Air Service (Aeronautics)
United States Army

Dennis J. McLaughlin

Dennis J. McLaughlin was born Mar. 2, 1888, in Schuyler, Herkimer County, N.Y., a son of Maurice and Mary Maxwell McLaughlin, and was graduated from Newport High School. On May 8, 1912 he was married at St. Mary's Church, Middleville, to Clara E. Lynch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lynch of Middleville. After their marriage the young couple settled in Ilion, N.Y. At that time he was Grand Knight of the Ilion Council, No. 518, Knights of Columbus.

During World War I, Dennis J. McLaughlin served in the Army Air Corps. There was no separate Air Force branch during WWI. Although he didn't go overseas, he was an instructor of pilots in aerial gunnery in the States, and flew Curtis Jenny aircraft. His appointment as Second Lieutenant was effective August 17, 1918.

Curtis Jenny Plane

Curtis JN4D (Curtis Jenny)

After working as a carpenter with his father Maurice McLaughlin for many years, he joined the staff at the Library Bureau early in Ilion, where he remained employed until June, 1926, when he went to Rochester with the company of Yawman and Erbe, Inc., manufacturers of filing cabinets and office supplies.

In 1929 he organized the plant of McLaughlin-Stevens in Mohawk, manufacturers of wood office equipment. In 1934-35 he was acting postmaster of the village of Ilion, followed by a 6-year tenure as a member of Ilion's Board of Educaton. He returned to the Library Bureau in 1939 as superintendent. During World War II, Mr. McLaughlin was appointed manager of the Andover Kent Aviation Corporation in New Brunswick, N. J., serving from August, 1942, until he returned to the Library Bureau in 1944, where he succeeded Thomas Suters as general manager, and in 1947 supervised the move of the Library Bureau from Iliion to Herkimer.

Dennis J. McLaughlin's life was one of distinguished service to Herkimer County in community, church, and organizational affairs. Over the years he was First Commander of Crim-Shaffer Post 920, American Legion and a member, trustee and president of the Holy Name Society of the Church of the Annunciation.

Dennis J. McLaughlin passed away at age 59 on May 15, 1947 at the Ilion Hospital.


Paul McLaughlin
Town of Ilion Editor
Herkimer/Montgomery Counties NYGenWeb
Son of Dennis J. McLaughlin
May 2000

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