Enrolled under the Act of June 7, 1832

Source: Report from the Secretary of war, in obedience to resolutions of the Senate of the 5th and 30th of June, 1834, and the 3d of March, 1835, in relation to the pension establishment of the United States. Washington: Printed by Duff Green, 1835, in 3 volumes. (23d Congress, 1st session. Senate. Doc. No. 514).

The listings are for pensioners enrolled under the act of June 7, 1832. As I have no background in Rev. War history, I really don't know the particulars of this pension act or how these pensioners differed from men pensioned under the act of May 1, 1820. If I recall correctly, the 1820 men had to make a case for econonomic need as well as have served a specific amount of cumulative time.

All spellings, including errors in interpreting old handwriting, are as in the original report. For further information about individuals listed, requests for records can be made of the National Archives, or request info from other researchers who share your lines. New Researchers: "do" means "ditto."

Names Rank Annual
Sums received Description of
When placed on the
pension roll.
of pension
Ages Laws under which they were
formerly inscribed on the pension
roll; and remarks.
Leonard Ackler Private 80 00 200 00 N. York militia July 30, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 73  
Job Arnold do 26 66 68 65 do Oct. 2, 1833 do 73  
Steven Avery do 27 33 73 32 do Oct. 9, 1833 do 71  
Enoch Brockway do 43 33 - Conn. continental Apr. 4, 1833 do 74  
Aaron Buck do 37 66 - N. York militia May 22, 1833 do 74  
Henry Bonfoy do 96 00
60 00
173 15
Conn. continental
Nov. 25, 1819
May 30, 1833
May 16, 1819
Mar. 4, 1831
March 18, 1818. Dropped from roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832
David Bensley do 80 00 - R.I. contnental June 7, 1833 do 78  
Adam Burdick do 50 00 125 00 R.I. militia July 30, 1833 do 74  
Elijah Barnes do 80 00 200 00 Mass. militia Aug. 7, 1833 do 74  
Reuben Barnes do 26 66 68 65 N. York militia Aug. 29, 1833 do 77  
Phinehas Briggs do 32 42 81 05 Mass. continental Sept. 15, 1833 do 83  
Joseph Binchley do 66 66 166 65 R.I. militia Sept. 21, 1833 do 76  
Adam Bowman do 37 32 93 30 N. York militia Sep. 28, 1833 do 74  
Christian Bellinger do 30 00 75 00 N. York continental Nov. 15, 1833 do 69  
Nathan Brown do 80 00 237 38 N. York militia Dec. 18, 1833 do 69 Died February 16, 1834
John Buell do 80 00 - Conn. continental Dec. 28, 1833 do 83 From Connecticut form March 4, 1831
Robert Badcock do 21 66 64 98 Conn. militia Jan. 28, 1834 do 75  
Seth Baker Pri. & ser. 85 00 255 00 Conn. continental Mar. 8, 1834 do 79  
Benjamin Budlong Private 31 77 79 50 R.I. militia Apr. 10, 1834 do 76 Died September 5, 1833
Daniel Blackman do
Pri. & ens.
96 00
53 33
184 23
Conn. continental
July 15, 1819
Apr. 16, 1834
Apr. 4, 1818
Mar. 4, 1831
March 18, 1818. Dropped from roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832
John Bloodgood Private 70 00 210 00 N. Jersey cont'l Apr. 23, 1834 do 70  
Peter Bircki do 26 30 - N. York cont'l May 28, 1834 do 80  
Flavel Clark do 80 00 - Conn. continental Aug. 17, 1832 do 72  
Jacob Clements do 80 00 - N. York do May 11, 1833 do 73  
Rufus Cogswell do 30 75 - Mass. do May 15, 1833 do 73  
John Caverley do 36 66 91 65 N. York militia Aug 12, 1833 do 74  
Eliphalet Covell Mus'n, &c. 40 80 - do do Sep. 27, 1833 do 77  
Awater Cook Fifer 37 21 93 02 Conn. do Oct. 30, 1833 do 75  
Isaac Churchill Private 30 00 75 00 N. York do Nov. 7, 1833 do 75  
Jonas Churchill do 20 00 60 00 do state troups Apr. 23, 1834 do 73  
Richard Casler do 30 00 90 00 do continental June 10, 1834 do 66  
John Darling do 36 28 - do militia Dec. 18, 1832 do 71  
Henry Dick do 80 00 - do continental May 30, 1833 do - Died September 30, 1832
Anthony Devoe do 20 00 50 00 do do Aug. 3, 1833 do 70  
Simeon Dutcher do 33 33 66 66 do militia Aug. 8, 1833 do 72  
John Duesler do 80 00 240 00 do continental Jan. 13, 1834 do 76  
Judah Eldred Sergeant 98 66 246 65 Conn. militia May 24, 1833 do 79  
George I. Ettick Private 56 66 - N.Y. continental Oct. 30, 1833 do 73  
Elisha Enos do 70 00 214 86 do militia Dec. 20, 1833 do 76 Died March 31, 1834
* See Note at Bottom of Page
Samuel Evans do 20 00 60 00 do do Jan. 22, 1834 do 81  
John Eaton do 23 33 69 99 Mass. do Jan. 25, 1834 do 73  
Henry Eckler do 33 33 - Not given Aug. 1, 1832 do 68  
Abraham Forgason do 29 08 72 70 N. York militia Oct. 9, 1833 do 78  
William Feeter do 50 00 125 00 Mass. do Nov. 7, 1833 do 77  
Francis Frederick do 24 10 60 00 N. York do Dec. 10, 1833 do 80  
Corneius Francisco do 56 66 169 98 do do May 9, 1834 do 73  
Gilbert Forgason do 47 54 - N. York state troops May 24, 1833 do 71  
William Feeter do 50 00 125 00 Mass. militia Nov. 7, 1833 do 77  
Jabez Green do 40 00 - R. Island militia Dec. 11, 1832 do 79  
Hobart Graves do 20 00 - Conn. do Dec. 15, 1832 do 67  
James Giles do 80 00 - Mass. continental Nov. 5, 1833 do 71  
Elijah Graves Sergeant 30 00 - Connecticut militia May 15, 1833 do 83  
Luther Gillet Private 30 00 75 00 do May 22, 1833 do 71  
Daniel Griswold do 40 00 - do June 3, 1833 do 76  
Jonathan Gilbert do 56 66 141 65 Mass. continental Aug. 7, 1833 do 70  
Conrad Getman do 20 00 50 00 N.Y. militia do do 70  
Absalom Gifford do 40 00 100 00 Conn. do Sep. 12, 1833 do 67  
John Goff do 30 00 75 00 N.H. continental Sep. 26, 1833 do 78  
Alden Gage Pr. & ser. 110 00 275 00 New York cont'l Oct. 9, 1833 do 74  
Henrich Green Private 60 00 150 00 do Oct. 8, 1833 do 71  
Janna Griswold do 46 66 139 98 Connecticut militia Mar. 5, 1834 do 75  
Francis Griswold do 45 31 135 93 Connecticut cont'l Mar. 8, 1834 do 71  
John Haines Fifer & pr. 84 00 - Connecticut militia Dec. 15, 1832 do 72  
Uriah Hawkins Sergeant 120 00 - Rhode Island cont'l Feb. 28, 1833 do 75  
Jonathan Harvey Pri. cor. &
69 66 - Connecticut militia April 4, 1833 do 73  
Jehiel Hungerford Private 43 33 - do do do 75  
Benjamin Hervey do 32 38 - do Ap'l 27, 1833 do 98  
Elisha Hall do 80 00 200 00 Connecticut cont'l May 10, 1833 do 73  
Simon Haines do 80 00 - New Hamp. militia May 11, 1833 do 75  
Stephen Hammond do 30 00 75 00 Rhode Island do Sept. 17, 1833 do 70  
Christopher Hawkins do 30 00 75 00 New York do Sep. 19, 1833 do 70  
William Hayner Pri., cor. &
95 22 - do Sep. 27, 1833 do 72  
George House private 80 00 240 00 do Mar. 17, 1834 do 77  
William Hagadom do 26 65 79 98 New York cont'l Apr. 24, 1834 do 76  
Abiather Joy do 23 33 - Connecticut militia Oct. 22, 1832 do 70  
Amos Ives do 61 66 154 15 Connecticut cont'l Juy 27, 1833 do 84  
Jacob C. Ittig do 31 66 79 15 New York do Aug. 13, 1833 do 69  
Thomas Kellogg do 36 66 91 65 Massachusetts cont'l Nov. 14, 1832 do 79  
Jacob Knouts do 30 00 - New York do May 30, 1833 do 67  
James Keith do 43 00 - New York militia June 3, 1833 do 76  
Martin Kellogg do 96 00
80 00
30 63
200 00
New York cont'l
Nov. 25, 1819
Sep. 15, 1833
Nov. 10, 1819
Mar 4, 1831
March 18, 1818. Dropped from roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832.
Reuben Kelsey do 53 33 133 33 Connecticut militia Sep. 23, 1833 do 70  
Jacob Lints do 80 00 - New York do May 13, 1833 do 78  
Joseph Martin do 46 66 - Connecticut militia Feb. 28, 1833 do 77  
David Mun do 26 66 60 12 Massachusetts do May 15, 1833 do 81 Died June 6, 1833
John Miller do 51 32 128 30 New York do Aug. 3, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 72  
Joseph Moors do 40 00 100 00 Massachusetts cont'l Aug. 10, 1833 do 72  
John Mount Lieut. 320 00 800 00 New Jersey militia Sep. 21, 1833 do 85  
David Miner Private 36 66 91 65 Massachusetts cont'l Oct. 30, 1833 do 81  
Israel Nicklisson do 78 33 234 99 New York militia Mar. 23, 1833 do 74  
Robert Nolton do 80 00 - New Jersey do May 24, 1833 do 75  
John Nelson do 30 00 - Massachusetts do Dec. 27, 1833 do 84  
Cyrus Potter do 20 00 - Rhode Island cont'l May 11, 1833 do 69  
Andrew Piper Sergeant 86 66 216 65 Massachusetts militia Aug. 8, 1833 do 73  
Eliab Pierce Private 30 00 75 00 do Sep. 23, 1833 do 72  
Jeremiah Pierce do 45 55 113 87 New York do Oct. 2, 1833 do 73  
John Parsons do 40 00 - Connecticut do June 10, 1834 do 80  
David Potter do 63 33 158 32 do Oct. 9, 1833 do 73  
Anthony Rhodes do 45 34 - Rhode Island militia Oct. 22, 1832 do 71  
Simeon Remington do 80 00 - Connecticut do Feb. 8, 1833 do 71  
William Risley do 20 00 - do May 6, 1833 do 69  
Frederick Ritter Artillerist 100 00 250 00 New York do Oct. 29, 1833 do 69  
James Rankins Private 50 00 150 00 do April 12, 1834 do 73  
Henry Ritter do 80 240 do May 3, 1834 do 74  
John Stewart do 80 00 - Connecticut cont'l Dec. 17, 1832 do 70  
Isaac Sweet do 80 00 - Rhode Island do Jan. 7, 1833 do 77  
Josiah Skinner do 80 00 - New York militia Jan. 19, 1833 do 87  
Daniel Smith Sergeant 88 78 221 95 do Aug. 1, 1833 do 81  
David A. Schuyler Private 80 00 200 00 do Aug. 12, 1833 do 73  
Kingsbury Sanford Pri. & ser. 95 48 238 70 do Sep. 4, 1833 do 79  
Thomas T. Shoemaker Private 28 33 70 32 do Aug. 30, 1833 do 83  
John Sykes do 20 55 51 32 Connecticut militia Sep. 12, 1833 do 80  
Henry Shall do 60 00 188 00 New York cont'l Mar. 17, 1834 do 75  
John Jost Scholl Cor., Ens. & lieut. 154 66 463 98 New York militia do do 82  
Barend Stubrach Private 30 00 - do May 28, 1834 do 82  
Richard Skimel do 46 66 116 65 do Sep. 25, 1833 do 69  
Henry Shaver do 80 00 200 00 do Oct. 29, 1833 do 74  
Ezekiel Thayer do 23 33 - Massachusetts militia June 1, 1833 do 89  
William Tyler do 20 00 50 00 Connecticut do Aug. 13, 1833 do 68  
John Tift do 66 66 166 65 do Mar. 10, 1834 do 71  
John Vanderburgh do 30 00 90 00 N.Y. State troops Feb. 20, 1834 do 71  
John Wood, 2d do 96 00
80 00
175 22
Rhode Island cont'l
April 17, 1819
Dec. 17, 1832
May 8, 1818
Mar. 4, 1831
March 18, 1818. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832.
Joseph Willard do 72 64 120 25 Connecticut Militia June 2, 1833 do 83 Died October 30, 1833.
Jacob Widrig do 80 00 200 00 New York do Aug. 7, 1833 do 79  
Samuel Willson do 26 66 58 61 Massachusetts do do do 69 Died May 16, 1833
Aaron Ward do 67 33 168 32 New York do Sep. 4, 1833 do 84  
Silas Wells do 35 00 87 50 do Aug. 30, 1833 do 82  
Alexander Watson do 80 00 - do Dec. 19, 1833 do 72  
Israel Ward do 50 00 150 00 do Mar. 17, 1834 do 82  
Peter Woolever Corporal 39 59 118 77 do Mar. 29, 1834 do 69  
Henry Wallradt Private 31 54 94 62 do do do 73  

This list was contributed in 1998 by the Anonymous Angel in Memory of E.E., volunteer typist Jim Orgel. Jim's researching the ORGEL family, who came from France to Herkimer in the 1870s, and the RYAN and RILEY families, who came from Ireland in the 1850s, to Newport, Schuyler and Norway. If you have information to share with Jim on his mid to late 19th century immigrant families, he looks forward to hearing from you.

March 1, 2008  &Nbsp;Additional Information contributed by Fred Bultman:

Elisha Enos death date is March 31, 1834 per pension records and Sara "Negus" Enos death date is actually April 4, 1846.

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Created: 8/15/00
Last Updated: 3/1/08
Copyright © 2000 - 2008 Jim Orgel / M. Magill
Contributed by Anonymous Angel, in Memory of E.E.
All Rights Reserved.