Showing Locations of Some Cemeteries

Site visitors often ask for maps that show country roads and landmarks, places too small for inclusion on road maps or in atlases. This is my adaptation of two maps from the Herkimer County Historical Society that accompany the Society's on-site cemetery lists for the town of Ohio.

The smaller map shows the northern section of Ohio which Lisa Slaski tells us "includes that portion of the former town of Wilmurt that was given to Ohio when the town of Webb was formed. The more northern portion of Wilmurt was made into Webb."

When you visit the Society, you'll find that their cemetery listings are neatly organized by town, each town batch accompanied by a map showing locations of cemeteries **for which they have readings**. For ease of online browsing I've numbered the cemeteries #1 - #6. The actual numbers of the cemeteries on the Society's maps coincide with the number for that cemetery in their current overall cemetery listing system. The HCHS numbers are as follows:

#101 Brondstatter
#102 German Settlement
#103 Pardeeville
#104 Ohio
#192 Wilmurt (Route 8)
#249 Bull Hill

"The Wilmurt Cemetery is now in the town of Ohio, but was originally in the town of Wilmurt."

If you're planning a research trip to Herkimer County, stop by at the Society first. Spend a day or two going through their many resources, including cemetery lists and maps such as this one. Head out through the countryside sight-seeing and cemetery-hunting, confident that you know where you're going and just what to look for. After taking cemetery or headstone photos, please consider sending labeled duplicates of your ancestral stones to the Society for their collection. Some day your ancestors' inscriptions will wear - your photos are valuable documentation for future researchers' use.

Ohio Map

Ohio Map

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Created 3/15/01
Copyright © 2001 Martha S. Magill/ Lisa Slaski
All Rights Reserved.