War of 1812 Bounty Land Warrant ApplicationofNicholas G. HiltsHerkimer NYTranscribed and Contributed by Carol Grainger. Many thanks to Loretta Marriott, who first ordered pension papers for Nicholas Hilts and got the ball rolling for military records. "Nicholas G. Hilts was my gggg-grandfather" Herkimer, May 26, 1852
Dear Sir, Respectfully your's signed ___ R. Earl CAROL'S NOTES: Peter M. Folts, while not a direct relation, was the father-in-law of Benjamin Lyon. Benjamin Lyon was the brother-in-law to Nicholas's daughter Helen Hilts Lyon. Conrad Fulmer was Nicholas's cousin once removed. Deposition of Frederick P. Bellinger State of New York. Frederick P Bellinger of the town of Herkimer and the afresaid being duly sworn doth depose and say that he is fifty six years (fifty six was then crossed out) sixty years of age - That in the war with great Britain declared on the 18th day of June 1812 he was mustered in the service of the United States in the company of Captian Frederick Bellinger in the Regiment of New York Militia commanded by Col. Matthew Myers. And deponent says that the company was mustered into service on the fifth day of October A.D. 1814 at Herkimer and on the following day of soon there after Started for Sacket Habor which was the place of destination and without delay reached there. That deponent at the time the company was mustered was orderly Sergeant but was promoted to Sergeant Major
on the way. And before reaching Sacket Harbor. And deponent says that while he was orderly Sergeant it was his
duty to call the roll of the company and did so. And Distinctly recollects Nicholas G. Hilts was well acquainted
who was a member of said company and that he accompained deponent to Sackets Harbor and continued there in
service until the company was discharged - And deponent says that he has a distinct and positive recollection
of aiding Hilts being with the company and answering to his name as a member thereof on the way to Sacket Harbor.
And deponent Nicholas that said Hilts served as long as any member of said company. And further deponent says not. Deposition of Conrad Fulmer
State of New York. Conrad Fulmer of said county and duly sworn says that he is Sixty three years old and is well acquainted with Nicholas G. Hilts in the above declaration mentioned and Knows that the said Hilts served in the late war with Great Britain as above stated in his said declaration. And deponent says that he started with said Hilts and in the same company to go to Sackets Harbor from Herkimer on the fifth day of Oct A.D. 1814 went with him there and continued with him in service there until on or about the fourteenth of November in said year 1814 in the company commanded by Capt Frederick Bellinger in the Regiment commanded by Col Matthew Myers.
And deponent says that he received his discharge at the same time with said Hilts after being discharged
together - And deponent further says not. NOTE: Conrad's mother was Elisabetha Hilts Fulmer. Conrad Fulmer & Nicholas Hilts were 1st cousins and also half 3rd cousins. Deposition of Peter M. Folts. Deposition given on behalf of Nicholas G. Hilts for purpose of obtaining land bounty.
State of New York.
And deponent says he was mustered into service on the fifth day of Oct A.D. 1814. And that he directly
recollects that Nicholas G. Hilts also of the town of Herkimer with whom deponent was ___ ___ and ever
since has been well acquainted, Entered the service of the Untied States for the ___ at least of one month
and was not discharged from the said service until deponent had been discharged - And that deponent was
in the service at Sacket Harbor for the spase of one month and then was Honorably discharged in
consequence of a ___ foot and said Hilts was then Still in ___ service and continued in said service
for about one week longer And further the deponent says not.
State of New York
He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the additional
Bounty of Land to which he is entitled under the act ____ March 5, 1855, never having received
Bounty Land except as above stated and he hearby c_____ Charles Gray of Herkimer N.Y. his Att___y
to _____his claim and secure his warrant Notes for Nicholas G. Hilts by Roberta Barnes, a paid researcher.
Nicholas G. Hilts. |
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