1888-1889 Russia City Directory
Part 1 Surnames A-L
Herkimer County, NY

The Herkimer County 1888-9 Directory is a great source for filling in the missing census records of 1890. Individuals in this directory would have likely been in the federal census of 1890. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there. All original spellings and punctuations were retained from the original records and have been proofread by a third party to ensure a proper transcription. Due to the size of the files, the directory has been split into two files. Fields such as Widow and Title have been retained for completeness. Even though they contain no data they were in the directory.

From Herkimer County 1888-9 Directory, published by Lant & Silvernail, Valatie, Columbia County, N.Y.

Robert Lorick
Contributing Editor

1888-1889 Russia Directory
Part 1 Surnames A-L
Last Name First title widow lease information occupation business location number Town County
Abeel Edgar

grist mill

Ables George

saw mill

Ash William

saw mill

Adams J. W.

1/4 Northwood
Arthur Robert

600 Northwood
Ashton Oscar

46 Northwood
Ash John

146 Grant
Butler M.

64 Russia
Barker Marcena

12 Russia
Bowie John

3 Gravesville
Beecher Isaac

253 Russia
Brown William

105 Russia
Ballou T. P.

500 Utica Oneida Co.
Baxter William

143 Grant
Brant Peter

103 Northwood
Brant William

50 Northwood
Bickford Rachel

32 1/2 Northwood
Bickford Elizabeth

32 1/2 Northwood
Burt Josiah

13 Forestport Oneida Co.
Burt Horace

117 Forestport Oneida Co.
Benedict William


Benedict William


Briggs Sanford

58 Northwood
Burlingame Peter

1 Grant
Burlingame Wilber

1 Grant
Bonsfield James

140 Northwood
Berhite Jeremiah

135 Prospect
Bunce Alanson

24 Ohio
Blue Janthus

167 Grant
Booth Elihu

275 Grant
Bronson Wash

20 Northwood
Backus John

203 Grant
Carpenter L. A.

280 Russia
Carruthers Henry

1 Grant
Bruise James

140 Gravesville
Comstock William

280 Trenton Oneida Co.
Cunningham C. C.

3/4 Gravesville
Carpenter L. F.

gen. Mdse. And town clerk

Carpenter J. O.

gen. Mdse. And Postmaster

Clark John

240 Prospect Oneida Co.
Cronk S. E.

19 Trenton Oneida Co.
Chappell James

2 Russia
Carpenter Pelton

70 Russia
Carpenter William

130 Russia
Coonradt J. G.

33 Prospect Oneida Co.
Cook Henry

136 Northwood
Crossway Anthony

73 Northwood
Cooley William

100 Northwood
Cramer C.

86 Grant
Clark Isaac

9 Grant
Carruthers Frank

313 Grant
Campbell S.

86 Grant
Combs G. E.

81 Grant
Combs J. E.

382 Grant
Campbell malcome

218 Grant
Carpenter Charles

48 Grant
Conkling M.

45 Grant
Dorn P. A.

180 Russia
Dicker Thomas

264 Grant
DeGraffee H.


Dodson A. S.

35 Russia
Dodson L.

7 Grant
Drinkwater S. S.

157 Prospect Oneida Co.
Delevan Walter

236 Prospect Oneida Co.
Davenport William

150 Grant
Davenport J. L.

146 Grant
Davenport Charles

50 Grant
Evans R.

37 Gravesville
Eaton Volney

310 Herkimer
Ensminger J.

18 Gang Mills
Emery C.

1/2 Grant
Evans M.

52 Grant
Emery Adelbert

grist mill

Farber John

90 Russia
Fahey L.

30 Russia
Fahey A.

23 Russia
Forrest J. & G.

270 Russia
Frank Earl

128 Trenton Oneida Co.
Ferris Charles

161 Prospect Oneida Co.
Ferris Frank

200 Prospect Oneida Co.
Finch & Ross


Fredericks G.


Forrest David

200 Russia
Farber Henry

100 Russia
Finer P.

8 Russia
Fuller Heman

124 Grant
Foster Henry

50 Northwood
Fisher J. A.

212 Grant
Fisher J. G.

116 Cold Brook
French G.

3/4 Trenton Falls Oneida Co.
Garrison L. A.

3/4 Russia Oneida Co.
Griffith C. R.

136 Gang Mills
Grower E.

10 Northwood
Grower A.

8 Northwood
Garlock Hiram

51 Grant
Garlock George

1 Grant
Garlock Henry

182 Grant
Garlock E.

25 Grant
Garlock C.

24 Grant
Hall J. E.

342 Russia
Howard William

25 Poland
Hicks T.

75 Trenton Falls Oneida Co.
Gughes E. H.

Hulbert E.

116 Trenton Falls Oneida Co.
Hoofman F.

1/8 Gravesville
Hemstreet A.

14 Gravesville
Holiday S.

13 Russia
Haskell W.

41 Grant
Hinckley M. & H.

117 Gang Mills
Hubbard H.

50 Grant
Hoes M. A.

80 Northwood
Hoofman F.

255 Northwood
Hamlin E.

103 Northwood
Hess A.

26 Northwood
Hess R.

73 Northwood
Hess M. A.

52 Northwood
Hane P. H.

41 Grand
Hinman M.

saw mill

Halliday H.

80 Gravesville
Howe E.

32 Grant
Hicks S.

1 Grant
Holden George

58 Grant
Hughs J. A.

Ingersoll L.

23 Northwood
Inwin W.

31 Russia
Jenks A.

3 Gravesville
James C.

3 Trenton Falls Oneida Co.
Johnson A.

120 Prospect Oneida Co.
Jones J. D.

205 Northwood
Jones J. M.

75 Northwood
Jones D.

1/8 Grant
Hones H..

1 Grant
James P.

92 Trenton Falls Oneida Co.
Jenks George R.


King A.

1/2 Russia
Kneaskearn G.

174 Northwood
Knights Henry


120 Cold Brook
Knights E.

22 Russia
Knapp Peter

100 Northwood
Knapp Philip

100 Northwood
Lyon J.

400 Russia
Lankton J. B.

20 Russia
Lankton J. & G.

3/4 Russia
Lane Ed.

10 Prospect Oneida Co.
Lanning William

190 Russia
Larawawy G.

20 Russia
Lankton Frank


Legge Asa


Lloyd J.

178 Northwood
Legge Asa

1 3/4 Grant
Lyon E.

100 Russia
Labree J.

80 Russia

Thank you in advance for directing ALL requests for information about persons listed to the local historical societies and libraries, not to the site coordinators.

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Created: 06/26/2005
Copyright © 2005 Robert Lorick
All Rights Reserved.