Mrs. Ingalls attended St. Paul's United Methodist Church. [list of survivors left off for privacy of family] (See Death Notice.)
Lots more obits on the Obits Bulletin Board Part 6.
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Created: 2/1/99
Last Entries Updated: 1/28/2015
Copyright © 1999 - 2015 JDouglas J. Ingalls/ Roberta Calhoun/ Chris DeVoe/ Paul McLaughlin/ Rita Gros Parish/ J.W. Crane/ Judy Hiller/ Laura Perkins/ Marcia Buffett/ Joyce Brown/ Joyce Berry/ Gail Boyer Swetman/ Leona Boyer Perkins/ Kathy/ Betsy Voorhees/ Sarah Israel/M. Magill
Obits Indexing © 2008 - 2015 Paul McLaughlin
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