List of all Known Soldiers for Ohio Twp
Herkimer County, NY
This list is intended to provide a listing of all soldiers who were born or
lived in Ohio Twp. Currently, the majority of the information is from the
1890 census listing for Ohio Twp and from the 1879 History of Herkimer
County, by Beers. If you would like to add to this list please email me!
Lisa Slaski, Ohio and Webb/Wilmurt Twps editor. To see the full details
of the 1890 census, use the link on the main page for Ohio Twp.
ASHLEY, Jacob, 2nd Sgt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
BANKS, Harrison L., 3rd Corp., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
BARTON, Charles B., 4th Sgt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
BELCHER, Jeremiah, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 93]
BENCHLY, Benjamin, war of 1812 [Beers 1879 history, pg 72]
BENNET, Mary, widow of BENNET, B[enjamin] Franklin, Pvt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf., 1861 - 1864
BENNETT, Ashal, Pvt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. 1 May 1861 - 30 Jun 1863
BENNETT, Benjamin Franklin, Pvt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. 1 May 1861 - 30 Jun 1863 (see also Bennet, Mary widow)
BENNETT, Francis, Crpl., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 93] 8 Aug 1862 - died 9 Oct 1863
BENNETT, George, wagoner, Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 93]
BENNETT, James M., Pvt., Co. D, 81st NY Inf, 28 Nov 1861 - died 6 May 1862
BENNETT, Jason H., Pvt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf., 1 May 1861 - died 18 Dec 1861
BENNETT, Rouse, Surgeon, Co. F, 51st WI Inf.
BORDWILL, Chas, Pvt., Co. [J?], 146th NY Inf., Sep 1862 - 22 Apr 1863
BROOKS, Fred, Pvt., Co. C, 2nd NY Art., 3 Feb 1864 - 31 Jul 1864
BULLOCK, Chauncey, Co. C, 34th NY Inf, died in hospital at Harrison's Landing, 29 Jul 1862. [Beers 1879 history, pg 276]
BULLOCK, Wallace W., Sgt., Co. K, 186th NY Inf., 22 Aug 1864 - 2 Jun 1865
BURT, Wm. S., Ensign, Co. C, 34th NY Inf. [HCHS veritcal file]
BUTLER, Samuel P., 1st Lieut., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
CHRISTMAN, Benjamin F., Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 93]
CLARK, Delos, Pvt., Co. C, 152nd NY Inf., 1863 - [no date]
COCORAN, Thos., Capt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
COFFIN, Franklin, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 93]
COFFIN, William B., Crpl., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 93]
COMSTOCK, Edmond C., Pvt., Co. C, 81st NY Inf., Nov 1861 - 1862
COMSTOCK, Elisha, [Civil War, no further info]
COMSTOCK, Orrin, Pvt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf., 1861 - 1863
CONGDON, Robert, [Civil War, no further info]
DAVENPORT, Isaac, Pvt., Co. C, 81st NY Inf., Nov 1861 - Dec 1864
DAVIS, William, Pvt., Co. G, 97th NY Inf., Sep 1861 - [no date]
DUBOIS, James V., Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf., 6 Sep 1862 - 2 Mar 1863
EMERY, John, Militia Capt. under Governor Bouck.
FITZGERALD, Martha, widow of Richard, Pvt., Co. C, 87th NY Inf., 27 Nov 1861 - 3 Jan 1863
FLANSBURGH, Jerry, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 93]
FLANSBURG, John V., Sgt., Co. E, 97th NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history says he's from Wilmurt]
FRINKLE, Joseph, Pvt., 16th NY Art., Dec 1862 - Aug 1865
GALT, Alexander, Pvt., Co. E, 97th NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 86]
HALL, Albert, Sgt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 93]
HALL, Benjamin C., Pvt., Co. K, 186th NY Inf., 20 Aug 1864 - 2 Jun 1865
HALL, Fannie, widow of Dennis Hall, drum major, 97th NY Inf., 3 years
HALL, Warren, Pvt., Co. K, 186th NY Inf., 1865 - 1865
HANE, James, Sgt., Co. C, 81st NY Inf., 23 Oct 1861 - 21 Aug 1865
HEIDLE, Christopher, Pvt., 34th NY Inf. [Co. C]
HENRY, William, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 93]
HODGE, Herman T., Pvt, Co. F, 16th NY Artillery [Beers 1879 history, pg 89]
JOHNSON, Darwin Werdon, 152nd NY Inf., 1861 - 1865 [from a descendant]
JOHNSON, Elizabeth, wid. of TOMPKINS, Charles R., Sgt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf., 1862 - 1865 [1890 census]
JOHNSON, James, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 93]
KOHLER, Christopher [no further info]
LaDUE, William, Col., Co. C, 34th NY, 15 Jun 1861 - Mar 1862 Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
LAIRD, Eli, Pvt., Co. D, 10th NY Calvalry, 11 Oct 1861 - 25 Nov 1864
LARAWAY, George, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 94]
LAWTON, Lewis, Sgt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf., 1 May 1861 - Jun 1863
LLOYD, Simon, 1st Corp., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
MANNING, Edward, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf., 14 Oct 1862 - 8 May 1865
MANNING, Richard, 2nd Corp., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
MAX, John, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf., [no dates]
MCINTOSH, John B., Sgt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf., 29 Jul 1862 - 1864 [Beers 1879 history says he's from Wilmurt]
MEHNER, William, Jr., Co. G, 193rd NY Inf., Mar 1865 - [no date]
ONDERKIRK, Josephus, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 94]
OSTRAM, John, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 94]
OSTROM, Richard, Pvt, Co. F, 16th NY Artillery [Beers 1879 history, pg 89]
PAUL, Albert, Pvt., Co. E, 97th NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 87]
PERRY, Nathan, Fireman Cl[imatas?], 1864 - 1865
PHELPS, Truman F., Sgt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 93]
PORTER, Lorenzo D., Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 94]
POTTER, Hiram, Pvt., Co. E, 97th NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 87]
POTTER, John, Pvt., Co. E, 97th NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 87]
QUACKENBUSH, Alonzo E., Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 94]
RICKER, David, Pvt., Co. E, 97th NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 87]
SANTMIRE, Jacob, Co. E., 117th NY Inf., Aug 18, 1864 at Utica - June 8, 1865 at Raleigh, NC. [family researcher]
SHERWOOD, Joshua, 4th Corp., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
SMITH, John H., Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 94]
SMITH, Nelson, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 94]
SNYDER, Jonah, war of 1812 [Beers 1879 history, pg 72]
SPUL, William A., Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 94]
STANTMEYER, John, Pvt., Co. E, 97th NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 87]
STOBEL, David C., [Civil War, no further info]
TOMPKINS, Charles R., Sgt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf., 1862 - 1865, Elizabeth JOHNSON, his widow
UNDERWOOD, Harriet, widow of Elisha, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf., 1861 - 1863
Van COURT, Joseph M., Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 94]
WALLACE, William R., 1st Sgt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
WALTER, S. S., 3rd Sgt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
WARNER, William N., Pvt., Co. C, 34th NY Inf. & Sgt, Co. K, 186th NY Inf. [no dates]
WILCOX, Annie, widow of John P., Pvt., Co. B, 81st NY Inf., Nov 1861 - Jan [no year date]
WILLIAMS, Thomas, Cpl, Co. C, 121st NY Inf., 1863 - [no date]
WOOD, Benjamin C., Lieut., 81st NY Inf. [HCHS vertical file]
WOOD, John S., Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf. [Beers 1879 history, pg 94]
WOOD, William [HCHS vertical file]
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