From Salisbury, NY to Jefferson County, NY

Contributed by Lisa Slaski
Transcribed by Joanne Murray

HON. ISAAC L. HUNT, an attorney of Jefferson county, and recently its representative in the state legislature, and now also identified with agricultural affairs, was born in Salisbury, Herkimer county, New York, December 4, 1850. The ancestry of the family can be traced back to Edward Hunt, of Shropshire, England, who was a colonel in Cromwell's army, and one of his most loyal followers. He came to America in 1661. It is a tradition in the family that he commanded the troops at the time of the execution of King Charles I. His wife was the only daughter of Lord Gilmore, and they became the founders of the Hunt family in New England. Isaac Hunt, the next of the name of whom we have record, participated in a number of the early Indian wars. He was a farmer by occupation, and a very active and influential man in his community. He married Grisel Lord, and they resided in Stratford, Connecticut.

Their son, William L. Hunt, the great-grandfather of Isaac L. Hunt, was born in Stratford, Connecticut, February 12, 1770, and spent his childhood in Sharon, Connecticut, where he acquired his education. Learning the tanner's trade in his early youth, he followed it for a long period and spent some time in that pursuit at Hillsdale, Columbia County, New York. In 1812 he removed to Westmoreland, New York, where he spent his remaining days. He married Betsey Calkins, who was born in Sharon, Connecticut, and was a daughter of Elijah Calkins. The founder of the Calkins family in America came from Wales and settled in Rhode Island. Elijah Calkins was one of a family of seven brothers, all of whom served in the Revolutionary war. Elijah Calkins became one of the first residents of Sharon, Connecticut, and was active in founding the colony there.

Rev. Isaac L. Hunt, a son of William L. Hunt, was born in Hillsdale, Columbia County, New York, December 5, 1808. He pursued his academic education in Cazenovia Seminary and afterward attended Hamilton College, at Clinton, New York. Preparing for the ministry, he was licensed to preach in the Methodist Episcopal church and at different times filled the pulpits of the churches in Little Falls, Fulton, Oswego, Lowville, and Potsdam, and for many years was a presiding elder in Northern New York, during which time he resided in Adams. There he spent the last years of his life. He married Miss Judith L. Lambertson, who was born in Salisbury, Herkimer County, New York, April 18, 1818. She was a daughter of Cornelius Lambertson, who was also born in Salisbury, and was one of seven brothers, all of whom followed farming, and their descendants still live in Herkimer County. They were sons of Cornelius Lambertson, who was born in New Jersey, and served for seven years in the Revolutionary war. He was a first Lieutenant in the early part of his service, but before the close of the war had become a lieutenant-colonel. Removing to Herkimer County, New York, he became one of the first settlers of Salisbury. His ancestry could be traced back to 1640, when the first of the name emigrated from England and settled in New Jersey. His second wife was Mary Johnston, who was born in what is now Montgomery County, New York, and was a relative of Sir William Johnston. Her ancestry was Irish. There were five children in the family of the Rev. Isaac L. Hunt, but only two are now living, the daughter being Mrs. Harriet R. Reynolds, the wife of the Rev. W. E. Reynolds, a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal church, now located in Westmoreland, Oneida county, New York.

Isaac L. Hunt, the only living son, was educated in St. Lawrence Academy in Potsdam, New York, in Cazenovia Seminary, Hungerford Institute, of Adams, New York, and the Union University, of Schenectady, New York, being graduated in the last named institution in the class of 1872. He then entered upon his business career as an accountant in the Merchant's Bank of Watertown, New York, occupying that position for a number of years. He afterward practiced law in Adams, New York, having been admitted to the bar in 1872. He is now devoting his time and attention to agricultural interests, making a specialty of the breeding of Swiss cattle. His business discernment and enterprise have been manifest along various lines with the result that success has attended his efforts.

In his political affiliations Mr. Hunt is a stalwart Republican, and being well informed on the issues and questions of the day is able to support his position by intelligent argument. He has exerted considerable influence in local political affairs, and is also well known in the state as a Republican leader. In 1881 he was elected to the general assembly of New York, in which he served until 1884. He has been the candidate of his party in the primary conventions for congress for three terms, and has a strong following. For four years he has been a member of the New York central committee of the Republican Party for his congressional district. Fraternally he is a Mason and an Odd Fellow, and he also belongs to the Grange. His public-spirited interest in the welfare of his town is manifested by his active co-operation in many measures for the general good.

Mr. Hunt was married September 1, 1874, to Alice A. Gilbert, of Adams, New York, a daughter of Hon. William A. and Julia A. (Scott) Gilbert. Her father was a well-known statesman of this portion of New York, and represented his district in the legislature and also in congress.

Source: "Genealogical and family history of the county of Jefferson, New York; a record of the achievements of her people and the phenomenal growth of her agricultural and mechanical industries," by R.A. Oakes. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1905. Pages 595-97.

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Created 12/6/03
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