Family Information
from the book
Russia Union Church, 110th Anniversary, 1820-1930
The family profiles below come from the small book "Russia Union Church, 110th Anniversary, 1820 - 1930." Jane Dieffenbacher, Fairfield Town Historian, will be transcribing the family profiles from the second half of this rare book over the course of the summer. The small Town of Russia is on the western half of Herkimer County and borders the Towns of Deerfield, Trenton and Remson in neighboring Oneida County and the Towns of Ohio, Newport and Norway within Herkimer County.
In the middle of the book is this notation. "The foregoing pages constitute the history of the Russia Union Church as far as can be ascertained. The history of some of the families connected with it have been compiled. Time and space will not permit to complete the family sketches in this booklet. To those who have graciously furnished material in any way we are grateful. Printed books, family Bibles, written records, documents, letters, papers and clippings have been used as sources of information by the author, Rev. Roger F. Williams."
William Allen, the son of Sylvanus and Lydia (Bryant) Allen, was born Jan. 3, 1777; married June, 1800, Aurel Brooks, born Sept. 8, 1781, died May 1, 1874, the daughter of Lemuel and Keziah (Haskell) Brooks of Enfield, Conn. William Allen was an early settler in Remsen, Oneida County, NY, where he settled on a farm one-fourth of a mile north of Fairchild Corners. He was one of the first Baptist Society formed in 1799 in Russia. He was the last of these original members on the Russia Church roll and the last to pass away as far as known. He traveled eight miles every Sunday to the church of his choice. He served in the War of 1812. William Allen died May 11, 1858. The children of William and Aurel (Brooks) Allen were:
- Amanda, born Sept. 12, 1801, died Apr. 26, 1881; married Schuyler Wheeler. Resided Trenton, NY. A daughter Eliza.
- Salome, born May 12, 1804, died Jan. 13, 1878; married Caleb Burrows. Resided Whitestown, NY. Buried at Oriskany, NY. They were Methodists. Their children were Julia A., Francis, Carrie, Wesley.
- Sarah, born Sept. 7, 1805, died July 18, 1881; married _____ Jones. Resided Trenton, NY.
- Luther, born April 12, 1807. Resided Verona, NY. and Bartlett, NY.
- Lydia, born Sept. 7, 1808; married, 1st, ____ Burrows; 2nd, Robert Stanclift. There were two Stanclift sons. They resided in Russia, Oriskany and Utica, NY.
- Elmira, born June 7, 1810; married Loren Sanderson. Two children. Resided Utica, NY.
- Amos, born Mar. 12, 1812; married Ann Bonner. 8. Lyman, born Oct. 27, 1813; died Mar. 10, 1831. 9. Lorinda, born Feb. 18, 1816; married _____ Lawrence. Resided in Floyd, NY. Their children were Lovina, Eliza Ann, George W.
- Lucy, born Jan.19, 1818; died Dec. 19, 1888. A Baptist. Married Oscar Loomis. Resided in Palmyra, Wayne County, NY.
- Rebecca, born July 9, 1820; married, 1st, Levi Colwell; 2nd, David Burrows. Resided Dix, Oneida County, NY. A daughter is Mrs. George E. West, New Hartford, NY.
- Lovina, born Nov. 19, 1821; died Apr. 23, 1911. Married July 3, 1846, William Cordell, M.D., a physician in Boonville, NY. They were members of the Baptist Church. Their children were William A., Charles F., Jennie A., Clara H. (Mrs. Elmer E. Kingsbury) Boonville, NY.
- Fanny, born July 29, 1823; married Albert Skiff. They were Methodists. They resided at Trenton, NY.
John Munson Andrew was the son of John and Sarah (Beers) Andrew (1759-1789) of Woodbridge, Conn., and the grandson of Jonathan and Eunice (Baldwin) Andrew of Melford and Woodbridge, Conn. John M. Andrew had an only brother, Jonathan. Because of the early death of the father these boys were thrown on their own resources at an early age. As a young man John M. Andrew who was born May 4, 1788, and died August 26, 1874, came to Russia from Cornwall, Conn. His wife was Laura Sperry, born April 21, 1792; died August 21, 1873. J.M. Andrew was a farmer. He was a devout member of the Presbyterian Church at Russia and later North Gage, in which churches he was many years a deacon. John M. and Laura (Sperry) Andrew had five children.
- Laura A., 1812-1825.
- John M., Jr., born in 1814, died Nov. 15, 1846. A physician at North Gage. By his wife, Emeline _____, who died March 14, 1847, aged 33, he had four children, Wilfred of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Emma Preston of New Britain, Conn.; Felicia; John R. Andrew, who is the only survivor, now residing at Bristol, Conn., was born May 4, 1864, at North Gage.
- Rosetta married Samuel Sears, resided at Lowville, NY A descendant is Herman Sears, Boonville, NY.
- Sherman never married, a resident of Lowville, NY. 5. Samuel N. (1823-1881), married Sophie Sprague (1823-1893), a daughter, Mrs. Charles Watkins, Barneveld, NY.
Abijah Barker was born 1746 in Westfield, Mass.; died August 31, 1828, in Russia. He was married March 24, 1772, at Great Barrington, Mass., to Delight Dewey, born 1750, died May 30, 1842, in Russia. Abijah Barker served in the American Revolution. They resided in Westfield, Mass., and spent their last days in Russia. Abijah and Delight (Dewey) Barker had ten children.
- Thankful married Jonathan French.
- Truman, born February 12, 1775, died March 10, 1869, Oswego,, New York. His wife was Polly Reed. He came to Russia before his brother James and lived there for a time. He was employed as shoemaker by Elijah Hinckley.
- Sally, born February 10, 1777. Married Isaac Alvord. 4. Delight, born September 8, 1780. Married Samuel Shaw. Her daughter was Mrs. Lucinda Newberry of Cold Brook, New York.
- Betsey, born February 20, 1782. Married Samuel Payne. Their son was Edmund Payne in the mercantile business in Little Falls, New York.
- James of Russia.
- Abijah, born May 10, 1787. Married 1811 at Lebanon Springs, New York. Nancy Colwell.
- Lucinda, born April 12, 1790, died May 9, 1790. 9. Oliver, born February 20, 1794, died June 28, 1836, in Russia. During a thunderstorm he took refuge under a tree and was killed by lightning.
- Lucinda, born February 20, 1794, died February 20, 1882. Married Joseph Lamb, born January 10, 1792, died October 11, 1868. They resided in Prospect, NY. A descendant is J.B. Lamb, Poland, NY.
James Barker, the son of Abijah and Delight (Dewey) Barker, was born June 20, 1784, in Westfield, Mass. He left his home there in the winter of 1803-4 on foot and journeyed across the country to Albany, Schenectady through the Mohawk Valley, East Creek, Barto Hill, Middleville, Newport and up the sand hill from Graves Hollow to Russia. Five times he made this journey on foot. Times wewre hard. Thus the first winter he chopped wood for his keep in Trenton. Several seasons he took the job of clearing land. James Barker was married October 16, 1808, to Belinda Hubbart, the daughter of Thomas and Silence Hubbard. Belinda Hubbard Barker was born February 19, 1790, and died Sept. 18, 1876.
Mr. and Mrs. James Barker were worthy members of the Russia Baptist sixty-seven years. The militia company of which he was a member was sent to the defense of Sacketts Harbor in 1813, during the War of 1812. James Barker spent most of this time in the hospital, suffering with typhoid fever. He died at Russia on November 21, 1880, aged 96. He was a man of very strong convictions for righteousness.
The children of James and Belinda (Hubbart) Barker which follow were born in the town of Russia:
- Belinda, born October 30, 1809, died October 30, 1810.
- James, Jr., was born October 12, 1811, married November 4, 1832, Olive Phelps. In 1838 he was a well-to-do merchant of Collinsville, Lewis County, New York. In 1850 he settled in Cold Brook, New York. He settled in at Virginia City, Montana, in 1863, in the mercantile business and became a prominent pioneer of that state. later he did business in Helena, Meagher County, Centerville and Townsend, Montana. He moved to California and died there October 11, 1888. He had eight children, of whom there was Mrs. Rosa Beal of Bozeman, Montana.
- Francis was born November 19, 1813. Married first September 22, 1841, Louisa M. Phileo; second, October 27, 1845, Martha Joy. He died September 22, 1866. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His daughter is Mrs. Aurinda Perry, Limerick, New York.
- Gorham, born April 9, 1817, married first January 13, 1841, Roxena Merriman, who died Sept. 28, 1849, aged 28. Second, Sept. 29, 1852, Achsah A. Walker, born August 21, 1819, died January 28, 1897. He joined the Baptist Church in Newport in 1847 and at Russia in 1850. There he served as Church clerk and deacon. He was a useful member, ever manifesting a deep interest in Church affairs. Their children were Marion Roxena, Frances L., Byron G., Marsena, William E., Carrie.
- Levi Bartlett, born August 21, 1819, died January 28, 1897, in Grand Junction, Iowa. Married October 30, 1845, Sally Esther Walters, the daughter of Nathaniel and Esther (Robens) Walters. Their children were Belinda, Edna and Bartlett W. For 30 years Rev. L.B. Barker was prominent in New York State educational circles. For 17 years at Fairfield Seminary he was professor of natural sciences and several years principal. He was three years principal of New Hampton Institute, Fairfax, Vermont, and was president of Leland University, New Orleans, Alabama. He was pastor of Baptist churches at Salisbury, Norway and Jordanville, New York.
- Belinda, born January 19, 1822, died November 16, 1866. Married January 26, 1842, Truman N. Walters, who died April 9, 1897. They resided at Gustavus, Ohio.
- Aurinda, born March 26, 1824, married January 11, 1844, John Pooler. Died October 29, 1915. Their children were James and Joseph Pooler.
- Eliza A., born January 16, 1829, died December 4, 1864. 9. George, born July 26, 1826, died September 3, 1828. 10. George, born October 30, 1831, died February 5, 1832.
- Henrietta M., born February 14, 1834, died June 13, 1894.
Hezekiah Beecher was born July 29, 1755, in New Haven, Conn., died February 3, 1828, in Bethany, Conn. He was a deacon. His first wife was Eunice, who died December 26, 1781, aged 20; second wife was Philena Johnson, daughter of Asahel and Lois (Williams) Johnson, born October 5, 1761, in Derby, Conn., died September 14, 1835, in Bethany, Conn. They lived in Woodbridge, Conn., at one time. Hezekiah and Philena (Johnson) Beecher had children:
- Almon, born November 1, 1784, died September 2, 1872, married May 10, 1807, Elizabeth Corey Smith, born January 9, 1784, died February 5, 1875. Their children were:
(1) Philena, born January 29, 1808, died February, 1808.
(2) Isaac, born June 16, 1810, died May 19, 1900. He married Orlina Smith, born December 17, 1814, died October 12, 1878, daughter of Elisha and Philinda Smith. He came with the family from Woodbridge, Conn. in 1806 and settled on the farm which has been known as the Beecher homestead and has been in the Beecher family since that date. It is now owned by Fred H. Moore of Poland, NY. Their daughter Sarah was wife of Miles Moore.
(3) Edward, born September 22, 1818, died June 16, 1873.
(4) Hezekiah, born July 27, 1821, died September 30, 1898. A resident of Springfield, Illinois.
(5) Elizabeth P., born May 4, 1825, died August 16, 1903, married William G. Graves.
- Zina, born November 1, 1784, died 1865. Married January, 1809, Lucretia, daughter of Stephen and Sybil (White) Sanford; born October 27, 1789, died February 27, 1880. They removed from Russia to Marysville, Ohio. A grandson is Walter Beecher of Columbus, Ohio.
- Eunice, born July 9, 1786. Married Seymour Hotchkiss.
- Mather Beecher, born June 15, 1789, married Sally, daughter of Bohan Smith of Remsen, New York. Her sister was Rhoba, wife of Sampson Vincent. They resided in Russia at one time. His son was Jerome Beecher, the father of Mrs. May Buckingham of Chicago, Illinois.
- Philomelia, born February 22, 1791, died January 3, 1847. Married Orange Hopkins, who died October 14, 1852, aged 61. They had a son, George V. Hopkins, who died September 6, 1845, aged 14. They resided in Russia.
- Isaac, born March 2, 1793; married June 7, 1825, Aurinda Fulford.
- Hezekiah, born December 28, 1794, died November 8, 1870, at Canastota, NY. His wife was Mary Stebbins.
- Joel, born Nov. 25, 1796, died June 13, 1857, married May 1, 1824, Rebecca Perkins.
- Lucy, married Calvin Wooding.
- Andrew, married Hannah Wooding.
- Abraham, married Harriett Wooding.
Benjamin Benjamin, Sr., resided on Long Island. He married there and about 1790 settled in the Ayres neighborhood in Fairfield. He lost his 200 acres of land there because of a poor title. About 1800 he, with his wife, one daughter and three sons, settled at Hurricane in Norway. He died in the town of Russia in 1830. The children of Benjamin Benjamin, Sr., were:
- Sarah, married Benjamin Overton, who was a hatter. He was a Presbyterian and a steady attendant of that Church in Norway village.
- Joshua, born 1773, died July 22, 1834. His wife was Priscilla Sherman, born October 11, 1783, in Providence, R.I., died April 17, 1846, the daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Sawyer) Sherman. Their children were
(1) Joshua, Jr.
(2) David, born December 6, 1801, died January 13, 1844; married Dinah_____, born 1805, died January 23, 1841; of their children were William W., Clark A., George W., and Dinah.
(3) Samuel S., born 1815, died March 14, 1863. His first wife was Laura Ann ____, born July 9, 1816, died March 9, 1850; second wife was Helen Payne.
(4) Sarah, married James Baker.
- Benjamin, Jr., born June 27, 1776, died October 4, 1861. His first wife was Ruth______; second wife Marabeth Smith, born 1789, died May 21, 1856. They resided on the Hurricane in Norway. He was a farmer of few words and good deeds, so honest, truthful and concientious that he was often cited in religious discussions to prove that it was possible for a Universalist to be a good Christian. He was a Universalist and had an interest in the Russia Union church. The children of Benjamin and Ruth (____) Benjamin were:
(1) Eli, died July 12, 1863. His wife, Phila A., died March 7, 1887.
(2) Merit, born April, 1801, died October 23, 1871; he married Clarissa _____, born 1800, died March 8, 1841. They had Clarissa and Harriett B., wife of George White.
(3) Harvey, born 1810, died April 16, 1835.
(4) Charles, born 1813, died July 11, 1830.
(5) Parson, born August, 1821, died March 13, 1839.
(6) Harrett, born 1816, died December, 1829.
(7) Uriah, born February 2, 1804, died August 13, 1876; married December 24, 1826, Maria Swezey, born December 12, 1806, the daughter of Daniel and Clarissa (Sperry) Swezey. They resided at Corry, Pa. They had a son, Jefferson.
(8) Nancy, married Samuel Sherman, Jr.
- Jonathan, married May 6, 1802, Nancy McCarty, who died 1852. He removed to the state of Ohio and died in 1833. Their children were:
(1) John, physician in Niagara Falls, New York.
(2) Sally, wife of Jonathan R. Vincent.
(3) Alvah, Cortland County, New York.
(4) Samuel R., Cortland County, New York.
(5) Alanson, Marathon, New York.
(6) Henry H., married Caroline Vincent, resided state of Ohio.
(7) Eliza, married Ira A. Foster in state of Ohio.
Ebenezer Bishop, the son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Hotchkiss) Bishop, was born on November 23, 1746, in New Haven, Conn.; baptized in the Woodbridge, Conn., Congregational Church; died January 2, 1794. Buried in the cemetery at the "Hollow," Bethany, Conn. His wife was Hannah Andrews, born August 1, 1756, the daughter of Elnathan and Hannah (Hitchcock) Andrews. They resided in Woodbridge, Conn. Their children were Arnold, Elizabeth H., Ebenezer Harvey, Joseph A., J. Mansfield, a son.
Ebenezer H. Bishop, the son of Ebenezer and Hannah (Andrews) Bishop, was born November 28, 1780; baptized in the Trinity Episcopal Church, New Haven, Conn.; married June 27, 1810, in New Haven, Conn., Lucinda Thompson, the daughter of Caleb and Hannah (Hotchkiss) Thompson. She died December 15, 1849. They resided in Russia, New York, and Trumbull County, Ohio. He died April 17, 1854. Ebenezer H. and Lucinda (Thompson) Bishop had children: James C., Ebenezer H., Wealthy Ann, Joseph A., Ely G., Charles E.
Alexander Booth was born December 11, 1767, the son of Jonathan and
Rebecca (Cooper) Booth. He was married December 30, 1789, by the minister in
the Second Congregational Society in New Haven, Conn., to Huldah Thompson, the
daughter of James and Mehitabel (Baldwin) Thompson. Baptized June 12, 1768,
in the First Congregational Society in New Haven, Conn. They were residents
of Hamden, Conn., and settled in the town of Russia in 1811, in the vicinity
of Woodin's Corners, New York, where he died July 11, 1829; she died June 14,
1842. The children of Alexander and Huldah (Thompson) Booth, all baptized in
1806 in the Whitneyville Congregational Church in Hamden, Conn., were:
- Russell, died April 30, 1824, aged 34.
- Elisha, born Novemebr 28, 1792, died May 13, 1879. His wife was
Nancy, daughter of Bohan Smith of Remsen, New York. She was born October 4,
1792, died March 7, 1859. They resided in Remsen, New York, and Russia.
Their children were Sarah, Huldah, Stephen, Sackett and James.
- Mehitabel, married Elijah Terry. She taught the first school in the
Booth neighborhood.
- Harvey.
- Neus.
- Elihu, born December 22, 1795, died February 4, 1852. His wife was
Nancy, daughter of Ebenezer and Silence Tiffany. She was born March 14, 1805,
died July 16, 1851. He was a farmer in Russia. Their children were Amanda
M., Elihu N., Castella C., Castella N.
- Walter, born 1808, died February, 1886, in Boonville, New York. He
graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Fairfield in 1831.
He began the practice of medicine with Dr. David Coon, one of his preceptors
in Fairfield, in Russia in 1832. He was an ardent Democrat and served Russia
as Supervisor. In 1842 he represented the district in the State Assembly. In
1857 he moved to Boonville. His practice as a physician covered 50 years. He
was a member of the Masonic Fraternity. His wife was Alida S., daughter of
Dr. Peter Maybee of Schoharie, New York. They had six children.
Philo Bradley resided in Northfield, Litchfield County, Conn. He
enlisted in the American Revolution in a company composed of Sharon and
Cornwell men. He was in a campaign against Ticonderoga and Crown Point. He
married February 28, 1776, at Sharon, Conn., Rhoda Wattles, born 1759, died
February 20, 1842, at Cold Brook, New York. Philo Bradley died in 1811.
After 1813 his widow, Mrs. Rhoda Bradley, married Phineas Briggs of Cold
Brook, a Revolutionary soldier. He was born April 15, 1750, in Norton, Mass.,
and died February 10, 1843, in Cold Brook, New York. Philo and Rhoda
(Wattles) Bradley had children:
- Micah, born May 6, 1779, in Northfield, Litchfield County, Conn.;
married July 12, 1801, Susannah Bennett, born March 27, 1787, in Springfield,
Otsego County, New York, died September 14, 1862, in Venice, Cayuga County,
New York. He died November 16, 1868 in Venice, New York. Their children
were: Rhoda, Delos, Polly, Schuyler, Nelson, Pamelia, Julia, John, Philo.
- Fanny, married Stephen Sperry.
- Rhoda, married Nathan Johnson.
- Lois, married Horace Kellogg. Their children were Harriett, Delia,
Leonard, Henry, George, Rhoda, Mabel.
- Betsey, married William Wright. Their children were: Mary, George,
William, Jane, Samuel, James, John, Elizabeth and Emily.
- Polly, married Gibson Smith. They had children: Anna, Polly and
Sarah J.
- Mabel, born 1804, died April 12, 1836. She married Gardner Vincent,
born May 14, 1789, died February 25, 1862. They resided in Clayton, New York.
Gardner and Mabel (Bradley) Vincent had children: Benjamin, Sarah Ann,
- Schuyler, never married.
- William, married Abigail_______. Their children were Adaline, Louisa,
Daniel Brown married Esther Gardner. Their children were:
- Nathaniel D., born Dec. 22, 1797; died Mar. 31, 1868, in Rouseville, Pa. Married, 1st, Maria Taylor, born Jan. 15, 1802; died Mar. 4,1832; 2nd, Louisa Taylor, born Dec. 12, 1805; died Dec. 7, 1886. Both of these ladies were daughters of Samuel and Cynthia (Palmer) Taylor. These Browns were Russia Baptists. Nathaniel D. Brown was a farmer, first in Russia, then Lowville, NY, then Trenton, NY. He went to California during the gold rush of 1849. He went into business there and became very enthusiastic about the country. His wife thought it inadvisable to move there with their family of small children. Thus he came back east to Cattaraugus County, NY, in 1851 where he engaged in farming. The first of the oil excitement took him to Rouseville, Pa., where he engaged in the oil business. The children of Nathaniel D. and Louisa Taylor Brown were:
- Anna Maria (1835-1853).
- Nathaniel Gardner (1838-1862), soldier in Civil War.
- Silas T. (1841-1897), oil business, Rouseville, Pa.
- Charles H. (1843-1916), oil business, Rouseville, Pa.
- Abbie P., born 1845. Resides, 1930, Ithaca, NY. Married Frederick E. Garrett. Her son is Prof. S.S. Garrett of Cornell University.
- Davis, son of Daniel Brown and Esther Gardner, resided in Richfield Springs, NY.
- William lived in London, Ontario, Canada.
- Loren resided in Otsego County, NY.
- Margaret married _____ Sears. Resided Lyons, NY.
- Lucy married _____ Farrington. Resided Stittville, NY.
- Rowena lived in Illinois.
- Laura died young.
Samuel Buck was born March 22, 1747; married February 14, 1771, Susanna
Palmer, born 1752, died March 6, 1835. He died July 26, 1833.
Both died in Russia. Samuel Buck served in the American Revolution. He
enlisted January 1, 1776, to January 1, 1777, as a private in Capt. Joseph
Thompson's Company, under Col. John Nixon. In 1781 he was engaged as wagon-master under Col. Jabez Heath of Boston. His appointment as conductor of a
baggage-wagon was dated April, 1781. In private life Samuel Buck was a
shoemaker. He resided in Chesterfield, Mass., Worthington, Mass., Bennington,
Vt., Wooloomsac, NY, Nelson, Madison County, NY, before his removal to
Russia. Samuel and Susanna (Palmer) Buck had children:
- Sally, born January 25, 1772; married _____Clark.
- Susanna, born January 15, 1778; married Jonathan Millington.
- Lucy, born October 25, 1779; married _______Hazard, a resident of
Nelson, NY.
- Cynthia, born January 21, 1788; married ____________Richardson.
Resided Nelson, New York.
- Polly, born January 3, 1791; married __________Rice.
- Samuel, born June 19, 1796. Resided Nelson, NY; in 1853 at Mecca,
Trumbull County, Ohio.
Thomas Buck, the son of Matthew and Elizabeth Buck, was born 1752 in
Bridgewater, Mass. Married 1774, Silence Brett. In 1774 he removed to
Worthington, Mass., from which place he went into the Revolutionary Army. He
enlisted August 25, 1778, in Capt. Josiah Keith's Company and Col. John
Daggett's Regiment and was discharged September 3, 1778. Service in Rhode
Island. He enlished August 4, 1780 in Capt. Josiah Keith's Compnay, Col.
Isaac Davis' Regiment, and was discharged August 10, 1780. thomas Buck died
July 27, 1818, in Worthington, Mass. The children of Thomas and Silence
(Brett) Buck were:
- Cyrus.
- Alvin, born September 3, 1778. Resided Rockport, Mass.
- Thomas, born February 16, 1780. Resided Java, NY, where he was a
prominent citizen.
- Martin, born July 9, 1782; married Ruby Cleveland of Dalton, Mass.
Resided Syracuse, NY.
- Mathilda, born June 15, 1785; married Col. Lyman Blackmer.
- Melzar, born February 1, 1788. A physician in Canton, NY.
- Amity, born June 25, 1790. Unmarried. Resided with her sister,
Mathilda. A member of Russia Free Baptist Church.
- Roswell, born October 6, 1792.
- Relief, born February 5, 1796; married _______Smith. Resided
Rochester, NY.
Cyrus Buck, the son of Thomas and Silence (Brett) Buck, was born June 29,
1775, in Worthington, Mass. Married March, 1797, Silence Howard, born May 12,
1778, died December 21, 1852, the daughter of John and Silence (Burr) Howard,
of Worthington, Mass., who spent their last years in Sangerfield, NY. John
Howard was a Revolutionary soldier. Cyrus Buck removed from Worthington,
Mass., to Chesterfield, Mass. He was a farmer. Cyrus Buck died January 1,
1861. Cyrus and Silence (Howard) Buck had children:
- Alvin, born December 5, 1797.
- Warren, born September 29, 1799; married Lovina Smith. They resided
in Norway, NY.
- Susan, born November 16, 1801.
- Melzar, born November 3, 1803.
- Orville, born Novemebr 5, 1805.
- William, born October 6, 1807.
- Franklin, born September 6, 1809.
- Semantha, born July 17, 1811.
- Waterman, born May 1, 1813.
- Howard, born June 29, 1815.
- Lousia, born July 17, 1817.
- Relief, born July 17, 1817
- Celina, born September 23, 1819.
- Alfred, September 11, 1822.
William Buck, the son of Cyrus and Silence (Howard) Buck, was born
October 6, 1807, in Chesterfield, Mass.; married November 4, 1832, Susan
Millington, born August 24, 1816, died October 10, 1895, the daughter of
Jonathan and Susanna (Buck) Millington. On June 17, 1827, William Buck
reached Russia from Chesterfield, Mass., with a yoke of oxen, a log chain and
a stone boat as his earthly possessions. He stopped at the hotel of Stephen
Smith, opposite the farm which he subsequently purchased. He went into the
stone wall business and continued in it until 1833, when he leased a farm and
did so until 1837, when he bought the Millington farm. At the time of his
death he was president of the Poland National Bank. William Buck died May 19,
1880. The children of William and Susan (Millington) Buck were George W.,
Lyman H., Charles D., Mary C., and Sarah W.
Benedict Burwell married Elizabeth Bryant. They resided in Southbury,
Conn. He died there about 1816, aged 80. She came to Norway and died October
29, 1829, aged 86. Benedict and Elizabeth (Bryant) Burwell had children:
- Elizabeth, born 1766, died September 5, 1814; married Amos Coe, born
1763, died November 14, 1805. Their children were Cyrus, Ira, Clarrisa,
Arnold, Harry and Maria. Resided Norway.
- Benedict, a prosperous wheelwright, later a tavern keeper on the
Bowery in New York.
- Nathan.
- Isaac, born 1773, died April 6, 1823; married June 11, 1797, Mary
Ann, born 1777, died May 15, 1827, daughter of David and Lois (Osborn) Munn of
Southbury, Conn. He was a farmer in Norway. His children were: Alfred,
Patty, Theodotus, Elliott, Nathan, Rosette, Henry.
- David, went to West Indies, a seafaring man.
- Polly, married Justus Parker.
Nathan Burwell, the son of Benedict and Elizabeth Bryant Burwell, was
born October 25, 1768, in Southbury, Conn. Married Nancy Smith, born July 1,
1770, died January 22, 1813, the daughter of Deacon Seth and Rebecca (Sheldon)
Smith. His second wife was Mrs. Mary Brown. He left Connecticut about 1800
and settled in Poland, NY. there he was a blacksmith for many years. He was
an upright, honorable man of sound judgment and greatly respected. Nathan
Burwell died October 21, 1852, in South Wales, Erie County, NY, at the home of
his son-in-law, Isaac Brayton. Both wives of Nathan Burwell were members of
the Russia Free Baptist Church. The children of Nathan Burwell were:
By first wife:
- Bryant, a graduate in medicine of Fairfield Medical College.
Practiced in Norway village, 1817 to 1824, and moved to Buffalo, NY, where he
became eminent in his profession. His children were:
(1) George N., M.D., a prominent physician of Buffalo, NY.
(2) Esther, wife of William H. Glenny of Buffalo, NY.
(3) Anna C., married _____ Rathbone.
- Betsey, married Peter Newman.
- Charles, married Amy Tyler. He remained on the home farm at Poland,
NY. their children were:
(1) Ruth Ann, born 1836; married Lot D. Slocum. Resided San Francisco, Calif.
(2) Sarah, born 1838.
(3) Dudley Nathan, born 1840, resided in Oregon.
- Susan, married Dr. R.G. Snow, a dentist of Buffalo, NY. Their
children were:
(1) George B. Snow, born 1835, a dentist in Buffalo, NY
(2)Mrs. Julia S. Kellogg of Brooklyn, NY, born 1842.
- Nancy, married Isaac Brayton, who died 1887, aged 82. She outlived
her other brothers and sisters. Isaac and Nancy (Burwell) Brayton had two
- Dudley, born 1801, died April 18, 1876, in Little Falls, NY. Married
1837, Miss Young of Saratoga County, NY. She lived a year. He moved to
Albany and practiced law many years. He was a great reader and kept well
posted on current events. He attended Fairfield Seminary. In 1833 he
represtented Herkimer County in the State Legislature.
By second wife:
- Eliza, married William Marvel. Their daughter, Mary E., was born
1836. Married Walter Terry of Poland, NY.
Continue on to Part 2.
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Created: 6/11/98
Updated: 6/14/98
Copyright ©1998 Jane Dieffenbacher
Copyright ©1930 Russia Union Church
All Rights Reserved.