The Hamilton Child Company of Syracuse, New York produced directories of New York counties for 1869. These directories are useful in conjunction with the 1870 US census, and are available at many New York State libraries and historical societies either in print or on microfilm. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there. In transcribing this material we have kept the original spelling and punctuation.
From Gazetteer and Business Directory of Herkimer County, N.Y. 1869-70 published by Hamilton Child & Co., Syracuse, NY 1869 ( post office addresses in parentheses ) |
Abel, George W. | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 230 |
Allen, Clark P. | (Russia) | dairyman and farmer 200; buried in Century Cemetery |
Allen, John M. | (Cold Brook) | prop. of Cold Brook Mills, and dealer in flour, feed and grain |
Andrew, S.N. | (Poland) | assesssor, breeder of Yorkshire swine, Bronze turkeys, Bramah and white dorkin hens, and Bramah and white China geese, also dairyman and farmer 121 |
Andrews, T.L. | (Cold Brook) | wagon, carriage and sleigh manuf. |
Arnold, Thomas | (Poland) | farmer 87 |
Arthur, Robert | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer leases 100 |
Avery, Anson J. | (Grant) | allo. physician and surgeon |
Ayres, Jason | (Poland) | farmer 18 |
Backus, John | (Grant) | farmer 333 |
Backus, Peter | (Grant) | carpenter and joiner |
Baker, E.A. Mrs. | (Cold Brook) | with Miss Mary Newberry, farmer 36 |
Baker, Maynard | (Cold Brook) | farmer |
Baker, Orlando | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | dairyman and farmer 156 |
Baker, William C. | (Cold Brook) | |
Ballou, Theodore P. | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | Hinckley & Ballou |
Bargon, John | (Trenton Falls, Oneida Co.) | farmer 20 1/2 |
Barhite, Horace | (Grant) | with Peter, farmer |
Barhite, Peter | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 236 |
Barker, B.G. | (Russia) | clerk, Russia Union Store |
Barker, Gorham | (Russia) | with James, farmer 162 |
Barker, James | (Russia) | with Gorham, farmer 162 |
Barker, J.M. | (Poland) | machinist and farmer 1 1/2 |
Barker, Peter | (Cold Brook) | mason |
Barwell, Henry | (Poland) | tailor |
Bassett, Elisha | (Gravesville) | farmer 1 |
Beebe, James | (Poland) | post master and boot and shoe maker; in Swezey-Bromley Cemetery |
Beecher, Isaac | (Russia) | prop. of cheese factory and farmer 330 |
Bennet, Peter W. | (Grant) | farmer 138 |
Benson, John | (Cold Brook) | dairyman, farmer 10 and leases of Wm. Sweezey, 200 |
Benson, John G. | (Cold Brook) | school teacher |
Berner, William | (Poland) | shoe maker and farmer 14 |
Bickford, Joseph | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer 55 |
Bickford, Owen | (Grant) | farmer, leases 60 |
Biebow, Rudolph | (Poland) | dealer in stoves, pumps, copper, tin and sheet iron ware |
Bills, Ebenezer | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 124 |
Bills, Henry | (Gravesville) | prop. of grist mill, saw mill cheese box factory, wagon and carriage factory, manuf. of scale boards and dealer in dry goods, groceries &c. |
Bills, Orrin L. | (Gravesville) | dairyman and farmer leases of J.S. Clark, 75 |
Birdsall, George | (Trenton, Oneida Co.) | agent for Birdsall & Weeks, lumber manufs. and farmer 1100 |
Blue, Archibald | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 230 |
Booth, Elihu N. | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer, estate of Elihu Booth (deceased) 280 |
Borden, Waterman | (Cold Brook) | farmer 75 |
Bousfield, C. | (Grant) | with Miss Sarah, farmer 125 |
Bousfield, Sarah Miss | (Grant) | with C., farmer 125 |
Brant, Peter | (Grant) | farmer 100 |
Brown, John & Co. | (Grant) | J.V.R. and T.T. Brown, props. of Grant and Pardieville tanneries |
Brown, J.V.R. | (Grant) | John Brown & Co. |
Brown, T.T. | (Grant) | John Brown & Co. |
Buck, Charles D. | (Poland) | dairyman and farmer leases of Wm. Buck, 140 |
Buck, Lyman H. | (Cold Brook) | dairyman and farmer leases of William Buck, 270 |
Buck, William | (Cold Brook) | dairyman and farmer 680 |
Bullock, Charles B. | (Cold Brook) | blacksmith |
Burlingame, Peter | (Grant) | farmer 11 |
Burt, Horace | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer 75 |
Butler, Morris | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 100; buried in Century Cemetery |
Campbell, Dugald | (Grant) | farmer 154 |
Campbell, Malcolm | (Grant) | farmer 97 |
Campbell, Rozell | (Grant) | with Mrs. Sophia, farmer 105 |
Campbell, Sophia Mrs. | (Grant) | with Rozell, farmer 105 |
Carpenter, Charles | (Grant) | with Walter, farmer 75 |
Carpenter, Daniel | (Cold Brook) | harness maker |
Carpenter, Daniel | (Grant) | farmer 4 |
Carpenter, F.F. | (Cold Brook) | mason and harness maker |
Carpenter, L.A. | (Russia) | dairyman and farmer leases of A. Coon, 280 |
Carpenter, Lebbeus S. | (Russia) | farmer 116 |
Carpenter, Levi F. | (Russia) | insurance agent; possibly buried in Century Cemetery |
Carpenter, Oney | (Cold Brook) | cooper |
Carpenter, Walter | (Grant) | with Charles, farmer 75 |
Carruthers, William | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 360 |
Caruthers, Henry | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 160 |
Case, Wheeler | (Poland) | manuf. and patentee of the folding boot jack |
Cave, William | (Poland) | manuf. of pump logs |
Clark, J.S. | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | assessor, prop. of stone quarry, dairyman and farmer 310 |
Clemmons, A. | (Cold Brook) | farmer 14 |
Clemmons, Chester | (Poland) | blacksmith and farmer 11 |
Clemmons, David | (Cold Brook) | carriage ironing |
Cold Brook Union Store | (Cold Brook) | L.A. Fretts, agent |
Combs, George E. | (Grant) | farmer 82 and (with Jacob E.) 250 |
Combs, Jacob E. | (Grant) | school teacher, farmer 82 and (with George E.) 250 |
Congdon, Byron N. | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | dairyman and farmer 63 |
Conkling, Henry S. | (Grant) | lumber manuf. and farmer 8 |
Cook, Henry | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer leases 100 |
Coonradt, John G. | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 177 |
Cooper, Charles | (Cold Brook) | farmer 220 |
Coppernoll, William | (Grant) | post master, prop. of grist mill and general merchant |
Corey, John P. | (Gravesville) | carpenter and joiner |
Countryman, John | (Poland) | carpenter and joiner and apiarian |
Countryman, John H. | (Poland) | agent for Poland Tannery |
Countryman, Peter | (Herkimer) | prop. of Poland Tannery |
Countryman, Webster A. | (Poland) | house painter |
Cramer, Geo. N. | (Grant) | farmer 84 and leases from Mrs. M. Cramer, 88 |
Cramer, Maranda Mrs. | (Grant) | farmer 88 |
Creusway, Jacob | (Grant) | prop. of saw mill and farmer 50 |
Cronk, S.E. | (Grant) | farmer 84 |
Cruse, Patrick | (Gravesville) | farmer 140 |
Cummings, Abijah P. | (Trenton Falls, Oneida Co.) | with Mrs. Electa, farmer 116 |
Cummings, Electa Mrs. | (Trenton Falls, Oneida Co.) | farmer 46 and (with Abijah P. Cummings) 116 |
Cunningham, C.C. | (Gravesville) | blacksmith |
Davenport, J.L. | (Grant) | farmer 118 |
Davis, Jacob I. | (Cold Brook) | farmer 25 |
Davis, Lewis | (Grant) | farmer 50 |
Delavan, Walter | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | dairyman and farmer 436 1/4 |
Deesbrough, George A. | (Gravesville) | Reynolds & Deesbrough |
Devenport, John | (Grant) | farmer 98 |
Devenport, William | (Grant) | farmer 160 |
Dicker, Rodger | (Grant) | with Thomas, dairyman and farmer leases of William Dicker, 264 |
Dicker, Thomas | (Grant) | with Rodger, dairyman and farmer leases of Wm. Dicker, 264 buried in Century Cemetery |
Dicker, William | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 664 buried in Century Cemetery |
Dicky, Robert | (Cold Brook) | farmer leaes of R. Borden, 25 |
Dodge, Lewis | (Gravesville) | farmer 156 |
Dodson, John | (Grant) | dairyman, farmer 50 and leaes of N. Pooler, 108 |
Dodson, William | (Cold Brook) | dairyman and farmer leaes of B.R. Collins, 132 |
Dorn, Peter A. | (Russia) | farmer 54 |
Dorn, Sarah Mrs. | (Grant) | farmer 126 |
Downer, A.B. | (Trenton Falls, Oneida Co.) | dairyman and farmer 115 |
Du Bois, M.V. | (Gravesville) | fairyman and farmer leases of Samuel Hinckley, 127 |
Dutcher, Hiram | (Cold Brook) | farmer 10 |
Dyer, S.B. | (Grant) | prop. of saw mill and farmer 40 |
Dygert, John | (Cold Brook) | farmer 136 buried in Century Cemetery |
Dygert, Jonas | (Cold Brook) | farmer 8 |
Dygert, Willis | (Cold Brook) | farmer 61 |
Eaton, Volney | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | prop. of cheese factory and farmer 200 |
Emery, William H. | (Grant) | weaver and farmer 100 |
Ensmenger, Christian | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer 8 |
Evans, Evan | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer leases of George Watkins 192 |
Evans, Griffith | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 85 buried in Century Cemetery |
Evans, Richard | (Trenton Falls, Oneida Co.) | carpenter and builder, sash, door and blind factory and farmer 2 |
Fahey, George W. | (Russia) | with Mrs. Lovina, dairyman and farmer 119 |
Fahey, Lovina Mrs. | (Russia) | with Geo. W., dairyman and farmer 119 |
Fanning, Johnson E. | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer 100 |
Fenner, Augustus R. | (Cold Brook) | manuf. of Fenner's self-adjusting saw set |
Fenner, George W. | (Cold Brook) | dairyman and farmer 189 |
Fenner, Henry | (Cold Brook) | farmer 27 |
Fenner, J.G. | (Cold Brook) | J.G. & H.B. Fenner, farmer 22 |
Fenner, J.G. & H.B. | (Cold Brook) | wagon and carriage manufs. |
Fenner, Waterman | (Cold Brook) | farmer 200 |
Ferris, C.S. | (Russia) | with F.S., dairyman and farmer leases from T.H. Ferris, 360 |
Ferris, F.S. | (Russia) | with C.S., dairyman and farmer leases from T.H. Ferris, 360 |
Ferris, T.H. | (Russia) | farmer 360 |
Fields, William | (Cold Brook) | farmer leases of E. Walker, 172 may be buried in Century Cemetery |
Fisher, James | (Gravesville) | dairyman, farmer 30 and leases of Albert Graves, 30 |
Fisher, John A. | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 180 |
Fitzwilliams, James | (Grant) | tanner |
Forrest, Mark | (Russia) | dairyman and farmer 270 |
Forrest, William | (Russia) | farmer 150 |
Forrest, William Jr. | (Russia) | farmer 50 |
Fowler, Thomas | (Grant) | carpenter and joiner and farmer 9 1/2 |
Fowler, Wm. H. | (Cold Brook) | cabinet maker and farmer 12 |
Fraling, Conradt | (Grant) | farmer 50 |
France, Jacob | (Cold Brook) | dairyman and farmer 128 |
Franklin, Oliver | (Poland) | photographer |
Fretts, L.A. | (Cold Brook) | agent, Cold Brook Union Store |
Garlock, Hiram | (Grant) | farmer 2 |
Garlock, William H. | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 200 |
Gates, Clarence | (Cold Brook) | farmer 25 |
Gay, John | (Grant) | farmer 96 |
Graves, Albert H. | (Gravesville) | farmer 30 |
Graves, Frederick | (Gravesville) | dairyman and farmer 110 |
Graves, Horace | (Grant) | prop. of hotel and farmer 16 |
Graves, Newton | (Gravesville) | physician and farmer 3 |
Graves, Solomon | (Gravesville) | farmer 41 |
Graves, William G. | (Gravesville) | farmer 170 |
Griffin, John | (Cold Brook) | farmer leases 16 |
Griffith, Robert | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer leases 130 |
Hall, John | (Russia) | farmer 395 may be buried in Century Cemetery |
Halladay, Reuben | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | dairyman and farmer 209 |
Halladay, Sherman S. | (Russia) | with Solomon, farmer 155 |
Halladay, Solomon | (Russia) | dairyman and farmer 155 |
Hallady, Reuben M. | (Cold Brook) | farmer 100 |
Hane, Peter H. | (Grant) | farmer 35 |
Hawks, John | (Grant) | farmer leases 126 |
Haylett, Stephen | (Cold Brook) | carpenter |
Hemstreet, Alva | (Grant) | farmer 31 |
Hemstreet, James | (Poland) | allo. physician and surgeon |
Hemstreet, John | (Poland) | with Gideon Terry, dairyman and farmer 108 |
Hemstreet, John J. | (Grant) | butcher and farmer 1 |
Hicks, Daniel | (Grant) | farmer 83 |
Hicks, Garardus | (Grant) | farmer 82 |
Hicks, Peter | (Grant) | farmer 85 |
Higgins, Franklin | (Cold Brook) | carpenter |
Higgins, Joseph B. | (Cold Brook) | carpeter and joiner |
Hinckley & Ballou | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | Gardner Hinckley and Theodore P. Ballou, wholesale dealers in planed and matched spruce flooring and shingles, hemlock fence boards, joice and plank, cherry and ash lumber, planed spruce clap boards, mouldings, battens, broom handles, pickets, lath, &c., Gang Mills |
Hinckley, Gardner | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | Hinckley & Ballou |
Hinckley, Samuel | (Gravesville) | dairyman, farmer 127 and leases of Gardner HInckley, 258 |
Hinman, M.C. | (Gravesville) | manuf. of and dealer in all kinds of furniture, and lumber manuf. |
Hoag, Isaac | (Cold Brook) | farmer 130 buried in Century Cemetery |
Hoes, Isaac | (Grant) | farmer 70 |
Hofmann, Francis | (Grant) | farmer 250 |
Hofmann, Joseph | (Grant) | farmer 100 |
Holladay, Roland | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer 10 |
Holladay, Solomon | (Russia) | farmer leases of William Williams, 120 |
Horn, Cornus | (Cold Brook) | farmer 75 |
Horn, Henry L. | (Cold Brook) | carpenter and joiner |
Hosmer, S.I. | (Grant) | blacksmith |
Houghton, Elijah estate of | (Grant) | 150 acres buried in Century Cemetery |
Howard, J.S. | (Grant) | dairyman and farmer 216 |
Howe, Elizabeth Mrs. | (Russia) | farmer 32 |
Hubbard, Solon | (Gravesville) | carding and cloth dressing and farmer 16 |
Hubbard, Theodore M. | (Gravesville) | spring bed manuf. |
Hughs, John J. | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | dairyman and farmer leases of John Merriman, 104 |
Humphrey, John R. | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | dairyman and farmer leases of Isaac Myers, 85 |
James Brothers | (Grant) | Thomas and Gomer, general merchants |
James, Gomer | (Grant) | James Brothers |
James, Philip | (Grant) | saw and lath mill |
James, Thomas | (Grant) | James Brothers |
Jarvis, James | (Cold Brook) | mechanic and farmer 22 1/2 |
Johnson, Herman I. | (Gravesville) | collector and farmer leases of Nathan Johnson, 144 |
Johnson, Thomas | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer 120 |
Jones, John D. | (Grant) | farmer leases 246 |
Jones, Nathaniel D. | (Poland) | harness maker |
Jones, Thomas S. | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer 190 |
Kelligh, Michael | (Cold Brook) | farmer 1 |
Kellogg, Alva | (Russia) | farmer 80 |
King, Lester S. | (Russia) | farmer 32 wife buried in Century Cemetery |
Kneaskern, John R. | (Grant) | farmer 50 |
Kneaskern, Peter | (Grant) | farmer 53 |
Kohler, Philip | (Poland) | farmer 15 |
Lane, Edward | (Prospect, Oneida Co.) | farmer 12 |
Lankton, Carlos | (Russia) | dealer in stoves, plows and hardware, and manuf. of tin and copper ware |
Lankton, Frank | (Gravesville) | clerk Gravesville Store |
Lankton, J.B. | (Russia) | farmer 93 |
Lanning, Conrad | (Russia) | mason and farmer 25 |
Lanning, John | (Russia) | dairyman and farmer 80 |
Lanning, Mark E. | (Russia) | farmer 174 |
Lanning, William B. | (Russia) | dairyman and farmer 122 |
Larned, Henry | (Poland) | with William H., dairyman and farmer 190 |
Larned, William H. | (Poland) | dairyman and farmer 190 |
Lee, Reuben | (Trenton Falls, Oneida Co.) | dairyman and farmer 248 |
Lloyd, Ann Mrs. | (Grant) | farmer 94 |
Lockwood, Ebenezer | (Grant) | farmer 48 |
Lockwood, Seeley | (Gravesville) | farmer 15 |
Loomer, Eber Rev. | (Russia) | pastor of Baptist Church and post master |
Lyon, Benjamin D. | (Herkimer) | with Elisha E., prop. of machine shop, dairyman, farmer 100 and leases 360 |
Lyon, Elisha E. | (Cold Brook) | with Benjamin D., prop. of machine shop, dairyman, farmer 100 and leases 360 |
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