Diary of William R. Wallace, pages 49-60 |
The following pages are taken in the order that they appear in a small diary/notebook that was kept by William R. Wallace. Some notations are just names & addresses, some are notations of events, some are lists of accounts, etc. I have transcribed each entry as it appears on a page, with a space between notations to denote the new entry.
In notebook of Clara W. Overton, I found the following information: W. R. Wallace, age 23, enrolled May 1, 1861, 34th Regiment, NYV, Company C, as a 1st Sergeant; Mustered out June 30, 1863, as 1st Lieutenant, Company D; subsequent service in the 186th Infantry; also, 2nd Vet. Cavalry, mustered in Dec. 10, 1863, as a Captain, Company K; wounded at Petersburg, VA April 2, 1865; mustered out June 2, 1865.
Wm R. Wallace, Capt, Co K, 186 Regt, N.Y. Vol., Ohio, Herkimer Co., N.Y.
Wm. R. Wallace, Ohio, Herkimer County, New York, September
23rd, 1863
Thomas Corcoran
224 9th St.
N.Y. City
in care of Thos. Doyl
John Wallace
130 Prospect St.
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Col. LaDews company mustered at Albany, Sept. 9th, 1864, by Luit Reed. 4th Artillery USA
Date of order from Gov. Semore to muster the officers of Company, Sept. 14th, 1864
M. A. Wallace
Chautaugua Co., N.Y.
In care of Geo Chace
Aug. 1864
Money giving to Mary A. W(allace)
Aug. | Gaters & | $4.50 |
Sept | Cash | 19.00 |
" | " | 5.00 |
  |   | $28.50 |
John J. Corcoran Dr
Aug 14 | Bond & c | 6.50 |
Sept 20 | Paid | 6.00 |
Peter Wallace Dr
Aug 14 | Bond & R.R. fair | 9.00 |
" | Photographs | 2.00 |
11.00 |
W. J. Lyons 7 Bro, Swords & Pistols, 300 Broadway, N.York
Infantry swords steel scabberds $15.
To Lun (or Len) Fuller or Wm. Thompson, Little Falls. E. M. Fuller
City Point, Va., Oct 4, 1864. Recd from Co K by the hand of Wm. Johnson $49. to buy swords for the officers of Co K. 186th N.Y. Vols
Capt. Wm. R. Wallace mustered Sept 28th, 1864 at Harts Island, N.Y. H. by Lt. Dulan, U.S.A.
Oct Received from Wm. Johnson one dollar to be added to money for swords.
Oct 6th 1864
List of articles drawn from QM
36 shelter tents | 2 shirts |
18 knifes & forks | 8 pr shoes |
10 cups | 1 pr. pants |
8 spoons | 7 pr socks |
14 plates | 2 pr drawers |
2 axes | 1 pr shirt |
1 clothing book | 6 camp kettles |
1 descriptive book | 10 mess pans |
1 morning report book | 65 ball screw |
1 company order report book | 25 Rinches |
4 rubber blankets | 80 Letter K |
1 dress coats | 90 sets of Figure Ks |
2 pr pants | 9 camp hatchets |
2 pr drawers | |
6 axes | 12 knifes & forks |
10 cups | 10 plates |
10 spoons | 57 rubber blankets |
2 shelter tents | 6 shirts |
6 pr. stockings | 6 pr shoes |
5 quire of paper | 2 bunches invelopes |
1 stick office taper | 1 stick sealing wax |
Oct Judson P. Legg
Cash | Cr. | $7.25 |
" | Dr. | 2.00 |
5.25 | ||
Nov. | Cr. | .10 |
5.35 | ||
Dec 1st Cash | Dr. | 1.00 |
4.35 |
Oct 25 Peter Blough
Cash | Cr. | 25.00 |
" | Dr. | 1.00 |
24.00 |
Oct 25 B. C. (B. G.) Hall
Cash | Cr. | 20.00 |
Dec. 19 Cash | Dr. | 5.00 |
to Curtis | 15.00 | |
Jan 23 Cash | 2.00 | |
13.00 |
Dec. 29th | Dr to Curtis | Oct. 25 Lileybridge | ||
Cash Cr | 20.00 | |||
order on sutler | 2.00 | |||
18.00 | ||||
Feb. 28 Cash | 18.00 | Paid in full |
Oct 20, Turned over to Capt. Squares six Springfield Muskets & equipments compliet.
Oct 20, Turned over one overcoat to Capt. McWare (crossed out and wrote) Swan.
Oct 20, Turned over to Dr. Baily one over coat.
Oct 26, Turned over to Q Master for transportation, 3 Muskets & equipment complete.
Oct. 29, 1864. Sergt. David Winnie reduced to the ranks.
List of men deserted from Co. K, 186th Regt., N.Y. Vol.:
Bank, John | N.Y. City | Sept 28th, ‘4 | Miller, John | " | " | |
Ellis, Henry | " | " | McDearmott, Michael | " | ||
Ewing, Samuel | " | " | McGuire, James | " | ||
Fullmer, Theodore | " | " | Philbrook, Joseph | " | ||
Huber, John | " | " | Gilyam, James | " | ||
Lamb, Dustin | City Point, Va. | Oct. 3 | Stormes, George | " | ||
McKay, Alpha | N. Y. City | Sept 28 | Murphy, James | " |
Leiut Legg & Morse mustered Oct. 1st, 1864 at City Point, Va., by Capt. Chester. Date of Commission, Oct 1st, 64.
List of men sent to Genl Hospital from Co. K, 186 N.Y. Vol.
Capt. Harper | Oct 20th 64 | Snyder, Morgan | Oct 19 | ||
In | Johnithon Albron | Oct. 26 | John McLeon | Oct 23 | |
Olevar Clayton | Oct. 3 | x   | Samuel Smith | Oct 19 x | |
Fuller Edward M. | Oct. 15 | Willoughby, L. | Oct 3 | ||
Irvany King | Oct 26 | L. H. Van Huzan | Oct 19 | ||
Luther Morris | Oct 19 |
Nov. 1st 1864 Elisha P. Comstock promoted from Corpl to Sergt.
Nov. 1st 1864, Fredrick Loveland promoted from Private to Corpl.
Oct. 31, Lt. Legg officer of the Guard
Nov.13, Lt. Morse officer of the Guard.
October 1864 Paid to mess
Cash | 10.00 |
" | 10.00 |
Grous & oysters | 2.50 |
Nov 1 one candel | .15 |
" 12 Cash | 10.00 |
" 20 " | 10.00 |
Dec 16 Cash | 1.00 |
Dec 19 Cash | 10.00 |
" 21 " | 5.00 |
.50 | |
8.15 |
Oct. 28th, Benjamin C. Hall commenced to cook for Officers Mess.
Oct. 28th, Went into camp at Pebble Farm, Va.
Nov. 2nd, Weather warm & dry
Oct 31st, Built chimley in Quarters.
Nov. 3rd, 1864, Alonza Willoughby returned to Co. from Hospital.
Nov. 2nd, 64, Leiut Herring officer of the Guard.
Nov 4, Detailed on Regamentail Court Marcheal (Martial).
Lt. Dates & Ludd on same duty.
Nov 5 from Q.M.
2 Tents | 1 flag (marker) |
4 blankets W | 1 sash 1st Sergt |
4 caps | 2 Shevrons " |
8 pr. Stockings | 8 " Corpl. |
2 blanket R | 22 yrds tape Corpl. |
32 G coat straps | 13 ¼ tape " |
l pr pants | 3 blankets Woolen |
l pr shoes |
Nov. 7, Non commissioned officers of Co. K. confirmed by order of Col. Bradly Winslow.
Columbian U. S. Gen. Hospital, Oct 31st Leonard VanHusen.
Jermain Luntlot & Squar (Squire?) Lampkin sent to Hospital Nov. 9th, 1864.
Pegram House (Va.)on Nov. 9th, received one uniform coat from Capt. Squares(Squires?)
Nov. 9, Received & wrote a letter to Henry.
Nov.9, Myself off duty, sick.
Nov. 9th, Capt. Squires officer of the Day
Nov. 10th, Capt. McMane, officer of the day.
Pegram House, Va. Nov. 9th, Lieut. Col. Marsh started home on leave of Absince.
Nov. 14, Clear & very cold.
Nov. 15, Samuel Smith returned from Hospital
Nov. 18, On office of the Day.
Nov. 15, Company went on target shoot.
Nov. 8 Sergt Wallace for Guard
Nov. 9 Capt. Noah "
" 12 Corpl. Abril "
16 Corpl. Warner "(or Warren)
18 Sergt. Comstock
19 Corpl.
Nov. 10 from Q.M.
16 great coat straps |
3 shelter tents |
1 blouse |
Nov. 16th from Q. Master
1 Pants | 5 canteen |
13 shirts | 6 plates |
7 Drawers Pr. | 12 cups |
8 stocking | 12 knives & forks |
4 haversack | 3 pr shoes |
4 blankets W |
Nov 16, Received from Capt. McWarne (?), 3 uniform coats.
Nov 17, Sergt. Bullock & Private Brown sent to Hospital.
Nov. 14, Legg for guard
Noc. 18, Recd from Q M, 2 drum heads
Nov. 19, Eathan A. Burton sent to Hospital.
Nov. 21, Lieut Legg detailed to command Co. A by order of Col. Winslow.
Nov. 20, Very heavy rain.
Nov. 23rd, very cold and clear.
Nov. 22nd, Received copy of order, discharging me from 2nd Vet Cavalry, NY Vol. It was dated War department, Apret.(?) Genl. office, Sept. 19th, 1864. Special order No. 308.
Nov. 22, Received a letter & paper from P. Corcoran, 2nd Vet Cavalry.
Nov. 27, Wm. Keenon sent to Genl. Hospital.
Nov. 28, commenced to build winter quarters.
Nov. 28th, very pleasent & quite warm. Wrote a letter to Father.
Nov. 29, order to prepare to march. Have six guns & equipment on hand.
Nov. 29th, turned over to Q.M. for transportation, six muskets & equipment compleat.
Nov. 30, Recd. 6 muskets & equipment from Q.M. which he had for transportation.
Nov. 29, Marched from camp near Pegram House and marched within two miles of Petersburg.
Nov. 30, Benjimen C. Hall started for home of a fifteen days furlough.
Nov. 30, Sent home one Sergt. Sword & belt by Ben Hall.
Nov. 30, Capt. McMullen, Lt. Phelphs, & Morar with 80 men detailed for picket.
Nov. 30, Myself officer of the Day. Lt. Marsh officer of the Guard.
Dec. 1, commenced to build house.
Dec. 4, Sunday. Weather clear and warm.
Dec. 5, Sent discriptive list to Lenard H. VanHusen in care of James Crosby, Surgeon in charge –
Columbian Hospital, Washington, D.C.
Dec. 5, Man shot on picket by accident.
Dec. 5, Weather warm and dry. Got letters from J. Nethaway, Anne.
Dec. 6, 6th Army Corps arrived at this place.
Dec. 7, Went on Picket. Capt. Munger started for home on a leave of absence.
Dec. 8, Chancy B. Hodge sent to hospital.
Dec. 9, Nelson Streeter sent to Guard Supply Train.
Dec.9, ordered to prepare to march. Weather very cold. Sword a little.
Dec. 10, Did not move yet. Snowed about three inches.
Dec. 10, very wet and sloppy. Went Regt & witnessed two men hung for desertion. They belonged to the 179th Regt., N.Y. Vol.
Dec 10, Samuel Smith sent to Hospital.
Dec. 10, Lenard H. VanHusen in Hospital. Received notification from Surgeon.
Dec. 11, from Q.M., 10 Pr. shoes.
Dec. 12, marched out Saturday night on Jeruselam Plank Road. Marched all night, marched 23 miles. Rained very hard. Rested about 6 hours & marched back for camp. Got to camp at 10 oclock Sunday night. Myself nearly tuned out. Men all tuned out. Layed in bed most all day.
Dec. 13, feel some better. Rested out a little. Recd. orders to be ready to march at any moment. Got a negro to work for mess. Warren Hall lost his gun. Fell out did.
Dec 14, from Q.M.
5 caps |
4 pr trowsers |
32 pr stockings |
Dec. 14, in camp, weather warm & plesent.
Dec. 15, Samuel Smith died in Hospital.
Dec. 16, Benjamin C. Hall absent without leave.
Dec. 16, on Picket, Lt. Col. Marsh returned to camp
Dec. 17th, Leut. Legg relieved from duty in Co. A and reported to Co K for duty.
Dec. 17, Leut Morse on picket.
Dec. 19, Received from Dustin Lamb, one hundred & fourty dollars for safe keeping until called for. Returned fifty dollars.
Dustin Lamb Dr. Cash $2.00
Dec. 19, Lieut. Legg on Picket.
Dec. 19, received two Recruits from Hank (or Hart) Lovland.
Dec. 20, on Picket. Very rainy and cold.
Dec. 18, had tooth extracted. Aches very bad.
Dec. 23, Dustin Lamb Dr. Cash 5.00
(pages torn out)
Oct. | Judson P. Legg | Cr |
Cash | 7.25 | |
" | .10 | |
Oct. 24 | Express charges on box | 4.00 |
11.35 | ||
Cash in Albany | 100.00 | |
111.35 |
Judson P. Legg | Dr. | |
Oct. 20 | Cash | l.00 |
" | " | 2.00 |
Dec. 19 | Cash | 20.00 |
Memorial | 2.00 | |
100.00 | 25.00 | |
14.00 | 11.00 | |
86.00 | 14.00 | |
Balance paid |
Dec. 22. Wm Kieran returned from Hospital.
Dec. 22. Peter Wallace sick with sore throat. Sent to hospital Dec. 24th.
Dec. 28. Weather very cold. Tooth ache all night.
Dec. 19. Bought watch of A. C. Fields. Payed him twenty five dollars in cash and an order on the Paymaster for twenty one dollars.
Dec. 19. Weather rainey.
Dec. 19. Paid Judson P. Legg twenty dollars in Cash.
Dec. Dustin Lamb Dr.
Cash | $2.00 |
Dec. 28. Went to 2nd Div. Hospital to see Peter. found him getting well.
Dec. 23. Ben C. Hall returned to Company. (he had "x’s" on each side of notation)
Dec. 24. Lieut. Legg recd. express box.
Dec. 29. Judson P. Legg promoted to Capt., Co. A to Rank from Nov. 30, 1864.
Dec. 28. Dustin Lamb Dr.
Cash | $5.00 |
Dec. 29. Received invoices from Col. Marsh for ordnance. Gave him my Recpt & c. the transfer to date from Oct. 3rd 1864.
Dec. 29. Paid to Sergt. Curtise, five dollars for Ben Hall.
Dec. 30. Wrote letter to LaDew
Dec. 31. Dustin Lamb Dr
Cash (cram) | $10.00 |
Dec. 22. Let Sergt. Wallace have Cash 5.00
Dec. 22. Wrote letter home
Dec. 22. To John Corcoran
Cash | l.00 |
Jan. 10. Commenced to rain last night & rained all day very hard. Weather warm.
Jan. 6. Oliver Clayton returned from hospital and is in good health.
Jan. 10. Heard from Peter. He is getting well.
Dec. 29. Sergt. Joal Curtiss recd. fourlough (furlough) for fifteen days.
Dec. 29. E. A. Burton returned from hospital.
Jan. 5. Wm. Runan Court martialed & fined $10. & to let straddle of a pole seven feet from the ground four hours a day for two days. The above to be entered on next pay roll.
Jan. 8. Dustin Lamb Dr.
Cash | 5.00 | |
Cr cash | 5.00 | |
0 00 |
Jan. 2. John Davison sent hospital.
Jan. 11. Luit. Morse on Picket.
" I am detached for tomorrow.
Jan. 12. Went on picket. Weather fine & beautiful.
Jan. 12. Peter made me a visit from hospital and will return tomorrow.
Jan. 13. Dustin Lamb Dr.
Cram Cash | 8.00 |
Jan. 13. Johnathan Albro returned from hospital.
Jan. 17. Sent decriptive list to Jermain Turttot (Tuntlot?)
Jan. 20. Sergt. Wallace treturned from hospital. Sergt Wallace look very bad.
Jan. 23. Capt. McWain has a leave of absence for 20 days.
Jan. 23. Rain very hard but quite warm.
Jan. 26. Jermain Turtlot (?) returned from hospital.
Jan. 24. Wm. Brown returned from Hospital.
Jan. 27. Detailed for Brigade officer of the day.
Jan. 28. Weather very cold.
Jan. 28. Dr. Turtlot is on a visit to Co. K. He is stopping with me.
Jan. 28. Bought a new hat. $6.50.
Jan. 28. Received memorials of Co. K.
Jan. 28. Recd letters from Corcoran & P. Brinnan.
Jan. 28. Wrote letter to Father & to Fallen & Co.
Jan. 28. Lieut Morse promoted to 1st Lieut., Co. K, 186.
Jan. 28. Lieut Morse detailed on picket.
Jan. 28. Lt. Morse made application for leave of absence. Weather plesant.
Jan. 29. Dustin Lamb Dr.
Cash | 5.00 |
Jan. 27. Lieut. Morse got leave of absence for 15 days.
Jan. 29. Dr. Turtlot started for home.
Jan. 31. Sent home by Lt. Morse, 1 canteen, 1 haversack, 2 shirts, 1 vest.
Jan. 31. Lt. Brown reported to Co. K. for duty.
Feb. 1. Capt. Legg moved to his new quarters.
Feb. 2. Plesent & warm.
Feb. 1. Lewy Tarhall (or Larhall) called on me today.
Feb. 2. Received a letter from Gardener Hinckley
Feb. 2. D. Lamb Dr.
Cash cram | 11.00 |
Feb. 5. Drawed ordnance stores from Col. Winslow.
1 S rollers kit | |
4 Cap pouches | |
2 bayonet scabbards | |
1 waist belt & plate | |
1 gun sling | |
1 cartridge box |
Feb. 4. Dustin Lamb sent to hospital.
Feb. 5. 7 o’clock P.M, heavy firing on the left. All ready to move.
Feg. 16. Dustin Lamb died in 2nd Div. 9th Corps hospital of Dierrheor.
Feb. 9. Detailed as Brigade officer of the day.
Feb. 9. Weather cold & plesent.
Feb. 8. Lt. Mathers got leave of absence.
Feb. 8. Received from Lt. Morse, Cash $20.00.
Feb. 2. Took out of Lt. Morses letter 5.00.
Feb. 13. Sent E. M. Fuller descriptive list to Lt. Coats. Emery hospital, Washington.
Feb. 16. David Nimric returned from fourlough (furlough).
Feb. 16. Lieut Morse absent without leave.
Feb. 18. On Brig. officer of the Day.
Feb. 16. Regiment paid off by Maj. Young.
March 2. Sent to hospital for certificate for Jarman Turtlot & Wm. Brown.
---- Paid Fuller & Co. for Co. memorial $72.00 March 1, 1865.
March 1. Mr. S. B. Legg on a visit to this Regt.
March 3. Wrote letters to Capt. Corcoran, to Pat Corcoran, & to Capt. Sanford.
--- Lieut. Morse arrived at camp Feb. 23rd.
March 7. Brig. Officer of the Day.
March 8. Sent Father $10.00
March 8. Sent to Jane W. N. $1.(his sister, Jane Wallace Netherway)
Company K, 186 Reg Eng.
Nov. 18 Wrote letter to QMaster Genl officer for blanks.
" Also same date wrote to ordnance office for book of Instruc(tions) and blanks.
Nov. 19. Sent my monthly returns of Camp & garison equipage to QM Gen. for the month of October.
Nov. 25. Received paper & blank with book of instructions from Quartermaster & ordnance office. Sent my receipt to Ordnance office for book & blanks.
Nov. 28. Sent clothing roll to Q.M. Gen office for the month of October.
Dec. 18. Sent my monthly return of clothing, camp, & garrison equipage for the month of November ’64
Dec. 20. Sent monthly clothing to Quartermaster Genls office for the month of November 1864.
Jan. 4, ’65. Sent my monthly return of camp & garrison equipage & clothing roll to quartermaster Generals office for the month of December 1864.
Jan. 31, 1865. Sent my monthly return to Q.M. Genl. for January 1865.
(Many pages, believe they were blank, were cut out of book)
Nellie Nethaway
David Nethaway
Oct. 3. Company K, 186 NYV, Private Dustin Lamb deserted with armes & eccouterments.
Oct. 20. Turned over to Capt. Sqare, six Springfield muskets & equipments compliet.
Oct. 26. Turned over to Regimental QM, three Springfield muskets & equipment compliet.
Oct. 23. John McLeon sent to hospital with Musket & equipments compliet.
Dec. 8. Turned over to Q.M., 6 Spring muskets & equipment complete.
Jan. 10, 1865. Recd. blanks & returned receipt to ordnance office.
----- Received notice from ordnance department saying that my returns had been sent to 2nd Auditors office asking by what authority I turned over to Capt. Squire 6 muskets & equipage and why I droped 67 casses (cones?) without vouchers.
Feb. 22. Sent to 2nd auditor office the order upon which I turned over to Capt. Squair, muskets & equipment, also explained why I droped 67 cones(?).
Lieut. Morse | Dr | ||
Jan. 20. | Difference between boots | 5.00 | |
Jan. 28. | Memorial | 2.00 | |
Jan. 31. | Cash | 5.00 | |
Balance on Mess | 7.00 | ||
$19.00 | Paid Settled in full |
Lieut. Morse | Cr. | |
Feb. 2. | Cash from letter | 5.00 |
Feb. 9. | Cash (Johnson) | 20.00 |
Balance on Mess | 23.20 | |
Cr | 48.20 | |
Dr | 19.00 | |
Balance due Paid | 29.20 | |
Feb. 25. | Paid in full | 29.20 | 0.00 |
American Watch
William Ellery, Boston Mass. No. 108251. United States flag on opening case.
Wm. R. Wallace, Jan. 1, 1865.
Wallace & Legg Mess Act.
Feb. 11. Pepper & butter 1.50
Butter & grease l.05
on Passbook
Dec. 12 Shoes Brought own and charged on Comp. books
P. Wallace
J. Glysher
H. Brinerd
S. Galuska (Galusha)
R. Adams
C. Robberts
P. Neil
N. Coles
C. Getman
Wallace & Legg Mess
Cash (Hall) | 3.00 |
Sulters | 4.35 |
1 lb. butter | .75 |
" | .75 |
Cash | 1.00 |
Mess Acct. 1865
Jan 1. | Old Acct. | 1.00 | Wm. R. Wallace | |||
Jan. 8 | Cash | 7.50 | Ohio | |||
Jan.10. | Cash | 5.00 | Herkimer County | |||
Jan. 17. | Whiskey | 1.00 | New York | |||
Jan. 22. | Cash | 2.00 | ||||
Jan. 23. | Cash | 5.00 | Capt., Co. K, 186th Regt. | |||
Jan. 25. | Cash | 5.50 | N. Y. V. | |||
Jan. 28. | Potatoes & chicken | 2.25 | ||||
29.25 | ||||||
Feb. 24. | Settled in full |
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