Many counties of NY state had county histories published between the years of 1860 and 1900. Within many of these works are "family sketches". The list below are sketches of families for the township of Schuyler that were found within the references provided.
References: 1) "History of Herkimer County New York", edited by George A. Hardin, assisted by Frank H. Willard, D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1893, Syracuse, NY, Family Sketches section. Note: there are additional sketches in this book that have not been transcribed here. 2) "1879 History of Herkimer County", published by Beers 3) Personal Communication from researcher
Family Sketches: BAILEY, Josiah, was born in Ireland in 1830, and emigrated with his father's family to Canada in 1836, where he resided until 1850, when he came to Herkimer county. He was married in 1852 to Frances S. FARRINGTON. His early manhood was spent at the tanner and currier's trade. In 1853 he turned his attention to farming and the dairy, which he has since followed. Mrs. BAILEY's father, John FARRINGTON, was born in Massachusetts in 1789 and came with his father's family to Herkimer in 1799. Her mother is still living at the age of eighty-six years, and her grandchildren and great grandchildren number over sixty. [ref #2, pg 280] BRIDENBECKER, Amos, Schuyler, was born on the farm where he lives, April 20, 1817. His father, Daniel B., was also a native of Schuyler, and his grandfather came from Germany and took an active part in the War of the Revolution about Fort Schuyler. September 27, 1838, Mr. BRIDENBECKER married Caroline PRUYN, and they had three children: Mrs. Dr. E. W. RAYNOR and Mrs. George W. RICHARDSON, and one son, Ezra D., who died September 19, 1851. He married second, in 1853, Ann M. YOUNG. Mr. BRIDENBECKER was in the militia under General SPINNER, with rank of lieutenant-colonel. [ref #1, pg 5] BUDLONG, Ira P., is a native and life-long resident of the town of Schuyler. He was born August 7th, 1826, and was married November 16th, 1852, to Mary A. BROWN, of Monroe county, N.Y., by whom he has three children. He is extensively engaged in farming and dairying, owning five farms in Schuyler aggregating one thousand acres of land. His father, Nathan BUDLONG (second), was also born in Schuyler, July 30th, 1793, and died August 24th, 1846. He was one of six sons of John BUDLONG, one of the pioneers of Schuyler, who came from near Providence, R.I., and settled in that town about 1791. [ref #2, pg 280] BUDLONG, John, came from Rhode Island about 1780, at the age of nineteen, to this county in 1788. He married in 1793, Zilpha LADD, of Schuyler, Herkimer county, N.Y., commenced housekeeping in a log house, no fortune except a wife. She lived to the age of seventy-four, he sixty-nine years. They had six sons and two daughters. Two sons died unmarried. The remainder married. All settled in this State. The oldest son, Nathan, remained with his father on the homestead. In 1823 he married Sally PACKARD, of Wayne county, N.Y. They had five children, two died unmarried. The daughter Chloe married James J. MAURICE, of Aurora, Cayuga county, N.Y. They had no children. She died October 17, 1888, at the age of fifty-six. John N. of Schuyler, a farmer and cattle dealer, married September 14, 1864, to Mary A. BRIDENBECKER, of Schuyler. They had one daughter, Maud. He died in 1873, aged thirty-five years. The widow and daughter reside in Utica. Maud married B. L. FITCH, of Utica, occupation merchant tailor. Ira P. BUDLONG was born August 7, 1826. On November 16, 1853, he married Mary A. BROWN, of Fairport, Monroe county, N.Y. They reside on the homestead and own six other farms, all devoted to dairying purposes. They have three children, Clayton, Arthur and Cora DODGE, all married and farming. Farms all join the old homestead. [ref #1, pg 15] BURCH, Hon. George, also a son of Robert BURCH, was born in Schuyler in 1808, and has been a life-long resident of the town, spending most of his time in agricultural pursuits. He has held the offices of justice of the peace and supervisor of his town, and represented his county with Daniel BELLINGER in the Assembly in 1840. He was first married in 1833 to Louisa ROOT, of Schuyler, who died in 1850, leaving one son, Robert, and one daughter, Mary F., now Mrs. WILLIAMS, of Utica. He was again married in 1853, to Mary BUTLER, of New Hartford, Oneida county. [ref #2, pg 280] BURCH, Lovel, was born in Winsor, Massachusetts, in 1797, and came to Schuyler with his father's family in 1800. In his youth he mastered the clothier's trade and followed that business eleven years. The remainder of his live has been spent in agricultural pursuits. He has held several offices of trust and responsibility in his town and county. He has been three times married; his present wife is a daughter of Samuel LADD, of Schuyler. He has two sons, William and Frederick, the former in Michigan and the latter residing on the homestead. His father, Robert BURCH, was born in Killingway, Connecticut, in 1763, served for a time in the Revolutionary war, and settled in Schuyler in 1800. He was during his life one of the most active and enterprising business men of the Mohawk Valley. He was elected member of the Assembly from this county in 1811 and re-elected in 1812. [ref #2, pg 280] BURCH, R., Schuyler, is a native of Schuyler, and is a son of George BURCH, who was one of the most successful men in this town, past or present. His grandfather, Robert BURCH, came from Killingby, Conn. In 1870 Mr. BURCH married Sarah Isabella, daughter of Solomon T. HUBBARD, of Newport, R.I., and they have one daughter, Belle Louise. Mr. BURCH is largely interested in railroad stock, and in farming. [ref #1, pg 11] CRAIG, William H., M.D., was born in Ottawa, Province of Ontario, September 11th, 1847. After a literary course of three years at Whitestown seminary, he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. William M. JAMES, of Whitestown. In 1872 he attended a course of medical lectures at the Michigan University at Ann Arbor, and graduated from the University of New York in May, 1874. He was soon after appointed by the New York city board of commissioners of charities, upon a competitive examination, house physician to the epileptic and paralytic hospital on Blackwell's Island. This position he resigned at the end of one year, and in December, 1875, located at Deerfield Corners, Oneida county. Her he remained until July, 1878, when he removed to West Schuyler, where he continues in the practice of his profession. [ref #2, pg 280] DAVIES, John S., was born in Pembrokeshire, Wales, in 1824, and emigrated to this country in 1840. He first located in Newport, Herkimer county, where he remained until 1843, when he came to Schuyler. He is by occupation a farmer, having commenced business for himself in 1849. He was married in 1859 to Ann, daughter of Richard JONES, of Schuyler. He has been twice elected clerk of his town. [ref #2, pg 280] DAVISON, John W., was born in the town of Salisbury in 1811. He located in Schuyler in 1832, and was married to Amy GOO, of the same town in 1839. She died in June, 1844, and in 1846 he was again married, to Harriet VAUGHN, of Frankfort. He has spent most of his life as a farmer, and was also engaged in buying and shipping cheese from 1852 to 1865. He was formerly captain of a militia company, and has been three times elected supervisor of Schuyler. His father, Gilbert DAVISON, came from Dutchess county and settled in Herkimer county in 1797. He served eighteen months in the war of 1812. [ref #2, pg 280] DAY, Erasmus W., Schuyler, is one of the notable men of Herkimer county. He was born October 19, 1815, and has been an active man all his life. He has always been a prominent farmer, and has been engaged also in mercantile lines. In public life he has been prominent in Schuyler. From 1840 to 1846 he was deputy sheriff, was supervisor of the town for several years, and was representative to Albany in 1869. In 1838 he married Mary Ann ROOT, a daughter of Captain ROOT who was celebrated in the War of 1812. They have three children, Warren E., Sheldon R. and Mrs. J. D. LELAND, of Washington, D.C. The grandfather of Mr. DAY was commissary in the Revolutionary War, and his father, Dr. Warren DAY, was surgeon in the War of 1812. His son, Dr. Warren E. DAY, was a surgeon in the late war, and for several years after the close of the war he continued in the employ of the government. [ref #1, pg 37] ELLIS, David, was born in Montgomeryshire, Wales, in 1815, and was married to Elizabeth HUMPHREYS, of the same place, in 1839. In 1842 he emigrated to America with his family, consisting of wife and two children, and located in Schuyler. After working as a farm hand for George BURCH for two years, he purchased a farm and began life anew as an agriculturist. He now owns an estate of two hundred and twenty-two acres. He has served his town as assessor for the last seven years. [ref #2, pg 280] FINSTER, Abram B., was born in Deerfield, Oneida county, in 1828, and removed to the town of Schuyler, in 1842. He was married to Mary A. ROBBINS, of Schuyler, in 1851. He was engaged in dairy farming until 1876, and the following year he removed to West Schuyler and embarked in the hotel and mercantile business. He was appointed postmaster of that place in January, 1878. His father, John FINSTER, jr., was a native of Schuyler, where he died in 1877 at the age of ninety-one years. His grandfather emigrated from Germany in 1764. [ref #2, pg 280] GETMAN, Sanford, was born in the town of Columbia in 1826, and was married to Lucy Jane BURRELL, of the same town, April 28th, 1852. In 1863 he purchased and removed to the farm in Schuyler where he still resides. He served as quartermaster on Judge PRESCOTT's staff under the old military law, and in 1862 was appointed captain of the home guard, 38th regiment, 17th brigade. His father, John G. GETMAN, was also a native of Columbia, and his grandfather, George J. GETMAN, was born in Ephratah, Fulton county, and located in Columbia about 1793. [ref #2, pg 280] GETMAN, Sanford, Schuyler, is a native of Columbia, Herkimer county, born May 13, 1826. He owns a grass farm of 106 acres. His grandfather came from Fulton county, near Fort Plain. His father was John G. GETMAN. In 1852 he married Lucy J. BURRELL, and they have had five children, four of whom survive: Lewis G., William D., Horatio Seymour and jesse S. Their oldest son, Jay B., is dead. Mr. GETMAN has been a member of both the Masonic and I.O.O.F. orders, and in politics is a Prohibitionist. Also a member of the M. E. church and class leader for twenty years. [ref #1, pg 51] GRAHAM, Francis T., was born in Schuyler in 1842. He commenced teaching school in 1859. in 1861 he went to Iowa, and on October 16th of that year he enlisted in Company I, 3d Missouri Lion regiment, serving until November 16th, 1864. He was during the time in ten general engagements and was wounded at the battle of Arkansas Post. He remained in the Western States until 1871, when he returned to his early home, and in 1873 married Emma J. ROOT, of Oneida county. After spending two years in Michigan he located on a farm in Schuyler, and is now engaged in farming and teaching. [ref #2, pg 280] GRAHAM, J., Schuyler, is a native of Deerfield, Oneida county, and was born May 7, 1826. His father was James GRAHAM, jr., a native of Westchester county. He was born May 7, 1789. His father was James GRAHAM, also a native of Westchester county, and his grandfather was John GRAHAM, of that county, who participated in the War of the Revolution and was connected with marine affairs. In 1849 Mr. GRAHAM married Mary GORDON. He has been assessor of Schuyler for fifteen years, and is a staunch Republican. [ref #1, pg 51] JACKSON, Samuel M., was born in Fairfield, Herkimer county, in 1820, and came to Schuyler, in 1838. He was married to Emily S. FARRINGTON, of Herkimer, in 1841, and immediately engaged in agricultural pursuits, which he has since followed. He enlisted in the 97th regiment N.Y. infantry in March, 1862, and was discharged in the following June. His father, Jacob JACKSON, jr., a native of Rhode Island, came to Fairfield about 1803. He was for a time at Sackett's Harbor in the war of 1812. [ref #2, pg 280] JOHNSON, Captain Alexis L., was born in the town of Fairfield in 1811. He resided several years in Herkimer. He came to Schuyler in 1833, and the same year married Mary, daughter of Peter FINSTER, of that town. The early part of his life was employed in teaching, but subsequently he turned his attention to the pursuits of the farm. he attained the rank of captain of militia under the old military regulations. He has held several town offices, and was for six years deputy sheriff of Herkimer county. His father, Cephus JOHNSON, was a native of Massachusetts, and served as a soldier in the war of 1812. His grandfather, Silas JOHNSON, came from Massachusetts with his family and settled in Fairfield about 1793. [ref #2, pg 280] JOHNSON, Jesse W., Schuyler, was born in Windham county, Conn., April 25, 1806. He began to work in a factory at the age of six years, and his life has been an active one ever since. He came with his father's family to Schuyler in 1814. In 1841 he married C[rest illegible] M. SHEPARD, of Rome, N.Y. They had two daughters, Elizabeth W., and Charlotte M. (who died in 1868). Elizabeth W. married Lemuel E. GILBERT, of Brooklyn, N.Y., May 20, 1874, but since the death of her husband, in 1886, has with her two children, Jesse Carolyn and Stanley, resided with her father. Mr. JOHNSON voted for the first Harrison, and has voted the Republican ticket ever since. [ref #1, pg 60] KANE, Leland L., is a native and a life-long resident of Schuyler, where he was born in 1822. Early in life he learned the blacksmith's trade, following that business until 1858, when he forsook the anvil and engaged in farming. He was married in 1852 to Jane E., daughter of William BUDLONG, of Schuyler. He was elected supervisor of his town in 1855 and 1856, and again in 1861, when he served in that capacity for ten years continuously. He, with Hon. E. W. DAY, constituted the war committee of Schuyler and procured all the men sent by that town to the war of the Rebellion. He was librarian of the State Senate in 1871 and 1872, and executive clerk of the same body in 1873 and 1874. His father, Peter KANE, now ninety years of age, is the oldest resident of the town. He came with his parents to Schuyler in 1792, and settled one mile east of West Schuyler. [ref #2, pg 280-1] KLOCK, Augustus, was born near New York city in 1827, and came with his father's family to Schuyler in 1837. In his youth he was bound to Peter FOX until he was twenty-one years old, working on a farm. In 1848 he married Lena A., daughter of Peter FOX of Schuyler, and immediatedly commenced farming for himself. For the past five years he has been overseer of a section on the New York Central railroad. His father, John KLOCK, was of German descent and a native of montgomery county. His wife's father, Peter FOX, was also a native of Montgomery county, and settled on the farm now occupied by Mr. KLOCK about 1788. [ref #2, pg 281] KLOCK, Peter, Schuyler, was born March 14, 1833, on the farm where he now lives. His father also was a native of this place, and his grandfather came from Germany in 1776. His grandmother was one of the old Mohawk Dutch. January 19, 1860, Mr. KLOCK married Louesa M. JACKSON, and they have one son, Edgar Jackson KLOCK, a distinguished student. He was educated at Fairfield and Middleville, and belongs to the Philorhetorean Literary Society of the Fairfield Academy. [ref #1, pg 63] KNAPP, George, Schuyler, born January 15, 1848. He owns a thirty-two acre farm and rents other land. He does a general farming business, and raises considerable fruit. His father was Horace H. KNAPP. Mr. KNAPP has been commissioner of highways and town clerk. In 1870 he married Maria BRADBURY and they have seven children. [ref #1, pg 62] LEWIS, Hon. Harris, was born in the town of Pitcher, Chenango county, in 1817. In 1835 he came to Schuyler, and was married to Elizabeth, daughter of John GOO, of that town, October 8th, 1839. Mr. LEWIS has devoted most of his life to agriculture and the dairy, and has been for thirty years engaged in the manufacture of pure cider vinegar. He in company with his son, John G. LEWIS, is now extensively engaged in dairy farming and the manufacture of butter, having a large creamery, erected in 1874. They also commenced the breeding of short horned cattle in 1873, and now have a herd of thirty-seven thoroughbred and twenty-three grade cows. Mr. LEWIS has been justice of the peace of his town for thirteen years, and was twice elected member of Assembly from Herkimer county. He has long been a contributor to the agricultural press, and is now president of the State Farmers' Alliance, a member of the American Dairymen's Association, and various other agricultural societies. His father, Nehemiah LEWIS was a native of Connecticut, but of Welsh descent. [ref #2, pg 281] LEWIS, John, Schuyler, is a son of Harris LEWIS, one of the prominent men of this State in the past generation. He was a member of Assembly in 1856-57, and was put forward by the Greenback party as their candidate for governor of the State. John LEWIS was born in Schuyler, March 8, 1850, and has been recognized as one of the leading men of the town for many years. He owns a fine farm of 144 acres and has a dairy of forty-two cows. His buildings are commodious and modern, and his farm is one of the best kept in the county. In the year 1868 Mr. LEWIS married Catharine WILCOX, and they have four children, two sons and two daughters, Harris, George, Libby and Emma. Mr. Lewis has never cared for public office, though he has served his party as assessor. He is a Republican and is a member of the Grange. His grandfather, Isaac, settled in Chenango county, where his father was born. Mr. LeWIS is a man of strong genial personality, highly respected by all having his acquaintance. [ref #1, pg 66] LINTS, Simon P., jr., Schuyler, was born April 4, 1857. He is one of the leading Democrats of Schuyler, and has been put in nomination by his party for supervisor. In 1881 he married Lillie CRAMER. They are adherents of the Methodist church, in which church Mr. LINTS sings. His father is Peter Lints and his grandfather had the same name. Mr. LINTS is a practical cheese-maker and is also interested with his father in farming. [ref #1, pg 66] MINOTT, Wilbur V., was born in Schuyler in 1845, and was married to Sarah, daughter of Rev. W. S. LEWIS, of Jefferson county, in 1865. He has always resided in the town, and is by occupation a farmer. He has served as highway commissioner for six years. His father, Thomas MINOTT, was also a native of this town, and his grandfather, Haywood MINOTT, was one of the pioneers of Schuyler. Mr. MINOTT enlisted in Company I., 2nd N.Y. heavy artillery, in November, 1863. He participated in thirteen different engagements, and was discharged in August, 1865. [ref #2, pg 281] MOWER, Amasa, was born in Schuyler in 1837, and was married to Ida STRATTON, of Newport, in January, 1877. His father, Philip MOWER, was born in Schuyler in 1817, and has always resided here. He is by occupation a farmer and carpenter and joiner. Conrad MOWER, the grandfather of Amasa, located in Schuyler about 1812. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and stationed for a time at Sackett's Harbor. [ref #2, pg 281] OLDS, Otis, was born in Ontario county in October, 1834, and came with his parents to Herkimer county in 1835. He is now engaged in farming and the dairy business in the town of Schuyler. He was married in 1870 to Helen J. COFFIN, of Schuyler. His father, Cortis OLDS, was a native of Herkimer county, and a son of Jesse OLDS, who came from Saratoga county and settled on Hasenclever hill in Newport at an early day. [ref #2, pg 281] OYER, O. W., Schuyler, is one of the enterprising and progressive young farmers of Schuyler. He was born December 28, 1859. His father was Daniel OYER, who died Apr 28, 1883. In 1882 Mr. OYER married Annie WELDON, and they have a son and a daughter. Mr. OYER owns a farm of 158 acres, a cheese-factory and a saw mill. [ref #1, pg 209] PHILLIPS, William, East Schuyler, was born in Steuben, Oneida county, in 1832, and his father, Champion PHILLIPS, was also a native of that county. His grandfather came from Connecticut. Mr. PHILLIPS engages in general farming, but has also a large business in buying and shipping hay. He has been twice married; first in 1857 to Mrs. Mary Jane CARDER of East Schuyler, Herkimer county, and in 1883 to Miss Permelia QUANCE of Camden, Oneida county. He was commissioner of highways six years, trustee several terms and deputy sheriff six years. [ref #1, pg 84] PIERCE, Frank M., was born in Schuyler in 1856, where he still resides, engaged in farming and teaching. He is the oldest son of Rev. T. K. PIERCE, who was born in Herkimer April 9th, 1832, educated at Fairfield seminary, and married Martha MINOTT, of Schuyler, may 2nd, 1855. He was principally employed in agricultural pursuits in Schuyler until 1875, when he joined a Methodist Episcopal conference, and became pastor of the Methodist church at Salisbury Center, where he still remains. [ref #2, pg 281] RICHARDS, Lafayette F., was born in the town of Newport in 1831, and has always been a resident of the county. He was married to Sarah HASCALL, of Fairfield, in 1854. He is by occupation a farmer, and also a dealer in carriages and buggies. His father, John Richards, was a native of Wales, and an early settler in Newport. [ref #2, pg 281] RICHARDS, La Fayette, Schuyler, was born July 6, 1831, and has always been a farmer. December 26, 1855, he married Sarah H. Haskill, and they have two children, Dr. Seymour S. RICHARDS of Frankfort, and Frank J. RICHARDS who has been mail clerk in Frankfort for the past ten years. Mr. RICHARDS's father was John RICHARDS, a native of Wales, who came to America in 1801. The family have resided in Schuyler since 1870. [ref #1, pg 215] RICHARDSON, Warren W., is a native of Schuyler, and still resides on the farm where he was born in 1823. He was married to Emily BOWMAN, of Deerfield, Oneida county, in 1852, and has since been engaged in the dairy farming and the manufacture of cheese. he has held the offices of superintendent of schools, town clerk and supervisor. His father, Warren RICHARDSON, was the son of Nehemiah RICHARDSON, who came with his family from Cheshire, Massachusetts, and settled on the "short lots" in Schuyler in 1796. Warren was at Sackett's Harbor in the war of 1812. He died in 1876 in the eighty-ninth year of his age. [ref #2, pg 281] ROBBINS, Sanford, Schuyler, is a native of Schuyler, born Decmeber 23, 1832. His father was Giles ROBBINS, and his grandfather was Reuben ROBBINS, one of the early settlers of the town. In 1856 Mr. ROBBINS married Elizabeth FINSTER, who died October 3, 1889. They had three sons and five daughters, two of the latter being married. [ref #1, pg 92] STERLING, Nicholas J., was born in Schuyler in 1823, and has been a life-long resident of the town, following agricultural pursuits and the manufacture of cheese. He was married in 1859 to Ophelia ROOT, of Deerfield, Oneida county, and has a family of seven children. His father, Henry N. STERLING, was also a native of Schuyler, a son of Nicholas STERLING and a grandson of Judge Henry STERLING or STARING. The latter was a prominent pioneer of Schuyler, who came from Germany and settled the Mohawk valley previous to the Revolution, and was first judge of Herkimer county from 1791 to 1798. [ref #2, pg 281] TANNER, Darius C., was born on the farm where he now resides, in the town of Schuyler, June 12th, 1821. At the age of twenty-one he commenced business as a farmer, which industry he still follows. He spent a portion of his time for several years in buying hides for R. R. THOMAS, of Remsen, Oneida county. He was married to Mary H. PRICHARD of the latter place, April 3d, 1859, and now has a family of seven children. He is a justice of the peace, which office he has held for twelve years. His father, Nathan TANNER, was a native of Rhode Island, and a son of Isaac TANNER who came to Schuyler previous to 1800, and purchased twelve hundred acres of land, paying four dollars and a half per acre, upon which he resided until his death. [ref #2, pg 281] UEBLER, Conrad, Schuyler, is one of the successful men of Herkimer county, is a German by birth, but came to America in [missing words] September 15, 1836. He has been on his present farm of 180 acres [missing words] has put up five buildings and started a charcoal enterprise and a [missing words] 1872 he married Josephine SOHN, and they have four children, three sons and a daughter. [ref #1, pg 231] Van VLECK, Mrs. J., was born in Schuyler in 1819. She was married in January, 1843, to James Van VLECK, who was also born in Schuyler, in 1814, where he continued to reside, engaged in agricultural pursuits, until his death in 1867. He was a son of Marenas Van VLECK, one of the early settlers of the town. Mrs. Van VLECK has two daughters, viz: Marietta, now Mrs. Vaughn SWEET, and I. J., a graduate of Whitestown seminary, and at present teaching in Ithaca, New York. Asa WILLIS, the father of Mrs. Van VLECK, was born in Connecticut in 1767, and came to Schuyler at an early date, where he died in 1855 in his 88th year. [ref #2, pg 281] WALKINS, James H. J., was born in Brockenshire, Wales, in 1845, and emigrated to this State in 1854. He subsequently spent two years at Madison University, was ordained to the gospel ministry, and became pastor of the Baptist church of Colesville, Broome county, New York, where he remained two years. He is at present engaged in giving literary entertainments and instructions in elocution and vocal music. He also devotes a portion of his time to garden farming. He was married in 1868 to Mary J. RICHARDSON, of Schuyler, a daughter of Duane RICHARDSON, an old resident of the town who died in 1865. [ref #2, pg 281] WAY, William H., Schuyler, was born in Amsterdam, Montgomery county, August 20, 1827. He moved to West Schuyler when a small boy, where he has resided over fifty years. In 1855 he married Margaret A. McGRAW, who died in 1868. They had five children: Hiram A., William C., Herbert C., Frank A. and Cora A., who died July 8, 1871. June 21, 1870, he married Mrs. Julia E. WAY, of Ilion. He is commissioner of highways and has been school trustee, and is one of the representative men of Schuyler. [ref #1, pg 147]
WOOD, John, Schuyler, is a native of Schuyler and one of its best known citizens. He was born March 14, 1845. His father was Calvin WOOD, also a native of Schuyler. His grandfather, Thomas WOOD, came from New England. In 1867 Mr. WOOD married Gussie HORTON, and they have three daughters, Fanny, Mary and Mrs. Lawren ROSE. Mr. WOOD is engaged in dairy farming, but is widely known as one of the leading horsemen of the State. [ref #1, pg 238]
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