From "History of Herkimer County, New York" by F.W. Beers & Co., New York. 1879

On the 2nd of April, 1793, according to the town records, the inhabitants of the town of Schuyler, according to law, met at the house of Captain George G. Weber for the purpose of holding a town meeting, and proceeded to business. The following officers were elected:

It was "voted that swine and sheep be not a free commoner," and that the next town meeting be held at the house of Captain George G. Weber.

The following is a list of supervisors of the town from the time of this meeting:

The war record of Schuyler may be briefly told. Captain Henri Staring led a company of hardy Germans to the bloody ravine at Oriskany, and many of them never returned.

In the war of 1812 a draft was made for men to guard the northern frontier of the State from the invasions of the British; and the men of Schuyler took their chance, and some were drafted and went.

Soon after the draft the remaining militia were called upon, and a company under Captain Ruloff Root, in Colonel Michael Myer's regiment, marched to the defense of Sackett's Harbor. Of this company there are left Michael Clemens, Philip Finster, John Hughs and Samuel Barber.

During the great Rebellion the town of Schuyler was not delinquent, but filled her quotas mostly with volunteers, several of whom never returned. The town bore a heavy tax, and the bounties were all paid in a few years.

The town of Schuyler has been represented in the Legislature of this State by Robert Burch in 1811 and 1812; Olmstead Hough in 1831; George Burch, son of Robert Burch, in 1840; Harris Lewis in 1857 and 1858; and Erasmus W. Day in 1869.

This early Town of Schuyler information was typed by volunteer Bob Petrie, whose interest in giving Schuyler a presence on line is appreciated by all. In addition to the surname Petrie, Bob is also researching the surnames Dodge, Countryman, Knapp, Ellison, Robbins, Devendorf, Berner, Hartman, Kane, Burton, Barber and Mosher, which all have Herkimer and Montgomery County connections.

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Last Updated: 11/12/97
Copyright ©1997 Bob Petrie/ Martha S. Magill
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