WWII VeteransfromClarkson CollegeFulton, Hamilton, Herkimer & Montgomery CountiesAs of June 1945The following were all graduates or former students of Clarkson College of Technology, now Clarkson University, in Potsdam, St. Lawrence County, NY. We've included ALL individuals down through the years whose addresses were in Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer and Montgomery Counties, whether they were stated as serving in World War II or not. IMPORTANT NOTE: Individuals who were listed as serving in WWII as of June 1945 are marked by ***.
ABBOTT, G. H. - Morehouseville - 1910 FULTON COUNTYDYE, John I. ChE Lt., U. S. Army CE Res. 108 Byard St., Johnstown, N.Y. ENGLAND, Everman H. Lt., USAAF. Res. 101 Persse Ave., Johnstown, N.Y. FARRELL, Richard W. BA Lt., USAAF. Res. 8 Wood St., Gloversville, N.Y. FULLER, Stanley S. ME Fire Protection Engr., Eastern Underwriters Inspection Bureau, 111 John St., N. Y. City. Res. 79 Prospect Ave., Gloversville, N.Y. KELLY, Elmer F. CE U. S. Army Res. 12 Prospect St., Johnstown, N.Y. MABIN, William A., Jr. BA Res. 1 1/2 Hoffman St., Johnstown, N.Y. McCUE, Francis L. EE Owner, McCue's Auto Electric Shop, 70 North St., Gloversville, N.Y. Res. 180 Bleecker St., Gloversville, N.Y. SIEDLECKI, John P. BA Teacher and Football Coach, High School, Johnstown, N.Y. Res. 314 S. Perry, Johnstown, N.Y. HAMILTON COUNTYMOORS, Harold B. ChE Res. Long Lake, N.Y. HERKIMER COUNTYABBOTT, George H., CE Retired, Res. Morehouseville. Post Office, Ohio, N.Y. AGAN, George W., Res. 35 S. Richfield St., Mohawk, N.Y. CAMPBELL, Francis B. ChE Lt., U. S. Army. Res. 247 S. 4th Ave., Ilion, N.Y. CORMIA, Keith C., S/Sgt., 124 Weather Sqdn., APO 650, c/o PM, N. Y. city Res. 14 Barringer Rd., Ilion, N.Y. DUFFY, John H. ChE Res. 94 Church St., Little Falls, N.Y. FOLTS, Frederick W. ChE Researcher, Corning Glass Wks., Corning, N.Y. Res. 414 1/2 Prospect St., Herkimer, N.Y. GREGG, Palmer W. BA Lt. (j.g.), USN, Navy 128, NSD 479, FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Res. 11 Philip St., Ilion, N.Y. HARPER, Willard M. EE Lt. (j.g.) USNR. Res. 89 S. Main St., Dolgeville, N.Y. HENRY, Lester R. ChE Research Chemist, Revere Copper and Brass Co., Rome, N.Y. Res. S. Litchfield St., Frankfort, N.Y. HUMPHREY, Edward L. ME Capt., U. S. Army. Res. 18 West St., Ilion, N.Y. JONES, Robert E., Jr. ChE Pvt. Mountain Troops, Co. D, 3 Plat. APO 15698, c/o PM, N. Y City, Res. 326 2nd Ave., Frankfort, N.Y. KENNEDY, Archibald M. CE Supt. of Highways, Herkimer, N.Y. LANE, Arthur P. ME Chemist, Savage Arms Corp., Utica, N.Y. Res. RFD 2, Frankfort, N.Y. LEWIS, Robert E. ChE Res. Frankfort, N.Y. MARTIN, Everett R. ME Res. Big Moose, N.Y. SHUTTS, William H., ChE Chem. Engr., Utica Radiator Corp., 1101 Dwyer Ave., Utica, N.Y. Res. RFD, Frankfort, N.Y. WOOD, Walter B. Freight Handler, N.Y. Central R. R. Co., Utica, N.Y. Res. 424 Otsego St., Ilion, N.Y. WRIGHT, Richard E. EE Lt. (j.g.), USNR, USS Niblack, c/o FPO, N.Y. City. Res. Thendara, N.Y. MONTGOMERY COUNTYBUSH, Mrs. J. R. - Canajoharie - 1902 No further information. DIEFENDORF, B. Gordon ME Res. 7 Phillips St., Amsterdam, N.Y. FINK, Stuart A. ME Pvt., U. S. Army Engrs. Camp Bowie, Texas. Res. Fort Hunter, N.Y. GETZ, Donald H. ChE Res. 8 High St., Fort Plain, N.Y. HUDSON, Willilam D. CE Resident Engnr., The Pitometer Co., Inc., 50 Church St., N.Y. 7, N.Y. Res. 1 Reid St., Fort Plain, N.Y. KAUFMAN, Carl P. ChE Res. Tribes Hill, N.Y. MILLER, John W. ME Capt. Corps of Engrs. Office of the Engr., APO 973, c/o PM, Minneapolis, Minn. Res. 29 McClellan Ave., Amsterdam, N.Y. NELLIS, Woodrow C. ME S-1/c(RT), USNR. Res. RFD 4, Fort Plain, N.Y. SCHLOTZHAUER, Albert V. BA Asst. to Plant Engr., Beechnut Packing Co., Canajoharie, N.Y. Res. 150 Otsego, Canajoharie, N.Y. SHULTZ, Raymond F. ME Capt., USAAF, 1st AMU(F), Hqs., Vasac., APO 72, c/o PM, San Francisco, Calif. Res. Palatine Bridge, N.Y. Source: names were abstracted from the magazine Clarkson Tech Alumnus, Vol I No. 2, June 1945. The directory of this issue named all graduates and former students who'd attended Clarkson for a term or longer. Some of these individuals might have passed away at the time of publication, but they're listed with their last known address at time of publication.
The letters immediately following their names are the degrees they received, e.g. CE = Civil Engineer, ME = Mechanical Engineer, BA = Bachelor of Arts. As to the military abbreviations, please use a search engine to find out what they mean. |
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