Various Newspaper Clippings

Town of Russia

Selected articles from the Boonville Herald newspaper found on copies which I made for my own research.


Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 29 Nov 1888.

Cold Brook, Nov 28 - Mr. Brown and wife of Vermont are the guests of Walter Rhodes and wife.

Maggie Payne, having closed her school at Salisbury, has returned home.

Luther Whitney left Monday morning to visit his brother in New York city.

Daniel Conkling has moved into his residence on Main street.

Thomas Morgan of Bloomfield and S. Haight of Picton, Ontario, returned home Monday after being with us about two weeks engaged in selling horses.

The people of the M. E. church met at S. Keller's Tuesday evening for the purpose of arranging for Christmas exercises. It was decided to have a tree and also an entertainment.

Grant, Nov. 28 - Fred Tompkins has one of the finest pair of Lang Shang fowls ever seen in this town, which he recently purchased at Oriskany. They are said to be worth from five to twenty-five dollars a pair.

Stephen Hunt and wife have commenced housekeeping.

We regret to hear of Charles Darius' serious illness, but hope he will be out soon.

Several of our citizens have to attend court next week on the Bronson case in behalf of the people. Among them is Peter H. Hane, who has taken a sketch of the ground where the crime was committed.

Fred Mason and mother are preparing to move into the house formerly owned by Patrick McVoy of Cold Brook.

Vacation this week in our public school. We are pleased to learn that Miss Peabody remains as teacher for the next term.

D. R. Jones is home after a two weeks trip to Morehouseville.

A busy time at Landlord A. H. Legg's this week. Two lawsuits, two raffles, a turkey shoot and a Thanksgiving party.

James Wall, jr., has purchased the blacksmith shop and house formerly owned by A. T. Mills.

Russia, Nov. 28 - The funeral of Solome Holliday occurred last Saturday at his son's residence in Gravesville, Rev. H. Casler officiating.

The ladies aid society of the M. E. church met last Wednesday at Mrs. B. B. Moon's.

Miss Hannah Griffith is spending the winter at Miles Moore's.

Rev. Mr. Cossum of Hamilton gave us two very able discourses last Sunday.

Mrs. Will Knights of Wisconsin is calling on friends in this vicinity.

Poland, Nov. 28 - The first snow storm of the season occurred last Sunday evening but not enough for sleighing.

Thanksgiving services will be held in the M. E. church Thursday conducted by Rev. M. A. Brennan.

Ralph D. Willoughby was in Utica Monday on business.

F. J. C. Steber will spend Thanksgiving with his people in Ilion.

Steve Brayton and J. C. Knights called on friends in Russia last Sunday.

Chas. S. Millington has been confined to the house the past week by illness.

The Y. P. S. C. E. meeting was led by Miss Nellie Brayton last Sunday evening Mrs. Graves being absent. There was a good attendance considering the inclement weather.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 27 Dec 1888

Grant, Dec 26 - The donation for the benefit of Rev. E. E. Whittemore was a success both socially and financially.

Sames Campbell of Canada is visiting relatives in this vicinity.

Maggie Smith and Libbie Caruthers expect to spend New Years with friends in Lansingburg.

Mrs. Henry Garlock is slowly improving from her recent illness.

George Ablis is preparing to build a large barn the coming summer.

Miss Hattie Hickland is spending the holidays with her parents.

Russia, Dec 26 - Rev. Mr. Ford of Hamilton supplied the Baptist pulpit last Sunday morning and evening.

The donation last week proved a success both financially and socially.

Miss Carrie Lankton of Cold Brook was in town last week, visiting friends.

M. G. Slocum and wife of Prospect attended church here last Sabbath.

B. B. Moon and wife have returned from their visit to Dolgeville.

Miss Hettie Smith's school in the Smtih district closed the 19th with evening exercises consisting of speaking and volcal and instrumental music and a beautiful tree loaded with presents of all kinds. The teacher received a fine plush album from her pupils.

Miss Edith Pardee of Newport is spending her vacation with friends in this village, also George Knights of Hamilton college.

Miss Edith Barnes and Mary Moon are engaged to sing at the concert this week in Gravesville.

Poland, Dec 26 - Merchants in town have had a big holiday trade.

The fair given under the auspices of the ladies aid society of the M. E. church last week was a grand success. The articles for sale were very numerous more than could be disposed of, consequently they will be put up at auction at the M. E. church some time in the near future. Notice will be given in due time.

The Christmas entertainment given at the M. E. church last Sunday evening by the Y. P. S. C. E., conducted by Miss Nettie Schermerhorn, was listened to by a full house. The singing was led by the choir consisting of Mrs. Nettie Owens, organist, Mesrs Prindle and Knights, Mrs. Terry and Mrs. Owen, and the Misses Ardie, Franklin and Millie Brayton as singers. The program was well carried out, the parts deserving of especial mention, being the recitation by Millie Brayton and the song by Myra Roberts.

Prof. C. H. Thompson of Cortland is in town the guest of Herbert Potter's family.

Frank Lankton, jr., of the Clinton Liberal Institute, Fort Plain, is home during the holidays.

George D. Knights of Madison university is home during vacation.

Lillie Barton, who is attending school in Utica, is home for a short vacation.

Frank J. C. Steber spent Sunday with his parents in Ilion.

E. C. Cruikshank spent the Sabbath with his people.

It is now expected that the basement of the Baptist church will be in readiness for service Sunday morning.

S. G. Prentiss and wife spent Christmas with her people, Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Willoughtby.

Miss Lizzie Willoughby of Utica is home for a short vacation.

Samuel Collins and wife are visiting their daughter, Mrs. James Pendle, in Syracuse.


Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 3 Jan 1889

Grant, Jan. 2 - The children's Christmas tree at the home of Rev. J. W. Hills was loaded with pretty presents, and the program carried out was charming and profitable. The young men and others contributed liberally and many willing hands made it a grand success. Especial mention should be made of Mrs. Anna Wilt and Carrie Hicks who were untiring in their efforts to make the children happy. We were pleased to hear of so many successful entertainments all around us, the memories of which will be a "joy forever."

Our sick ones remain about as usual.

Eugene Hicks and Ella Newman wear the matrimonial yoke. "Geno" is one of our very best young men and the bride is in every way worthy. We wish them joy.

The donation here for Rev. E. E. Whittemore amounted to $25.50.

Wilbur Burlingame was re-elected Sunday school superintendent last Sabbath. He has held the position with honor for several terms.

Alexander Blue and wife of Gloversville and Mary Blue of Hamilton are making relatives and friends of childhood happy by visits and calls here, and they receive a cordial welcome.

The little son of James Wall, jr., was quite badly scalded Monday, but seems to be convalescing.

We wish the compulsory school law was enforced here. It is a good law and we have a good school.

Gravesville, Jan 1 - Mrs. Edward Abeel spent Christmas with her mother at Utica.

George Munn was taken suddenly sick while attending a family Christmas tree at his father's.

The Methodist society will hold their annual donation at the Trout Pond hotel, January 9, 1889. All are invited.

F. G. Lankton of Fort Plain is spending the holidays with his parents.

The concert for the benefit of the Universalist society will be held Friday evening, January 4, at the brick church. Everybody is invited.

Hattie Poter of Poland is psending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. E. P. Graves.

F. S. Sperry is visiting his brother in the west.

Pardeeville, Jan. 2 - Mrs. R. Campbell is on the sick list. We hope to see her around soon.

Miss Nettie Conkling has gone to attend the Utica business college.

William Davenprot and wife with other relatives spent Christmans with V. H. Hane and family at Grant.

H. B. Tucker of Utica is spending vacation with H. W. Jones.

Rabbit hunting is the order of the day.

A. Blue and wife of Gloversville are spending the holidays with Lanthus Blue his brother, at the old homestead.

W. G. Howard, wife and family spent Christmas with friends in Poland.

A number from this place joined the class in penmanship at Grant. They will take a second term after the holidays.

Poland, Jan. 2 - The Y. P. S. of C. E. held a watch meeting Monday night in the basement of the Baptist church, besides several other watch meetings less public.

Mrs. Philip James of Trenton Falls, while on a visit to friends here, was taken quite seriously ill at the residence of Dr. James Hemstreet where she still remains but is convalescent.

Will Larned of Nebraska is visiting his mother here.

T. T. Rhodes is quite under the weater with stomach trouble.

Mrs. Arthur Rhodes has been seriously afflicted with quinsy.

Mrs. Gray of Rome was the quest of her sister Mrs. L. H. Buck last week.

Ed Owens is busy moving his collaterals to the Charloote Newman place to make room for the new comer Mr. Emery.

Omar Brayton, who has been confined to the house with rheumatism is able to be out once more.

Charles Crego of Middleville is in town.

The Baptist church is fast nearing completion. The Owens Bros. are putting on the finishing touches with paint, paper and varnish. It is expected to be ready for the quarterly meeting Friday, January 11, and holding over Sunday at which time the church will be dedicated with imposing ceremonies. Prominent speakers from abroad are expected and it is intended to make it a season to be long remembered.

Will Owens and family of Finks Basin are the guests of her father, Marcens May.

Wheelertown, Jan. 2 - Our much beloved teacher, Miss Florence Jones, of Alder Creek surprised us very much on Christmas eve by giving us one of the best entertainments, followed by a Christmas tree, ever given in these parts. When she decided to have the tree it was nearly too late too do justice to both singing ans speaking, but to the surprise of her many friends they found the children had been well drilled in both, much better than they even expected. At about quarter past seven E. G. Grower called the assembly to order and introduced James Withers, who offered prayer and made some very interesting remarks, after which the choir sang a Christmas greeting. Then followed a very interesting program, consisting of declamations, recitations, dialogues, which Miss Jones managed in a very able and pleasing manner. We are sorry we can not mention all the speakers for they certainly deserve it, but the dialogue by Misses Katie Arthur, Carrie Grower and Gertie Arthur was especially interesting and amused the audience very much. The exercises closed with singing, God be with you till we meet atain. Then followed the distribution of many costly and beautiful presents. The tree was overloaded and Santa Claus left many things under and around the tree which delighted the children. While the distirbution of presents was going on Mr. Grower passed through the audeicne with a large sack nearly full of candy and nuts which the young gentlemen of the place had purchased and gave some to each one, both old and young. Everyone is congratulating themselves upon spending such a pleasant Christmas eve and it is the wish of the writer that we may have many more just as pleasant. Some may think Wheelertown is rather an "out of the way place" but we can have just as good times as many a place that is more thickly inhabited.

Miss Jones closes her school here next week. She has gained a host of friends during her short stay and as she leaves us it is our sincere wish that where ever she may be she may live to enjoy many a "merry Christmas."

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 17 Jan 1889

Russia, Jan. 16 - The Baptists society held their donation inthe town hall Tuesday evening, January 15.

Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Moon are spending the winter in Auburn with their son.

Mrs. W. Barnes has returned and is busy waiting on her many customers in dressmaking.

A number form this place attended the dedication at Poland of the Free Baptist church.

Rev. Mr. Worden of Ames preached Sunday morning to a crowded house.

W. B. Russell, wife and little daughter of New hartford are visiting their many friends in this place.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 28 Feb 1889

Cold Brook, Feb. 27 - Quarterly services were held at M. E. church Sunday morning. Presiding Elder Watson was present.

May Evans returned to her home last Tuesday having spent six weeks with relatives and friends in this vicinity.

The Aldelphian society will give an exhibition in the near future.

Miss Ada Casler, primary teacher of the public school, celebrated Washington's birthday with her parents at Paines Hollow. Prof. Deusler celbrated the same with his parents at St. Johnsville.

The household furniture of Sophia Moon, deceased, together with the household furniture of Jefferson Moon, deceased, will be sold at public auction at thier late residence Saturday, March 4, at 10 A. M.

Messrs. Morgan, Bougard and Huggins have returned to their homes in Picton, Ontaria.

Bertha McVoy spent a few days last week with her cousin, Willie McVoy at Gray.

Grant, Feb. 27 - Frank Heidal is suffering from a fall, and is still unable to leave his room. His brother Albert is no better at their home in Ohio.

Mrs. David Jones has a fine collection of very rare and ancient coins.

Daniel McArthur is making extensive preparations to build a fine dwelling house the coming summer.

Griffith Evans has rented his farm and is preparing to move to Gloversville.

Let the census taker add two to our populations as the son shines at Daniel McArthur's and at Jacob Combs.

G. S. Johnson is moving to the house formerly owned by Catharine Emery.

Quarterly meeting services here Tuesday evening. Preaching by Presiding Elder Watson.

Sixteen little folks and eight callers brought good cheer to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hills February 22, and greatly delighted them with music and recitations and made the aafternoon one of rare pleasure and happiness to all.

Asa Legg and family attended the funeral service of his nephew Walter Legg, at Ohio, Sunday afternoon. Walter died of pheumonia February 17, aged 14 years.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 6 Mar 1889

Russia, June 5 - miles Moore and wife attended the musical convention held at Cortland during the past week.

Several from this place attended the anniversary excercises of the Christian Endeavor society of Poland last Wednesday evening.

The [?] quarterly meeting of the M. E. church will be held at Cold Brook on Friday afternoon and Sunday evening, June 7 and 9. Services will be conducted by Presiding Elder Watson.

Pardeeville, Mar. 5 - Mrs. Jennie Walker is visiting friends in Newport.

John McVoy is gaining slowly.

A. Wilt is preparing to build a large barn.

Walter Carpenter tapped his sugar bush last week and Saturday he gathered 125 pails of sap.

Charles Smith will erect a blacksmith shop this spring.

John Phelps and wife will occupy the Casler house as soon as repaired.

George Garlock spent a part of last week with friends in Rochester.

Miss Hattie Abels has rented her farm to C. Tepper of Gray.

Henry Garlock is looking for a new tenant for his farm.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 9 May 1889

Cold Brook, May 8 - Teachers examination was held at the shcool house Saturday, May 4.

Albert Sweeny and wife were called to Chautauqua county last week to attend the funeral of their grand-daughter.

Miss May Vincent accompanied by Mr. Agden of Little Falls, visited her parents in this village last week.

Charles Jones is on our streets again.

Arbor day was observed Friday by the pupils of the public school. The excersises were very good including recitations, addresses, assays, declamations and solos.

Mrs. Edward Carpenter and two sons of Grant are visiting Mrs. Amy Carpenter.

Roger Dicker and wife of Holland Patent were in town last Thursday.

Stephen Haught of Picton, Ontario, made his friends in this village a flying visit Monday. He is on his way home from Poughkeepsie.

Grant, May 8 - The funeral of Zachary Popple, one of the old residents of Grant for nearly all of his long and useful life, was attended here Thursday, his pastor, Rev. Mr. Clark, and Rev. Mr. Casler, officiating.

Will Knights and mother of Poland were calling on their former neighbors here Wednesday.

A school girl here 11 years old weights 111 pounds.

Saturday morning ice was from one fourth to one half inch thick on mill water.

George Garlock has commenced extensive repairs on his house, making folding doors between the parlors, adding new windows and thoroughly renovating it throughout.

Jerry Berhite has returned to his farm from Prospect where he has been living the past year.

Walter Hart has leased the American house and now carries the daily mail to and from Morehouseville.

Asa Legg is shingling his hotel and otherwise improving it.

Fisherman are plenty, large parties going farther north this week. We are sorry to see the law of God and of our fair state disregareded by fishing on the Sabbath.

Two beautiful trees, a tamarac and a mountain ash, were set here to the memory of Ray R. Hills, late editro of the Grant and Prospect Times.

Dell Emery is having another car and feed delivered at his mill this week.

Pardeeville, May 8 - H. W. Jones is supplying his old customers with trout flies and all kinds of fishing tackle.

Freddie McVoy has been quite sick caused by paint poisoning.

Mrs. A. Parks and daughter of Poland spent Sunday at the home of her brother, Morris Conkling.

R. Campbell starts on the road this week with all kinds of merchandise for J. O. Carpenter.

Harry Tucker and Walter Palmer of Utica have been boarding with H. W. Jones and enjoying the first week of fishing with good success.

W. McVoy has bought the John Smith farm and taken possession.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 6 Jun 1889

Poland, June 5 - Mrs. hattie Gray nee Ferris and daughter Addie of Rome are guests of her sister, Mrs. L. H. Buck.

Charles Seavey and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a son at their home.

Decoration day was quite extensively observed here; the citizens turning out generally to meet the soldiers, escorting them to the cemeteries and after decorating all repaired to the church parlors where justice was done to a lunch of hot coffee, sandwiches, doughnuts, etc.

The first anniversary of the Y. P. S. of C. E. was celebrated on Wednesday eve last, May 29. Delegations were present from Newport, North Gage, Russia, each bringing a very favorable report. The church was very beautifully decorated for the occasion and every thing passed off very pleasantly.

Childrens day will be observed at the Baptist church one week from Sunday eve, June 16. Quite an interest is being manifested in making it a success, so come out and enjoy a pleasant and profitable evening.


Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 20 Feb 1890

Russia, Feb. 19 - Jonathan Clark, who is living with his sister, Mrs. John Smith, had a slight shock of paralysis a short time ago but is about again.

Russians to the number of 27 attended the Baptist donation at North Gage last week.

C. D. Monroe of Oneida county, lecturer of the state grange, gave a lecture here a short time ago and organized a grange with 16 charter members.

Dr. W. D. Russell of Forestport gave his parents a flying visit last week.

Poland, Feb 19 - miss Edith Pardee of Newport was the guest of Carrie Knights last week.

Large quantities of very fine quality of ice are being taken from the "Mud Turtle pond," near George Salisbury's and shipped by railroad to Middleville and other towns on the H. N. and P. railroad.

The "box social" held in the Baptist church parlors on Friday evening last was a decided success but was not as largely attended as it would have been, but for the very inclement weather.

The Y. P. S. C. E. meeting on Sunday evening was largely attended and the topic being temperance the meeting was interspersed with a few recitations, readings and anthems. The meeting nest Sunday evening will be consecration meeting led by Miss Bessie M. Newman.

Whooping cough and measles are prevalent.

Several here have the measles.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 27 Feb 1890

Russia, Feb 26 - M. E. donation held at Cold Brook the 12th inst., proved a success, the receipts being $96.57.

W. B. Russell and family of New Hartford are visiting relatives and friends here.

The W. H. and F. M. society of the Baptist church will hold its annual meeting for the selection of officers at Mis Henrietta Barker's Saturday, March 1.

Mrs. J. H. Russell visited her mother Mrs. Caroline Knights, at Poland last week.

Russia grange, No. 630, initiated three new members Saturday evening.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 6 Mar 1890

Grant, Mar. 5 - Walter Carpenter Bro't the first maple sugar and syrup to market Tuesday.

Mrs. G. Johnson suffered an attack of influenza last week but is convalescing at this writing.

Ed Hicks and wife have engaged to work for Ed Wilkinson at Wilmurt the coming summer.

Peter Cramer and family have moved from the Garlock farm to the house of his mother.

Burt Conover returned Saturday from Sloansville where he has engaged to work a large farm. He will move his family there this week.

Russia, Mar. 5 - The following is the report of the Russia union school for the winter term closing March 6. Number of names on the rool, 40; average attendance, 27; total number of days taught, 59; most reular attendant, Edwin Topper, 59 days; second, Wm. Hopkins, 57 days. Class reports leaders and seconds in standing: A grammar, Jennie Moore, Delbert Irwin; B Grammar, Jennie Wood, Minnie Santimer [probably should be Santmier]; A geography, William Hopkins, John Prindle; B geography, Arthur Knights, jennie Jones; U. S. History, Grey Carpenter, Wallace Barker; A arithmetic, Jennie Moore, Delbert Irwin; B arithmetic, William Farber, Minnie Santimer [probably should be Santmier]; physiology, John Prindle, WAllace Barker; A spelling, Jennie Moore, Ernest Russell; B spelling, Arthur Knights, Ethel Jones. Spring term opens March 24. - W. O. Allen, Teacher

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 13 Mar 1890

Russia, Mar 12 - Nathan Bly of Dakota, formerly of Gray, arrived here last week, giving his friends quite a surprise.

This Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock occurs the marriage of George Forrest and Miss Helen McArthur, both of [illegible]. Congratulations.

Miss Nellie Russell will lead the young people's meeting next Sunday evening.

D. D. Irwin left last Monday for Little Falls where he will assts Dr. A. O. Douglass the coming season. He has the kind wishes of his many friends.

Mrs. G. W. Laraway and four of her children have the measles.

Arthur Lanning is to assist N. W. Irwin in the manufacture of cheese at Newville the coming season.

Smith Halladay is on the sick list this week.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 10 Apr 1890,

Russia, Apr. 6 - Rev. H. Casler preached his last sermon here last Sunday for this conference year.

No preaching here next Sunday. Sabbath school at 1 P. M.

On Saturday March 29, the home and foreign missionary society of the Baptist church gave a tea social at Mrs. N. M. Moon's. About seventy five persons were present and all enjoyed the occasion exceedingly well.

The ladies of the M. E. church gave an ice cream and sugar festival in the town hall Tuesday evening, April 1. It was a decided success both socially and financially. Net proceeds $24.21.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 24 Apr 1890

Russia, April 23 - George Lankton and wife have been visiting Mrs. Lankton's parents at Gray.

A. O. Allen our school teacher, spent Sunday with his parents at Floyd.

[illegible] and Miss Jennie Moore are teaching school at Poland.

The home and foreign missionary society of the Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Matilda Moore Saturday afternoon.

The young people's meeting will be led next Sunday evening by W. S. Carpenter.

The Y. P. S. C. E. will give a social in the Town hall Friday evening, April 25.

L. E. Wood, master of Russia grange, was chosen delegate to the meeting of the state executive committee held at Little Falls last Saturday to consider the question of establishing a trade house in the county.

Northwood, April 23 - Messrs. Rathbone & Co. have leased the cheese factory on the David Roberts fram. The product of 100 cows is already pledged. Operations began the 21st inst.

The dwelling of Anthony Brunison, at Twin Rock bridge, was burned with all its contents, in the absence of the family on Friday afternoon. No insurance.

Mrs. Savanna Worden died at the home of her son, Peter Worden, Wheelertown on Saturday, aged 89 years. The funeral occurred at 1 o'clock on Monday.

Ample accommodations for man and beast can now be obtained at reasonable rates at Aug. Odit's new hostelry.

An interesting feature of Northwood social life are the frequent informal muscial concerts held in the rooms of our popular and lively young merchants and musicians Champlin and Jarvis.

The family of Elias Wheeler has moved into the house formerly occupied by Mr.s Schaff.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 1 May 1890

Russia, April 30 - Mrs. McArthur, who has been confined to her bed nearly all winter, is abel to be out again.

Richard Miller sustained quite a severe injury to one of his arms one day last week while unloading timber.

Mrs. P. L. Carptenter is suffering from erysipelas in the face.

The home and foreign missionary society will hold its next meeting at Mrs. E. Pardee's May 7.

Another wedding is talked of.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 5 Jun 1890

Russia, June 4 - Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Santmier of Salisbury were called here last [illegible] to attend the funeral of Henry Strobel, Mr. Santmier's father [this is as written... probably should be Mrs. Santmier's father].

C. E. Wood was called to Stratford Fulton county to attend the funeral of his father last week.

O. S. Stephens of Trenton was a pleasant caller one day last week.

The church service will be at 2 P. M. next Sunday. Rev. Stillwell of Newport will occupy the pulpit.

Young people's meeting will be led next Sunday evening by Miles Moore.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 19 Jun 1890

Russia, June 18 - Several from here attended the convention of district stewards of the M. E. church at Mohawk last week; also the meeting of the Baptist association at Frankfort.

T. L. Carpenter, wife and little girl are all under the care of Dr. Longshore.

W. B. Moore of Hamilton is spending vacation at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Miles Moore attended the metting of the Baptist association at Frankfort last week and were most agreeably surprised upon meeting their son Frank of Kansas City, who has been absent two years.

Mrs. F. A. and Mrs. J. A. Russell visited relatives in New Hartford last week.

The woman's home and foreign missionary society of the M. E. church will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. E. H. Knights Friday, June 20.

Misses Emma Logan and Mary Lanning and H. Bromley have been appointed delegates to the Y. P. S. C. E. conference to be held at Herkimer June 25.

W. S. Carpetner will lead the young people's meeting next Sunday evening.

All who are interested in the matter of clearing up the stone cemetery near Gravesville are requested to meet on Friday, June 20, for that purpose. It is also hoped that the date for cleaning the union church, June 24, will be remembered and a hearty response made to the invitation.

Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 3 Jul 1890

Russia, July 2 - Mr. and Mrs. John Woler[?] are visitin friends at Trenton.

Miss Henrietta Barker is visitinf friends in Jefferson county.

David Pierce of Utica is the guest of miles Moore and family

Miss Kate Topper will lead the young people's meeting next Sunday evening.

Those wishing instruction in perspective and model drawing will do well to see Miss E. H. Barnes who has just returned from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn.

Mrs. R. D. Williams is under the care of Dr. Longshore.

Commissioner Alger of Boonville was here on Sunday last and succeeded in selling the Champion road machine which has been on trial here for some [??] part. We shall expect good roads now.

Pardeeville, June 18 - Miss Kate Hicks and Miss Ella Horn of Little Falls are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ash.

Claude, little son of Will Ash, is very sick with pneumonia.

Ed Wells has just completed a fine new boat for E. Dicker.

Walter Carpenter is building a new still and will soon be ready to treat persons afflicted with chronic rheumatism.

John McArthur is being instructed by N. K. Waring how to manufacture split bamboo fly rods.

James Hickland had the misfortune to cut his left hand on a scythe Friday. Fortunately Miss Florence Bassett stopped the flow of blood until Dr. G. C. Morey could be summoned, when the wound was dressed and the patient is doing as well as possible. H. W. Jones, our popular flymaker, has been studying for a long time to perfect a fly that would attract a trout anywhere near and now has one and given it a fair trial, and found it complete. Persons wishing to test it should address H. W. Jones, Grant, N.Y..

Northwood, June 18 - Patrons of the Roberts cheese factory are pleased with the results of the industry. The factory is turning out six cheeses per day and satisfactory contracts have been secured.

Messrs. Rausbault and Matthews of New York have bought the property of Luzerne Ingersoll, possession to be had March 1. The farm wil be fitted up for a summer residence, and building will proceed at once.

One of our most active Christian workers is William Withers, of the northern part of the town who, besides following his regular business of farmer, conducts successfully three Sabbath schools at Bellingertown, Wheelertown and Ninety-six Corners, traveling many miles each Sabbath to his appointments. Last Sabbath the schools of Ninety-six and Wheelertown united in celebrating children's day at the former place. The gathering was large, and the exercises were greatly enjoyed.

Mrs. Bullock of Gray is stopping with her daughter, Mrs. August Odit.


Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 12 May 1892


In memory of Albert Swezey, born in the town of Newport, April 17, 1813, died in Cold Brook, March 17, 1892, aged 78 years and 11 months. In a little less than two months after the death of his dear wife, whose absence he so keenly felt, he went to join the blood washed, where sickness and sorrow is unknown and parting never comes. Albert Swezey was the son of John and Laura Swezey, the oldest of six children and but one, Daniel of Chautauqua, surviving him. Father Swezey having lived within a short distance of Cold Brook all his life, was well known as one of the landmarks of our community. He was born within a few rods of the spot where his grandfather, who came from Long Island settled, and built one of the first log cabins, the farm having been owned by the Swezey family for a great many years. The grandfather and many of his descendents were buried on the farm which is still known as the Swezey cemetery. Here Mr. Swezey spent his boyhood days, it being his father's home. At the age of twenty years he experienced religion at Norway during a series of revival meetings held at the village by Elder Knapp, a Baptist minister. He soon joined the Presbyterian church at Norway. March 7, 1838, he was united in marriage with Mary A. Rathbun of Newport which union continued for fifty five years. They being of an energetic and careful turn of mind, they began early to accumulate property. After having worked a farm near his father's for two years, he and a brother purchased a piece of land north of the village of Cold Brook, which after some changes became what is now known as the Swezey farm on which they lived for forty one years, accumulating considerable property. While engaged in worldly pursuits they did not forget their religious duties. The church and the family altar was held sacred and maintained from early life to the day of his death. His church home, continued with the Presbyterians, though he changed localities several times. When he moved to Cold Brook they united with Russia. When that society broke up he moved his relation to North Gage which continued until his death. The last few years were spent in a pleasant home in the village of Cold Brook, where in retired life he and his companion spent many happy days. They celebrated their 50th marriage anniversary four years ago, at which all their fmaily and many relatives and friends were present. That home circle, so strong apparently, has been broken, Father and mother gone, while their three children John R., Mary J. and Esther E., are left to mourn.

    "Two less at home
        A sense of loss that meets us at the gate;
    A place unfilled and deso
        And far away our coming to await
    Two more in Heaven.

Father Swezey, apparently so strong for a man of his years, continued as usual after the death of his wife, except very deep grief over the loss of his companion. A few days before his death he was somewhat indisposed, but none thought him seriously sick. The writer called on him on Monday, found him sitting in his chair, conversed with him freely about his wife and how much he missed her, after which we kenlt together in prayer into which he entered heartily and seemed revived. Tuesday evening he was taken worse. Keeping his bed during Wednesday he continued poorly Thursday but sat up about noon to be shaved. At three o'clock he was taken worse and at four o'clock he passed away. His request was that the funeral might be as near the same as that of his dear companion as possible, which was complied with. The funeral was held at the house Monday, March 21, the writer using 1 Cor. 15:57 as the boundation of his remarks. His remains were laid beside his companion in the cemetery at Poland to wait the resurrection morn.


Source: The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 30 Oct 1895

Cold Brook

Quarterly meeting services will be held at the Methodist church next Sunday morning: quarterly conference at 6 o'clock Saturday evening.

Revival meetings continue at the M. E. church this week. Rev. T. A. Stevens of Keuka college will give an illustrated talk on Tuesday evening upon "The Spiritual Thermomenter." Rev. W. F. Markham will preach on Saturday evening and Sunday morning.

Mrs. E. McVoy, after a week's stay at her home in this place, has returned to Little Falls.

Mrs. E. E. Carpenter has returned home after spending a fe days with relatives at Holland Patent.

Mrs. S. Lawton will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. L. Conkling.

A. B. Coonradt and wife, and T. Ouderkirk and wife of Gray spent a portion of last week at Beaver Falls. As a result of their trip they brought home a fine deer shot by Mr. Coonradt.

Fred Payne continues very poorly.

E. W. Gorton, the evangelist, who conducted meetings here for the past three weeks, left Saturday for Carthage, where he is conducting a series of meetings.

Alma Comstock is suffering from a diphtheretic sore throat.

Mrs. L. Conkling has been confined to the house several days by illness.

John McVoy, for several years overseer of Butler Lake, died at the residence of his brother, P. McVoy, Sunday.

Miss Mattie Dupont of Morehouseville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Borden.

The piano recital, given by Edward Elliott of Utica school of music, at Dr. Longshore's Friday evening was a very pleasant affair. About 50 music loving people enjoyed the entertainment. Although the selections were principally classical, they were mostly of such a lively movement as to be enjoyed by all. Seldom are we permitted to listen to one so well skilled in the art of piano playing, and it is to be hoped that we may be favored with a similar entertainment in the near future.


Rev. T. A. Stevens of Keuka, acting pastor of the F. W. Baptist church, will give an illustrated talk at the Baptist church Sunday evening entitled "Spritual Thermometers." Let everybody go and hear it.

Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Berger of Gettysburg, Pa., gave a very demonstrative prohibition lecture at the Baptist church. Mr. Berger was very enthusiastic over his theme and made quite a sensation.

Monday evening Rev. W. P. F. Furguson of the First Presbyterian church of Whitesboro, gave a clean, bright lecture at the Baptist church, also on the subject of prohibition. The sentiments of the two speakers being were similar.

Anyone desirous of having their photgraphs taken can be accommodated just now by going to the gallery located between the Poland bank and Lulu Newberry's millinery establishment on Mill street where you get 10 for a quarter, also remember that Gibbon Bros., of Utica will be at their gallery here in the rear of the barbershop Monday.

Will Prindle has returned from his hunting expedition and treated his numerous friends to some of the best venison steak we ever ate. Thanks, Will, go again.

J. C. Knights, after eight and half years service in the Poland Union, has resigned his position to accept a more lucrative one in Herkimer, to which place he goes next Monday.

Fred A. Smith and wife of Waterville were calling on relatives and friends in town one day last week.

C. S. Millington and family of Herkimer spent Sunday at the old homestead.

Milton Howe is in New York this week on business.

Fenton Howe has had a light attack of biliotus fever, but is better at this writing.

Carrie Knights visited her friend, Miss Booth, at Prospect the fore part of the week.

Prof. Martindale of Cold Brook was the guest of Prof. Davis Sunday.

Jerome Smith and wife of Hinckley visited in town on Monday.

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Copyright © 2003 Lisa K. Slaski/ Martha S. Magill