
1848 Births, Marriages and Deaths

of the

Town of Schuyler

These listings of vital records for the Town of Schuyler 1848 were digitally prepared by Bob Petrie, Town of Schuyler editor, from photocopies of typescripts provided to him. The transcriptions of the original records came from the miscellaneous unpublished records of the New York State D.A.R., available for your perusal at the main branch of the New York City Public Library, at the State Library in Albany, NY, and at the D.A.R. Library in Washington, D.C. We hope this list provides clues to ancestral location and helps you better formulate questions when visiting Mohawk Valley societies or ordering mail searches. If you recognize anyone on this list, please drop a line to the Site Coordinators so we can note it on this page.

As you scan the listings you'll see unusual spellings. They're not typos but can be attributed to well-known difficulties in reading fragile records with old handwriting, as well as assumptions made by the registrars at the time of registration. If a spelling differs from that of your ancestral surname, or births didn't take place in the town you thought your ancestors were from, don't pass them by. Jot them down...just in case. A date and location from these vital records can be used to search in the 1850 census or the info may turn out useful to others searching your surnames.

During years 1847 - 1850 some New York State counties officially recorded information about births, marriages and deaths. Then they just stopped. Not all towns recorded or preserved this early information so each town/county must be taken on a case-by-case basis. Required birth registration didn't start in New York State until the early 1880s, over 30 years after the 1847 - 1849 events were recorded, and wasn't really enforced until 1900. New York State death registration wasn't enforced until just after 1900.


Town of Schuyler 1848

Name of Child, Parents, Date of Birth

ANDREW, Owen, Edmund Andrew & Martha, Dec. 2
BAUM. Henry M., Chester Baum & Barbara, Feb. 24
BLACKMORE, Daniel R., John Blackmore & Mary, June 14
BUDLONG, Sarah Jane, William Budlong & Ruth, Mar. 15
BUDLONG, Aravelle, Samuel Budlong & Sarah, Sept. 9
BURCH, Robert, George Burch & Eliza, May
CAIN, Hamilton Fish, Warren D. Cain & Maria, Sept. 12
CLEMENTS, William, Abraham Clements & Abba, Jan 4
DAVIS, M-not named, Charles Davis & Jane, Aug 15
ELLIOTT, Hirabel (female), James Elliott & Angelene, June 17
EMERE, Henry, Robert Emere & Mary Eliza, Mar. 17
EVANS, Benjamin, William Evans & Anna, May
FINSTER, William H., Peter Finster, Jr. & Margaret E., Mar. 3
GARTLAND, Elizabeth, Francis Gartland & Margaret, June 18
GILBERT, David H., Josiah S. Gilbert & Bridget, Mar. 2
GILBERT, Virginia M., Nelson Gilbert & Alzina, July 4
JONES, Mary E., Richard Jones & Catharine, Mar. 14
KNAPP, George, Horace H. Knapp & Sally, Jan. 15
LADD, Olney B., James G. Ladd & Elizabeth, Aug. 22
LINTS, Elizabeth, Peter J. Lints & June, July 14
MINOTT, Josephine, James Minott & Nancy, Feb 19
MOSHIER, Lidia S., George R. Moshier & Sophronia, Oct. 8
PARKHURST, F-not named, George Parkhurst & Almira, Sept. 26
RODGERS, Millard Fillmore, Lucius Rodgers & Mary, Nov 15
SOULES, Mary C., Anton Soules & Eve, Apr. 1
VALENTINE, Mason F., Douglas Valentine & Mary, June 10
WILLIS, Mabel, Jonathan Willis & Elizabeth, Oct 15 [see note at bottom of page]
WISHART, F-not named, John Wishart & Nancy, Sept. 27

There are no birth records for 1847 or 1849


Town of Schuyler 1848

Groom, Bride, Date

COOLEDGE, Horace, Mary Buck, Oct 4
HARDING, Elias E., Eliza Wood, May 10
MOSHIER, George R., Sophronia Finster, Jan. 5
MYE, Ebenezer L., Rebecca R. Pruyn, Oct. 11
OWENS, Owen S., Achza D. Ladd, Mar. 16
PARKHURSTt, William, Sarah Cramer, Feb 8
ROOT, Alushell, Davia Perkins, Apr. 25

Bride, Groom

BUCK, Mary, Horace Cooledge, Oct 4
CRAMER, Sarah, William Parkhurst, Feb. 8
FINSTER, Sophronia, George R. Moshier, Jan. 5
LADD, Achza D., Owen S. Owens, Mar 16
PERKINS, Davia, Alushell Root, Apr. 25
PRUYN, Rebecca R., Ebenezer L. Mye, Oct 11
WOOD, Eliza, Elias E. Harding, May 10

There are no marriage records for 1847 or 1849


Town of Schuyler 1848

Name, age (yrs), date

BUDLONG, Roby (female), 31, Nov 15
DAY, Mary, 26, June 4
EDGET, Olive, 60, Nov. 26
EMERE, Henry, 5 ( mo. ?), Aug 2
GILBERT, Virginia M., 8 (3 mo ?), Oct. 17
HELM, Benjamin, 16, Aug. 20
HELM, Charles, 8, Aug. 23
HELM, Horris, 10, Aug. 26
McGRAW, Caroline, ___, June 15
VALENTINE, Mary, 21, July 25

There are no death records for 1847 or 1849

new 8/25/09

In the 1848 Births, Marriages and Deaths of the Town of Schuyler is listed:

Willis, Mabel, Jonathan Willis & Elizabeth, Oct. 15

Jonathan Willis died in 1858. Elizabeth Willis married Thomas J. Smith in 1859 and they moved to Moniteau County, Missouri in 1860. (1860 US Federal Census) The four Willis children, William, Mable, David and Asa, went with them to Missouri.

The Smith's had two children: Alice Teresa Smith and Wallace Smith.

Elizabeth Lucy Smith died on September 20, 1900 and is buried at Annunciation Catholic Church Cemetery in California, Missouri.

My family lineage goes back to Thomas and Elizabeth Smith via their daughter Alice Teresa Smith. Thus, I have come to hold some of the original letters written to Elizabeth Smith including one from her brother-in-law Joseph Willis of Schuyler on May 11, 1865 asking what should be done with a property of theirs.

Cait Clements

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Created: 1/24/01
Updated: 8/25/09
Copyright © 2001 - 2009 Bob Petrie/ M. Magill
All Rights Reserved.