Old News from Really Old Newspapers Town of Stark
Herkimer County, NY
From the Richfield Springs Mercury, September 20, 1888
Abram Tillyou has several guests from Steuben county.
TenEyck Van Horne has returned from his hop field. He complains of the heart disease. He says it is either that or love.
A new arrival at Jacob Shaver's - a girl. Now Jake is looking for a son-in-law.
The new hotel completed will be known in the future as the Tennicliff House.
From the Richfield Springs Mercury, October 18, 1888
Miss Cora Brandow is on the sick list.
Mrs. Milton Wiles has been quite ill.
Mrs. Levi Casler is visiting friends in town.
Miss Ida Holenbeck is attending the Teachers' Institute at Ilion.
Miss Cora Eckler is visiting Mrs. Walter Shumway at Fort Plain.
John O. Shaul of Amsterdam visited friends in town last week.
Charlie Thompson is being employed at the furniture store of James House.
Mrs. Oransdorf, who has been visiting her daughter at Herkimer, has returned home.
The Young People's Christian Endeavor society meets every Thursday evening at the church.
The marriage of Miss Cynthia Freeman and Frank Houe(?) occurred last Wednesday at Mohawk. Our congratulations.
Mrs. John Wetteran and son have returned home from Johnstown, where they have been spending a couple of weeks with relatives.
Cards are out announcing the mrriage of Miss Lillie Marwell/Maxwell(?) of Starkville, to Lynn Starkweather, next Wednesday evening at the bride's home.
From the Otsego Farmer & Republican, unknown date June 1915
Van Hornesville.
Leroy J. Brandow of Fort Plain spent Sunday with his brother, Alfred Brandow.
Mrs. Menzo K. Miller is spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Hattie G. Van Horne at Herkimer.
Mrs. E. G. Fisher of Massena is spending some time with her father, A. G. Shaul, and brother, Myron Shaul, and family.
Mrs. Ida Young is spending a few weeks with her son, Owen D. Young, and family at New York.
Miss Kathryn Brandow has been spending several days at Fort Plain, dress making for her aunt, Mrs. L. J. Brandow.
From the Richfield Springs Mercury, March 19, 1896
Van Hornesville.
On Wednesday last occured the marriage of Richard Eckler, of this place, and Jennie Weaver, of Springfield Centre, and on Friday, Richard and his bride arrived and take up (sic) their abode with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Eckler.
Walter Bronner sold at auction on Wednesday last, a portion of his household effects and his farming implements preparatory to removing from this place to Brooklyn, N. Y., where he with his family will take up their residence.
Mr. Louis Siver and family of Utica, arrived on Saturday and wil make an extended visit with Mrs. Siver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orange Tunnicliff.
Mr. Davis Shaul, who is now suffering from an abscess in the throat, does not improve as rapidly as his many friends wish.
Mr. Samuel Smith, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Rufus Shimel at South Columbia, has returned home.
Rube Mickel and wife have left for a few weeks stay with their daughter, Mrs. Eugene Hobe, of Paines Hollow.
Miss Jennie Elwood, of Amsterdam, attended the marriage of her niece, Miss Gertrude Elwood, to Mr. Olcott last Thursday. Miss Elwood returned again to Amsterdam to attend to her sister, Miss Hattie Elwood, who has been seriously ill. Her many friends will be glad to learn that she is improving quite rapidly under careful treatment.