5/15/98  From KerryAnne Tremblay.

A. J. Riddell, Arms Worker, Dies in Ilion

ILION -- Albert J. Riddell, 71, of 21 E. Clark St., died May 16, 1956 in Ilion Hospital after a long illness.

He was born June 12, 1886 in Ilion, a son of the late John F. and Louisa Tarbush Riddell. He married Grace Stephenson on June 12, 1911 in Frankfort.

Mr. Riddell last operated a billardroom on Central Ave., Ilion. Before that he was employed by the Remington Arms Co. He lived all of his life in this area.

He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Ilion.

Besides his wife he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Jane Knewasser, Ilion; three sons, Harold, James and George, all of Ilion; three stepsons, Raymond Overacker, Sangerfield, Elton Overacker, Florida, and Harry Overacker, Mohawk; three sisters, Mrs. Anna Cusworth, Utica, Mrs. Myrtle Pierson, Utica, and Mrs. Lillian Weller, Ilion; a brother, Lester of Oriskany; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, several nieces and nephews.

A memorial service will be at 2:30 Sunday from the Applegate Funeral Home with the Rev. Charles Bartlett, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Mountain View Memorial Gardens, East Herkimer.

Rome -- Lester F. Riddell, 66, of Oriskany Rd., an area cattle dealer for many years, died yesterday in his home after a brief illness. He was born Aug. 11, 1894 in Ilion, a son of John F. and Louise Tarbush Riddell. He attended Frankfort Schools and lived in Utica for a time. On Dec. 21, 1957 in Utica he married Iva K. Linter. He was a member of the West Utica Democratic Club and a veteran of World War I. Mr. Riddell was associated with Hyman Cohen in cattle dealing and slaughtering for 35 years. He was later employed by the City of Utica Board of Water Supply until Jan. 1, 1960. Surviving besides his wife are one daughter, Mrs. Gertrude N. Swisleski of Utica; three sons, Everett and Ralph of Abiline, Tex.; Kenneth of Tuscon, Ariz., all by a former marriage; four grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Pearson and Mrs. Anna Cusworth, both of Utica; Mrs. Lillian Weller of Ilion.

The funeral will be at 10:30 Wednesday from the Howard H. Wells Funeral Home, 100 Main St., Whitesboro, with the Rev. William Belli, pastor of the Whitesboro Baptist Church, officiating.

*** FUNERAL NOTICE *** Funeral of Bobby Riddell,
Crippled Boy, Is Held

FRANKFORT -- His friends took a last and farewell of Bobby Riddell, 15, Tisdale Ave., Frankfort's little candy salesman, today. The scores of residents who had often purchased small articles from him and been cheered by his happy smile were feeling that strange sense of unhappy loss which comes when an accustomed face is missing.

Bobby's funeral was held at 2 p.m. at the Owens Funeral Home, with the Rev. J. A. Sypher, Methodist pastor officiating. Robert Staley and Michael Caruso, Frankfort, friends and Frank Wisehart, Utica and Donald Weller, Ilion cousins were bearers. Bobby died Monday at Ilion Hospital, after suffering for years from an ailment which had made him a partial cripple.

Burial was in Mohawk Cemetery.

Note: This obituary appeared in the Herkimer Evening Telegram on Thursday, January 23, 1941.

***OBITUARY *** Robert E. Riddell

FRANKFORT -- Robert E. Riddell, 15, died Thursday, January 21, in the Ilion Hospital where he has been ill for the past three weeks.

He was born in Frankfort, the son of Mr. and Mrs.. Grace and Robert Riddell.

Surviving are his parents, and one sister, Laura of Richfield Springs.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday.

Note: This obituary was published in the Ilion Sentinel on January 23, 1941.

*** OBITUARY *** Crippled Little Frankfort
Candy Salesman is Dead
FRANKFORT -- Bobbie Riddell, 15, the crippled little candy salesman, will never get the sunshine basket employees at the Town Hall had planned to send him today. He died this morning in Ilion Hospital of acute dilation of the heart, a condition which resulted from a chronic illness that lasted nearly all his life.

He had been acutely ill for the last three weeks at his father's home, 102 Tinsdale Ave., of what was described this morning by Dr. George Frank as bronchitis. Last night, when he became worse, he was taken to the hospital by Mrs. Gertrude Farley, health nurse. He grew worse during the night and died this morning.

His death brought grief to all those old customers of his who used to buy shoelaces and candy from him regularly. Bobby plied his trade in most of the village offices and unlike most salesman was never unwelcome.

"He used to come in here with his candy and we always bought something," George Nipe, Town Clerk said this morning. "We thought he was the best-mannered boy we ever knew and you just couldn't help liking him. We were going to get up a sunshine basket today, when Gert (Mrs. Farley) said he was in the hospital. But just a few minutes ago, John Leitz (Highway superintendent) came in and said he had died. I guess we'll get flowers now." Being well mannered and affable, must have cost Bobbie some effort because he was almost never without pain. He had been badly crippled all his life and even slight exertion caused him to gasp for breath. He wasn't able to attend school regularly, and spent a great deal of time undergoing treatment at the Shriners' Hospital, Philadelphia.

He was born July 29, 1925, in Frankfort, son of Robert and Grace Sherman Riddell, both of whom survive, as well as a sister, Laura, Richfield Springs. His funeral will be Thursday at 2 in the Owens Funeral Home chapel, the Rev. J. A. Sypher officiating. Burial will be in Mohawk.

DOCK A. RIDDELL of Ilion, Dies After Long Illness

ILION -- Dock A. Riddell, 43, of 23 East St., died Saturday in the Herkimer Memorial Hospital following a long illness. Mr. Riddell was born in Ilion, son of John and Lucy Riddell. He was employed for years as an oiler at the Remington Arms plant. He leaves his widow, the former Sadie Staley; six children Florence, Phyliss, Richard, Dorothy, Leonard, and Sandra; five brothers Albert, Robert, Frank, and Lester, Utica and Clarence, Canadaigua and three sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Wishart and Mrs. George Cusworth, Utica and Mrs. Lillian Weller, Ilion.

The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday from the home. Rev. Earnest C. Love, Methodist pastor will officiate. The remains will be placed in the Richardson Memorial Vault in Armory Hill Cemetery.

Note: This obituary was published in the Herkimer Evening Telegram on April 1, 1940.

ILION -- Harold E. Riddell, 65, of 30 East River St.., of the H and H Building Supplies, until retiring a year ago, died Saturday in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Utica, after a long illness. He was born August 8, 1910 in Ilion, the son of Albert J. and Grace Stephens Riddell. He married Susan Lanphier on Oct. 11, 1933 in Ilion. An elder of the First Presbyterian Church, a member of the Ilion Masonic Lodge and the Woodsmen Association; he was also an honorary member of the Jaycees.

Besides his widow, he leaves three daughters, Mrs.. Leonard (Betty) Riddell, and Mrs. Claude (Janet) Patterson, both of Ilion; and Mrs. Donald (Jill) Evans, of Frankfort; two sons, Harold H. and George E. Riddell, both of Ilion; a sister, Mrs. Jane Paoni, of Canastota; a brother, James Riddell, of Ilion, and a half-brother, Raymond Overacker, of Clarks Mills, several nieces, nephews and aunts and 13 grandchildren. The funeral service will be at 1 p.m. tomorrow from the First Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Daniel E. Kolke, First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Town of Little Falls.

Calling hours are from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 today at the Applegate Funeral Home. The Masonic Lodge will meet at 7:30 tonight at the funeral home.

ILION -- Mrs. Grace E. Riddell, 78, died yesterday at the home of her son, Harold, of 30 East River Street after a long illness. Mrs. Riddell had resided with another son, James, at 23 East North Street.

She was born on Oct. 10, 1881, in Whitesboro, daughter of George and Grace Green Stephenson. She was twice married. Her first husband was Clyde Overacker. He died many years ago.

On June 12th, 1910, she was married to Albert J. Riddell in Utica, who died two years ago. Mrs. Riddell had lived in Ilion since 1926. She was a member of the First Methodist Church.

She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Jane Knewasser, Ilion; six sons, Raymond Overacker, Sangerfield; Elton Overacker, Colorado; Harry Overacker, Mohawk; Harold and James Riddell, Ilion, George Riddell, Florida; a great aunt; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins.

The funeral will be conducted at 1:30 Saturday from the Applegate Funeral Home, with the Rev. Carlton Van Ornum, pastor of the First Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Mountain View Memorial Garden, Town of Little Falls.

NOTE: This obituray appeared in the Utica Observer Dispatch March 2, 1960.

Hope these help someone out there who is caught like I am in the great "forest builders club"!! *smile* KerryAnne

KerryAnne is a descendant of Louisa Jane Tarbush's father Jonas Tarbush, who was her ggg-grandfather.

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Last Updated: 5/15/98
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