Profile and Obit of
Daniel Williams Resident of Russia, NY
The Daniel Williams family information and obituary were gracious contributed by Dan Rathbun!
Obituary of Daniel WILLIAMS
(1782 CT - 22 DEC 1842 IL)
Published in January 1843 in an unknown newspaper or periodical, cut out and pasted into the
Williams family Bible, now in the possession (2003) of Richard Williams Burke of St. Louis, Mo.
"In Galesburg, Knox county, Ill. on the 22d ult., of inflamation of the lungs, Mr. DANIEL WILLIAMS, in the 60th year of his age.
*handwritten "1842"*
Mr. Williams was born in Connecticut, and came with his father, deacon Asahel Williams, to Exeter, Otsego county, N.Y., who is supposed
still to reside there at the advanced age of nearly 90 years. Mr. Williams married Miss Martha Morse,
of Burlington, Otsego county, N. York, and soon after removed to the town of Russia, Herkimer
county, then a new country, where he continued to reside until he came to Illinois in the
summer of 1839. Mr. Williams was distinguished for sound judgment and independence of mind.
By his enterprise, industry, and frugal habits, he arose to comparative wealth; and his upright
and moral deportment secured for him general respect and confidence.
Though not until recently a professor of religion, he always maintained a high regard for
religious institutions, took a lively interest in sustaining a preached gospel in his town, and
made his home the home of ministers and religious people. The influence of his early
education was shown, not only in these respects, but also in the fact that he was often the
subject of religious impressions. But it was not till the year 1840 in a revival in
Galesburg, that he truly embraced the Saviour as he thought, and came out on the side of the
Lord. He soon after united with the visible church, erected the family alter, and walked in
the ordinances of the Lord. For the last year his firm health and vigorous constitution had been
somewhat impaired by an aflection of the lungs. He attended very assiduously upon his daughter,
Mrs. Gale, during her illness, and for the last two nights she was with us he took no rest.
Mrs. Gale died about six o'clock on Sabbath evening, Dec. 11th. After her death he returned
with Mrs. Williams to his home under deep affliction. During the night he was seized with a
chill, which was soon followed by signs of delirium. His disease proved to be an inflammation of
the lungs, which no remedies could remove. He was apprehensive from the commencement, that it
would be his last sickness, and he made arrangement of his worldly affairs accordingly.--
His mind was composed in view of death; and as the world receded, and his eyes rested more
steadfastly upon the realities of the future, the manifestations of his faith and hope were
more interesting. The glories of the Saviour, and the spiritual interests of others, occupied
both his lucid and wandering moments during the last hours of his life.
For the righteous who thus die in hope, we need not mourn; but the loss of surviving friends
is a demand upon our sympathy and prayers. In this case especially will this demand, in behalf
of the aged and infirm widow and a little grand-daughter, who remain to occupy that house
alone, after two such bereavements, not fail to be appreciated by their numerous christian
friends.-- [Communicated.]"
[* Notes by Dan Rathbun, transcriber, June 2003]
* the abbrev. "ult." for ultimo [from Latin - ultimus "last"] ultimo defined as: "in the
month preceding the current one" (Webster's Dictionary)
* the "little grand-daughter" refers to Martha Williams COON, daughter of Dr. David COON Jr. (b
1802, died 29 JAN 1834 Russia NY) & Esther (WILLIAMS) COON-GALE (died December 11,1842 Galesburg, IL).
Martha was born at Russia, Herkimer Co., NY circa 1832; living in 1880 census at Chicago, Cook Co.,
IL [Film T9-199, pg 281B] Martha Williams COON married June 13, 1857 at Galesburg, IL to Thomas
Scott PHILLIPS, born Phillipsburg, Orange Co., NY on September 14, 1823; and he died at Chicago, IL on
April 21, 1886. He was the son of William & Sarah (EVERTSON) PHILLIPS. Martha and Thomas had 2
daughters in their home in the 1880 census, viz: Harriet G., born IL 1862/63; Bertha, born IL 1870/71.
* Daniel WILLIAMS, of whom is the subject of the above obituary, is found in the US Federal Census
at Russia, Herkimer Co., NY for the years, 1810, 1820, 1830. He removed to Galesburg, Knox Co.,
IL in 1839 and is found in the US Federal census there for the year 1840. His widowed daughter
Esther and her daughter Martha Williams COON went with him and his wife Martha (MORSE) to
Galesburg. Esther married there (2nd) to Rev. George Washington GALE (as his 2nd wife) September 14, 1840.
George and Esther had 1 son, Henry Williams GALE, born 1841, died 1842.
* Daniel WILLIAMS - family group
Daniel, born 1782 in/near Lebanon, New London Co., CT; son of Asahel WILLIAMS & Esther DEWEY.
Married 180_, Burlington, Otsego Co., NY, to Martha MORSE, born 1785, Preston, New
London Co., CT, daughter of ? STEPHEN MORSE.
Daniel and Martha WILLIAMS removed to Russia, Herkimer Co., NY and had:
i. Esther WILLIAMS, born Russia, NY, December 8, 1809; married (1): David COON Jr, M.D. married (2) Rev. George W. GALE
ii. Sherman WILLIAMS, born Russia, NY, April 15, 1811, died at Lincoln, Dallas Co., IA, June 6, 1885; buried in Galesburg, IL; married North Stonington, New London Co., CT, October 18, 1831 to Sarah Manwaring BRADLEY (6 MAY 1807-12 MAR 1888)
iii. Ann WILLIAMS, born and died at Russia, NY (aged 18 months)
iv. Mary Ann WILLIAMS, born Russia, NY, June 1818; died at Russia, NY, June 1832
On December 22, 1842, Daniel WILLIAMS died at Galesburg, Knox Co., Illinois
On March 1, 1849, Martha (MORSE) WILLIAMS died at Galesburg, Illinois.